TUESDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1941 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE EVEN TUSAY .COEI 4,141T E IHIArD IY AE EE _Unversity Cam pus As It Appeared To S tud eits Of 1830 x:'ALSI* ;~i7 . In the 1860's the young University of Michigan's campus, likened "to a small farm," was a far cry from the vast campus of 'today. This view shows the northwest end of the diagonal nearly 100 years ago. Mason Hall Provided Students Co-education With First Sleeping Quarters Given Impetus Celebrating its centennial along ly. Each of these houses were pri- By tJniversity With the literary college, dormi- vate gifts-Martha° Cook having t ties on campus will mark the also a permanent garden. yOth anniversary of their in- ( Betsy Barbour House, also a pri- Women Came In 1870 vate gift, had accommodations In Spite Of Opposition statution this year' for 88 women. Mosher-Jordan The first dorm ever to be built Halls were opened sin September From Many Educators on campus was Mason Hall, con- 1934, the largest residence yet structed in 1841. At that time built on campus. Each of the Among the many important de- the plan of the building included halls had its own dining and liv- velopments in which the Univer- 64 rooms and 32 studies, but was ing rooms and the two together sity of Michigan pioneered over its later changed with the additon held 434 women. The building was . of a chapel, recitation rooms, a named after two former deans of sister institutions was in respect lrary and a museum. , women of the University, Eliza to the admission of women to the By 1850, two more residence M. Mosher and Myra B. Jordan. student roster. halls had been built, but Pres. The last in the cycle of women's It was during the administration I4enry P. Tappan closed them dorms was opened in February of of Henry S. Frieze, professor of when he discovered that they were 1940 under the name of Madelon not a success. When women were Louisa Stockwell Hall. Miss Stock- Latin who was acting president in first admitted to the University well was the first co-ed ever to 1869 following the resignation of in 1870, the problem of residence enroll in the University, having President Haven, that the great halls for women became the next completed her degree in 1872. Step was taken. step in dormitory history. Stockwell accommodates 388 The was tken In the ensuing years the female women in its two wings which enrollment was not sufficiently operate as one unit. A sundeck, roll in the University was Madelon large to ;warrant the building sunrooms, laundries, recreation Louisa Stockwell of Kalamazoo, of dorms until 1916, when Martha rooms latest features of the dorm who entered on Feb. 2, 1870, imme- Chok and Helen Newberry were system-were included in the d r constructed. Betsy Barbour, Mo- house in addition to the 75 double diately after the passage of the sher-Jordsn and Stockwell were rooms and 238 singles. at. It is in her memory that the built to accommodate the ever- The cycle of men's dorms in- new womens dormitory has been. oncreasing numbers of women en- eludes the large West quadrangle, named. Wide the growth of to- lled. Cook and Newberry were situated behind the Union and Merest in the opportunities thus mally dedicated in 1916, hous- composed of eight houses. Allen- opened. 11 other omen followed g 117 and 82 women respective- Rumsey House was opened in the her in 0ctober of the same year. fall of 1938, a year psevious to the Although a few smaller colleges. opening of the entire circuit. A a'mong them Oberlin' and Kala- ichi an Historic total of 942 men are housed there. mazoo College, had already accept- while roughly half that number '.d the principle of co-education, Collection Gathers are living in the East Qaudrangle it was Michigan, as a university, which is composed of four houses which. in giving its official approv- esearch Material s and was opened in September of al. started the movement rolling in . 1940. the larger institutions throughout 'The Michigan Historical Collec- Fletcher Hall, a small house for the country, and particularly in tionwasestalisdtoigate Cc- men situated near campus and the Middle West and West. tion was established to gather re- Vco .Vuhnrsdnefr search materials for study of the Victor C. Vaughan residence for- history of Michigan. . medical students filled the re- - It had its beginning in the quirements for residence halls. spring of 1935, when a grant of 1y Addition to these are the $00wasobtind fom acutyLawyers Club and the MJohn P.s research funds in order to initiate Cool Building, which though not sch a program. Success in the under the supervision of the ten first effort prompted the Regents Board of Governors of Residence to establish a research assistant- Halls, provide living accommoda- tions for members of the Lawyer's a ip for collection, preservation Club. The Unioni and the League, and study of the history of the Clu, he soe sdsthe ue, state's most important non-gov- too, house some students-the Un- ernmntalinsitutonthe ri-ion holding 100 residents selected ernmental institution, h from men of the graduate school versity. and senior classes. .Frm 1935 to 1927 was compiled classes, TAK GIA LES Y k.A x l t, tti ,,i Al ' I/ 1$1( IDOYears oF ProgrFes TTHE COLLimI O LITERATURE SCIENCE & ARTS illBl, IBLER fleee 308 SOU T1H ST ATE 100 YEARS of Progress in Education ConErahlations! 1891 1941 322-324 S. Main Phone 3228 Mr. Fiegel is celebrating his GOLDEN JUBILEE - outfitting men and boys in Ann Arbor. ra t ion to the reet On the Campus an impressive assortment of docu- ments and this led to the estab- lishment. of a standing committee on University archives by the Re- gents to advise the director of the program, Prof. Lewis G. Vander Velde of the history department. In February, 1938, the Regents designated the collection as the Michigan Historical Collection of tile University of Michigan. Change in location of quarters from Uni- versity Press Room to William Clements Library to Rackham Building also came about in this year. Campus Suffers During Wartinie (Continued from Page 51 it did the rest of the nation, but the University provided its share of students and faculty men that distinguished themselves, and it might be added, Michigan men fought under Theodore Roosevelt in the Rough Riders. . Sate St