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October 12, 1941 - Image 17

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1941-10-12

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nn Arbor Ale Flowed Freely First Presic
In Roaring 40's; Set Tradition
ampus Champ Of 80's _srn student. And at last report
Drains Off 35 Mugs a survey revealed that Michigan
students drank enough beer each
To Rate BMOC Title year to float a "good-sized battle-
Michigan students have been But in 1841 one out of every five
wagging their beards or beardless Ann Arborites was a drunk . . and
chins, as the case may be, over the other four didn't go to Mich-
he light brown al, since the days igan.
of the first stiff-collared Joe Col-
l In the language of the noted au- Druids, Sphinx
thority on western affairs, Horace
r eeley, in the early 1840's "one H onor Students
out of every five Ann Arborites
uas a dru nik"Fo Ae_1Le
Nor has that noble heritage For A ctivities
een neglected through the years
s Ed tipped the mug in those
rimitive beer taverns, and in 1871 Michigan traditions and history
nvited the first 'Coed to have a are inseparably linked to those
eer. annual spring outbursts of mys- In 1852 Dr Henry
The history of Michigan drink- terious "injuns," black robed pn a te n
ng reads something like an ex- priests and red-skinned "hayrid- was appointed first
ggerated version of the Johns- ers." the University of Mi
own Flogd. Old Horace Greeley, These are the campus honor
odgy moraligt that he was, said societies which each year select
n 1845 that "there is room enough the most outstanding men stu- Science
fo eo.'in Ann Arbor, in all dents in the literary college and
conscience." the University._
Nor do annals dispute his words. Druids and Sphinx are the two Once Con
In the early days students suc- literary college honorary societies.
umbed- frequently to the conviv- Druids was founded in 1910 and ne
iality of the German townspeople, in the "good old days" used to l
Joined them in a little homemade join with the Barristers and Vul-
le or wine. Ancient forerunner cans, law and engineering school
ofes atrant,k her a Mrs Salack's honorary groups, to give the fam- Cheuistry Lab
est"rntereka pretty "wait- ous B.V.D. dance. Members of At MichiganW
'ess" nmed "Rika provide en- this society are picked from the Built In
tertainment enough for those un- outstanding men in the senior Ones
ergraduates of 1849. class.
The Capacity of those early stu- Sphinx was foundedj in 1904, and Now spread over i
dents would make the modern selects itsmembers fo the most buildings, scientific cc
'ollegiat imbibed seem sick, some promising activity men in the jun- campus wereonce cons
oldtimers say, and one ;recalls a for class, the walls of but one-
BMOC of the 80's who made his The Men's Judiciary Council economics and pha
1ampus reputation by consuming had its forerunner in the old Stu- building, where the
~t one sitting 35 mugs of beer. dent Council which was founded chemistry laboratories
Prohibition failed to blanket the in 1905. The Council's work con- tion were constructed
spirits of college youth, and sal- cerned the establishment and reg- Even in those days
cons of that ill-fated era are cm- ulation of stjudent traditions. This on the march, and on
inemnrated in Michigan song.,Joe body originated the custom of re- later the first additior
Parker's and the 'Orient stand out quiring the freshmen to wear small to the building. Subs
in the mnemories of macny a grad. gray "pots" with a button at the tions in 1866, 1868, 18
Today the descendents of Mrs. 1889 so altered the or
Slack's (minus Rika"), flourish op to signif the ollger ing that little now ren
penly, giving haven to the mod- of the wearer of the headgear. structure.
They also sponsored the fam- I First new addition
We wish to express our ap- ous "cap-night" celebration when nical quarters was t]
predation to Wilfred Sliaw, au- the student body met in "Sleepy tion of the "Enginee
thor of the book "'The Univer- Hollow" near the Observatory the present "Engineer
sity of Michigan" from which where the offensive hats were i 18,a hc i
burned in a huge bonfire while the i 12 twiht
much of the material for this n engineering classes
freshmen danced frenziedly about
supplement was obtained,. aiy there moved out of U
into their new place.
Then physics branc
in 1887 the West Phy
was opened. Additio
We Congratulate the 1903 put the building
it has today, and fur
University of Michigan sion necessitated the
the Randall Laborat'
on 100 Years of Achievement in 1 iL the e
crowded again, and in
We haven't been on caimpus for a hundred years, but we into the new West
Building, complete wi
have been here long enough to establish our store as a campus laboratories and navi
shopping center. construction of the Es
ing Building in 1923
"Compare our prices" eering expansion.
chemistl'y also grew
the present chemistry
MEN'S T Q G~ t w Rconstructed for ins
MEN' T OG GE KRY chemistry, metallurg:
521 E. Liberty St. Mich. Theatre Bldg. chemistry, gas analys
Libety Bdg. macy.
Six years later the
ence building was bu
-----9~ any, geology, forestry
zoology and psychol
housed there.
We congratulate _ T--
Cooperative M
the College of Literature, Science, Begun ByEldo

and the Arts on its 100th Anniversary and j The cooperative me
gan in 1934 when El
'37, formed the first
shall continue to serve its students in the basement of the
L. Pickerill's home. '
to the best of our ability, pal cooperatve house
wa in 1935 by Hamm and
students. It was the
the Socialist House, n
den, the nme of tr
(the friendly store) The first women's
was formed in 1937.
there are now eight
ad- - an three women's.

lent University Hall Built In 1873
Still one of the most important South Wing, on the south.
buildings on campus because of Perhaps the most striking feat-
the business offices it houses, Uni- ure of the building at that time was
versity Hall once played an equally its huge tower-like do re. which
important role as the scene of was evidently judged unsafe asi
classes and commencement exer- was replaced by a lower and much
cises. safer dome in 1898.
Authorized by the Legislature in In its original use, the Hall pro-
1869, the building was completed 'ided class rooms, a chapel and an
in 1873, joining Mason Hall on the auditorium seating nearly 3,000
north with "South College," or persons.

112 South Main Street
Extend their


8 Nickels Arcade

to the tech- v

May we continue to serve you as we have in the past, and
as you have been served by the University of Michigan's
Literary College in the past hundred years.

217 South Main

9 Nickels Arcade

and in19 10
uilding was
ruction in
and phar-
natural sci- tO q ra t ta 0flj
t, and bot-
gy became For Your 100 Years
vementbeSevc alooram
o Hamn
ion amm, Service 1s also our aim
Rev. Harry
he first act-
was started 1KI
eight other RO K N
z known as
w going un.
e Michigan SMART SHOES
cooperative 108 E. Washington Phone 2-2685
All together
yen's houses'___

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