TUESDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1941 THE MICHIGAN D A TT.V PAGE THREE Cla ses mer beginning in August, withI remained President, always try- tibrary Had Beginning In183e7first Classes es at Christmas and four ing "to make it possible for every weeks in the spring. student to study what he pleases, Now one of the most modern Growing steadily though slow- O f Un versit The University did not have a and to any extent he pleases." With and extensive libraries in the oun- ly, the library was moved once president until 1852 when Dr. Hen- this tradition handed down to it try, the University Library has more in 1863, when the comple- - ry Phillip Tappan, a Presbyterian by Dr. Tappan, the University of been in the process of development tien of the first Law Building made t 1 e in 1 1 minister, was appointed head of Michigan has carried on through ever since the founding of the new quarters available for it, and ,_the institution. For 11 years he a glorious history of 100 years. Literary College itself in 1837, there it remained until the Old In that year the first librarian Library was constructed in 1883. Teaching Staff Of Two, - Again it grew, and even though was appointed, but his library con- the building was enlarged in 1888- With Seven Students, sisted of only a few books scatter- 89, again it became too large for Initiated First Session ed about in different places on the its building. In 1919, therefore, campus. In fact, library regula- it was removed to make way for tions at that time stated, "Thetheopesent UnivrsitysLibraryasPa g tepeetUiestLirrasC n r t ypresent instructors are of the opin-it stands today, representative of C o g c t l t io n s inta hr r eyfwo vracnuyo rges Brn colwsetbihdi ion that there are very few of over a century of progress in eering school was established in the books in the library which education. 1895 the teaching of engineering would be useful to students." subjects already had a 40-year To the It was not until 1856, then, that One of the more recent services history at the University and eight the library took a centralized lo- of the library is the textbook lend- years before a separate PharmacyCOLLE cation in what is now Mason Hall, ing service, through which needy college was organized, courses in L T ERA RY C L sharing its quarters with the Uni- students may receive the use of that field were developed in the versity Museum, textbooks for a semester or more Department of Chemistry at the va..a vrvv ar. a~v w v..a a,.y ,,a V a1 V1 . Con qrattionli TO THE COLLEGE OF LITERATURE, SCIENCE, AND THE ARTS Gfla t/h J I Vr S 318 South Main Street' instigation of Prof. A. B. Prescott. The education school, independ- ent only since 1921, was estab- lished in 1879 at which time it was known as the Professorship of the Science and the Art of Teach- ing. It was the first full-time chair of education in -the United States. Other schools and colleges have a similar history: Business Ad- ministration was developed from several economics courses; For- estry had its beginning in the Arts College in 1881; Summer Session and the Graduate School were also once essentially part of the liter- ary college. The College ,till acts as a serv- ice unit for the schools which have branched off from it. Be- sides providing its own student body of almost 5,000 students with a liberal arts education, it pro- vides the basic non-technical training for many of the technical and professional schools and the prerequisite education for others. In 1845 there were 10 seniors, 18 juniors, 14 sophomores and 11 FOLLETTS MICHIGAN BOOK STORE S. State at N. University Robt. F. Graham, Mgr: ,L i xicaaaaail tluulullg Glu i11Vlbly. ,: ,i ,; , , ,. , %' They all lived in Mason Hall, which at that time also included a 4,500-volume library, classrooms, a chapel and various geological, botanical and zoological collec- tions., There was one study room for every two students, with each per- son having a bedroom to himself. The rooms were cleaned and fur- nished by the residents themselves. Refuse was swept into the hall where the janitor cleaned it up. There being no tuition charge, expenses ranged from only $70 to $100 a year. Of'this sum $10 was required for admission fees and $7.50 for "services of the janitor." The school year, instead of hav- ing two semesters as it now does; was composed of three terms of 14 weeks each. There was only a QiY xaa-xa n i -A - -. f2 - We Salute 100 YEARS OF SERVICE NOW FOR A CENTURY, the Literary College'of the University of Michigan has been rendering the state and the nation a most important service . . . turning out into the world young men and women who are prepared to assume the responsibilities that are theirs as citizens of this great country. THE WOLVERINE, too, has offered valuable ser- vices to students of the University. Operated ac- cording to cooperative principles by students, them- selves. It offers quality meals and many other services on a non-profit basis. Offering all the facilities of a college club, dances, athletics, etc., you will have the opportunity to make life-long friendships. We invite the Class of '45 to join The Micthigan Wolverine 209 south Stote 1111 -- je ichian 1nion Id 9rateft/fr thij opportanit to expredd its re-dedication to I id eula o/democrac and ervice upon.whic it wa ounded/ ad a component o/te lnierdit o/ %ickIan. sx-week vacation during the sum-__ CONGRATULATIONS from ... the Oldest Store on State Street to ... the Oldest School on Campus The Literary School of the University of Michigan has a record of one hundred years of progress and service. We wish it many more years of success. CALKINS-FLETCHE r tored 324 SOUTH STATE 818 SOUTH STATE T~X ,