THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUN .. Non-Interventionists Tell Views On Question Of U.S. War Entry DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN w.~' I ed and managed by students of the University of gan under the authority of the Board in Control udent Publications. lished every morning except Monday during the rsjty year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the or republication of all news dispatches credited, to not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All of republication of all other matters herein also ed. ered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as A class mail matter. scriptions during the regular school year by r $4.00,.by mail $5.00. lIPR3NTRO FOR NATIONAL ADVKRTIING BY National Advertising Service, Inc. * College Publishers Representative 420 MAOIO N AVE. NEw YORV. N.Y. cmicAeo - OsTon - LorLS ANOGEs *'SAN FEANCiSCo ber, Associated Collegiate Press, 1941-42 Editorial Stafff .e Gel . . n Dann d Lachenbruch McCormick Wilson ur Hill.« t Hiatt , e Miller, a nia Mitchell,. . . . Managing Editor g . . . Editorial Director S . . . . City Editor . . . . Associate Editor * . . . Sports Editor . . Assistant Sports Editor . . . . Women's Editor . . Assistant Women's editor S . . . Exchange Editor Business Staff il H. Huyett s B. Collins e CarpenterY n Wright . Business Manager * Associate Business Manager .Women's Advertising Manager . Women's Business Manager 3 r M HCu .e .. . r EIT EDITOR: HOWARD FENSTEMAKER the editorials published in The Michigan ly are written by members of The Daily f and represent the views of the writers y Production ds New Home . s "PLAY PRODUCTION has grown nof only in numbers, but also in the quality of work expected of it. We've out-: grown ourselves and our facilities now are inadequate for the kind of work we would like to do."-Valentine B. Windt, Director of Play Production.' HE NEED for a new laboratory theatre has long been a problem to the members of the eech department and those who are interested giving the project a helpin'g hand. Ever since e. summer of 1933' when the old lab theatre as condemned as a firetrap, efforts in behalf a new one have been manifold. That these 'orts have so far been unsuccessful is pitiful the light of the situation as it now stands. Back of the Union and to one side of it stands e present home of Play Production, a very old >oden building containing a small stage, just small an audience pit, one classroom and one icroscopic office. In this building is done arly all of the work in putting on the numer- s plays given here during the year. Construc-1 in and painting of scenery, rehearsalsa cos- ne making, tryouts, experimental work in ting directing and makeup-these are a few s of the tremendous activity that goes on this run-down, poorly ventilated workshop. vSOFAR as the theatre is adequate, it is use- ful, but its bad features are so fundamental advantages hardly compensate for them. oking at its disadvantages, it is difficult to int one out as being particularly outstanding. the first place, there is no room for stage- aft work. Since there is no place for it in the dia Mendelssohn Theatre, every bit of work sets for Play Production, the Drama Season, e summer theatre, JGP, Mimes and other class ojects. must be done in the old audience pit. This pit, to begin with, is slanted. That in elf is sufficient to handicap the crew to a eat extent, but in addition to this fault, the ace is small and cluttered with flats, it is so rk that even on the brightest days the lights st be turned on, it is not large enough to per- t the facile construction of 15 or 20 foot ces of scenery-and, to make bad matters rse, there is no soundproofing whatever i building. Thus, if the stage crew must hurry eir work on sets for a coming play, they have work while classes are trying to emote or en to lectures in a room' not =10 feet away. e racket from the hammering and sawing is bearable and makes it almost impossible for class to continue. NOTHER PROBLEM concerns storage space. As there is no storage room to speak of in Mendelssohn Theatre all props, sets and tumes must be stored in the lab theatre. This only adds to the fire hazard, but also means at if tlere were a fire in the old building, ry piece of Play Production's property-which has been accumulating for over twelve years would'inevitably be destroyed in one fell oop. The small basement with its sloping roof e floor was cut down in a slant when Mimes k over this former canteen and made a thea- of it) holds most of the property. &hen scenery is being painted upstairs, the ny costumes and coveted pieces of furniture in continual danger of being ruined by the Against War . To the Editor: IN ANTICIPATION of the reply of my antag- onists, let me say that I care not what label they choose to affix to me., They may call me a non-interventionist, an isolationist, an appeaser, a tool of Hitler, or any other invective epithets they can twist their'tongues around. During the past few days much ink has been spilled on the pages of The Michigan Daily de- manding a declaration of war. A group of fac- ulty members have petitioned for a declaration. The debate as to this action seemed to go off on a tangent concerning the problem of knowing "how" and "what" to think. I do not choose to enter this philosophical discussion. The issue of war or peace has been reached. Why specu- late in a vacuum? What is the motive of our war agitators? Of the vast majority it is probably the same as in all wars-economic gain. Today we are pinning medals on the same munitions mnufacturers censured at the time of the Nye Investigation. "War seldom enters but where wealth allures." HE ACTIONS of some of our politicians may be explained by Plato. "He (the tyrant) is always stirring up some war or other, in order that the people may require a leader." Neither of these motives can be attributed to those who espouse peace. And we notice that most peace advocates never have the fervent eloquence of the war agitators! But what about our campus war agitators who want to out-Nazi the Nazis in all respects whatsoever? Can we ascribe either of the above motives to them? I believe (and I hope I am right) we cannot. They probably think the de- struction of Hitler is the sole thing that matters in our generation. They "think with their hearts instead of their heads." These "hopefuls," as they are called by Preston Slosson, say all you have to do to rid a barn of rats is to burn the barn down. We should destroy the world to de- stroy Hitler. "Wars are preventable," he says. But apparently he thinks it stupid to stay out of war when we only have to go 3,000 miles to get to it. HOW MUCH are our "unbiased" war agitators willing to pay for the destruction of Hitler? They contend this is the only salvation of the world. Impoverishment of the American people and loss of the lives of 2,000,000 Americans seems to them a cheap price. If so, this would not be the only sacrifice the world would make. Hitler has amply demonstrated that the Axis cannot be defeated by any army which we would be able to land. It would be necessary to starve the Germans into submission. While this is going on what will happen to the people in the coun- tries' which have already been overrun?, Hitler must take care of the German people first. Thse in other nations wotld die by the millions like 'September flies. There have been no plausible argument's that America is in danger of attack. Contrary to the contentions of the war advocates the distance across the Atlantic is in fact greater than when England was twice unable to defeat us when we were in our infancy. 'fhe British came over with muzzle loading rifles; our backwoodsmen went to meetthem with the same weapons. To- day the attacking nation must transport, land. and organize mechanized divisions in sufficient quantity to overcome those of the nation at- tacked. Hitler should wait proportionately as long to cross the 3,000-mile Atlantic as he has to cross the 21-mile ditch. ALTHOUGH the faculty group is, of course, within its Constitutional rights, I, also, re- gret that faculty members of this great insti- tution have become war agitators. But we do have two consolations: (,) this vociferous group constitutes a very small minority of the Univer- sity faculty; (2) the Michigan congressmen, being men of intelligence and independence, are not likely to be greatly moved by the petition. It was a war that brought Hitler into power. It has been warthat has kept him in power. We are now fighting an undeclared war. War agi- tators argue that an outright declaration of war would make for greater national unity. What they really want to accomplish is to silence the opposition. If U.S. was legally at war then free- dom of speech and of the press could be denied on the ground that civil riglits must always give way to military exigency - George W. Stengel French Editor Speaks' . , THE TRUTH of the matter has come. out at last-France is very happy about the whole thing. At least that's the story distinguished Marcel Deat, pro-Nazi editor in Paris, is spreading in his paper about the situation in France. The Germans have not enslaved or oppressed his people, he says. Untold advantages have poured into the "new France" since German occupation, and the country now has more food, more clothes and more raw materials than "any other nation in warring Europe." IN FACT, France's downfall was a good thing, as he, and all other intelligent Frenchmen realize now, and Gay Paree and Mother Franc# are just bursting with happiness. All of which is clearly shown, it is to be sup- posed, by the shouting of M. Deat and M. Laval, the attempts on the lives of Nazi officials, the retaliatory shooting of hostages, and the des- perate plea of Marshal Petain to the French people not to make trouble for the Germans overrunning their country. THE UKASE issued on the state of the nation by the French editor brings to mind the tale that is told of a letter written by an English Answer To Mantho ..*. To the Editor: THE BY-LINE IN JOURNALISM is compara- ble in a sense to the scalpel in medicine. In- herent in both of these symbols is the reliance of society on them. Society, as much as it de- pends upon the skill of the doctor to cure ail- ments of the body, is also dependent upon -the journalist for honest, carefully analyzed, and well-presented journalism to enable it to cure democratically its ills. Especially is this true today in times of momentous social disorder and change. Robert Mantho; the authors feel, has not ac- cepted the moral obligation of the journalist set above. His article in Tuesday's Daily under "Further Analysis Favors U.S. Declaration of War on Nazis" was a departure from the jour- nalism so greatly in need now to help a con- fused people to decide on a course of action to prevent future confusion of similar issues. His writing was a jumble of ideas that finally formed a conclusion; his points were seemingly a group of rationalizations perfunctorily added. We sin- cerely do not believe that Mr. Mantho attacked the problem by investigating it adequately (or presenting it adequately) in its main aspects and on the basis of these inquiries arriving at a conclusion. Rather he apparently began with the conclusion and groped for a justification of the same. This is not the approach of the true journalist, doctor, or thinker. EXAMPLES are easy to find. We shall begin with his conclusion that the United States as the logical nation "to provide leadership in a post-war order," should declare war now. His justification was that might must be met with might. He neglected to consider the might of "confining our participation to the supplying of materials and equipment while we strengthen our internal democracy so that we can, as a vigorous and healthy democracy, forcefully and effectually help to achieve peace aims which have been sanely and practicably planned to meet the situation" (to quote his colleague, Mr. Jaffe, from an editorial written the same day). He neglected the not uncommon belief that this nation is not now prepared for war and that it simply has not yet reached the stage in its arm- ament program at which it can effectively wage war. Perhaps equally important is the lack of confidence present that the post-war fiasco of the last war will not be repeated by a well- intentioned but blind nation. We shall not de- vote more time to this question now despite its funda'mental importance since our aim here is to point out the- weakness of his general ap- proach. W E ALSO DIRECT ATTENTION to his dis- missal of Russia as a potential world leader with one thought, that "Russia, although pro- fessing the belief that the state is for the indi- vidual, yet denies him necessary freedom" (free- dom of what, Mr. Mantho?). We are not stating that Russia should be the director, assuming that a one nation leadership is desirable, of the period after the war, but we also refuse to have a nation, whose courageous stand and proven strength, moral and material, is an inspiring and encouraging force in Europe today, dismissed so conveniently. As he dismissed Russia, he impulsively ac- cepted the United States-on the basis of its economic strength and because "the American press is, liberally critical and sanctions use of the political cartoon"-a totally unrealistic be- lief. We too think that the United States should at least share in the necessary leadership, but not on these :,flimsy grounds. Mention of the freedom of the American press showed a thor- ough lack of understanding of one of the weak- est aspects of our society, a controlled press, Please read Monograph 26 of the TNEC on monopoly and see to what extent the political cartoon can be freely employed. Surely Mr. Mantho could have pointed out stronger bases for America's right to assist in the formulation of the peace. AT THE CORE of Mr. Mantho's weakness seemed to be his lack of awareness of the deeper causes of the present world situation. We agree with him that Germany should be de- feated and that the United States should aid in that defeat and try to lead the world to a peace ful and democratic future. But, just as im- portant as "total war,"beyond which," accord- ing to the author, "lies America's destiny" is the necessity of seeing clearly the issues and while fighting Nazism, having definite aims and--plans on the basis of which we will shape a satisfac- tory post-war order. Above all let us have some assurance that these -plans will be realized. Thus we are not attacking Mantho's conclu- sion (whether or not we agree with it is unim- portant) but we decry his attitude. Let us not rush in blindly. Let us be determined that this action will bring peace to the world. How can we be reasonably sure that we will accomplish something this time? We may, if we realize that the people of Europe must be given a chance to live in security without the burdens of reparations, high tariff walls enclos- ing small unproductive- nations, unemployment, and recurring depressions. These aims may sound like those of an ivory-tower liberal, but the point we wish to stress is that the deter- mination of the American people and their leaders that economic health and economic de- mocracy are essential for a peaceful and free world, must be concomitant with their deter- mination to fight this war. We wish to emphasize, also, that war aims are not enough. Woodrow Wilson's 14 Points were our aims when we entered the last war. Above all the American people and their leaders must be resolved that they will guide the world to a nost-war order that will mate for neace. (Continued from Page 2) ate Professor of Naval Science and Tactics, University of Michigan will; deliver a lecture on "Organization of the Fleet and the Ship" at 7:15 p.m. on Tuesday, October 14, in Room 348 West Engineering Build- ing. Economics 53: There will be no lec- ture meeting on Tuesday and Wed- nesday, October 14 and 15. Shorey Peterson Preliminary Ph.D. Examinations in Economics will be held the week of November 3. Students qualified to write these examinations wishing to do so at this time should leave their names in the Department office as soon as convenient. I.L. Sharfman Make-up Final Examinations in Economics 51 and 52 will be given Thursday, October 16, at 3:00 p.m. in Room 207 Ec. Bldg. All students appearing for these examinations must have received permission from their instructor. Algebra Seminar (Math. 315) will 'meet on Monday at 3 o'clock in 3201 A.H. Economics 123: Professor Haber will not meet his 8 o'clock class in Economics 123 on Monday, October 13. - N Dominic Says ''" ENIUSis mainly an affair of of energy," said Matthew Arn- old. The unique Benjamin Franklin admonished his readers to "plow deep while sluggards sleep." William James, in his enduring essay on "Habit," emphasized "Make auto- matic and habitual, as early as pos- sible, as many useful actions as we can." In another section he says: "Keep the faculty of effort alive in you by a little gratuitous exercise every day." We refer to these three because they are among the last who could be dismissed as remote from the realities of life or as humorless and formal in their own careers. To- day, as always, the establishing of a life purpose is not an incidental mat- ter, but a major for every student. However, beyond energy and per- sistence, mentioned by this trium- virate of great souls, is choice of the particular ideal which we would place central in the shaping of a career. While it is true that a new ideal, warmed by some personal associa- tion, does have the power to break up an old and established habit pat- tern, it is not necessarily true that man as a fatalist must just wait out the days and months and years for an adequate ideal to take hold of him. Were that true, we would be completely the victims of circum- stance. He who flounts the notion of deliberate character formation or assumes a supercilious attitude to- wards ideals winds up in the same cell as the imprisoned fatalist. Con- scious selection of an ideal to be pur- sued is the best guarantee of steady progress towards leadership. CHOICES are spread before us. There are many ideals from which to choose. Here is a sample list: - the anti-social individualist who gets attention by anarchy or, like the murder, chooses to plah the perfect crime; the ultra-social per- son who fears that at all cost he must get on with or hold the favor of those who chance to present themselves; the lofty mystical person who gets a, thrill out of an experience and relies on God without relating his own acts to past or future of the self in so- ciety; the devout realist who can love an ideal and steadily built hab- its in keeping with progress toward it; or the schemer who tends to make other persons a means to his own ends. We could go on and on with the list for the types are legion. We merely suggest that every student who has the opportunity to associate with he ideas of all ages, to sit among scholars and to enrich his own life by association with fellow students of strong character, does himself a disservice if he allows the months, the weeks, or even the days to slip by without weighing various ideals and without measuring himself frequent- ly against some high end or noble personality, St. Francis, Augustine, Lincoln, Moses, Jesus, Mohammed. A STUDENT might do well to bring to college the religion in which he was reared and. re-state it in terms of the peculiar discipline in which he is specializing. The ideal which parents treasure should be brought to the life of our decade and appraised as to whether it should be discarded or adapted to his own use in a different epoch. The goals which important persons pronounce successful or the aims which they predict as certain to give ultimate satisfaction are before you as a chal- lenge. The full range of art, friend- Actuarial Review Classes: The re- view class in algebra will meet on Monday at 8 o'clock and on Tuesday at 3 o'clock in 3016 A.H. The re- view class in calculus will meet on Wednesday at 3 o'clock in 3201 A.H. Lectures University Lecture: Professor Eu- gene Staley, a member of the faculty of the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts College, will lec- ture on the subject, "A Peace Settle- ment in the Far East," under the aus- pices of the Department of Econom- ics, on Monday, October 20, at 4:15 p.m. in the Rackham Amphitheatre. The public is cordially invited. Dr. E. S. Bastin, Head of the De- partment of Geology, University of Chicago, will speak on "Some Prob- lems of Ore Deposition" Thursday at 11:00 a.m. in the Amphitheatre, Third Floor of the Rackham Building. Some of the chemical and physical prob- lems which have puzzled the ore geologist will be discussed. Events Today Tau Beta Pi: There will be a meet- ing of the officers and Advisory Board today at 3:00 p.m. in the Union. There will be a dinner meet- ing for all members in the Union at 6:15 p.m. on Tuesday, October 14. Graduate Outing Club will meet today at 2:30 p.m. at the rear north- west door of the Rackham Building. Outdoor program, with hiking, bi- cycling and sports. Supper outdoors if weather permits. All graduate students, faculty and alumni welcome. Sunday Night Pictures at the In- ternational Center: f.onight at 7:30 in the Ball Room of the Michigan Union Professor J. Raleigh Nelson, director of the International Cen- ter, will present a pictorial review of last year's activities at the Cen- ter. The slides, many of them in color, show the International Din- ner, the athletic contests, hikes and recreational features. Coming Events Economics Club: Professor O. W. Blackett of the School of Business Administration will discuss "Execu- tive Compensation" before the Club on Monday, October 13, at 8:00 p.m. in the Rackham Amphitheatre. Staff members and graduate students in Economics and Business Administra- tion are cordially invited. German Table for Faculty Mem- bers will meet Monday at 12:10 p.m. in the Founders' Room, Michigan Union. Members of all departments are cordially inited. There will be a brief talk on "Alte japanische Lit- eratur" by Mr. Otto Laporte. 4 Botanical Journal Club will meet on Tuesday, October 14, at 7:30 p.m. in Room N.S. 1139. Introduction of new members. Reports of students and faculty on interesting experiences of last sum- mer. Mathematics Club will meet Tues- day evening at 8 o'clock in the West Conference Rom, Rackham Building. Professor Ben Dushnik will speak "On the Dimension of a Partial Order." German Club will meet Tuesday, Oct. 14, 8:00 p.m. in Room 305 Michi- an Union. All students of German and tlose interested in practising German conversation, hearing Ger- man, or singing German songs, are cordially' invited to attend. To All Members of the Student Senate: There will be a meeting of the Student Senate Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. at the Union. -The room num- ber will be posted on the bulletin board of the Union. The agenda will consist of neces- sary -elections and appointments, an- nouncemenit of the administrative program for the coming year, and consideration of petitions. At this meeting legislative peti- tions and bills will be accepted for consideration by the Senate. All pe- titions must be presented in written form and must be signed by the sponsors. The House Presidents' Dinner given by Judiciary Council for the presi- dents of all women's houses on cam- pus, is Tuesday, October 14, at 6:00 p.m. Attendance of a representative from every house is compulsory. Varsity Night Program: The Uni- versity of Michigan Band will present its annual Varsity Night program on Tuesday evening, October 28. Tickets will be on sale beginning Monday, October 13, at Wahr's Book Store, the Union, the League and by all band members. Freshman Rifle Team: All fresh- men interested in trying out for the Rifle Team should report at 5;00 p.m. Monday, October 13, at the R.O.T.C. Hall. The Rifle team is 3211 Angell Hall or call Mr. Mills (4121, Ext. 34). R.O.T.C.: Tailors will be at Head- quarters on October 14, 15 and 16 to measure freshmen and junior stu- dents for uniforms. Report between the hours of 9:00 and 4:30 daily. The regular Tuesday evening con- cert of recorded music will be given in the Men's Lounge of the Rackham Building on October 14 at 8:00. The following program will be played: Beethoven, Symphony No. 7, Doh- nanyi, Quartet in D Flat Major, and Debussy, Rhapsody for Clarinet with Benny Goodman Clarinetist. Wesley Foundation: Monday Bible Class at 7:30 p.m. on Monday in Room 214 of the First Methodist Church. Dr. C. W. Brashares will lead the group on the subject: "God." This is the second class in the series "Developing Religious Ideas." Foreign Language Classes at the International Center: Students inter- ested in joining the non-credit classes to be offered by the International Center in spoken Spanish, Italian, Russian, or Arabic will meet in the Center for purposes of organization ,Tuesday evening, October 14, at 7:30. German Round Table: A German Round Table will be organized at the International Center under the direc- tion of Mrs. Ruth Wendt. Those in- terested in securing practice in speak- ing German are invited. The first meeting will be held in the Interna- tional Center Wednesday evening, October 5, at 8:30. Churches Disciples Guild (Christian Church) 10:00 a.m., Morning Worship, Dr. Herbert L. Willett of Chicago, for- merly head of the Bible Chair work for the Disciples in Ann Arbor, will speak at the fiftieth anniversary cele- bration of the local church. 6:00 p.m. Guild members and other students will be guests of the church for supper. 7:00 p.m. The Disciples Guild will have charge of the Anniversary pro- gram which sets foth fifty years of history of student work. Former student work directors will speak. Unitarian Church: 11 a.m. Serv- ice, "The Inner Light and the World Conflagration," Rev. H. P. Marley. 7:30 p.m. Student meeting. Mr. Guy Orcutt, Graduate, will speak on "Building-Literal and Figurative." 9:00 p.m. Coffee Hour, folk danc- ing led by Ruth Hughes. I First Church of Christ, Scientist: Sunday morning service at 10;30. Subject: "Are Sin, Disease, and Death Real?" Sunday School at 11:45 a.m. Reading Room: 106 E. Washing- ton St. Open Mondays through Fri- days, 11;30-5:00; Saturdays, 11:30- 9:00. First Congregational Church: 10:45 a.m. Services of public worship iti Lydia ' Mendelssohn Theatre. Dr. Leonard A. Parr, Minister, will preach on "The Glory of Blind Ventures." 5:30 p.m. Open meeting of the sea- son for Ariston League, High School group, in Pilgrim Hall. Prof. H. H. Bartlett will, speak on the subject "Sunday." Supper will follow.' 7:15 p.m. Student Fellowship will meet in Pilgrim Hall. Dr. Preston W. Slosson will lead the discussion on "Is a Christian Personality Nec- essary to Real Success?" Refresh- ments. St. Paul's Lutheran Church: The morning Mission service at 10:45 with Rev. Paul Graupner of Farmington delivering the sermon. The evening Mission service at 7:30 with Rev. H. R. Wacker of Detroit serving as guest speaker. Gamma Delta Student Club meets at the church Sunday from 5:30-7:30 p.m. for supper, social hour, and an after dinner talk by Rev. H. R. Wack- er, guest speaker for the evening wor- ship service. Society of Friends: Meeting for worship Sunday at 5:00 p.m. in Lane Hall, followed by informal discussion of the question of world federation following the present war. First Methodist Church: . Student Class at 9:30 a.m. in the Wesley Foundation Assembly Room. Prof. Kenneth Hance of the Speech De- partment will lead the discussion. Morning Worship Service at 10:40 o'clock. Dr. Walter W. Van Kirk of the Federal Council of Churches of Christ in America will preach on the theme "The Spiritual. Bases of an Enduring Peace." He is being spon- sored by the Henry Martin Loud Lectureship. At 6 o'clock at the Wes- leyan Guild Meeting, Dr. Van Kirk will speak on "The Political and Eco- nomic Outlines for the World of To- morrow." Fellowship hour and sup- per following the meeting. St. .Andrew's Episcopal Church: 1 # i { 5 10 r 11