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October 12, 1941 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1941-10-12

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Huge Skeleton Of New
Overtowers Fst-Growii

Range Firing

Fifth Division Will Move
To Camp In Wisconsin
For ShootiigWorkout
FORT CUSTER, Mich., Oct. 11.-
(,')-Range firing which will take all
artillery units of the Fifth Infantry
Division to Camp McCoy, Wis., for
about two weeks of target practice
was announced today by the division
commander, Brigadier General Cort-
land T. Parker.
The Wisconsin camp is the only
military post in 'the army's Sixth
Corps Area having an artillery range
large enough for firing the division's
' 5millimeter guns and 155-milli-
meter howitzers, Parker said.
Soldier will start their firing prac-
tice as soon as the 910 officers and
men of the 184th Field Artillery regi-
ment now at Camp McCoy return to
Fort Custer.
The 184th Field Artillery, a regi-
ment of Negro soldiers, is stationed
at Fort Custer for training, but is not
a part of the Fifth Division. One bat-
talion of the regiment left Fort Cus-
ter Thursday for a period of firing;
Practice expected to keep them at
Camp McCoy about two weeks.
General Parker said no plans for
special winter training had been for-
mulated. He explained that, the di-
vision would follow Second Army
/directives emphasizing training ex-
ercises for platoons, companies and
battalions with field tests following
each phase of the training.
Ends Stormy
61st "Session
LANSING, Oct. 11.-(/P)-Quietly
and colorlessly, the 61st Michigan
Legislature adjourned today, ending
a months-long revolt against Gover-
nor Van Wagoner.
There were omens, however, it
might be called back to a special ses-
sion before many months have
elapsed, and the Governor himself
conceded this was possible.
There was no doubt, however, that
he would exert every effort to avoid
it. The classic fight which raged for
months between him and the Repub-
lican majorfties of House and Sen-
ate were still fresh in his memory.
Sober statements came from the
Governor and legislative leaders, that
the curtailment of production by
factories not engaged in defense
work, and shutdowns to retool them
for defense priduction, would cause a
serious unemployment problem.
S"The uncertain future financial
position of state government," said
Van Wagoner in a prepared state-
ment released at the noon adjourn-
ment hour, "and the strain that the
defense transition period will place
on state social services makes this
emphatically a period in which the
financial bars can not be let down,
and when we must conserve any sur-
pluses of the moment in preparation
for any eventuality."
Material Requested
For Perspectives'
,Contributions for the first issu'e of
Perspectives, campus literary maga-
zine, should be handed in the first
part of this week, according to Jay
McCormick, '42, editor.
All students are welcome to submit
their material for consideration, and
Perspectives welcomes+ almost any
type of writing. Contributors may
hand their work directly to the edi-
tors of Perspectives, to the editor's
desk in the Student Publications
Building or to either of the English
and engineering English department

Printed an indefinite number of
times during the school year, at in-
definite intervals, Perspectives is a
free supplement to The Daily. Its
contents represent some of the finest
writing done by students at the Uni-
versity. The first issue will be dis-
tributed during the latter part of
Department Of Health
To Get Ultracentrifuge
LANSING, Oct. 11.-(/P)-Michi-
gan's State Health Department is
about to acquire a high speed me-
chanical device that spins viruses
at furious speeds, making possible
medical research otherwise impos-
The Kellogg Foundation of Battle
Creek has contributed $7,000 to pur-
chase the equipment, the department
said, and will .cooperate later in sup-
port of research.
The department said the device,
called an ultracentrifuge, will be the
first in the state and one of the few
in the nation. An electrophoresis ap-
paratus for separating virus mole-
cules will also be bought.

(Special to The Daily)
YPSILANTI, Oct. 12-A great steel
skeleton, orange and gray and for-
bidding in appearance, dominates this
college town today, an impressive
symbol of a nation's defense effort.
That skeleton is the huge frame
of the still uncompleted 975-acre
Ford Bomber Plant at Willow Run,
which by next May will be turning
out more tlan 250 bombers per
month for the national government.
This town, once billed as the "meet-
ing place of commerce and educa-
tion," now advertises itself as the
"fastest growing industrial city in the
The vast new Ford plant, which
will employ 60,000 men when it is
completed, is the main cog in Ypsi-
lanti's defense effort.
Already the population has been
swollen by the influx of defense
workers, causing a housing problem
which is no little worry for city
Ypsilanti has been designated a
"critical area" by the United States
Housing Authority due to the de-
mand for housing her. Both private
and publicly financed homes for de-
fense workers here will be given pri-
Guild Founded
50 ears Ago
Anniversary To Be Hailed
Here To ay By Disciples
Fifty years ago today was formed
what is now known as the Disciples
It was first called the "Bible
Chair," and conducted class work in
religion. Since the Disciples pio-
neered in Bible teaching at state uni-
versities, it is quite possible that this
was the first -program of this kind in
To commemorate this anniversary,
Dr. Herbert L. Willett of the Univer-
sity of Chicago, and the first student
worker of the early nineties, will
deliver the sermon at 10 a.m. today
in the Memorial Christian Church.
Dr. W. M. Forrest of the University
of Virginia, and pastor of the church
at the turn of the century, will de-
liver the sermon in the 2 p.m. -after-
noon program.
A supper will be served at 6 p.m. in
the church, and is open to anyone.
To finish the day, James Hall, presi-
dent of the Guild, will present guest
speaker Dr. Louis Hopkins of the
University at the 7 p.m. Guild meet-
Windsors Visit Estate
Of Duchess' Relative
TIMONIUM, Md., Oct. 11.-(P)-
The Duke and Duchess of Windsor
arrived here this afternoon on a visit
to the Duchess' uncle, General Henry
M. Warfield, at his Baltimore County
estate, Salona Farm.
The former Wallis Warfield of Bal-
timore and her royal husband, for-
mer King of. England, were greeted
by General Warfield and his daugh-
ter, Mrs. Zachary Lewis.
Leaving the three-car special train,
the Duchess waved a greeting to the
crowd, then stepped up to her uncle
and gave him a hug and a kiss. The
Duke shyly shook hands with War-
field, whom he was meeting for the
first time.
An automobile took them to the
farm home that will be their abode
f'or the next five or six days. The
Duchess had not visited her native
Baltimore in seven years.

ority in obtaining materials, though
such houses are limited to $6.000 in
The plains near the Willow Run
plant are dotted with tiny cheese-
box houses, many of the pre-fFbri-
cated variety, and few with more
than two rooms. All seem frail in
the wind which whips through Willow
Run. But still -more are being built
in the mad scramble for homes in this
defense bonanza.
Land itself has provided fortunes
for many local realtors. In every real
estate office there is a sign in the
wlindow advertising lots near the
bomber plant "from $85 up."
But. few of the anticipated 60,000
workers have settled here, so an even
more acute problem is expected, in
the future. Some sociologists at the
University of Michigan believe that
the overflow will hit Ann Arbor, but
Ypsilanti city authorities think their
town can take cae of the emergency.
A noticeable building increase has
hit the territory between the two
towns, causing many here to believe
that within a few years the road from
Ypsi, to Ann Arbor will be solid with
new homes.
To meet the problem Ypsilanti is
planning to adopt a new building
code patterned afterthe one recently
enacted in Ann Arbor. Housing lists
for new residents are also being pre-
pared with WPA funds.
But perhaps most striking recog-
nition of the problem has come from
a congressional committee investi-
gating housing and road needs in the
bomber area. Headed by Rep. Frank
W. Boykin of Alabama, the commit-
tee has given indication of their con-
viction that if 60,000 new workers
are to be properly housed, federal
money will have to be supplied.
Transportation, too, is providing an
enigma for city fathers, as the plant
is reached only via the narrow Ecorse
Road. Already, however, $880,000 in
defense public works projects have
been approved in Washington.
Because the plant bisects the
Wayne-Washtenaw County Line, the
money will be split three ways: $190,-
000 for roads to be built by Wayne,
$515,000 for roads to be constructed
by the two counties jointly, and $175,-
I terlational Group
Will Present Slides
Colored, slides _illustrating the In-
ternational Center's activities will be
shown at 7:30 p.m. today in the ball
room of the Union for the benefit f
all those interested in the work of
the Center.
The slides, many of them in color,
were made by Lilburn Ochs, who was
in charge of te recreation program
of the Center last year. They include
pictures of the International Dinner,
last year's athletic events, hikes, pic-
nics, and other group activities. At
the first of a regular seris of Sunday
evening programs to be given by the
Center, Prof. J. Raleigh Nelson will
show these slides and comment on
Michigan Football Hero
Represents University
J. Walter F. Bennett of New York
City, a Michigan alumnus, represen-
ted the University Friday at the 175th
Anniversary celebration of Rutgers
University in New Brunswick, N. J.
Mr. Bennett was captain of the
1898 football team which served as
inspiration for Michigan's Victor's
He has been for the past two years
president of the Varsity M Club and
is a past director of the Alumni
Crude rubber cultivation is the
basic economic activity of Liberia.

Ford Plant
ag Ypsilanti
000 for roads to be built by Washte-
The approved projects call for con-
struction of 13 miles of "immediately
necessary" highways in the vicinity
of the bomber plant.
Due to the expansion caused by
the aplant, a new telephone building
and service extensions costing $360,-
000 have been planned to connect
the plant with the outside world. In
the words of one telephone com-
pany official, "it takes a lot of tele-
phones to make a bomber."
Meanwhile, work at the plant goes
on. One small wing is virtually com-
pleted, and there a small crew of
tool-makers is working on tools for
work in fabricating the huge 22 ton,
Consolidated B-24 bombers to be
built in the plant.
Ypsilanti, city fathers say, can
handle its own problem. "It's not as
serious as some advanced notices'
would indicate," they say.
Some believe that by 1942 the pop-
ulation of the fast-growing town will
be 200,000 though more conservative
estimates place a maximum of 75,000.
No scientific study of the population
problem has been made yet, and no
definite conclusions are possible, au-
thorities say.
But that's the extent of the grow-
ing pains of this college town. The
Ford Plant is nearing completion, and
officials say that the first bomber
may come off the assembly line in
April, a month ahead of the sched-
uled delivery time in May.
And the "fastest growing industrial
city in the nation" goes blissfully on,
fulfilling its ambitions to become an
important cog in this country's de-
fense machinery.
p res(

Fi rst Technic'
Will Describe
60th Anniversary Issue
Will Feature Articles
By Members Of Faculty
Beginning publication for the year,
a big sixtieth anniversary issue of
The Michigan Technic, engineering
college publication, will go on sale
at 8 a.m. Tuesday.
'The Engineering College, - It&
Past, Present and Future" will be the
leading article of the issue, in keep-
ing with the anniversary theme. Re-
spective authors of the three parts
of the article will be Herbert J. Gould-
ing, a faculty member of the engi-
neering college in 1895; Dean Ivan C.
Crawford, present dean of the en-
gineering college, and Prof. A. E.
White, director of the Department of
Engineering Research and chairman
of the Cooley Foundation.
Other articles' in the first issue of
the semester will be "The Engineer
As a Politician," by Dale W. Kauf-
mann, '20E, and "Beryllium; The
Wonder Metal," by Keith Smith, '43E.
Entitled "Looking Forward," the
editorial this month will deal with
a short summary of the past in en-
gineeering and will discuss the future
of the engineering college and the
Cooley, Foundation.
Regular Technic features to be pre-
sented in this issue include "Briefly
.", "The Technic Presents," "The
Technic Explores," and "The Technic

Completion of the first year in
new quarters leaves little doubt that
the University of Michigan Health1
Service is now one of the finest stu-I
dent medical centers in the nation.
'Reviewing the advantages and few
disadvantages of the new set-up, Dr.
Warren E. Forsythe, director for over
a quarter of a century, was well sat-
isfied with what is the culmination
of years of growth.
Last winter's outbreak of measles
and influenza found the new Health
Service able to accommodate the
flood of patients without crowding
since the bed space is nearly twice

that of the old building, making it
muchmore convenient for the Health
Service staff. However. in the old
building it was possible for one nurse
to supervise the visitors and keep an
eye on their comings and goings.
It has become so difficult to control
student visitors and make them ad-
here to the rules that it may even be-
come necessary to forbid visitors al-
together-as many other universities
Michigan's new Health Service has
become a showplace for campus vis-
itors, alumni and officials from other
universities seeking a working model
for their own health centers.

IIealth Service Is Preeminent



Newfoundland is
a larger proportion
the United States.

now marketing
of newsprint ir




an exhibition of billiards

at eight

o'clock Monday evening

in the Billiard Room
of the Union.

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