THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY. OC 'IC! 1I IL NEWS RENOLD'S FIFTH -- Here are Sen. Robeit R. Renolds, 57, of 14orth Carolina, and his bride, the former Evalyn McLean, 19, Washington heiress, just after their marriage at the palatial Wash- ington estate of the bride's mother, Mrs. Evalyn W. McLean, owner of the famous Hope diamond. The marriage was the Senator's fifththe bride's first. N A V Y C A P T A I N--Shorts-clad because of heat at the Navy's first football workout .n Annapolis, Robert S. Froude of San Bernardino, Cal., watches his team-mates. Froude, the Navy's captain, plays end; he's 23 and weighs 175 pounds. I PAT R IOT IC PUGILIST - Joe Louis (left) whn expects to be in the Army soon, listens closely as Lieut. Richard Lynch (pointing),explains-that this-1905 field piece in front of Camp Grant, ll., headquarters is used for morning and sunset salutes. Grouped around the heavyweight boxing champion are a few of the camp's thousands of soldiers. Louis opened his exhibition tour of Army camps at Camp Grant. FLEES PANAMA - Arnulfo Arias (above), Nazi-minded Pres- ident of Panama, fled to a Cuban exile a few hours after his cabinet' banned the arming of U.S. ships under Panama registry. After Ernesto Jaen Guardia served for a few hours as provisional presi- dent, Ricardo Adolfo de'la Guard- ia was sworn in as president. i F 1 I G R A N D P A A T 3 3-Passing out cigars, Frank Alessandro, 33, of Rochester, claims to be youngest grandfather in New York state, since the birth of Samuel Fasone, Jr., Aug. 10. The boy will benbaptized Sept. 14, just before mother's 16th birthday. L E F T H I S M A R iK-A mere 40,000,000 years 'ago a rhi- noceros made footprints that have just turned up in this 600-pound sandstone slab unearthed in the Hat Creek basin near Lusk. Wyo.. by a paleontological field party of the Philadelphia Academy of Natural Sciences. The "rhino" is now extinct, say scientists. Left to right at the slab are Jon Dixon and Edwin Davis. . .~ .*