THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURs --A SDail Further Analysis Favors U.S. Declaration Of War On Nazis l i -w Edited and managed by students of the University of [ichigan under the authority of the Board in Control f Student Pulications. Published every morning except Monday during the 7niversity year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the se for republication of all news dispatches credited to or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All ights of republication of all other matters herein also eserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as econd class mail matter.' Subscriptions during the regular school year by arrier $4.00, by mail $5.00. REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVERTIaING 6Y National Advertisiig Service, Inc. . College Publishers Representative 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK. N.Y. ChICAGo .- oSTON - LOS ANGELES - SAN FRANCISCo rember, Associated Collegiate Press, 1941-42 Editorial Staff alle Geld Ibprt P. Blaustein tvid Lachenbruch vin Dann . U Wilson . . tiur Hill. . net Hiatt , ace Miller . . rginia Mitchell . Managing . City . . Associate * Associate . . Sports; Assistant Sports . . Women's' Assistant Women's . . Exchange Editor Editor Editor Editor Editor Editor Editor Editor Editor Business Staff lel H. Huyett es B. Collins, Ise Carpenter yn Wright Business Manager Associate Business- Manager ,Women's Advertising Manager .Women's Business- Manager NIGHT EDITOR: MORTON MINTZ The editorials published in The Michigan aily are written by members of The Daily' iff and represent the views of the writers± I only. student Apathy s Attacked . ** -I T HE, UNIVERSITIES HAVE BEEN traditionally - and complacently - heralded as the last refuge for the dispassionate and intelligent discussion of vital issues, the stronghold of far-sighted opposition to blindly emotional mass movements, the birth-place and the cradle of liberalism. Members of the academic world, professors and students , alike, have sol- emnly warned the world beyond the cloisters that the disappearance of this function of the universities would sap democracy of much of its vitality and slow down its resistance to the tidal wave of blind and irrational movements. We find ourselves at this moment being car- ried with seeming inevitability along a torrential stream toward the vastness of an unknown sea, fraught with unknown perils. Our government has initiated and nearly completed a program, the effect of which will be to plunge us into total par- ticipation in the most destructive of all wars; to date-a war whose ultimate fruits are as un- predictable as were those of the first War-TQ- Save-Democracy. And the students at the Uni - versity of Michigan go along in their usual blithe way, their gaiety marred only by occasional wor- ries as to what bands are going to play at the next .J-Hop. IT IS NO MORE than fair to assume that thd't vast majority of students on campus who neither oppose nor actively, support our govern-, ment's foreign policy, accept it and are willing to take all the possible consequences of its exe- cution. Yet it is clear that just those who seem passively to accept the destiny which has been carved out for them and for their country are the ones who have least of all examined the is- sues at stake and carefully weighed probable result against probable result. It is this curiously apathetic mass of students which is making the conception of a university as, at least partially, a place where future leaders are trained to make clear and thoughtful analyses and decisions con- cerning vital problems; a pathetically hollow conception. They have refused to evaluate the possibility of accomplishing the alleged purposes for which we seem destined to kill off many of our men, to wreak greater economic havoc than that which' is inevitable even without entering a shooting war, and to threaten the last fortress of democ- racy with the possibility of internal fascism in our very attempt to stamp it out on a world- wide scale. They have neglected-tragically so-to seek the explicit peace aims of Roosevelt and Church- ill if Hitler should be defeated. No one can ques- tion the sincerity and admirable ends of Roose- velt's Eight Points, but how many of those who either actively urge or are passively willing to accept American participation in the war, have considered just how possible it will be to foist them upon a ravaged and impoverished world wracked vith practical problems demanding im- mediate solution %by the most expedient methods available-far from ideal. that they necessarily have to be?, THAT THE MENACE of Hitlerism must be ob- literated is not denied by this writer. But equally compelling is the necessity of avoiding a plunge into a shooting war without knowing exactly what our aims are and whether or not they can best be accomplished by such partici- By ROBERT MANTHO ISOLATIONISTS refuse to admit it, but a world order is collapsing in Europe, brought on by the wide-spread war which Germany is forcing the world to accept, much as Napoleon compelled the people in his period to accept an unwanted militarism. And, just as the world could do nothing about it then, so the world must now bear the tramp of marching feet until it arms itself to end oppression and looks to the future with a view toward preventing' the proba- bility of a new Dark Age of loosened barriers, of war and destruction, of enslavement. Or, if the world cannot prevent such a black period in man's advance from barbar- ism, it can, at least, seek to shorten it by providing a nation capable of giving leader- ship to a lasting new world order hammered from the anvil of bitter experience. Presen- tation of facts reveals the hopeless inade- quacy of any nation on or near the continent of Europe to provide such a leadership. Italy 4nd France can be ruled out on the basis of insufficient power. There remain in Europe only England and Germ'any as possible victors of the war and, at the same time, as possible leaders of a new world order. Outside Europe, the new leader must come from one of three powers Russia, Japan and the hUnited States of America. These five then, are all that lie between us and another Dark Age of indeterminable length; and three of these nations conform to a doctrine which contradicts ip every essential the fabric into which is woven, fundamentally, the existence itself of the other two potential leaders. RESTING on the belief that war is a nation's natural state, German economy s bidding for its place in the sun of a post-war order. The might of German armies threatens to put this system in the saddle; yet such an economy can only be supported by military victory; and mili- tary victory is creator of nothing. Tribute and enslavement of the defeated are its only fruits. Marriage of the Nazi system to any free econ- omy is out of the question, since from divorce- ment' alone it derives its strength. So long as it can project its anarchic concepts on a far-flung front, survival of this system follows apriori. So long as non-anarchic trade regions remain in the world, the system's functioning will be con- siderably hampered. In the event of a Nazi victory over the combined forces of England and Russia, collapse of the German economy is unlikely. On the contrary, a F'ascist victory indubitably will mean an enforcement of a set of world conditions under which the Nazi economy. and state could survive. If Germany is not defeated in the struggle, our generation can never look again for peace. Such will be the situation under a German-sponsored "new world order," a state of affairs not visualized, certainly, by our many appeasers. On this point, two facts hold sway: morally, there is no sanc- tion for a German leadership of the world and the system itwould bring about; at the same time, the strength for such leadership is augmented by further conquest of terri- tory-the "worlds to conquer" concept which dates back to Alexander the Great. LOOKING TO ENGLAND, there are powerful factors which-presage that the permanence of British leadership in a new order is doubtful, even if her armies win the war. England's supreme rank among nations has always been based on her economic and financial strength. But she entered this war an England already burdened by a long depression's debt; thus, she was forced, for the first time in her long history, to enter an armed conflict as a debtor rathef than as a creditor nation. The heavy taxes, draining even the smallest of incomes, speak an eloquent story of the financial burden with which England is saddled in waging her present war. Kaiser Wilhelm's venture cost Great Britain much of her standing in the United States and Canada. This one promises to com- plete the job by obliterating many of her valu- able interests in the Far East, as well as those yet remaining in America. Even as far back as 1914, basic economic changes were seriously restricting a considerable number of England's more strategic world mar- kets. Today the limitation of those markets is moretlin evidence. The .cotton mills of China, Japan and India are encroaching upon the pre- serves of Lancashire cotton spinners. Her coal industry has been hard hit by oil fuel and by development of hydro-electric power in other markets. At the same time, other natiorns, formerly forced to take a back seat to England's industrial efficiency, are shifting the gears of technological advancement at a speed which is stand on this most vital of issues must be taken by everybody; no one can afford to be passive. Indeed the most deplorable thing that can happen to America, regardless of what our subsequent policy may be, is that the probable consequences of that policy not be realized by the mass of its supporters. It will require mature thought and a perspective removed, for the moment, from the confusion and heated emotions of the immediate situation, in order to arrive at a firm conviction as to what position one shold take. But unless America's citizens-especially those in 'the universities-individually face the issue and act according to their firm convictions, our fast making "the world's workshop" lose ground gained previously. Points like these argue the inability of Britain to provide world leadership in a post-war order. We can ask no more of England than survival in this struggle to the death. Even success in such an undertaking will sap too much of her moral and material strength. ELIMINATION OF ENGLAND narrows the field down to three candidates: Russia, Japan and the United States. But no one can seriously regard Russia or Japan as capable of directing the world's destiny after the war. Both these nations deny any freedom to the individual -the core of American doctrine. Russia, al- though professing the belief that the state is for the idividual, yeti denies him necessary free- dom; America stands firm for individual su- premacy over the state and recognizes that prog- ress of society goes hand-in-glove with freedom of the individual. Japan holds its emperor accountable only to God; the American press is liberally critical and sanctions use of the politi- cal cartoon. All isolationist argument to the contrary, the days of George Washington live only in the pages of history. "No entangling alliances with other nations" may have been sage advice back in the 1790's. Today the pictue has changed.. Force of circumstance decrees America's day has dawned. An established world order is crum- bling. A new one must be supplied in its place. It would be useless for America to prepare for a peace perhaps never to be seen by this generation. The only step is a bold step, one which will force events toward a world that satisfies America. And such a world is blocked by the German boulder. To turn back andbseek a ircuitos path, as our isoa- tionists would have us do, is fatuous. No path will be found. Neither will gentle pushing solve the problem. We cannot wish our way to freedom. Application of force sufficientI for removal of the boulder is the only practi- cal answer. Might must be met with might. OUR ATTITUDE toward Nazi aggession has been analagous to pushing gently on a boul- der which blocks forward progress. Those advo- cating this recourse realize the problem con- fronting America, but they are content to hope the boulder will remove itself. All aid to Britain short of war, however, is, at best, a halfway measure. Today we still have those who argue let well enough alone. These are the "do-nothings"- our isolationists. They are confused. But Presi- dent Roosevelt, by his bold shoot-.on-sight speech of a few weeks past, has carried the nation to the brink of war with Germany. In so doing, he has shown he is preparing the American people for the final step. There he has stopped. N THE MEANTIME, American supply ships, bound for those who still struggle against German transgression, are warily watching the sea-lanes for Nazi U-boats and surface raiders. A situation of virtual war on the seas exists. How much better would be a state of actual war, made significant by an open declaration. Sch a step would loose the might of America's army and navy in all-out war against Germany,, and the scales must tip heavily on the side of Eng- land and Russia. There would be no confu- sion, no wishful thinking on the part of the American people. Instead there would be stark reality: the people must then resolve themselves to total war. Beyond lies Amer- ica's destiny. Defeat of Hitler is the sole guarantee of a peace according to American terms. a. p. blaustein's % ONE GOOD THING about the idea of repealing the Neutrality Act,-it'll save administration leaders a lot of embarrassment trying to explain. to whom we've been neutral. If our memory serves us right, the only war the U.S. hasn't butted into (A.D. FDR) was that fracas between Peru and Ecuador last summer. Remember, the war that start- ed because there was ne definite boundary line and six pecks of dirt were unidentified. Maybe good fences would also make Good Neighbor policy. * *. * ALTHOUGH THE BROOKLYN DODGERS are now among the world's defeated objects, they are fortunate in being able to say "waitt 'till next year." All the Republicans can say is "wait 'till 1944." All the Japs can say is "wait." To The Daily from Peter Carter: "I wonder when Tom Harmon reads some of the criti- cisms in The Daily columns does he think about a line of Shakespeare's which reads: "...This was the most unkindest cut of all." No, he doesn't. The Gary Flash agrees with us that "Harmon of Michigan" is one of the pictures Senator Nye should have in- vestigated. For Britain: Cooperation The Germans have much to avenge, after the terrible battering the R.A.F. has given them, and the Germans are a vengeful people. Long, dark nights will give their bombers the' opportunity once more of assaulting our cities with fire and LETTERS TO THE EDITOR MR. BAKER'S EDITORIAL of Tuesday, October 7, brings to my mind a question that recurs con- stantly to me in observing the man- ner in which we Americans educate ourselves:-When, in ' the name of heaven, are students to be left on their own feet, thinking freely, un- sheltered by pedagogical proprieties? It's the same old story of academic apron strings that Heine hated at Gottingen, that Bertrand Russell found in New York City-and that Baker, now, would make more secure in Ann Arbor. Thus speak the apron string mongers: "Ah,if we but can wait another two,-three years, un- til one is more mature, then can we safely permit our charges to examine the ideas of the world!" This maturity, it is a very odd thing. One is asked to refrain from certain experiences until one has at- tained maturity, when maturity is born only of those very experiences. Step by step we have retreated be- fore every maturing agency in our manner of education. Principally, by abandoning the classical Western cultural tradition, we have thrown away our finest anchorage for ma- ture speculation. Via an accent on the practical arts we have fallen ever further away from our inherited cultural maturity, so that to the American student falls the infinitely difficult task of developing such a maturity by and of himself. It is senseless to suppose that such ma- turity will ever be found in Mr. Ba- ker's classroom. I S IT too much to ask that the col- lege student be prepared to at- tack the validity of argument, inside or outside the classroom? And again, looking at Baker's greatest fear, that .the student will not perceive where fact ceases and idea commences, c- cepting all Tor fact-Baker should realize, as in his own illustration, the very existence of an inescapable ar- gument of opposition will prevent the student from committing this basic error. And just in the order of the question's importance, will there always be inescapable opposing argu- ent, obvious to the thinking stu- .nt. An unthinking individual has no place in any university. Anyone failing to perceive these things, failing to grant the student complete freedom in sources of ideas is the one responsible for the very immaturity that he decries and uses again, viciously, as an argument for the further postponement of the day when the boy and girl are finally to be weaned fromthe infernal pesti- lence of constant, stifling guidance. I realize that Baker will grant the student freedom in the selection of ideas, but it should be fully realized that no source of idea should be de- nied the student as too advanced, too mature--for it is by the maturity of the ideas with which the student becomes familiar that the all im- portant maturity of the student him- self is developed. "Make your blunders on a small scale, and make your profits on a large scale," so advises a well known principal of engineering practice. An- alogously to the engineer's use of the miniature pilot plant or semi- works, where production methods are attempted for the first time on a small scale with a small investment in equipment, so may the school be considered such a device for the ap- plication of the thinking proceses of the student. Here, in the compara- tive safety of a university, the stu- dent should be fully free to explore his own intellect under a genuinely universal stimulation stemming not only from the minds of student as- sociates, but from the minds of the faculty; for in many interests of the intellect only a relatively mature and informed individual is capable of ex- citing such stinulation. Mistakes made in this institution will seem small compared to those we may make in later life. If Baker should have his way, and we should leave school with our store of blunders of the thinking process left undimin- ished, we should find ourselves ex- hausting ourselves of those intellec- tual errors under the most arduous circumstances of life, where such er- ror means moral, social, and eco- nomic tragedy. AKE NO MISTAKE, Mr. Baker, the minds and ideas of your fac- ulty constitute the vitals of this Uni-I versity; remove them from the class- room and you no longer have a Uni- versity. --Richard Young, '42E Trouble In Argentina All that lies behind Argentina's suppression of anballegedsubversive plot in the air corps has not come to light, but it seems reasonably cer- tain that internal politics cuts heav- ily across the drive against Nazi fifth columnists. Divisions run deep between Argen- tines of the ruling classes on both domestic and foreign policies. The air corps incident, involving removal of Gen. Angel M. Zuloaga from his com- mand and the arrest of some twenty lesser officers, 4harply discloses- the The Reply Churlish. By TOUCHSTONE MONDAY'S DAILY carried an in- THE DIETROIT TIMES now run- teresting news item, from which ning serialized version of Jan Val- I take the liberty to reprint here two tin's Out of the Night. We do not paragraphs. choose to read, but I am pondering The ordinance, if assed in its£ over whether the ripe language, and i erotic'adventures which did far more present form by the Ckuncil to. make the book a best seller than (City Council of Ann Arbor) any political significance, are being would compel all food handlers bowdlerized. Inot,Valtin represents to receive instruction in the han- a departure from the usual type of dling of food, and to fill out a fiction appearing in our newspapers. notarized question blank which would be used as the basis for determining the advisability of a AND from the Times (Detroit) Is a health examination by the city k good point to.get to work plug- physician. ging for Orson Welles' Citizen Kane. Since there are 2,500 food My personal nomination for the best handlers in the city, it was motion picture of all time. Welles pointed, out, the problem is one as actor, Welles as director, Welles that should be taken care of at as writer, is so far above ,anything once. that has come out of Hollywood be- fore that it hurts. If the Academy is In the light of recent. scientific anything but blind and senile, a new disclosures by Lister, Pasteur, and order of things will be noted at the several other prominent moderns, time of distribution of Phe Oscars and bearing in mind the advanced this year. attitude toward social disease which Approach the picture from what- if it has not filtered through to the ever angle you choose, it stands above general public, has at least become all other attempts. It is the greatest a topic of discussion among medical study of the American tycoon, the men, I feel that the City Council of "American scene which produced him, Ann Arbor deserves something in the and the hidden things which are line of congratulations for its pro- private even to tycoons, that has gressive spirit and unswerving loyal- ever been'made. It is the first pic- ty to the public good, ture to convey both a social and a personal moral with force, and sans YOUR DOLLAR will get somebody malarchy. The Informer and Grapes else twenty at the Chinese Relief of Wrath and for me, The Scoundrel dance Friday night at the League. were all great pictures within the Admission two bucks the couple, and limitations of their own intentions, I'm sure the Union will be able to but Citizen Kane has everything any spare you just this once. Cost' of of them had, plus the best rounded living still not rising appreciably in out cast, the finest photography, and China, and a little goes no kidding the most impressive and colloquial twenty times as far, and you can feel form ever -put on the screen. More useful and dance at the same time. to come. So long until soon. DLY OFFICIAL BULLETIN 4 C.,.. 'C-- q tr ,."i 10 _ 3 1 GRIN AND BEAR IT Byifichty .2 -&vI i ;I'. r ' , "What shall I say to the Whiffle Whistle Co.?-shall I lose your temper?" f (Continued from Page 2) ! ably develop into a permanent or temporary disability. Further Information. If at any time an employee wishes further informa- tion regarding any compensation case,, he is urged to consult either the Busi- ness Office or the Office of the Chief Resident Physician at the Hospital or the Business Office of the University, on the Campus. Shirley W. Smith Notice in re University Property Removed from the City or off Uni- versity Property: Any University representative having charge of Uni- versity property should give notice in advance to the Inventory Clerk, Busi- ness Office, University Hall, when such property is to be taken outside the City of Ann Arbor or off Uni- versity property for use in any Uni- versity project, as, for example, the W.P.A. A loss recently occurred on which 'the University had no insur- ance because of the fact that no notice had been given to the Inven- tory Clerk that such property had been taken to the location where it was in use, and the property was therefore not covered by the insur- ance policy. Shirley W. Smith To all Departments: Please notify Mr. Peterson of the Business Office the number of Faculty Directories4. that are needed in your department. Herbert G. Watkins Dr. Frank E. Robbins, 1021 Hall. Angell To Deans, Directors, Department Heads and Others Responsible for Payrolls: Payrolls for the first sem- ester are ready for approval. This should be done at the Business ,Office before October 16 if checks are to be issued on October 31. Edna Geiger Miller, Payroll Clerk Graduate Students who expect to receive degrees at the end of the cur- rent semester are required to file for- mal applications in the office of the Graduate School. This shouldbe done early in the semester, preferably be- fore the beginning of the third week, in order to insure an adeqgate check. If a student does not complete his work in the semester during which the application is filed, it is necessary to renew the application early during the succeeding session when he ex- pe,ts his degree. C. S. Yoakum, Dean Graduate Students: Without good and sufficient' reasons courses may not be elected for credit' after the end of the second full week of the semester. Courses may be dropped after this period only with the ap- proval of the student's adviser and his instructor in the course, and will appear on the record as "dropped." Students registering on a reduced program basis, whose change of elec- tions result in a reduction of hours, will receive no adjustment in fees