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October 07, 1941 - Image 8

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1941-10-07

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Inventor Of Shaft-Driven Auto
To Offer State New Tish-Saver'
By WILL SAPP, vnter," Du Brie plans to give th
Stanley R. Du Brie, Ann Arbor': dea to the State.
retired inventor who 35 years agc "My air motors," Di Brie said, "w
gava the motoring world its first cipletey el'miate ihi costly and
heFt-drivan automobile, is ready to
offer the State of Michigan a simple .me-tak ng fish restocking each
little windmill device calculated to pring after the thaw. Every lake
'ave "Thoumands of dollars" by elm- mall enough to fleeze-over need:
nating the annual restocking of fish )ne.
:n small lakes. At preent he is working in his
It's the breath of life for fish. basement woikshop on a modrl of a
Through a small tube Du Brie's pat- large scale air motor which would
anted rotor wind motor, installed at be utilized for generating electrcal
the fhore of the lake, pumps air into power.
'he water thereby keeping alive small A holder of more than 80 United
fish which would otherwise die from States patents en mechanical devices,
the lack of oxygen in the ice-covered including the wrld-famous Du Brie
lakes. two cycle motor of yesteryear, Du
A half mile west of Ann Arbor, in Brie estimated that single air pump
the Lakewood subdivision, Du Brie units wold cost the State under $150
has installed a test mill on the shore and last "just about forever."
of little Glacier Lake. This winter -- ----------- E
State Conservation Department ex- AE T Hl
ports will carefully watch the life- AIEE To aigexeldt iha eet'
saving experiment with an eye to-
ward employing it on the thousands ( ee]m oda
of small inland lakes throughout they
The plan is merely an elaboration
of the indoor fish aquarium with a Dean Lovell To Outline
bubbling air hose. The new part, 'D Program of Group
Brie explains, is in the vertically setrga__Gop
rotor wheel of the windmill which The semester's first meeting of the
is ice and wind proof. Unlike the
blade-type windmill, it cannot get out student branch of the American In-
of balance. stitute of Electrical Engineers will be
University wind tunnel tests con- held at 8 p.m. today at' the Union.
I ducted by Prof. E. A. Stalker of the As this is the first meeting, it will
aeronauticalengineering department bedevoted chiefly to organization.,
show the Du Brie model to be 334 There will be an address by Assistant
per cent More effective during a slow Dean H. H. Lovell, however, outlin-
wind than any model of air mill now ing the aims and general program of
on the market. Because the lakes the association for the benefit of
are usually in small hollows protected new members. Refreshments will
from big winds, the favorable reac- also be served.
tion to slow winds is extremely impor-Sas
tant, Du Brie explains. Seniors and graduate students in
An old fisherman' who'ehates to electrical engineering are especially
An hlgdm fishman won "ateh tinvited to join, but sophomores and
see the game fish frozen out eachjuniors will also be welcome.
The organization, which is open to
t A nn A rbor all members of the aforementioned
classes who are interested in electri-
cal engineering, meets about every
Here Is Today's News three weeks on an informal basis.
Featured are non-technical talks by
In Summary members of other departments and
technical lectures by representatives
Observance of the annual Fire Pre- of power companies.
vention Week in Ann Arbor opened
yesterday with a luncheon at the ASME Will Hold
Union, attended by members of local
service clubs and the Senior and E
Junior Chambers of Commerce.
The fire department is holding open Extending a special invitation to
all freshman engineers interested in
house all this week and guides will mechanical engineering, the Univer-
take anyone interested through the sity student chapter of the American
staticn, explaini4g equipment and Society of Mechanical Engineers will
answering questions. ! hold its initial meeting of the sem-
dtheir ester at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday at the
School children will also dQoUnion.
part by answering questionnaires on Union
ire prevention. The questions will Speakers on the evening's program,
end to make the children more con- which is designed to acquaint new-
scious of the danger of fires. comers with the purposes of the soci-
ety, will be Prof. R. S. Hawley, Prof.
ou're curious as to why E. T. Vincent and Prof. R. C. Porter,
ycebn warm the past few all of the mechanical engineering
you've beenwamtepsfw department.
days, the answer lies in the mer-d
cry. Sunday. the red indicator hit
81.5 degrcez, and yesterday's heat Glee Club To Hold Tryouts
rea ched a high point of 80 degrees. The second in a series of tryouts
'T~he weather has ,not been so hot for the Freshman Men's Club will be
since 1910, with only one exception, held at 4:30 p.m. today in the glee
in 1939 when 8.4 degrees was club room of the Michigan Union.
rea chef. *Those selected for membership will
Week-end accident victims totaled sing together all year under the direc-
Wee-en acidet vcti~s otaedLion of Prof. David Mattern, con-
-ight in Washtenaw County, two pe- ductor of the Varsity Glee Club.
destrians, and the others in cars. du__ _f th s

Presid~entRtt"v"n Buys First Ticket

Shown above is the presentation of the first ticket for tl e ball
celebrating Double Ten Day, the 30th anniversary of the Founding of
the Chinese Republic, to President Alexander G. Ruthven. From left to
right are Raymond Chen, '44, President Ruthven, Isabelle Chao, Grad.,
and Paul Lim-YWuen. Lim-Yuen is general chairman and Miss Chao
and Chen vice-chairmen of the Committee of the Double Ten Ball.
All University students are invited to participate in the commemoration
of the Chinese anniversary by attending the formal dance from 9 p.m.
to 1 a.m. Friday evening, in the ballroom of the League. The dance
represents the annual effort of University Chinese students to raise
funds for purchase of medical and relief supplies needed in war-torn
Engleke Kept Busy Coordinating
Medical Forces, Within County

Class Of '45
Baffle 'Garg'
Picture a beautiful freshman wa'k-
ing down the street, minding her own
business. Picture a car driving up
alongside. its occupants beini on a
mission of greatest seriousness and
good will.
As the car stops and a man jumps
out to accost the freshman, she takes
to her heels and races madly down
the street, pathetically crying, 'Ma-
ma! ", as the man climbs .wearily
back into the car with a perplexed
expression on his face.
This is the Gargoyle staff, merely
trying to obtain photographs of the
faircr of the new students for their
first issue of the year, with no intent
at frightening anyone.
Estimates to date have placed the
time of appearance of the October
Gargoyle at Thursday, oct. 23, when
staff members will approach students
on campus with the campus life
monthly, priced at 15 cents a copy.
Besides carefully selecting models
for the aforementioned feature from
a list of 678 names submitted, and
ultimately obtaining the pictures, the
"Garg" staff has prepared a poll upon
a question of international impor-
tanceto patrons of the old "skin
game." The question: "How do youl
peel a banana?"
These are only two of the sections
to be offered students this 'moni h.I
Besides these there will be a special
feature on the engineering school,
whicl. will initiate a series in which
one school or college is featured in
each month's issue.
Orientation, the usual advice to be-
wildered freshmen and an article 'on
the physical examination for men are
among the other features which will
reach the public when the first Gar-
goyle comes onto the newsstands Oct.
TwininF To Open
Scouting Classes

To Talk Today
Capt. Davidson Will Open
Naval Lecture Series
"The First Line of Defense" w*Il
be discussed by Captain Lyal A. Da-
vidson, USN, chairman of the de-
partment of Naval Science and Tac-
tics, at 7:15 p.m. today in Room 348,
West Engineering Building.
This lecture will be the first of a
series of, 15 talks on the Navy to be
presented this semester by the De-
partment of Naval Science and Tac-
tics. Described in these lectures, held
every Tuesday, will be the organiza-
tion of the Navy, its customs and
traditions. Discussed as well will be
naval law and regulations of ship
types on offense and defense and
influence and trends in naval- arma-
Allinterested students and facuty
members are invited to attend the
series. It is intended particularly,
however, for officers or prospective
officers of the Naval Reserve.
Captain Davidson is leaving Ann
Arbor Oct. 13 to serve, for the rest
of the month, on a Washington re-
election board. The next lectures in
the series will be given by other offi-
cers stationed in Ann Arbor or
Raiy Weather
Brings Uual
Cold Onslaught
Changing weather conditions have
resulted in the usual onslaught of
colds this fall, Dr. Warren E. For-
sythe, director of Health Service i..,
No advice other than to use com-
mon sense in dressing to meet the
shifting climatic conditions was of
fered by Dr. Forsythe who warns
particularly against getting over-
heated or chilled.
The common belief about exercis-
ing and trying to sweat a cold out
is fallacious and may lead to compli-
cations. Swimming is especially dan-
gerous for those with colds since it
may cause chilling or allow infections
to enter the system via the nose-sinus
route or swallowing of impure water.
Best treatment consists in restrict-
ing the activities and going, to bed.
No medicines are known that will cure
a cold although some may give tem-
porary relief and make the patient
more comfortable,
Stocks of black pepper in the Uni-
ted States approximate from .2 1/ to
3 years normal supply.

(Note: This is the first in a series
of articles describing the activities of
the Washtenaw County Health De-
partment.) I
Dr. Otto K. Engleke, director of
the Washtenaw County Health De-
partment, has numerous duties in
coordinating the forces of medicine
in this county in order that its citi-
zens may derive maximum benefit
from the Department.
Vital facts pertaining to the con-
munity,such as the number of bihhs
and deaths, the amount of illness
from communicable diseases and re-
ports on specimens submitted to the
state laboratory for examination
must first be collected and analy od.
The director must then mold the
health department program to meet
the community's particular needs, by
organizing local resources, facilities
and personnel and directing tieni
toward the solution of community
health problems.
Dr. Engleke also acts as health of-
ficer for the county, with full respon-
sibility for admir lstration of the
,health laws of the state.
His duties in this field include di-
agnostic services to physicians, quar-
antine of reported cases of communi-
cable diseases, investigation of epi-
demicM, provision of a, tuberculosis,
program, provision of a venereal dis-
ease program, and promotion of an
adequate maternal health program.
Health service for infants, pre-
school and school children, including
immunization agaitst diphtheria and
smallpox," physical' examination and
dental care of children must also be
The director reports regularly to
the health committee of the board
of supervisors the activities of the
department and discusses with them
programs for future work.

Miscellaneous duties- which never-
theless are of high importance to
the maintenance of an adequate
health department include contact
with the public through the news-
papers concerning the prevalence of
communicable diseases and proposed
health projects, addresses before
meetings of cgpimunity groups on
topics of public health, demonstra-
tions and exhibits, and the prepara-
tion of health department publica-
The director is primarily responsi-
ble for a broad program protecting
the health of all the eo leP in h=4

4110 hILMUh U Uil 4110 jrmLCr' 1n11l First in a series of four training
community. He has a background Irclasses on scouting will be held at
of special training in the field c1 classm. onorrowinhion ude
public health in addition to his med-7 the sponsorship of the Boy Scouts of
ical experience. America.
.Herbert H. Twining, former presi-
Forestry Club Campfire dent of the American Camping As-
Planned For Tomorrow sociation, -will discuss "The, Nature
Plannd Fo Tom rrow of t e Boy."
D h. A. Peyton will lead a panel
Members of the Forestry Club and discussion on the worm of the troop
all pre-forestry students are invited committee. Other members of the
to a campfire to be given by the For- panel will be A. E. Weller, .Edwin!
estry Club tomorrow at Saginaw For- Lindberg, E.A. Branchfield; F. C.
est. Moseley, Edwin Oakes and Prof.
Those desiring to attend will meet Samuel Graham.
\at 5 p.m. at the Natural Science The four classes will be held on
Building, from which place transpor- Wednesdays, and all interested are
Cation will be provided. invited to attend.j


3 years normal supply.


Salads/ 0.0
A lot of our Pa's
might have more hayr, or
be more generous
with our allowances if they
had eaten right
wuIen they were young.
Vot have a choice of
ix different kinds of salads-
with the special 44c and
49e suppers.
Plenty else of what
it fakes to satisfy a he man's
appetite, -too.

They're cheering Chesterfields
because they're MIL DERt
You'd enjoy reading "Tobaccoland, U. S. A.,"
or hearing a lecture on Chesterfield's can't-he-nAid



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