9 Weather. Partly cloudy LY 5k iau ijaiLlg Editorial British -Russian Aid Perils American Defense / VOL LI. No. 8 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN TUESDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1941 Z-323 PRICE FIVE CENTS I I Moscow Claims Supreme Court Mourns Death Of Louis Brandeis More Successes; Berlin Still Silent Nazi Mechanized Columns Smashed By Russians In South, Central Areas Germans Awaiting New Developments 'By The Associated Press) MOSCOW, Tuesday, Oct. 7.-Co- ordinated Soviet lInd and air blows on the Central and Southern fronts smashed two German motorized col- umns and destroyed 98 Nazi tanks, the Russians announced today in ac1 nowledging the Nazis had wedged into; the Red Army lines at one point in the west. The early morning communique failed to say where the German tank adance was ntade in the western sector, but said the Red Air Force and tank units destroyed 34 Nazi tanks, 22 of them by air bombs. On the southern front the official announcement said 64 German tanks, 130 infantry and ammunition trucks and two fuel tanks were destroyed by Soviet airmen. . Fighting Continues Elsewhere along the front the Soviet announcement said stubborn fighting still raged on and in, the far northern waters of the -Baltic Sea the Red Navy was credited with sink- ing a German troopship. For nearly a weeksnow the defend- ers of Leningrad have reported daily counter-blows against the German siege lines, frequently claiming gains of one, two or three miles, and to- ni ht their position, was represented as strong as it has ever been in the six-week-old siege. Not only there but also at Odessa, similarly beleaguered on the Black Sea, in the Ukraine, in the east be- fore Kharkov and on the approaches to the Crimea, the Red Army's posi- * tions were said to be straighter and stronger than at any time in the 15- week-old invasion. Leningrad, Odessa Important Leningrad and Odessa, successfully defended, would remain important di- versions for ,the forces of the Reich even if the Russians never are able to sally far in counter-offensive strokes. In that sense they bolster the defense of any other lwtential objectives in Russia.' Since the invasion started one air unit defending Leningrad was credit- ed with destruction of 324 German planes-276 en route to Leningrad and 48 destroyed on, one German airdrome. An anti-aircraft detach- ment in one week downed 19 Ger- man planes and, using its weapons for horizontal fire, destroyed 27 tanks, six field pieces, 10 mortars and almost 1,000 men, according to the Leningrad advices. Germans Awai New Developments (By The Associated Press) BERLIN, Oct. 6.-Events of untold, significance are occurring on the Eastern Front, but the High Coin- ' and is hiding them behind the "silence ~which comes before the an- nouncement of new achievements," authorized German sources asserted tonight. The German nation was told of "additional successes" in offensive operations on the Eastern Front, but the war bulletin from Adolf Hitler's headquarters gave no details and spokesmen said the dispatches were touching' only the fringes of the action, leaving the main story cur- tained in silence. Hints Of Magnitude There were two hints of the magni- tude of the High Ciommand's rigidly secret activity-Hitler's own asser- tion Friday that a "gigantic new de- velopment" was then 48 hours under way and the comment of the well-in- ornAMed Dienst Aus Deutschland news commentary that it is so vast it com- pares with "the opening of an en- tirely new campaign." Developments on the approaches to Leningrad apparently belonged in the category of what the spokesman called the fringes of the German push. -rn th a r ean fai a fhp8Anven m - No Cargo Ships Panama Says WASHINGTON, Oct. 6(P)-Little Panama rose up today and threw a big monkey wrench into reported plans to arm a large number of American-owned cargo ships flying the Panamanian flag.s A decree of the cabinet council at Panama declared flatly that mer- dhant vessxels of the Central American country must not be armed, under penalty of cancellation of their Pan- ama registry. Only last month President Roose- velt had revealed steps already had. been taken to arm some of the Anier- ican-owned ships which had been transferred to Panamanian registry to escape the prohibitions of the United States neutrality "act. (That act prevents arming American-flag cargo ships and bars-them from com- bat zones.) Mr. Roosevelt disclosed the Pink" Star, former Danish vessel taken over by the United States and placed un- der the Panamanian flag, was armed at thetime it was torpedoed in the north Atlantic Sept. 19. Mr. Roose- velt added that Panama was arming some other vessels under its registry, but he did not know how many. Senator Connally (Dem.-Tex.), chairman of the Senate Foreign Re- lations Committee, said tonight Pan- ama's decision against the arming of ships "may be the result of pressure by some small groups that always have entertained a political animos- ity toward the United States." However, he declared the decision "doesn't hurt anything" and added: "We can amend the neutrality ac$ and arm them on our own responsi- bility. And maybe later on we can tell our ships that they can go anywhere on the high ,as." Connally declared it would be wel- come news to many Americans that American-owned ships would not sail henceforth under the flag of Panama. Patrolman Finds Wrecked Bomber FLAGSTAFF, Ariz., Oct. 6.-(IP)- State Highway Patrolman Jack Pow- ell radioed the Coconino County sher- iff's office tonight that a ground party had reached the wreckage of the Army Air Corps missing B-18 bomber and that all fix occupants were dead. Powell said wreckage and bodies were strewn over the side of snow- covered Agassiz Peak. The highway patrol car is about three miles from the wreck and mes- sengers had to climb over rugged, trail-less terrain to make radio trans- mission possible. The report was re- ceived at the sheriff's office by dep- uty Dan Williams. WASHINGTON, Oct. 6.-GP)-Sad- dened by the death of the retired Justice Louis D. Brandeis the Su- premne Court reconvened today with a new Chief Justice and two new members to start work on a record number of cases, many of far-reach- ing importance.,r The opening sessionlasted but four minutes out of respect to Brandeis, but starting tomorrow the justices will begin conferences to determine which of 650 petitions for review will be granted and their first decisions on the petitions will be announced next Monday. Services To Be Held Private funeral services for Bran- deis, who died of a heart attack last night at the age of 84, will be held at his home here tomorrow afternoon. It has not been decided yet whether burial will be here or at Louisville, Ky., his former home. A public mem- orial service will be held later at a time and place to be announced. Chief Justice Stone, presiding over the court for the first time following the retirement of Charles Evans Hughes, read a tribute to Brandeis for his "rare sagacity and wisdom" and his "prophetic vision." Pre- Food Handling Law -s Proposed By City Council Taxi Rate During Football Games May Be Raised; Health Bill Is Studied Referred to the Ordinance Com- mittee of the City Council at its meeting yesterday was the outline of a proposed amendment to the present health-of-food-handler laws. The ordinance, if passed in its present form by the Council would compel all food handlers to receive instruction in the handling of food, and to fill out a notarized question blank which would be used as the basis for determining theuadvisability of a health examination by the city physician. Since there are 2,500 food handlers in the city, it was pointed out, the problem is one that should be taken care of at once. t The Council passed to its second reading an amendment to the ordi- nances regarding the fares of taxis, which, if it is adopted by the Council, will provide for the raising of taxi fares on home football week-ends and when three or more persons use one taxi. The amendment states that on football Saturdays, from 12 noon to 6 p.m., drivers may charge a 50 cent flat rate and a dollar minimum charge. This was proposed so that the greatly reduced number of trips could be compensated for by the drivers and the company. The other proposal was that the standard rate for one or two persons be maintained, but that when three or more use the same cab, the price shall start from 50 cents. That is, a third person would pay only 10 cents, but it would be added to the 50 cent charge made for two persons, and so on as more passengers are added. vioqsly President Roosevelt had sent a message to the justice's widow say- ing his "life in the law, both as advo- cate and judge, was guided by the finestattributes of mind and heart Sand soul.'' Opened By Roberts The brief court session was opened by Justice Roberts, the only member of the court besides Stone not ap- pointed by Presidept Roosevelt. Rob- erts announced Stone had been nom- inated chief Justice and confirmed by the Senate and that he already had taken the oath. Then Stone announced thr ap- pointments of former Attorney Gen- eral Robert H. Jackson, who succeeds Stone, and of former Senator James F. Brynes of South Carolina, who succeeds the retired Justice James C. McReynolds. 'they also had been sworn in previously. 19DR, Senators Are To Confer, On Neutrality WASHINGTON, Oct. 6.-(AP)-The possibility of a Senate filibuster against changes in the neutrality law arose today as President Roosevelt invited Senate leaders of both parties' to the White House for a conference which will determine just what amendments may be recommended. The possibilities ranged from a proposal that the act be repealed in its entirety to piecemeal revision aimed at permitting the arming of American cargo ships and perhaps removing restrictions which now pre- vent our merchlantmen from carry- ing supplies into English ports. To the conference, which will be held tomorrow, Mr. Roosevelt sum- moned Senators Barkley (Dem.-Ky.),' the Majority Floor Leader, Chairman Connally (Dem.-Tex.) of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Sena- tor George (Dem.-Ga.), ranking Democratic member of the commit- tee, Senator McNary (Rep.-Ore.), Republican floor leader and Senator Austin (Rep.-Vt.), assistant Repub- lican leader. To act as observers for the House, Mr. Roosevelt also invited Chairman Bloom (Dem.-N.Y.) of the Foreign Affairs Committee, arld Rep. Eaton (Rep.-N.J.), a member of the com- mittee. The emphasis upon the Sen- ate representation was considered to indicate the administration would follow the strategy of seeking Sen- ate approval of its amendments first. Where foreign affairs are con- cerned the administration's. voting strength is proportionately much greater in the Senate than in the House and it was apparently hoped the measure might go back to the' latter body carrying the prestige of a big Senate vote of approval. E*B Brazil Reports Big Sea Battle 'Invincible' Yanks Clinch World Series As Bonham 'DefeatsDodgers In Final Hits Homer.. . .. .Series' Star TOM HENRICH JOE GORDON CIO Opposes Wage Control' Amendment', President Murray Defends+ Price Control Measure Against Attack By Gore WASHINGTON, Oct. 6.-(/P)-The CIO expressed opposition today- to Federal control of wages shortly after Representative Gore (Dem.-Tenn.), advanced a substitute for the admin- istration's proposed price control leg- islation, a measure to prevent prices,+ wages and most rents rising above current levels. Gore is an influential member of 'the House Banking Committee, which' is considering the administration's bill. The latter measure would mere- ly gran- 'discretionary power for an administrator to place ceilings over prices and would not affect wages. Introducing his substitute, Gore said the administration's bill was "weak-kneed, piece-meal legislation" which "will not stop inflation." Philip Murray, president of the CIO, in a statement read to the House Committee by Ralph ,Hetzel, Jr., head' of the economic division of the ,CIO, said there was no need for Federal control of wages, but there was im- mediate necessity for price control. Murray said arguments that wage increases were responsible for cur- rent price increases were false and were being used "as a new touchstone to justify attacks upon organized labor by those who have always sought labor's destruction." Hetzel, answering questions, told the committee he feared "there will be a serious movement for incre'ased, wages" unless' prices are stabilized. I AFL Support Will Be Given Defense Effort Green Pledges Roosevelt All Possible Aid; Says, Labor Must Be Free SEATTLE, Oct. 6-(MP)-The Amer- ican Federation of Labor opened its 61st annual convention today in, a wave of enthusiasm for all-out sup- port of President Roosevelt's national defense efforts and for simultaneous planning against the possibilities of a postwar-boom social and economic collapse. While pledging aid to the nation's foreign policies, Federation President William Green emphasized that labor "from every nation in the world must be accorded the privilege to sit in at the peace conference and help nego- tiate a world peace. "We ares determined that the regi- mentation of labor, involuntary servi- tude and forced labor shall be wiped out and the totalitarian form of gov- ernment eliminated. "The right of working men and wo- men to belong to free democratic "trade unions must be written into a world peace conference and guaran- teed by those who subscribe their names to the peace." , The convention hall was packed to its 3,500 capacity today when Green drew the opening day's crowd to its feet with a shouted pledge of anti- isolationist support "to the bitter end" of President Roosevelt even "if it is necessary to take more drastic action to protect the freedom of the seas and democracy." Deciding Contest Marked' By Constant Argument; Henrich Hits Home Rtun Dodgers Again Held To OnlyFour Hits By JUDSON BAILEY E{BETS FIELD, Brooklyn, ,Oct. 6 -(P)-The almost invincible New York Yankees rolled to their fifth world championship in six years to- day by browbeating the Brooklyn Dodgers 3 to 1 in the fith and most turbulent tussle of the World Series The two teams fought the umpires and each other at every turn in one continual wrangle and even though the Dodgers were soundly whipped by the four-hit hurling of big Ernie Bonham, it was the kind of a wild and reckless show that the Brooklyn Bums had been expected to provide earlier in the series. 34,072 Attend Game It gave the 34,72 fans, biggest turnout of the three games in Brook- lyn, a chance to exercise their famed vocal chords. Whitlow Wyatt,. the lean, bald Georgian who J'Ci stopped the Yanks in the second game for their only loss of the series, threw a couple of high inside pitches to Joe DiMaggio that resembled "dusters" by coinci- dence or otherwise and the two rival heroes almost started a free-for-all on the pitchers' mound, after DiMag- gio's third turn at bat. Every player of both teams rushed into the argument and the slightest spark might have set off an explo- sion. Wyatt earlier had been stirred to violent protest by the balls and strike judgment of Umpire Bill MGowan of the American League, who worked behind the plate. 'Once whe a walk was called for Joe Gordon, Wyatt threw his glove on the ground, the ball in the air and stamped and fumed around the plate and ended up by kicking a deep hole in the mound. Managers Argue The managers and coaches of bth, teams joined in the arguments with the umpires at various stages and there were two fires in the park during the game, to add to the con- fusion. One of these was on the roof back of a temporary press box and the other was a piece of bunting hanging on the railing of the second deck of the leftfield stands. It blazed up like a giant torch and fell down- ward, barely missing spectators in the boxes below. Through all of these stormy scenes and the excitement of the fans, old, whitehaired Commissioner K. M. Lan- dis just sat in stony silenee, his broad-brimmed felt hat pulled low over his shaggy forehead and is chin resting on the railing in front of his box. And, as though impelled by the force of his grim visage, the opposing clubs finally settled back into some sort of order to finish their struggle. The fun and fighting was largely a sideshow for the more sane observ- ers, anyway, for the mighty Yankees took the lead and held it from te second stanza on as Bonham pitched a masterful game. Eighth Championship They were out to get, and did get, their eighth championship in the eight World Series they have reached since 1927. Over that stretch they captured 32 out of 36 games and they were just about as unbeatable tqday as they ever were. ,Wyatt was wild at the start, walk- ing five men in the first four innings, and the nervousness of catcher Mickey Owen, whose failure to hold a third strike on Tom Henrin in the ninth inning yesterday cost Brooklyn a victory, was no help to the National League ace who won 22 times during the regular season. In the second inning he had a full count of 3 and 2 on Charley Keller and the slugger tipped a foul third strike which Owen was unable to hold. Then Wyatt served a wide ball which Owen let get through him and Keller not only got to first base, but made a gesture at turning toward second. Bill Dickey followed with a ringing Rumors Reveal From Villages Engagement 1 \ Skakespeare In New Form: Maurice Evans, Famous Actor, To Present Lecture-Recital Here Recognized as the greatest living Shakespearean actor, Maurice Evans,. now atN the pinnacle of his career,. will present a unique lecture-recital entitled "Shakespeare in the News" at 8:15 p.m. Friday in Hill Auditor- ium as the initial presentation of the 1941-42 Oratorical Association Series. Evans' appearance will mark the close of the season ticket sale which -offers opportunity for considerable savings. Single tickets will be sold at Hill Auditorium during the day Thursday and Friday, and Friday evening. The recital, illustrated by Evans'j readings of many of the greatest scenes Shakespeare ever wrote, has won an amount of acclaim from the critics that indicates his appearance here will be an outstanding event of the season. Evans donates the pro- ceeds from the recitals to the British War Relief Fund. MACEIO, Brazil, Oct. 6.-UP)-Re- ports from scattered coastal villages i today indicated the possibility that as many as four vessels may have I participated in a running naval en- gagement off the easternmost bulge of Brazil last week and that one of the ships may have been sunk. (There has been no confirmation of such a battle from any official source.) The Associated Press correspondent at Maragogy, 60 miles north of here, said it was reported wreckage from a ship was washed ashore near Porto De Pedras, 12 miles south of Mara- gogy. Another report from Porto De Pedras said an empty lifeboat bearing the name "White" had been washed ashore there and this was 'believed here to be the one from which 17 survivors of the sunken American- owned freighter I. C. White were res- cued by the freighter Del Norte. This lifeboat, still carrying a cask of biscuits, apparently was aban- doned after the White's survivors were picked up and had no connec- tion with the reported sea battle. Prisoner-Trade Deal Is Canceled By Nazis NEWHAVEN, England, Tuesday, By DAN E7HRMAN Sponsored by the Ann Arbor chap- ter of the Committee To Defend America, the Welsh miner, novelist and playwright Jack Jones will speak here at 8 p.m. Thursday in the Rack- ham Amphitheatre. A veteran of two wars and 26 yearsy underground in the coal mines of Wales, Jones will speak on "How Brit- ish Labor Views The War." This ad- dress is part of, a lecture tour he has undertaken since the beginning of the present war. The art of rostrum and water- pitcher is a new one to Jones. Born in 1884 he worked as a miner and seved a four year army hitch until 1914 when he was called up as a reservist. Wounded in the first World War, he spent the post-armistice years as a miner and representative of his district at conventions and wage negotiations. Longer and longer intervals be- tween, his sporadic jobs gave Jones an opportuntiy to read. At the age of fifty. Jones attempted his first Jones to buy a typewriter. His next work, an autobiography, was pub- lished as "Unfinished Journey." With the declaration of war, Jones followed his four sons into the Em- pire service. As fire-warden and ci- vilian defense worker, he went through over sixty Nazi air blitzed. The "illusion of a capitalists' war" was the ultimate reason for Jones lecture tour. He explained labor's at- titude and came to America to ad- dress Welsh-American groups and bthers interested in his viewpoint. Jones' talk will be the first of a series to be conducted by the Com-, mittee To Defend America. Among its faculty and guest speakers pre- sented last year were Gerhart Seger, ex-member of . the German Reich- stag, and Roving Editor Karl Detzer of the Readers' Digest. The Committee's avowed mission, "to aid the Allies, defeat the Axis powers, and develop means of future peace," is carried out through "pub- lic education and expression of public opinion." From Mines To Rackham:s Welsh Miner To Explain Views Of British Labor In Talk Here MAURICE EVANS done so, the high standards set by .I