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September 23, 1941 - Image 9

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1941-09-23

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Chinese Will Celebrate
Double Ten' Day Fete
University Chinese students will
celebrate Double Ten Day, the Chi-
nese Fourth of July, commemorating
the 30th anniversary of the Republic
with the first formal dance of the
year at 9 p.m. Friday, Oct. 10, at the
A fashion show depicting Chinese
fashions of the 14th, 17th, 19th, and
20th centuries will be directed by
Miss Lynn-Lee Shew of the Interna-
tional House in Chicago.


VIOLA STEIN-Experienced legal'
typist, also mimeographing. Notary
public. Phone 6327. 706 Oakland.
LAUNDRY -2-1044. Sox darned.
Careful work at low price. 2c
and deliveries. Special prices on
coeds' laundries. Guaranteed satis-
factory. No markings. 607 Hoover.
Phone 5594. '11c
STOCKWELL and Mosher-Jordan
residents-Alterations on women's
garments promptly done. Opposite
Stockwell. Phone 2-2678. 3c
TAILORED suits and coats, custom-
made. Day time, evening gowns
made and remodeled. Phone 3468.
MAKE MONEY--on your used cloth-
ing by phoning Claude H. Brown,
2-2736. 512 S. Main. 5c
MIMEOGRAPHING - Thesis bind-
ing. Brumfield and Brumfield, 308
S. State. 6c
Driveway gravel, washed pebbles.
Killins Gravel Company, phone
7112. 7c
graphing-illustrated and typed
work for fraternities and other
student organizations. 1 cent post-
age on alumni mailings. The Ed-
wards Letter Shop, 711 N. Univer-
sity.. Phone 2-2846. 8c
able rates by day or week. Ap-
proved. Phone 3948. 9c
NON-SMOKING roommate wanted
for student at 431 Thompson.
Phohe 9431. 10c
907 LINCOLN AVE.-11 rooms, 2
baths, porter's room in basement,
large dormitory, large lot, 2-car
garage, steam heat. Ideal for fra-
ternity or sorority. Possession at
once. For sale or rent. Brooks-
Newton Realty, Inc. Office tele-
phone 2-2571. Eve. 6125 or 8605.

Medical Group
Plains Reunion
Here Oct. 2-4
Renown Alumni, Faculty
Members Will Address
Three Day Convention
Alumni of the Medical School, for-
mer staff members and former in-
ternes of the University Hospital willj
return to Ann Arbor October 2, 3 and
4 for the second triennial reunion for
medical alumni.
Prominent members of the Medical
School faculty will supplement a list
of distinguished medical authorities,i
all alumni of the University, as speak-{
ers on the tree-day program.
Solidarity and mutual interests
that can be achieved in no better way
than by an assembly of alumni in
Ann Arbor, according to Dean Albert
C. Furstenberg of the Medical School,
are called for by thg role of medicine
in national defense and the part theI
1Medical School and its former stu-
dents must play in this program.
Topics covering many phases of
medicine in the world today will be
discussed during the reunion sessions
by leading authorities. Guest speak-
ers will include Dr. William L. Bene-
dict, Ophthalmologist at the Mayo
Clinic, Rochester, Minn.; Dr. Joseph
R. Darnall, Lieutenant Colonel, Med-
ical Corps, United States Army; Dr.
Perrin H. Long, Professor of Preven-
tive Medicine, John Hopkins Univer-
sity School of Medicine; and Dr.
Charles L. Brown, Professor of Medi-
cine, Temple University School of

Honors Program In Lib
To Begin Third Year A
Modeled on the tutorial programs year to juniors in the program. Prof.
of Harvard, Oxford and Swarthmore, Mischa Titiev of the anthropology
Michigan's Degree Program for Hon-h department will conduct a junior
ors in Liberal Arts in the literary group on the general theme "The De-
college will begin its third year of velopment of Modern Social Theory
existence on this campus. in Sociology. Cultural Anthropology,
Begun as an experiment, the pro- } and Social Psychology."
gram has met with such enthusiasm Prof. Howard B. Calderwood of the
on the part of the students partici- political science department will head
pating that it has become a perman- aseminar on "The Transition from
ent feature. Approximately 15 jun- Feudal Individualism to Capitalism
iors ard'15 seniors, chosen through and the Trend Toward Collectivism."
1their records of the first two years AgerastdofheIlinR -
and by examination, will participate A general study of the Italian Ren-
in eight seminars. -- -
Preference Given Fl i o r e
Students in the program are given
wide latitude and individual prefer-
ence in the selection of coursesfor Are Available
the junior and senior years. Pro-
grams are worked out with the tutors,A.n e i
following the special interests of each At Universit
student, and courses are chosen ac-.
cording to what is believed will bring
cut the best efforts of the student. Civilian Pilot Training Plan
During his senior year each student Offers Flight, Ground
in the program must write an essay r
on a subject selected by him in con- Work To College Men,
sultation with his tutor. The essay
will be judged by the Board of Tutors
and other members of the faculty' University students who wish to
which the Board may invite. The fly a plane need no longer confine
student will also write a comprehen- their aspirations to watching from
sive final examination in his field of the ground.-Flying lessons are now
study and in related fields. Those available to any student enrolling in
who have shown superior ability in the Civilian Pilots Training program.,
their study will be recommended for It isn't quite as simple as all that,
honors at graduation. of course. But it remains that physi-
Woodburne Is Adviser cally fit students who can meet the
Aother qualifications for enrollment
Assistant Dean Lloyd S. Wood- may receivea, in addition to 72 hours
burne of the literary college serves as of ground school, 35 hours of actual
general adviser for the program, flying instruction, all for approxi
which offers five hours credit each mately $40r
this Admnistered by the Civil Aero-
Fivesemiars- ie nautics Administration, the CPT is
now accepting 30 students a semes-
Calhoon, Porter Conduct for for elementary instruction and

erai Arts
4 University
aissance period will be made by the
group under Prof. Palmer A. Throop
of the history department.
Another junior seminar will make
"An Intensive Study of Some of the
Classical Authors," under the guid-
ance of Prof. Stanley D. Dodge of the
geography department.
To Study Comedy
The fifth group, led oy Dr. John
Arthos of the English department,
will make a general study of comedy.
Three senior seminars will be of-
fered this year. Prof. Richard C.
Fuller of the sociology department
will again lead a study on the devel-
opment of the labor movement.
Dr. Otto Graf of the German de-
partment will conduct a survey on
the forms of literature.
"The Development of the Scientific
Attitude" will be studied by the third
senior group, conducted by Prof. Bur-
ton D. Thuma of the psychology de-

flying for approximately the same
Headed by Prof. Emerson W. Con-
lon of the aeronautical engineering
department, both . elementary and
advanced courses are offered each
semester. The flight and ground
training are carried on simul-
Included in the value received for
the tuition fee in addition to the
flight and ground instruction is the
initial medical examination and
transportationsto and fromthe air-
port during the year.
Apply Early
In the past few years the number
of applicants for enrollment has ex-
ceeded the quota, and prospective
enrolleesaare advised to make appli-
cation early, as the classes will be
filled by priority.
Although not directly connected
with either the Army or Navy air
arms, thePT does require a pledge
upon application that the student
will enter either service in the event
that he is needed.

Kohier, Nickelsen
Do 'Defense Work


Governmental Research

zv mo c to rceive seconduary train-




Granted a leave of absence from
the University, Prof. H. L. Kohler ofI
the mechanical engineering depart-
ment will spend the coming year
working in the Bureau of Aeronautics
of the Navy Department, in Wash-
Prof. J. M. Nickelsen of the me-
chanical engineering department.
spent a month earlier in the summer
at Camp Holabird, Md., outlining a
course in army transport instruction.
Later Professor Nickelsen -acted as
consulting engineer for various in-
Manufacturers' inventories totaled
about 13 billion dollars at the end
of July, the Department of Com-
merce reported.

Qualifications Listed
Government research took up the; Qualifications for enrollment are
time of Prof. S. M.. Calhoon and R.' citizen ship, parental permission if
C. Porter of the mechanical engin- the applicant is under 21, and at
eering department during the sum- least one year of college enrollment.
mer, the former working in Norfolk, No advance flight training is neces-
Va., in connection with mechanical sary.
equipment in large buildings for gov- Students successfully completing
ernment use, while the latter aided the elementary course may subse-
Prof. R. A. Dodge of the engineering quently enroll in the secondary
mechanics department in calibrat- course, which offers 108 hours of
ing meters for government service. ground instruction and 40 hours of

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