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October 05, 1941 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1941-10-05

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Letters To The Editor


'w '

ed and managed by students of the University of
gan under the authority of the Board in Control
udent Publications.
lished every morning except Monday during the
rsity year and Summer session.
Member of the Associated Press
Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
>r republication of all news dispatches credited to
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r $4.00, by mail $5.00.
National Advertising Serviceinc.
College Pudbters°Representative
mcaaO * BoSTon * Los ANoeLS - SAN RFANCISCO
ber, Associated Collegiate Press, 1941-42
Editorial Stafff

3 eld
t Speckhard
t P. Blaustein
1 Lachenbruch
ir Hill .
t Hiatt ,
Miller ,
ila Mitchell

Managing Editor
S. . Editorial Director
. . . . . City Editor
. . . . Associate Editor
. . . .. Associate Editor
. . . . . Sports Editor
. . Assistant Sports Editor
. . . ,. Women's Editor
. . Assistant Women's Editor
. . . . Exchange Editor

Business Stafl

H Huyett
B. Collins

. . . Bustfss Manager
. Associate Business Manager
.Women's Advertising Manager
. Women's Business Manager

The editorials published in The Michigan
aily are written by members of The Daily
aff and represent the views of the writers
in 'A Lobbyist
' An, Authority?
IF IT ISN'T one Senate investigation
committee, it's another. First it was
special sub-committee whose attempt to
ar Hollywood seems about to die a deservedly
y death, and now it's the committee headed
Senator Maloney, Connecticut Democrat,
:h is making an alleged investigation of the
shortage problem.'
lthdugh the gas shortage committee has
raged to escape the wave of publicity wlich
eps over anything concerning Hollywood,
ostrich-like antics deserve special notice.
Mainly its rapid reassurance that there is
need to worry about the petroleum problem
he Eastern Seaboard -needs careful examina-
aving accepted the statement of John J.
ey, President of the American Association
lailroads, that there were enough tank cars
g idle on eastern tracks to handle any threat-
I petroleum transportation problem, the
.mittee without further ado announced that
problem was solved and that petroleum co-
nator Ickes had jumped unnecessarily hard
the wrong foot. All this took place three
ks ago.
lowing facts have come to light: not, how-
because of ,any industry of the committee.
ough Pelley said the'e were over 18,000 cars
lable as of last Saturday morning, a sur-
quoted by Ickes reveals that there are only
2 cars available for East Coast service, and
when the Cities Service company asked for
) cars it got exactly 160. Meanwhile. as
s does not hesitate to point out, the ast
st continues to consume "1*5,000, more bar-
each day than are shipped in to replenish
Id to this the simple and well-known fact
Pelley is a railway lobbyist whose interests
in seeing that no pipeline to the seaboard
ult, and even one of the current crop of sen-
s should be able to come out with the ob-
s answer.
FORTUNATELY those on the committee
either could riot understand or are too stub-
i to change their hastily made-up minds.
erday the committee reaffirmed its findings
he basis of evidence presented by a certain
John J. Pelley. That actions of this kind on
part of the Senate should hinder one of
few fore-sighted policies in regard tp our'
nse problems is regrettable. We. can only
that it will not happen again.
-Hale Champion

A Decaying Daily
To the Editor:
THIS MORNING just after a completely sat-
isfying breakfast I had the extreme mis-
fortune to pick up the Michigan Daily. I say
misfortune because everytime I-see the name,
"The Michigan Daily", I think of Marraniss,
Mayo, Speckhard, Sarasohn and the rest of the
Daily men who brightened so many of my morn-
ings and oh, so many times stirred to activity
my early morn muddled mind. I used to agree
and disagree with the above writers who now
are either fighting to make the world safe for
bureauocracy, or who are getting $20 per week
writing fire and police stories on'some small town
jerk paper. But one thing was always true. I
left their editorials with a respect for the thought
and cogency of their expression, whether I was
for or against the particular issue.
I was one of the many who grieved when the
University saw fit to stifle student minds by
packing the Board, but rationalized by saying
and thinking maybe it's just one of those neces-
sary evils. I hoped the Board would be tolerant
and once again I could read and discuss with
Dailyxmen their sincere convictions. But with
the exception of Touchstone's and Tom Thumb's
columns which are facetious, liberal, and pro-
vocative, I look at the first week's record of this
year's Daily and see nothing but a series of
vital, fundamental discussions about the deplor-
able state of affairs regarding the dearth of
cheer, leaders and band at last week's football
game, ad infinitum.
It's unbelievdble that a paper could so totally
disregard the issues of the day in so blithe and
uncomprising a manner as the Daily has. We
who are about to die (corn is still edible and
desirable - at times) are trying desperately to
crystallize and formulate a policy in regard t:o
the turmoil and confusion that is steadily and
surely enveloping us.
SHALL WE go along with Roosevelt's policy
of hypocrisy in the honest opinion that the
end justifies the means in conquering Hitler?
Shall those who doubt Great Britain's democ-
racy and/her peace aims, and who think that
little will be gained by crushing Hitler in regard
to solving our vital social and economic problems
here in the U.S., accept incipient American
home-grown fascists of the Wheeler-Lindbergh
ilk? Have Thomas and Hutchins got the answer?
And more important than most anything, are
Civil Liberties being tossed to the traditional
four winds here in America in the midst of th
pre-war hysteria, and what are we going to do.
about it?
Well, I see -what The Daily is doing about it.
In the drive to fill up the inches on the editorial
page and the plea for all sophomores and jun-
iors to get copy in, the staff is lowering their
standards till editorials which are a disgrace to
any clear-thinking person, be he liberal or con-
servative, are filling the once heralded Daily edit
REFER specifically to the straw that broke the
straw that broke ,the camel's back in the
form of an editorial by some pedant entitled
THATCHER. Granted that the writer was ex-
pressing only his own opinion and that the
staff is trying to be open minded and are not
responsible for all editorials, I think it either a
disgrace to the rest of the members of the staff
that better work can't be produced, to the
editors in their policy formulation, or to the
Board who have already laid the ground work
for fascism right here on the campus.
Fascism isn't too far from reaction and if
free thinking and expression are to be stifled,
what is to stop the tide that is already sweeping
over most of the civilized world.
Yes, the Daily once was a stimulating paper,
but forces which are either too powerful to be
denied or just plain apathy have reduced a once
proud paper to the state of a labor baiting, placid
college social chatter organ.
The cause of labor and the unions is too fu-
damental and too complex for the likes of
Thatcher to come along and dismiss the move-
me'nt and its ramifications by insinuating that
the labor leaders were filching and grafting
all the dues and suggesting plainly that labor

should revolt against it's leaders. Gompers, Debs,
and Haywo would turn over in their graves if
they were subjected to such tripe, even in a
college paper.
MANY OBJECTORS to liberal Daily leanings
of the past used to say, "all you see in the
paper is- articles by liberals and reds." The
obvious reason for this was that the conser-
vatives by the very nature of their attitudes
sat on ideas, while the liberal was out fighting
for his."
Well, things have come to a change. Thatcher
and his kind have come into the fore and we
can't help but mourn for the dear dead days'
of the Vast when there was no packing. talk,
and there were vigorous vital arguments raging
pro and con, instead of Professor Slosson's im-
mature poetry cluttering up the edit page along
with editorials like Thatcher's. But I can hope,
and who knows but what Touchstone and Tom
Thumb will turn the tide. I doubt if anything
else is being read on the Michigan Daily edi-
torial page these days.
-Gerald M. Schaflander, '42
( a. p. blaustein's%
II/................ .......... ..\\\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\\\ \

Confused Thinking
To the Editor:
At the present time there is a great deal of
misinformation.and confused thinking on the
subject of labor, a good example of which, I
believe, is Mr. Charles Thatcher's editorial in
Friday's Daily.
Granted that there are many abuses among
the labor unions, of which racketeering has been,
and is, one. It is certainly something that no
friend of labor is happy about or wishes to
condone. But a merely negativistic approach
does a grave injustice to the labor movement
which has brought better conditions to millions
of workers, both union and non-union. Nor would
I agree that money and power, rather than the
interests of the country or the mass of the work-
ers, are the motivating force behind the union
leaders-although they may be considerations.
Has Mr. Thatcher heard of the Murray plan for
Industry Councils, or the Reuther Plan?,
THE IDEA that strikes are the only business of
the unions is a common fallacy. While they are
spectacular and make headlines, they represent
only a small fraction of union activities. And
strange as it may seem to Mr. Thatcher, there
are many cases where the union leaders work
energetically to postpone or prevent strikes
which the rank and file is rushing into. Media-
tion is not a new idea, and more often than not
a strike occurs only after mediation has failed to
produce a settlement.
But Mr. Thatcher talks about banning strikes
and maybe even dissolving the unions, if they
don't play ball according to his notions. He
would introduce compulsorary arbitration, which
-as has been proven by actual experience in
Canada and Australia-has not worked and
cannot work. The only way such compulsion can
work is when it is combined with spying, con-
centration camps, the firing squad-and that
sort of system is what we are fighting against,
is it not? Morale is as important in production
as in the army. What will beleft of democracy
for the worker to defend if he is stripped, of his
right to organize and his civil rights? Labor-
baiting is a Hitler tactic; it can add nothing
to national unity and national morale at this
critical time, but it can injure them seriously.
-Cleora E. Gagnier, Grad.
* Life And
Michigan Ave.
There are some aspects of our modern life here
in America which are extremely sad. And some-
times they make you wonder whether "our
American, way of life" is reallyall it's cracked
up to be.
One Saturday night during the summer I
hitch-hiked into Detroit because I had nothing
else to do. My ride let me off near the Book-
Cadillac, on the corner of Washington Boulevard
and Michigan Avenue where the out-of-town
hoity-toi rub elbows with the local hoi-polloi.
I walked up Michigan Avenue from the Book to
Trumbull where Briggs Stadium is.
I don't think I've ever passed so many bars
in such a short distance. There are bars and
hock hops. Bars and hock shops. Is there a
connection? Do the men hock their belongings
to buy drink, A sociological study should be
The only location that I know comparable to
the section of downtown Detroit known as
"Michigan Ave" is New York's Bowery. But
even in the Bowery I don't think there is such
collection of the humans that the magazines
prefer to call "human derelicts,"
I looked into the bars as I walked. There
were young men, old men and older men, young
women and old women (on Mich Ave there is
no "in between"), all of them drinking their
way into the fanciful world.
Every other door-a bar. Everybody drink-
ing. So many people all drinking themselves in-
sensible, belching their way into a world of
I don't care what effect liquor has upon the

body, upon the mind or even on the morals. I
know that it's disastrous, but it's not important.
Compared to the cause, the effect is nothing.
If all of these people had been going to cowboy
movies instead of drinking I should have had
the same sinking feeling.
It's not the effect, it's the cause. Why do all
of these people have to escape? Why are so
many people in our country unhappy? Why do
they escape to the movies, the cheap novel, the
Romance magazine, liquor? As I watched the
men and women reeling and tottering down
Michigan Avenue, I wondered just how many
people in the United States really need escape
like this. Probably many more do than achieve
Where do we fall short? 'What is lacking in
these people's lives-what is lacking in our
lives-that makes them want to guzzle their
way into another world which they never quite
reach? Yes, what is lacking in our lives?-I say
our lives because they represent us, too. We
won't all take to drink-maybe we won't be
clever enough to try to escape. But what makes
everybody want to "get away from it all?"
All life has in it a strain of unhappiness, but
this unhappiness should not be stronge than
happiness and satisfaction.
The only conclusion I can arrive at is that
change is necessary-people are unhappy and
oppressed. Some of us look to religion for re-

(Continued from Page 3)
obtained from Professor B. F. Bailey,
278 W. Eng.
German 207: First regular meeting
in 303 South Wing on Wednesday,
4:00-6:00 p.m. Norman L. Willey
German 179: Meeting next Tues-
day and in the future in 16 A.H
W. A. Reichart
Actuarial Students: An organiza-
tion meeting for the review classes
for the actuarial examinations will be
held Monday at 3:15 p.m. in 3011
Lecture, College of Architecture
and Design: Mr. Frederick Bigger,
City Planner of Pittsburgh and Plan-
ning Consultant of the Federal Hous-
ing Administration, will speak to ad-
vanced students interested in city
planning on Monday, October 6, at
4:15 p.m. in the gro'nd floor lecture
room of the Architecture Building.
He will discuss the present field of
regional and city planning.
The Department of Naval Science
and Tactics offers a series of fifteen
lectures on Naval Subjects to be pre-
sented weekly, commencing Tuesday,
Oct. 7, at 7:15 p.m. in Room 348 West
Engineering. The course is designed
to present a picture of the Nation's
First Line of Defense, its organiza-
tion, composition, personnel, cus-
toms and operations, and with dis-
cussion of naval law and regulations,
of ship types on offense and de-
fense and of influence and trends
in naval armament. The series is
open to all interested students and
faculty members but is of special in-
terest to officers of the Naval Re-
serve to whon a certificate of com-
pletion will be issued. Election of
the series may be made at the Naval
R.O.T.C. Headquarters, North Hall,
or at the first lecture.
Events Today
Varsity Men's Glee Club: Try-outs
for the University of Michigan Var-
sity Men's Glee Club will be held
today in the Glee Club Room,
No. 315, Michigan Union. All up-
per classmen desiring to tryout
are urged to meet with returning old
members at 4:00 p.m. promptly. Re-
turning Club men are warned that
no place will be reserved for them un-
less they are present for try-outs at
this time, or present a acceptable
excuse to the Director.
Freshman Glee Club try-outs will
continue on Tuesday afternoon at
4:30 in the above mentioned place.
Open House at the International
Center: This evening from 8 to
11 the International Center will hold
Open House-an informal reception
for old and new students from coun-
tries outside the United States and
for any others, faculty or students,
interested in seeing the Center and
meeting the Staff.
Graduate Outing Club will meet
today' at 2:30 p.m. at the rear north-
west door of the Rackham Building.
Program will consist of hiking, foot-
ball, and supper outdoors, if possible.
All graduate students, faculty and
alumni interested in outdoor activi-
ties and an afternoon's frivolity are
welcome. Meetings will be held each
Sunda afternoon.
Bethlehem Evangelical and Re-

formed Students' Guild will have a
supper meeting tonight at 6:00. Dis-
cussion will be led by Prof. A. Van
The Lutheran Student Association
will meet at Zion Parish Hall tonight.
supper and social hour at 5:30 and
forum hour at 7:00.
Coming Events"
Junior Research Club will meet on
Tuesday, October 7, at 7:30 p.m., in
the Amphitheatre of the Horace H.
Rackham School of Graduate Studies.
Program : "Evolution of the Rockies
in Northern Utah," by A. J. Eardley,
Dept. of Geology. "In Southernmost
Mexico," by N. E. Hartweg, Museum
of Zoology.
German Table for Faculty Mem-
bers will meet Monday at 12:10 p.m.
in the Founders' Room, Michigan
Union. Members of all departments
are cordially invited. There will be
a brief talk by Mr.! H. W. Nordmeyer.
Varsity Men's Debate: There will
be a meeting of all undergraduate
men interested in first semester var-
sity debate on Monday, October 6,
in Room 4203 Angell Hall, at 4:00
p.m. Plans for the semester will be
explained at the meeting.
All reserve officers on the Univer-
sity campus, and senior cadet officers
of the ROTC, are invited to the regu-
lar weekly meeting of the Reserve
Officers' Association on Monday,
October 6, at 7:30 p.m. at the Michi-
gan Union.


ic- - ~" ''
0 F-,5-
"It certainly is exasperating to have the reputation of being a
nation of dollar chasers, and me not having a dollar!"

French fleet at Oran, action and
strategy of the Battle for France,
America's defense preparations, and
important military highlights of the
war years 1939 and 1940 will be shown.
American Institute of Electrical1
Engineers will meet Tuesday, October
7, at 8:00 p.m. at the Michigan Union.
All Electrical Engineering students,
sophomores, juniors, seniors, and
graduates, are invited. Asst. Dean A.
H. Lovell will speak on "Member-
ship in the A.I.E.E." Refreshments.
MechanicW = Engineers: Welcome
to the opening rally of A.S.M.E. on1
Wednesday, Oct.-8, at 7:30 p.m. at
the Union. Professors Hawley and
Porter will speak and movies will be
shown, Refreshments.
Graduate Open House: An infor-
mal reception for all graduate stu-
dents and faculty will be held Wed-
nesday. Oct. 8, starting at 8:00 p.m.
in the Rackham Building. Short ad-
dresses by President Ruthven and
Dean Yoakum, followed by informal'
social program. Dancing, classical
music, pictures of Mich. State and
Iowa football games. First World
War poster exhibit and refreshments.
All graduate students and faculty
welcome. Come and get acquainted.
Non-Credit courses in Spoken Por-
tuigese: The international 'Center an-
nounces a non-credit course in spoken
Portugese to be given at the Center
by Alberto Leao, from Rio de Janeiro.
Classes are planned both for begin-
ners and for those having some use
of the language. Those interested
are requested to meet at the Center
for organization Tuesday evening at
7:30 o'clock.
'English Classes for Foreign Stu-
dents: Special English classes for
foreign students will be organized this
week at the International Center.
All who intend to take advantage of
these classes are requested to attend
an organization meeting Monday eve-
ning at 7:30 o'clock at the Center.
Prof. Nelson or Miss Grollman who
are in charge of this work will also
be glad to confer during their office
hours with any one interested.
Assembly Board meeting on Mon-
day at 4:30 p.m. Be sure to bring
your eligibility cards.
Theatre Arts Program Committee
will meet on Tuesday at 4:30 p.m. in
the League. All girls interested in
working on this committee will be
Dance Club will meet on Wednes-
day evening, October 8, at 7:30 in
the studio in Barbour Gymnasium.
All women and men students inter-
ested are invited.
Women's Research Club will meet
on Monday, Oct. 6,,at 7:30 p.m., in
the West Lecture Room, Rackham
Building. Mrs': Priscilla Bonner Hor-
ton will speak on "Some Aspects of
Vitamin A and Carotene Metabol-
Archery Club for Women will have,
a tea and meeting on Thursday, Oct.
9, at 4:15 p.m. in the small lounge of
the Women's Athletic Building. Any
women students interested are cor-
dially invited. For further informa-
tion, call Eleanor Gray at 2-2539.
-Women's Tennis Tournaments: All
students interested in playing in the
women's singles and mixed doubles
tennis tournaments should sign on
the bulletin board of the Women's
Athletic Building by 5:00 p m. on
Monday, October 6.
First tennis club meeting on courts
on Monday at 4:15 p.m. Everyone
interested in tennis is urged to at-

You may register at the Student Of-
fice in the church or by calling 6881.
Bible Seminar: A study of the ori-
gin, content, and literary qualities of
the Bible, beginning Monday, Octo-
ber 6, at 4:30 p.m. in Lane Hall, un-
der the direction of Mr. Kenneth Mor-
gan, director of the Student Religi-
ous Association.
First Methodist Church and Wesley
Foundation: Student Class at 9:30
a.m. Prof. George E. Carrothers will
lead the discussion. Morning Wor-
ship Service at 10:40 o'clock. This
will be World Communion Sunday.
There willbem a worship service fol-
lowed by Communion. Dr. Charles
W. Brashares will preach on "The
Glgry of the Lord." Wesleyan Guild
Meeting at 6:00 p.m. Prof. John L.
Brumm will be the speaker. Fellow-
ship hour and supper at 7 o'clock.
Both the class and the Guild will
meet in the Wesley Foundation As-
sembly Room, Huron Street entrance
of the church.
St. Andrew's Episcopal Church:
Sunday: 8:00 a.m. Holy Communion;
9:30 a.m. High School Class, Harris
Hall; 11:00 a.m. Kindergarten, Har-
ris Hall; 11:00 a.m. Junior Church;
11:00 a.m. Holy Communion and
Sermon by the Rev. Frederick W.
Leech; 7:00 p.m. High Square Clu
(high school students) Meeting, 725
Oxford Road; 7:00 p.m. Episcopal'
Student Guild Meeting, Harris Hall.
Student speakers. Refreshments. All
Episcopal students and their friends
First Presbyterian Church: Morn-
ing Worship, 10:45. "The Virtue of
Prejudice," subject of the sermon by
Dr. Lemon.
Westminster Student Guild, sup-
per at 6:00 p.m. with meeting at 7:00
p.m. Student led discussion on "Why
First Church of Christ, Scientist:
Sunday morning service at 10:30. Sub-
ject "Unreality." Sunday School at
11:45 a.m.
Disciples Guild (Christian Church)
10:00 a.m., Students' Bible Class, H.
L. Pickerill, leader.
10:45 a.m. Mviorning Worship, Rev.
Frederick Cowin, Minister.
6:30 pim., Guild Sunday Evening
Hour.' The work of the Student Re-
ligigus Association will be presented
by Dorothy Bridddn and John Baker.
Other campus resources for religious
living will also be presented. A so-
cial hour and tea will follow the dis-
cussion. All students .cordially in-
First Congregational Church: 10:45
a.m. Services of public worship to
be held in Lydia Mendelssohn The-
atre. Dr. L. A. Parr will preach on
the subject, "Why Be Christian?"
3:30 p.m. The . Religious Educa-
tion Committee will meet in the
church parlors.
7:15 a.m. Student Fellowship will
meet at Pilgrim Hall.
Dr. E. W. Blakeman will lead the
discussion, "Personality as a Chris-
tian Adventure." Refreshments.
Zion Lutheran Church: Church
Worship Services at 10:30 a.m. with
Rev. Hugo Fenker of Ypsilanti de-
livering the sermon.
Trinity Lutheran Church: Church
Worship Services at 10:30 with ser-
mon by Rev. Henry O. Yoder on
"When Worship is a Privilege and
Not a Duty."
Society of Friends: Meeting for
worship Sunday at 5:00 p.m. in Lane
,Mall, followed by cost supper and in-
formal social hour. All interested are

e Of Militarism
wing, Slang and Sandwich, the three "S's"
lmerican youth, are undergoing changes in
light of the National Defense program.
ng has become militant, slang reflects the
krieg-dive-bomber era and now the sand-
i "goes vitamin" in a large, constructive
n American doctor, world-famous for his
t on pellagra in the malnourished areas of
South has concocted a "'Victory" sandwich--
ed, wheat bread andyeasted peanut butter.
he peeled wheat bread furnishes more pro-
s than white bread, the peanut butter com-

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