Spheres of
IIfr iguu
Coast Experts
Rate Harmon
Finest Player
Seen In West
Hard Blocking Wolverines
Vanquish Golden Bears
In Season's First Game;
Sub Backs Promising
Game With Spartans
To Provide Real Test
(Special To The Daily)
30.-The Golden West will never for-
get Michigan's sensational Tom Har-
Newspaper reporters, grid experts,
coaches and the like from one end
of the Pacific Coast to the other
came to an agreement after Tommy's
amazing birthday party in Berkeley
last Saturday that California has
never seen a more brilliant football
From the opening kickoff, when
Harmon tucked the ball under his
arm and carried it 94 yards for a
touchdown until 42,000 disappointed
but thrilled rooters rose to their feet
to pay, tribute to the mighty Wol-
verine as he left the game, it was
the most phenomenal and history-
making party since a group of Bos-
tonians dumped some tea into the
Atlantic Ocean.
Mid-Season Blocking
But\don't forget the great help
Harmon got from his victorious
mates. Saturday's blocking was
crisp and accurate enough for any
mid-season game. The Wolverines
outcharged their outclassed foes two
yards on a play. And every time
Harmon galloped into the clear, rap-
id riding Maize and Blue clad war-
riors came charging from all sides
to take care of the quivering Golden
Bear defense.
It was a hard day for Stub Alli-
son and his crew, once Harmon be-
gan rolling. Disorganized Califor-
nians completely lost all signs of
morale; they depended on sopho-
more Jim Jurkovich for their run-
ning dutch, and with the speedy kid
in the hospital, the Bears did not
know which way to turn.
Tackling Was Atrocious
Their tackling was atrocious. At
times they ran away from play. Even
on the opening kickoff, they didn't
have enough grid sense to keep the
safety man behind their first line of
attack. And as the game wore on,
their task became more hopeless.
For that reason, it is difficult to
tell exactly how good the rampag-
ing Wolverines really are. True, the
line looked delightful. True, some
bf the reserve backs, who constitute
perhaps Crsler's chief worry, showed
great promise, much more than we
had hoped to see in the season's de-
but. But would that all have been
true against a major foe, and by no
stretch of imagination can we call
the men Allison had on the field Sat-
urday "major foe."
Call Injures Ankle
No, we'll have to wait at least an-
other week before we can come to
any conclusions about this 1940 band
of Wolverines. We do know now
that barring injuries, Harmon, West-
fall and Evashevski will be better
than ever this, campaign. Call in-
jured an ankle in .the third play of
Saturday's tilt, so that any sober
judgment of his form is impossible
at this time.
Veterans in the line are physically
fit. And newcomers have shown
amazing progress since spring drills.
Saturday's overwhelming victory will
undoubtedly have pleasing effect up-
on morale and spirit of the Wolver-
ines. By all rights, it ought to lead
to a wholesome degree of confidence
when the Spartans from Michigan
State ride into town Saturday.
Good Punting Needed
There is one major problem, how-
ever, that has been cleared up be-
fore the Ann Arbor debut and that's
punting. Harmon and Wise aver-
aged 25 yards per kick against the
Bears which is hardly sufficient for
big time competition.
At any rate, we've got one down
and only seven to go. And that one
down was a great victory for the
Wolverines. Truly a great one. They
succeeded in scoring just eight points
less than that point-a-minute Mich-
Students Find Plenty To Do Even Before School Starts
Massed Nazi
Sky Attacks
Hint Invasion
Airmen Penetrate Mists
To Inflict Heavy Losses;
British Planes Retaliate
Soviet Role In Axis
Due For Negotiation
LONDON, Sept. 30.-Masses of 600
to 700 German warplanes struck six
times today at Southeastern and
Southwestern England, giving sharp
point to British preparations for a
possible "Indian Summer" invasion
of this embattled isle.
The heavy smashes at the shore
points coincided with four daylight
attempts on London itself. The Brit-
ish said the first three of these were
beaten off, but acknowledged the
fourth inflicted damage and casual-
The Germans then returned with
the darkness to conduct their 24th
consecutive nightly assault on the
British capital.
The Air Ministry announced 47
German planes had been shot down
Monday and listed 22 British planes
as lost, although it said the pilots of
12 were saved.
Hitler's night prowlers thundered
toward London through heavy Chan-
nel mists reflecting the crimson glow
of flames started during a daylight
shelling of Calais, nearest French
port across the narrow Dover Straits,
by British coastal batteries.
Artillery Found Useful
The big British guns proved an
accurate adjunct to Britain's night-
hawk aerial offensive, which reported
smashing blows last night at Ger-
man-commandeered Fokker airplane
plant near Amsterdam, invasion
ports, and rail communications, air-
dromes, oil plants and an aluminum
factory deep in Germany.
Oil refineries at Magdeburg and
Hanover, alumnium works at Bitter-
field, gas works at Stuttgart, freight
yards at Osnabrueck and Cologne
and airdromes in Germany proper,
the. Netherlands and Belgium were
declared successfully attacked. Three
British bombers were lost.
Negotiations Probable
BERLIN, Sept. 30.-(/P)-Despite a
Nazi press chorus shouting "All's well
with Russia," the impression pre-
vailed in political circles tonight that
negotiations between Moscow and
Berlin are taking place to define
more clearly the Soviet Union's role
in Axis plans for a new Europe, Asia
and Africa.
With the signs turning toward ag-
gressive Axis diplomacy aimed at
both Moscow and Madrid, the usual
secrecy closed down around political
Moscow Trip Expected
But it seemed evident that either
German Foreign Mniister Joachim
Von Ribbentrop will go to Moscow
in the near future or a Russian en-
voy, perhaps Vyacheslaff Molotoff,
Soviet premier and foreign commis-
sar, will come to Berlin.
Russian sources here said they be-
lieved it "quite likely" that Von Rib-
bentrop, who flew to Moscow for the
signing of the Russian-German ac-
cord Aug. 23, 1939, might soon be
flying there again.
The unanimity with which the Ger-
man press emphasized a happy state
of affairs with neighboring Russia
indicated a hint from above to stress
this point, in view of speculation
abroad that relations between Mos-
cow and Berlin are less friendly
than they seem.
New Deal Scored
As 'Incompetent'
Greets Ann Arbor
Upper left: Nan Bonisteel, sophomore from Ann Arbor, looks up from her maze of registration materials
just long enough to shoot a "hello" to a friend whom she has not seen all summer. Right: James Walton-
Slack, of England, submits to a dental inspection by D r. S. T. Williams. . Below: Jane Lindberg, '44, Bernice
Gantz, '44, adviser Virginia Mitchell, '42, and Peggy Jeffers,, 44, hash out freshman orientation problems.
- - - ------ - --
Half-Century In Retrospect-:*
The Da ily's 50th Birthday
EXACTLY 50 years ago yesterday The Michigan Daily was born.
On that day, Sept. 30, 1890, appeared Ann Arbor's first student
daily newspaper, a four-column affair and about one-half the size
of the present Daily.
That first issue would have a strange and almost grotesque appear-
ance to those used to reading The Daily of 1941. Two relatively large
advertisements appeared at the top of page one; the few headlines
were scarcely larger than the printing used in stories; the inside pages
were almost wholly devoted to advertisements; and the entire paper
contained only two stories: "Our Rugby Team" and "Faculty An-
nouncements," forerunner of the Daily Official Bulletin.
Since its first appearance, the story of The Michigan Daily has
been one of constant progress and achievement--not unmarked,
however, by many difficulties and hardships. It was a long and
uphill road to success and recognition, especially in the early years.
From 1890 to 1900, the paper was called "U. of M. Daily." It was
published by a group of University students organized altogether
outside the jurisdiction of the University. A glance through the
pages of The Daily at any time during that first decade shows the
real struggle for existence those students had to wage. So difficult
was it to get any kind of advertising that, within 15 months after its
first publication, The Daily was devoting the entire right-hand col-
umn on page one to advertising. Blank spaces, in which ads had not
been sold, appeared in many issues. It was a rocky road in those
days-but The Daily survived..
NEAR the turn of the century, the editors became more aggressive.
New and stronger methods were used to get advertising. Bolder
headlines appeared, and a more advanced news technique was evi-
denced in the news columns. Such diligence was, soon rewarded.
In the fall of 1901, with so much advertising rolling in that the
small paper was no longer practical, the editors decided to publish
a larger sheet. This new paper was known as "The Michigan Daily
News." The General Library's first copy of this paper features this
written inscription at the top of page one: "This is the first complete
copy of The Michigan Daily News to be printed. 3:05 a.m., Sept. 24,
1901. (signed) Frank A. Wagner, Managing Ed. and O. H. Hans,
Bus. Mgr. " The News had many more columns of news than the
U. of M. Daily; furthermore, from this time on, no advertisements
appeared on page one.
At about this time, the University decided that this constantly
growing student newspaper needed some kind of faculty supervision.
So President Angell set up a committee, headed by now Dean-Emer-
itus Allan S. Whitney, to investigate the situation. Finally, as a result
of the work and recommendations of this committee, the University
purchased the entire stock in the newspaper corporation, and set up
a governing board, forerunner of the present Board in Control of
Student Publications.
With the coming of this Board, the newspaper's name was changed
"once and for all" to The Michigan Daily. University supervision
also encouraged more general confidence in The Daily, and the
profits began to roll in. Soon afterward, a savings fund was set up to
provide for erecting the new, modern Student Publications Building.
10,908 Enroll
Despite Threat
Of Conscription
Despite the prospect of peacetime
conscription a near-record enroll-
ment of 10,908 students for the 1940-
41 school year through the first day
of classes was reported last night by
University statisticians.
This year's enrollment falls short
by 70 students of the 1939-40 record
of 10,978 although final enrollment
figures may exceed last year's.
All the regular activities of campus
life were resumed today. Classes oc-
cupied the attentions of most stu-
dents for the first day, but football
talk was thick, and rushing activities
for both sororities and fraternities
were already well under way.
President Alexander G. Ruthven
began his twelfth year as presiding
officer of the University, having
made his first formal appearance
before the incoming freshmen in Hill
Auditorium last Friday night, when
he welcomed them to their new
The new East Quadrangle for men
(Continued from Page 3)
- Daily Photo by will Sapp
"I greatly appreciated the op-
portunity I had today of talking
to so many students of the Uni-
versity of Michigan. I always en-
joy returning to a Mid-West Uni-
versity town, because I, too, was
educated in just such a university.
At the time, however, that I
graduated from college, America
had not been poisoned by pessi-
mism and hopeless resignation.
For the last seven and a half years
this has - been the philosophy
recommended to America by the
Nev Deal. In my day America was
: land of opportunity-of oppor-
tunity for all.
And I insist that it is still a
land of opportunity-unlimited
opportunity. The youth of this
nation I am certain will not ac-
cept the idea that the American
expansion is at an end. Filled
with vigor and enterprise they-
look upon this nation for what it
is-dynamic and still unexplored.
Certainly National Youth Ad-
ministration and the C.C.C. have
aided materially at a time when
the youth of the nation needed
assistance. But I refuse to believe
that the youth of this nation pre-
fer such government handouts to
permanent jobs.
I have two pledges to give the
youth of America. First, we shall
continue to assist those who lack
jobs in private enterprise. But
secondly, we shall makermore jobs
--real jobs. We shall replace re-
lief with opportunities for work
and self-improvement, equal to
those enjoyed by their fathers and
In a special message to The Daily
Bartlett Granted Leave
For Government Work
Prof. Harley Bartlett of the botany
department was granted a year's
leave of absence by the Board of Re-
gents in order to undertake govern-
mental work, according to an an-
nouncement made today by Dr.
Frank Robbins, secretary to Presi-
dent Alexander G. Ruthven.
Professor Bartlett said he would
be stationed with the Department of
Agriculture in Washington, D.C.
7,000 Hear GOP Nominee
Compare Chamberlain,
FDR Administrations
Republican Leaders
Ride With Candidate
Identifying himself with Winston
Churchill, Wendell Willkie, Republi-
can nominee for president, told an
estimated crowd of between 5,000 to
7,000 persons gathered in front of
the Michigan Central Depot yester-
day that the incompetent Chamber-
lain type of government as typified
in this country by the Roosevelt ad-
ministration had failed domestically
and internationally, and asked for
the election of a Churchill govern-
ment in its place.
He attacked the argument that the
international situation made it nec-
essary for the New Deal to continue.
"The army and navy will still be
there if I'm elected," he remarked.
Prominent state and county Re-
publicans heard Willkie's talk and
some boarded the train for the ride
to Detroit. William M. Laird, county
Republican chairman, 'Joseph C.
Hooper, president of the Willkie club
of Washtenaw county, Arthur W.
Stace of the Ann Arbor News, and
Mrs. Luella M. Smith, county clerk,
were seen in the crowd. Frank D.
McKay of Grand Rapids, Republican
national committee-man, got on the
special train here.
The presidential candidate based
a considerable portion of his indict-
ment against the New Deal on a
charge which Winston Churchill
made in 1937. Churchill condemned
Roosevelt for antagonizing business.
Willkie pointed out that like himself
Churchill had criticized the New
Deal for hampering the growth and
stability of the United States' capi-
talistic economy, a policy which not
only brevented industry from giving
future joe, 'it t"!o resulted in the
weakening of the siste "Pnocracies
of Great Britain and France.
He emphasized the debt increase
ihcurred by the Roosevelt adminis-
tration. "Do you realize that the 60
billions spent during the last seven
and one-half years is the equivalent
of a dollar a second since the birth
of Christ?" Willkie asked.
"The huge national debt not only
places a huge tax burden on the poor
as well as the rich but moreover it
is a load which slows up the whole
economy," he pointed out. "It slows
up a necessary price decline and it
puts a load on our democracy which
threatens to make it collapse finan-
The tousled-haired speaker chal-
lenged the statement that he was
against labor. "Labor official after
official will testify to my record," he
said. "Anyone who has worked for
me knows how false this charge is."
While he said he favored every
gain for labor, the presidential as-
pirant argued that the present trend
may lead to ruin and the abolition
of jobs.
"There will be anexodus of brain-
trusters and theorists back to the
law clerkship, if I am elected," he
promised. I will, however, keep the
experts called in on the national de-
fense council. Only the results will
be different because I know how to
make men produce," he asserted. At
this point he criticized Roosevelt for
not appointing a chairman for that
He concluded his fifteen minute
address with a plea "for saving our
precious way of life."
Enthusiastic Multitude
Greets A Tired Willkie
The "Willkie Way" roared into Ann
Arbor 50 minutes late from Jack-
son. The candidate's voice sounded
tired and hoarse over the public ad-
dress system, but it was doubly so
when he was not speaking for the
crowd . . . asking privately if he was
tired, Willkie's rueful "Yes" sounded
like a cross between a word and a
weary, weary sigh.
It was Ann Arbor's first look in
the 1940 elections at the "Big Time."
And all of Ann Arbor was there.
Happiest kid in Ann Arbor was the
freckle-faced urchin who got past
the assorted cops and state patrol-
Willkie Wins 3 to 2 Over Roosevelt
In Congress Ali- Campus Straw Vote
v .A
Wendell L. Willkie was the choice
of the Michigan Campus for Presi-
dent of the United States by a three
to two majority in the largest straw
vote ever polled here, William H.
Rockwell, president of Congress an-
nounced last night.
The Republican candidate, with
his running mate, Senator Charles
B. McNary, amassed 2,676 votes of
the total 4,889, as contrasted with
1,825 received by Roosevelt and Wal-
lace in the Congress All-Campus
Presidential Straw Vote. David Pa-
nar, '42E, secretary-treasurer of Con-
gress, Independent Men's Organiza-
tion, estimated that approximately
one-half of the Campus was repre-
Straw Vote by A. P. Blaustein, '42,t
chairman of the vote. This poll will1
be conducted "some time next month,"
Blaustein added, commenting that
many of the faculty members could
not be contacted at the time of the
student vote. Blaustein emphasized
the fact that ballots were offered to
all students at registration, but only
Final results of the Congress All-
Campus Presidential Straw Vote:
Willkie, McNary .......... 2,676
Roosevelt, Wallace........1,825
Thomas, Krueger...........,204
Browder, Ford..............99
Babson, Moorman . ...... 18
Burton K. Wheeler........... 2
_ _ . . . . ._ . . .
cratic isolationist senator from Mon-
Those who helped with the ballot-
ing in addition to Rockwell, Panar
and Blaustein, were: Dan Levine, '41,
David Margold, '42, Bud Gottleib,
'43, Melvin Eckhause, '43, Jim Carey,
'43, Dick Mason, '42, Milton Charno-
witz, '41, Karl Karlstrom, '42SM,
William Ditz, '42A, Herman Epstein,
'41, Norton Morris, '43, Fred Neu-
meyer, '43, Fred Thompson, '42, Fritz
Friedlander, '41, Che Tang, '42, Rob-
ert Levine, '42, Joe Francati, '42E,
and Bob De Line, '43.
An unusual feature of the ballot-
ing was the fact that voters were
able to split their choices, choosing
one party's candidate for President
and a man from another party for