_ _ __ __
Students Get
Free Medical
Service Here
Health Service, Located
In Modern Building,
Is One Of Best In U.S.
Students at the University have at
their disposal one of the nation's
finest health centers to be devoted
solely to the care of a college
The University Health Service,
directed by Dr. Warren E. Forsythe,
was moved to a new building only
last April and represents the most
modern developments achieved by
medical science for incorporation in-
to a health center. Located on
Twelfth Street less than a block from
North University Avenue, the Health
Service is open for medical work day
and night.
Staff Is Listed
A staff of 20 doctors and 12 nurses
comprise the main part of the Health
Service's workers, aided by approxi-
iately 55 other employes including
registered pharmacists, janitors and
clerks. All the doctors and nurses are
fully qualified and have received the
best training available.
Any ailment from a case of "nerves"
to a broken arm can be treated in
the Health Service. Doctor For-
sythe believes that students should
iot hesitate to consult a doctor, no
matter how small his trouble may be.
"We can do a great deal to effect
a cure if we catch illness before it
becomes really serious," he said.
Bed Care Provided
Besides free doctor's services, stu-
dentA are allowed 30 days of bed care
in the Health Service or in the Uni-
versity hospital. Operations not re-
quiring the use of general anaesthet-
ics are performed without charge in
the Health Service, while major oper-
ations are performed in the hospital,
also without charge.
Health education for students is
carried on under Doctor Forsythe's
lirection. Hygiene lectures are given
each freshman. class, and Health
Service doctors are always ready to
serve in an advisory capacity.
for future reference!
'Official'Map Solves Campus Maze
For Relief Of Bewildered Freshmen
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Co-ops Offer
Students Plan
For Self Aid
Movement Begun In 1932
Now Has Housing Space '
For Approximately 200 t
The campus cooperative move-e
rnnt, expanding every year, doubt-s
less will attract many members of 1
the Class of '44 during their firsta
years in Ann Arbor.h
Eight co-op buildings, housing ap-
proximately 200 students, are open-t
ing this fall. The movement here1
has grown yearly since 1932, whenf
the Michigan Socialist House first
opened its doors.V
Membership in a cooperative houset
is obtained only after careful con-E
sideration by a committee on admis-r
sion. This committee interviews ap-r
plicants and chooses members from
these interviews on the basis of aE
long and carefully worded applica-1
tion blank. Under no circumstancesc
is membership discrimination made
because of religion, creed or color.t
Tests Are Given
After passing a severe test on tol-
erance and social views, for exam-r
ple, and having been passed by ther
house membership committee, the
applicant must then be passed on
by the entire house membership be-
fore taking his place as a cooperator.
Each house has its own elected'
officers. The house president is usu-
ally the contact man with the Uni-
versity in any matters affecting both
the University and the cooperative'
movement. He presides at house
meetings, and is expected to bring'
up from time to time discussion sub-
jects relative to cooperation.
The house manager arranges and'
supervises work schedules. At the
beginning of each semester, each co-
operator submits acschedulewof
classes to him; in accordance with
those, he arranges work schedules:
seven hours per week for those who
live in the house, and three hours
per week for those who merely board
there. Particular kinds of work as-
signments are made on the basis of
past experience, personal preference
and desirability.
Another important function of the
house manager is to arrange "work
holidays." When a job (such as var-
nishing floors, repairing furniture or
painting) must be done outside the
time allotted to the regular work
schedule, the house manager sets
aside an entire day when all the
cooperators are expected to "pitch
in and help."
The treasurer keeps account of in-
coming revenue, makes weekly cash
statements and must countersign all
outgoing checks. The secretary keeps
permanent records of the house, its
rules and regulations, and minutes
at meetings.
Steward In Charge
The steward has complete control
of the kitchen. He plans the 21 meals
per week, and often makes recipes.
Along with the purchasing agent,
he takes periodic stock of the food
The purchasing agent signs all
outgoing checks. Most of his time
is spent in seeling advantageous
purchasing arrangements and in
checking price lists. The accountant
also must countersign checks. Keep-
ing account of house books and fi-
nancial standing takes up all of his
The Girls' Cooperative House is
run slightly different from the other
houses. An executive board (presi-
dent, vice-president, secretary and
treasurer) and an administrative
board (meal planner, purchaser,
housekeeper and accountant) each
work in their own separate spheres.
Selection of members in the Mich-
igan Socialist House is based pri-
marily on need. Foreign students
especially are urged to join this
Loan Funds
Aid Students
Scholarships, fellowships and loan
funds of many types and amounts
are made available to students
through the University.
Scholarships are generally award-
ed to students who show superior
scholarship abilities, and usually to
those students who need financial
assistance to continue their studies
Six memorial funds established for
the assistance of students in all col-
leges of the University include the
Horace H. Rackham Fund for Un-
dergraduate Students which is a-
warded perferably to Michigan stu-
dents with high qualifications, the
Stephen Spaulding Scholarship for
members of Beta Theta Pi frater-
nity, the Samuel J. Platt fund for
aspiring lawyers, the John Blake
Scholarship for students from Grand
Rapids Junior College, Charles Fran-
cis Adams Scholarships for Detroit
Central High School students and
the Seth Harrison Fund intended
for descendants of Seth Harrison.
Alumni Scholarships established by
alumni clubs for students from their
respective areas include those from
Michigan and Memphis.
Funds for war veterans and their
descendants include the United
States Army, the D.A.R. and the La-
Verne Noyes Scholarships. Three
Scholarships, the Paul F. Bagley and
Gombert in chemistry and one for
American Indians, complete the list
of general funds,
Simon Mandlebaum Scholarships
are annually awarded to six men
students in the literary and engin-
eering colleges. Memorial funds in-
clude the Fanny Marsh, John Marslh
and Agnes Weaver Scholarships.
Additional funds are provided for
students in sociology, biology, librar3
science and classical languages.
Scholarship funds in the engineer-
ing college include the Joseph Boyer
Harriet Hunt and Minnie Smith
funds for junior and senior engin-
eers, Robert Gemmell award for
freshmen and sophomores, and th
Frank Sheehan Scholarship for aero-
nautical students.
Gift Honors
Late Regent
Science Chair
Is Established
An endowment fund of $200,000,
the income of which is to be used
to maintain the James Orfin Mur-
fin Professorship of Political Sci-
ence, has been received by the Uni-
versity from John W. Anderson, De-
troit attorney and a graduate of the
Law School in 1890.
The new gift was announced at
an alumni gathering in June, and
this will be the first year it has been
available for the fellowship. The
fellowship is intended by Mr. Ander-
son to be "a recognition of a life-long
friendship with a man who, as an
official and an alumnus, with un-
restrained generosity has given of his
time and his substance for the bene-
fit of the University."
James Orfin Murfin, in whose
honor the new chair in political
science has been established, was
graduated from the University's liter-
ary college in 1895 and from the law
school in 1896.
Summer Field Work
Attracts Hundreds
Several hundred University of
Michigan students and professors
carried on study and research work
during the summer months in camps,
observatories, and on field trips far
removed from the Ann Arbor cam-
Most' remote of the University's
education outposts was the Lamont-
Hussey Observatory at Bloemfontein,
South Africa, where Prof. Richard
A. Rossiter was in charge of a pro-
gram of cataloging double stars. Near
home. Near home, a program of
solar observations was carried on at
the McMath-Hulbert Observatory
SHOP AT-302 S. State St.
TRY ONE of our
Baked Spare Ribs orPig Hock
Spatzen or Potatoes
Stuf fed' Noodles
Potato Salad
Fish or Sauerbraten
Potato Dumpling or Spatzen
German Bratwurst
* * *
In order to help bewildered fresh-
men and other newcomers get around
the campus without asking a great
many people for directions The Daily
is printing this map with accom-
panying remarks about each build-
Center of activities for men is the
Union. It is located at the junction
of State St. and South University
Ave. and has a swimming pool, bowl-
ing alleys, a barber shop, billiard
room, lounging room, restaurant ser-
vice that includes a cafeteria,
women's dining room, sleeping rooms
and an assembly hall which is used
for banquets, meetings, conventions,
smokers and dances during the year.
Union Quadrangle
Behind the Union are the dormi-
tory units for men. Morris Hall,
headquarters for the Band and
the radio broadcasting station, is di-
rectly north of the Union at the cor-
ner of State St. and E. Jefferson
In the next block opposite Angell
Hall is Newberry Hall which is a
museum of classical archaeology.
The building contains discoveriesi
that are unearthed by University ex-
peditions into Egypt, Mesopotamia'
and Syria.
North of Newberry Hall on State
St. are the Helen Newberry and Bet-
sy Barbour Residences for under-
graduate women. The telephone
number, by the way, is 2-2591. The
Roast Fowl or Steak
French Fries Vegetable
122 W. Wash.-On the Corner
We close every Monday
Student Publications Building is di-
rectly behind the Helen Newberry
Residence. The Daily, Gargoyle,
Perspectives and Michiganensian of-
fices are located in this building. The
Daily's composing room and flat bed
press is on the first floor.
The School of Music is located one
block north on Maynard St. This
building contains its own auditorium,
studios and practice rooms for piano,
voice, violin and all other musical
Hill Auditorium Shown
The Hill Auditorium which is on
N. University, is the center for many
of the leading events of the Univer-
sity. May Festival, Choral Union
Concerts and Oratorical Association.
lectures are given here. Behind Hill
Auditorium is the Burton Memorial
Tower, which contains the Baird
Carillon and practice rooms for
School of Music students.
A half block north on Washing-
ton St. is the Horace H. Rackham
School of Graduate Studies. One of
the finest buildings of its kind in
the country, it contains lecture
halls, reading, study, discussion and
conference rooms.
South of the Graduate School on
N. University is the League, center
of women's activities on campus. It
has beautiful drawing rooms, chapel,
dining rooms, cafeteria, ballroom and
sleeping rooms. The Lydia Mendels-
sohn Theatre is located in one wing
of the building.
New Dental Building
The School of Dentistry is directly
east of the League. Last last spring
the new Kellogg Foundation Insti-
tute for Graduate and Post-Graduate
Dentistry was presented to the Uni-
versity by the Kellogg Foundation.
It is unique in that it is the only
Institute devoted especially to grad-
uate and post-graduate work in the
United States.
Directly across from the League
on 12th St. is the new Health Service
Building. The building indicated in
the map is the old clinic. The new
health headquarters has three times
the capacity of the other. The Health
Service provides practically all the
medical attention that the student
needs during the school year.
Museum On Corner
The University Museums Building
at the corner of Washtenaw Ave. and
N. University Ave. contains the Mu-
seum of Anthropology, the Univer-
sity Herbarium, the Museum of Pal-
eontology and the Museums of I Pal-
eontology and Zoology. Thousands
of interesting specimens are on ex-
hibition here.
Across Washtenaw Ave. is the East
Medical Building. The older unit is
in the West side of the street. The
offices, classes and laboratories of
the School of Medicine are located
in these buildings. South of the West
Medical Building is the East Physics
Building behind which are the Phar-
macology and Economics Buildings.
Next to the East Physics Building is
the West Engineering Building with
additional classes across the street.
Martha Cook Building
The Martha Cook Building honor
house for junior and senior women
is located at the corner of Haven Ave.
and S. University Ave. North of this
is the William L. Clements Library
of American History. The library
contains an outstanding collection of
books, maps and manuscripts relat-
ing to the early history of this coun-
try. Behind it is the West Physics
Building to the north of which is
the General Library. On its shelves
are more. than 600,000 volumes and
14,000 maps. West of the Clements
Library is the residence of President
Ruthven. Near this is Tappan Hall
which houses the School of Business
On the other side of S. University
Ave. covering one entire block is the
Law Quadrangle. The imposing
Gothic structures include the Law
Club, residence for law students, the
spacious Law Library and Hutchins
Hall, site of the law school itself.
North of the Quadrangle is the
Alumni Memorial Hall headquarters
of the .Alumni Association.
Just made to hold your official U. of M.
Identification Card. Drop in and get one
at MARSHALLS, 231 South State St.
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