£fr ig9an
Noted Artists
In Series Here
New Quarters
At University
New Engineering Dean
Band Auditions And Glee Club
irans ror r rosh Announcea
Raises Housing
14 More Residence Halls
Included In 'Michigan
House Plan' Last Fall
All Freshman Men
Must Live In Dorm
The University's 24 residence halls,
14 of them completed within the
past year, provide on-campus hous-
ing for more than 3,000 men and
All freshman men are required to
live in the residence halls, unless
given special permission to live else-
where. Women are required by ac-
tion of the Board of Regents to live
in University dormitories, and must
be given special permission by the
Dean of Women to live elsewhere.
Such permission is given to students
living at home, and to sophomores,
juniors and seniors who are pledges
or members of sororities having
houses in Ann Arbor, and to those
wishing to live in one of the approved
rooming houses for women, lists of
which can be obtained at the Dean
of Women's office. '
With the exception of University
House for women and Fletcher Hall
for men, meals are served in all
houses, and residents are required to
take their meals in the house in
which they live.
System Expanded
The system of residence halls at
the University was recently expanded
with completion last fall of the West
Quadrangle for men, last February
with the opening of Stockwell Hall
for women. The East Quadrangle.
housing approximately 600 men, will
be opened for residence for the first
!time this fall.
Twenty-one residence halls for
men and women participate in the
Michigan House Plan, inaugurated by
the Board of Regents to give the stu-
dent "experience in communal living
and assistance in expanding his edu-
cation.... "
Trained Supervision
Under this plan, all University-
owned residence halls, are supervised
by trained house directors, resident
advisers, resident counselors, chap-
erons and other personnel officers
appointed by the Board of Governors
of Residence Halls. Dietitians in each
unit oversee the food service, under
the general direction of the dietitian
of residence halls.
The resident advisers and house
directors are in general responsible
for the welfare of residents of their
houses, under the supervision of Prof.
Karl Litzenberg, director of residence
Two women's cooperatives and four
men's cooperatives, operated by stu-
dents, complete the roster of student
living accomodations in Ann Arbor.
School Budget
Varies Greatly
Expenses Are Averaged
At $350 For Year
Living scales and yearly budgets
in Ann Arbor vary up and down a
"sliding scale" in proportion to the
income of the individual. Some stu-
dents manage to "work their way"
through entirely; others get along
nicely on allowances of $100 a month.
However, the average budget for
University students has been esti-
mated at about $530 per year for
Michigan residents and about $570
per year for non-residents. Such an
economical budget, of course, neg-
lects such items as clothes and other
additional expenses.
For- students interested in "rock
bottom figures," University author-
ities have computed a bare minimum
budget of $347 for Michigan resi-
dents and $387 for non-residents.
Most students, however, will find
their expenditures running closer to
the $500 mark, unless they are pre-
pared to do without the luxury of
r al.+ mnsvri and rpA,.nt+ann.
* * $
Engine College
To Be Headed
By Fifth Dean
Former Kansas Educator,
Dean Ivan C .Crawford,
To Assume Leadership
Dean Ivan C. Crawford, newly-ap-
pointed dean of the engineering col-
lege, will take up his duties this fall
as the fifth dean of the University's
second largest college.
Former dean of the University of
Kansas engineering school, Dean
Crawford has behind him a variety
of experiences in all phases of prac-
tical and acalemic engineering.
Schooled In Canada
Born in Leadville, Colo., in a
Scotch-Canadian family, Dean Craw-
ford received his early education in
Nova Scotia, Canada and in Lead-
ville. Before entering college, he
gained his first experience in prac-
tical engineering in hard rock min-
ing in a Colorado metal mine.
Upon graduating from the Uni-
versity of Colorado in 1912 with a
B.S. Degree in civil engineering, Dean
Crawford turned to railway engin-
,ering, working for the Oregon Short
Line, Denver and Rio Grande and
the Illinois Central railroads in the
varying capacities of rodman, mason-
ry inspector, draftsman and instru-
ment man.
Returning to the University of
Colorado in 1915,, he held successive
posts there as assistant professor,
associate professor and professor of
civil engineering.
On Peace Committee I
A captain, and later a major of
engineers in the Army, Dean Craw-
ford joined a combat regiment of
engineers in France during the war
and later served with the section of
the American Committee to Negoti-
ate Peace. Since 1921, he has been
successively lieutenant colonel and
colonel of engineers in the reserve
Transferring to the University of
Idaho in 1923, he became professor
of civil engineering there, and later
was named dean of the engineering
college and director of the Engineer-
ing Experiment Station at that Uni-
On leave of absence from 1933 to
1937 he served as state engineer and
inspection engineer for the Federal
Emergency Administration of Pub-
lic Works in Idaho. He was also
Idaho representative for the United
States Coast and Geodetic Survey.
In 1937, he became dean of the
School of Engineering and Architec-
ture at the University of Kansas,
where he remained until last month.
Former Regent Dies
After Long Illness
Loss of a former Regent by death
during the summer was mourned by
the University.
James O. Murfin died Thursday,
July 11, 1940, after a years' illness,
and Shirley W. Smith, vice-president
and secretary, said:
"In the death of former Regent
James O. Murfin there has passed
one of thos etalUartalumni A f hm
Returning Varsity Glee Club mem-
bers opened the 1940-41 concert sea-
son of the University Glee Clubs last
night with a short performance at the
Orientation Week program in Hill
Other appearances this week will
include a performance at the Fresh-
man Mixer at 7:30 p.m. Thursday
in the Union, and at the Engineers'
smoker following the Mixer.
A full schedule of activities, in-
cluding local concerts, radio broad-
casts, concert tours nd serenades,
will again this year feature the pro-
gram of the Glee Clubs under the
direction of Prof. David O. Mattern
Tryouts for the Varsity Glee Club
will be held at 7:30 p.m. Thursday,
Oct. 3 on the third floor of the
Union. Freshmen interested in the
Freshman Glee Club will meet at 4
p.m., Tuesday, Oct. 1 on the third
floor of the Union. Rehearsals for
the Varsity Glee Club are scheduled
for 7:30 p.m. each Thursday and
4:30 p.m. each Sunday of the school
Membership in the Freshman Glee
Club is open to all Freshman who
can qualify. These freshmen may
tryout for the Varsity club during the
second semester.
Varsity Glee Club officers for the
coming year are: Charles Brown,
'41E, president; James Berger, '41,
manager; Robert Lovell, '42, treasur-
er; Carey Landis, '42, secretary; Pro-
fessor Mattern, director, and Jack
Ossewaarde, '40SM, accompanist.
Featured activities planned for the
Glee Club this fall include a per-
formance at ,the Fielding H. Yost
testimonial dinner, Oct. 19 in Water-
man Gymnasium and a proposed tour
to Muskegon early in the fall.
Most colorful of Glee Club tradi-
tions are the seasonal dormitory and
sorority serenades. Before Christmas
and early each spring, the Glee Club
tours the girls' dormitory and sor-
ority circuit, serenading each in turn.
Second Year
Work Begins
For Judiciary
Presiding over campus elections
and honor societies, the Men's Judi-
ciary Council will begin its second
year of service this fall under the
direction of Ward Quaal, '41, pres-
The seven-man Council was in-
augurated in 1939 to replace the
Men's Council, abolished because it
was considered "unwieldy and in-
The new Council was established
in the second of two shake-ups in
students' government on the cam-
pus in 1938. In the first the Men's
Council, composed of representatives
from leading organizations on the
campus, abolished election caucuses
and took the power of making nom-
inations for the various class posts,
In the second, the old Council,
considering itself "unwieldy and in-
effective," established the new board
and passed on all administrative an-
gles of its work to the staff of the1
Union. The Judiciary Council works
in cooperation with the League Judi-
ciary Council, but has wider powers,
being empowered to conduct a pro-
gram for the student body as a
whole, whereas the League Council
is more or less in the character of
a judicial body to administer wo-
men's regulations.
Quaal was appointed to his post
by the outgoing presidents of Con-
gress, the Union and Interfraternity
Council, the retiring managing edi-
tor of The Daily and Acting Dean of
Students 'Walter B. Rea. Also ap-
pointed were: Peter Brown, '41E, of
Galesburg, Ill.; William Harrison,
'41A, of Chicago, Ill.; William Jack-
son, '41, of Lansing; Russell LaBelle,
'41F&C, of, Pittsburgh, Pa.; Robert
Morrison, '41E, of Trenton, N. J.;
and Harold Singer, '41, of Detroit.
Primary functions of the Council
are the conduction and supervision
of student elections, and the regula-
tion and review of the programs of
the various student honorary so-
University Draws Students
Camouflaged behind the opening
fanfare of football practice, the 135
man University Marching Band will
begin its rehearsal of Wolverine
marching songs and trick formations
at 2:30 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 28, un-
der the leadership of its conductor,
Prof. William D. Revelli and its new
formation drillmaster, Maj. Robert
N. Kunz.
Entering the University this fall,
Professor Revelli, revealed, is a record
number of nationally-famous band
instrumentalists from high schools
the country over. Included among
these new recruits are Raymond Cri-
sera, cornetist from New York, and
Betty Correll of Elkhart, Ind., for-
mer trombone soloist with Phil Spi-
talny's orchestra. Miss Correll will
not be eligible to play in the march-
ing band, as this organization is lim-
ited to men only, but she will ap-
pear with the concert band.
Brightening the Varsity Band's
1940 repertoire of new formations
will-be new sets of bright yellow belts
and spats for Michigan's bandsmen.
Auditions for the Michigan band
will be held from 8:30 a.m. to noon
and from 1 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. daily
until Saturday, Sept. 28 on the second
floor of Morris Hall. The first
meeting of the entire membership
will be held at 7:30 p.m. Thursday in
Morris Hall. Drum majors and new
officers for the year will be intro-
duced and plans for the Harvard trip
will be discussed at that time.
Because of the instrumentation
required by a marching band, Profes-
sor Revelli said, large contin-
gents of cornets, trumpets, bari-
tones, clarinets, saxophone and per-
(Continued on Page 3)
Perspectives Issues Call
For Student Manuscripts
Freshman or transfer students who
are interested in creative writing are
invited to submit their work to Per-
spectives, campus literary magazine.
Editors stress the fact tnat appear-
ance in a campus publication does
not in any way disqualify a manu-
script for consideration in either
freshman Hopwood awards or the
major and minor Hopwood contests
held each spring.
Speech Series
To Introduce
Leland Stowe
Opening Lecture Presents
Authoress Ruth Draper
In Character Sketches
Yarnell And Beebe
Will Appear Here
Ruth Draper, noted monologist
and author of many dramatic sketch-
es, will open the 1940-41 Oratorical
Series on Oct. 29 in Hill Auditorium
with a program of "Character
Other headliners next year will in-
clude Dorothy Thompson, Leland
Stowe, Warden Lewis E. Lawes, Ad-
miral Harry F. Yarnell, William Bee-
be, Wendell Chapman and Julien
Leland Stowe, the famous journ-
alist who uncovered the news of
Norway's "Benedict Arnolds", will
speak on "Hitler over Europe" on
Nov. 5. His Norway scoop created
a sensation unequalled in newspaper
circles during the past year.
"The American Prison System" will
be the topic of a talk by Warden
Lewis Lawes on Nov. 11. Warden of
Sing Sing prison in New York, Lawes
has made his institution one of the
most unique and famous of its kind.
He has written five best-selling books,
countless magazine articles, several
motion pictures and seven years of
radio scripts on the problems of pri-
Dorothy Thompson Listed
fDorothy Thompson, wife of the
noted novelist Sinclair Lewis, will
speak here on Nov. 19. As one of the
most outstanding columnists and
speakers of the day she is well qual-
ified to speak on the topic she has
chosen, "Current Problems."
The fifth speaker in the series is
JulienBryan, world-famous cinema-
tographer and adventurer, who will
present a series of films accompan-
ied by an - explanatory lecture on
"Brazil and the Argentines" on Dec.
Another appearance of Wendell
( Continuec on Page 3)
To Open Series
No More Shaved Heads,
ci Frida
~ 1/
'Dinky Digit'
Group Starts
Member Drive
Short Finger Club Is Open
To Men Missing Digits
Men! Have you lost part of your
fingers in a buzz saw or something
of the kind?Dosyou suffer from
lack of sympathy? Are you mis-
If so, there is still hope. In Sault
Ste. Marie has been created an or-
ganization of men who possess dinky
digits. At present the body is ex-
clusive to persons with just those
qualifications. Women are not even
permitted to participate.
Within a few weeks it is hoped
that every short fingered American
will be brought into membership. At
present the roll exceeds 200 men,
who live in all cornens of the United
States and Canada.
From Lumber Camps
Most of them are men who have
suffered accidents on the "sawdust
trail," losing their digits in shingle
mills. As a result, a big share of
the membership is composed of north-
ern Michigan residents.
Included in the membership, how-
ever, are physicians who have paid
the price to the scalpel; mechanics
whose thumbs slipped into the wrong
gear; and just common citizens who
didn't know how to handle tools.
Today the officers of the order
of dinky digits expressed a special
invitation to all college studentts who
have been dismembered in some way
or another. Not only that, it is
urged that the present members pass
the word around the nation so that
soon this club may become all-in-
Musical Leader
"Big Stump" of the club is Emil
Pacquin who injured and lost his
index finger by playing too fast and
furiously on the accordian. Al-
though minus one finger, Pacquin
still manages to pump a tune from
his "squeeze box."
Only last Sunday the Short Finger
Club of North America held a con-
vention, with the trail of lost fingers
pointing to Sault Ste. Marie. At
the convention picnic a Short Finger
tug-o'-war team another crew of city
laborers, and their softball team en-
gaged in a contest. A clam bake
and barbecue prepared by short-
fingered chefs was the highlight of
the day.
To Be Year Old
Incorporated under the state laws
of Michigan, the Short Finger Club
will be a year old in October. Ac-
cording to its charter, the club was
organized to "allow men with miss-
ing fingers to associate and to help
relieve self-consciousness occasioned
by their affliction."
When the club was organized last
year Pacquin had 100 members on the
roster in applying for his state char-
Detroit Town Hall
Will O"penOct. 16
Ann Arbor has no monopoly on
lecturers. Its neighboring metropo-
lis of Detroit also offers an imposing
list of speakers each year under the
auspices of the Detroit Town Hall.
Orson Welles, producer, director
and leading actor of "Citizen Kane,"
Choral Union
Offers 62nd
Annual Series
World Famous Operatic
Stars And Orchestras
To Be Presented Here
Marian Anderson
To Open Concerts
World famous operatic stars, solo-
ists and symphony orchestras will
converge upon Ann Arbor for the
sixty-second series of Choral Union
Concert sponsored by the University
Musical Society.
Featured here will be such out-
standing stars as Marian Anderson,
Rudolph Serkin, Richard Bonelli,
Vladmir Horowitz and Georges En-
esco. Concert organizations sched-
uled to appear are the Don Cossack
Chorus, the New York Philharmonic
Orchestra, the Boston Symphony
Orchestra, the Minneapolis Sym-
phony Orchestra and the Budapest
String Quartet.
Anderson Opens
Marian Anderson, who will open
the series Oct. 23, has won interna-
tional fame in the music world as
the outstanding Negro contralto of
her generation: it is of her that Ar-
turo Toscanini said "A voice like
hers is heard once in a hundred
Climax of her career was her high-
ly-touted performance at Carnegie
Hall on Sunday, May 26. Sponsored
by public figures of the day, notable
among whom is Mrs. Eleanor Roose-
velt, she has also been loudly ac-
claimed by musicians such as Dr.
Walter Damrosch.
Serkin Here Nov. 7
Rudolph Serkin, Euro-American
piano virtuoso, will present the second
concert of the season here Nov. 7.
First preesnted to Ann Arbor audi-
ences at the 1938 may Festival series,
Mr. Serkin started his career in tr
country but six years ago in a joint
appearance with Adolph Busch at the
Coolidge Festival in Washington. The
following year, he made his American
debut as soloist with the New York
Philharmonic Symphony under the
baton of Arturo Toscanini in Carne-
gie Hall.
Born In Czechoslovakia
Born in Czechoslovakia of Russian
parents, Mr. Serkin studied in Vienna
and at the age of 12 made his debut
as guest artist with the Vienna Sym-
The famed Don Cossack Chorus
under the direction of Serge Jaroff,
frequent viistors to Ann Arbor, will
return Nov. 18 to present their reper-
toire of precission singing colored
by the Russian Steppes
Billed as the world's greatest sing-
ing ensemble, the Don Cossack Chor-
us recently completed its eleventh
season in America, totaling more
than 1,000 concerts.
Hill Auditorium will become the
focal point of an international broad-
(Continued on Page 3)
Naval ROTC
Work Offered
Tactics Courses
Here This Fall
(1 s I@A
Although persecution by sophomores has all but passed from the
scene at the University, freshmen will find plenty of problems facing
them as the school year opens. Academic work, dating, athletic events
and difficulties of every description are omnipresent, as depicted and
omitted in the cartoon above.
* * *
Courses in naval science and tac-
tics will be offered for the first time
on the Michigan campus this fall
with the organization here of a
Naval Reserve Officers Training
Corps by the Navy Department.
High point of the four-year course
here will be a summer cruise on a
U.S. Warship on the high seas. Cov-
ering a period of one month, the
tour will include at least one foreign
port and several domestic ports of
Only freshmen students who will
be enrolled here for a four year
period will be accepted for the naval
reserve training course. Before ac-
ceptance, students must pass a rigid
physical examination similar to that
required by the U.&. Naval Academy.
Eligibility to membership in the
naval ROTC is limited to students
who are citizens of the United States,
not less than 14 years of age. Citi-
zenship must be substantiated by a
Johnny the Freshman is walking
down the dusty paths of State street.
He reaches a clump of shrubbery in
+fwh frnn+ v a rofr i I+ BarohAur dnr-.
dthe Sophomores ring the answer
through the night:
"It's Black Friday! Beware! No
Freshman should be seen upon the
street. Stay out of our sight, ye
1 4 f I , ,