PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DATTY TUESDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1 U Parent Institute Will Meet Here On October 30 'Citizenship' To Be Theme Of Convention Sponsored By University Extension r Judge Will Speak Hundreds of Michigan parents are expected to gather here for the 11th Annual Parent Education Institute which will be held Wednesday, Oct. 30, through Friday, Nov. 1, under the sponsorship of the Michigan Con- gress of Parents and Teachers and the University Extension Service. Central theme of the Institute will be "Citizenship," in all of its aspects affecting the parent. Feature of the three-day meeting will be the morn- ing parent education classes meeting each day under the direction of Mrs. H. S. Mallory, lecturer and consult- ant in family relations. The opening address of the Insti- tute will be given by M. S. Mac Lean, president of Hampton Institute, Hampton, Va., who will discuss "The School as a Training Ground for Citizenship." The other highlight of the first day will be a luncheon ad- dress, "I Like Bad Boys," by the noted Judge J. M. Braude of the Chicago Boys' Court. Practical applications of citizen- ship work in action will be reviewed at the last afternoon meeting of the Institute, featuring 14 demonstra- tions. These will include projects undertaken at the Cass Avenue Meth- odist Church in Detroit, the Midland Community Center, the tool library of the Chrysler Motor Corporation, the Kalamazoo community dances, 4-H Clubs and the Beaverton Rural Agricultural School. 12 Motorists Play 'Bump The Leader' In Freak Accident Almost every driver has experienced toe aggravating situation where the motorist just in front of him made a quick, unexpected stop. But James Peltier, '44, had this ex- perience Sunday night with some unusual complications. He was driv- ing west on US-12 about 13 miles west of Ann Arbor when the motorist ahead surprised him with a quick stop. He was unable !to halt the car and bumped into this automo- bile in front of him. After that one car after another up to a total of eight * skidded and collided in order to miss the cars already blocking the highway. After a brief period, four more cars smashed into the others, making 12 alto- gether. These 12 tied up traffic on the highway for nearly three hours. Sher- iff's officers blamed poor visibility and a slippery pavement resulting from a heavy rain for. the collision in which several Jackson and Detroit people wer'e injured, none seriously. Three persons were killed in an- other accident which occurred near Ypsilanti on US-112 early Sunday morning. Registration Continues Union registration will continue from 2:15 p.m. to 5 p.m. every day through Friday and in addition from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. tomorrow and Thurs- day, These fine pipes for sale at SW IFT'S 340 South State DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETI TUESDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1940 VOL. LL No. 8 Publication in the Daily Official Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Notices Instructions for Reporting Accidents: (1) Report All Accidents occuring in line of duty involving any person on the University payroll in what- ever capacity, whether medical care is required or not. Accidents should be reported in writing or by telephone to the Business Office of the Univer- sity Hospital (Hospital extension 307). A supply of University of Mich- igan accident report forms (No. 3011) will be furnished on request by the Hospital Business Office. (2) Medical Care. Injuries requir- ed medical care will be treated only at the University Hospital. Employ- ees receiving care elsewhere will be responsible for the expense of such treatment. Whenever possible a writ- ten report of any accident should accompany the employee to the In- formation Desk on the Main Floor of the University Hospital. This re- port will be authority for the Hospit- al to render necessary medical care. (3) Emergency Cases. Emergency medical care will be given at the Hos- pital without a written accident re- port. Ambulance cases should be tak- en directly to the Ambulance En- trance, at the rear of the Main Build- ing of the University Hospital. In all such cases the written accident re- port should be forwarded as prompt- ly as possible to the Business Office of the Hospital. The so-called Workmen's Compen- sation law is for the mutual pro- tection of employer and employee. In order to enjoy the privileges provid- ed by the law all industrial accidents must be reported promptly to the correct authorities. These;'reports en- title each employee to compensa- tion for loss of time and free medi- (Continued on Page 4) Book Exhibit Features Section Of Robinson Crusoe' Volumes Defoe Novel Shows Mark account of Selkilk adventures inj hip "A Cruising Voyage 'Round theI ,Of Earlier Rare Works I World," published in 1712. On Display In Library It is quite certain that Defoe read this work, released only seven years before he published the first volume By .ROBERT SPECKHARD of "Robinson Crusoe" on April 25, You may not ire another Robert 1719. There was an instantaneous Friers of hitchhiking fame, but you public demand for "Robinson Cru- soe" and four editions were printed can enjoy the thrills and reflectionsj of the adventurer by viewingeselec in as many months followed by the tions of the Robinson Crusoe section appearance of a second volume on of the L. L. Hub- Aug. 20, 1719. The demand for works of travel bard collectionr did not stop with Defoe. Other au- of imaginar thors saw the lucrative field and as voyaget ntex- a result there appeared many books hfronit cridrth of a very similar nature to "Robinson front corridor of Crusoe." The first of these appeared the ain i- six months after "Crusoe" was pub- brary. lished underathe title of thew"Adven- In all there are Lures and Surprising Deliverances of between 1300- James Dubourdieu." Many more 1400 rare books Robinsonades, as they are called, in the Robinson have appeared since that date. In- Crusoe section cluded among them are "Swiss Fam- alone which is ily Robinson," the "Voyages of Cap- only half of the Itain Robert Boyle," "Adventures of total imaginary L. L. HUBBARD Robinson Playfellow" and one by a voyages collec- title that smacks of almost a parody, tion given to the University by the "Barty Crusoe and His Man Satur- late distinguished Regent, day," published in 1922. The exhibit begins near the main Altogether "Robinson Crusoe" has entrance corridor of the lobby where been translated into 18 languages predecessors to Defoe's "Crusoe" are and dialects besides being published shown. They include such rare edi- in braille and shorthand editions. tions as the "Voyages and Travels of Sir John Mandeville in the Holy SHOWS DAILY A I ad"and n work of hi qtn by Cv ICC Delegates B i 1 Pil7Lr Alpha Ni Plans First Meeting tiLJ1y n w1err.U Alpha Nu, honorary speech fra- limited, everyone who would like to _________ternity, has invited all those who are Itry out must -appear today. interested to attend their first meet- Alpha Nu initiated 24 men last Conintitee Given Charge ing of the year 7:45 p.m. today on spring and this will be the first Of Co-op Purchasing the fourth floor of Angell Hall. initiation of the organization in over George Sheperd, '41. president of two years. The Inter-Cooperative Purchasing the organization, will outline the The purpose of the fraternity is Committee was delegated power to pn o te f th Ito foster the art of public speaking. purchase for the individual member anso egroupecoming Debates with variuos organizations cooperative houses at the regular hool year. All those men who are are a constant practice and in gen- weekly meeting of the Inter-Coopera- desirous of joining will be asked to eral the organization gives the better tive Council last night in the Union. get up and speak before the meet- speaker a chance to speak before a All matters of purchasing, it was ing. In this way, the chapter mem- group of people and hence increase decided, shoud be left to the Pur- bers will be able to judge the speak- his abilities and confidence in him- chasing Committee, which is to select ig ability of the various individuals. self. its own officers. The council also Alpha Nu, one of the fastest grow- This year Alpha Nu is planning to voted that each member house should ing groups on campus, has announced foster an All-Campus oratorical and vota tt n eh eecstbDla oohts Alpt acnrnl hnirn nni n th Jthat since the pledge class will be DReclamation contest. elect a socla chairman ana an a - letic chairman. Mr. Joseph Domashevitsky of the mathematics department was elect- ed as advisory accountant for the Council and Paul Banner, '41, was chosen as his assistant. Plans were discussed for The Cooperator. Stan Lebergott, Grad., president pro tem, called and presided over the meeting in the absence of Edward Fried, Grad., president. Voting on the admission of three newly formed cooperative houses to representation on the council was tabled until the next meeting Sin- day. The new houses are the Muriel Lester House, the Gabriel Richard House and the Abraham Lincoln House. T 2 -4 -7-9 PM. .7,11r,,Tfl7 I I1 Slide Rule Headquarters ULIC'SBOOK STORE 549 East University -00--g - ..-. - w WheMi to 19y a Slide u(e SSallt, 411U a VIK U Il. uo s ry .iy 'y- rano de Bergerac having the imposing title of "The Comical History of the States and the Empires of the Worlds of the Moon and the Sun," printed in 1687. It is thought that these writings and others formed the source material for the actual work of "Robinson Crusoe," written by Daniel Defoe in 1719. The actual incidents, however, which Defoe's novel revolves about are the true experiences of Alexander Selkirk, a sailor, and his four year's residence upon the island -of Juan Fernandez. Selkirk was rescued by Capt. Woodes Rogers, who gives an Starts Today ! ii 1t SoP4oM J I . 1I Aa WHERE ARE YOU ON THIS CHART?.. READ Marshall's Dailyv Double 231 So. State Phone 5933 Prices Effective only Tuesday, October 8, 1940 2 Tins $1.25 Value BRIGGS TOBACCO ALARM CLOCKS WE DELIVER - KOTEX - TAMPAX - KLEENEX starring Www BRIAN AHERNE . RITA HAYWORTH 10 IT'S HPMOROUS.. IT'S HELPFUL.. IT'S FREE a Slide Rule" by DON HEROLD The sooner you find the right Slide Rule, the easier your life will be. Don Herold, who can explain anything, has taken all the mystery out of Slide Rules in this handsome new book, rich with illustrations. Choosing a Slide Rule is. a cinch when you do it the Don Herold way. "fow to Choose a Slide Rule" is yours with the compliments of the management-if you ask for it in time. See your campus K & Ji dealer at once. E6T. 1867 KEUFFEL & ESSER CO. NEW YORK-HOBOKEN, N. J. CHCAGO ST. LOUIS SAN FRANCISCO'- LOS ANGELES , DETROIT MONTREAL How to Choose K Extra . Phil Spitalny's "Moments of Charm" "Isle of Mystery" World Series In News r COMING' FRIDAY! WALLACE BEERY "WYOMING" " I ? 'i YN. TKITM ORA itlMi: g0of :f:': got jils ggh ISM WS, .000. :?f j :" A:;} ,% :10M. .':f ti ?'".i:.. GCff . 4": SM. :":h!: S:. -it KHOO, :j ..' iiii is i. tai :f :;:"": Or, More r : v Delicious Wn PIPE 1 d w i'A MR I"' A*. w-'