Tub: f' Iit iT nA Tv It A OMn ..,... .[1 #:M TTCA~T l.A IK1 L P'AGE SE~NN I HELP WANTED COUNTER MAN wanted to work forenoons. Reference required. The Parrot. 260 TRANSPORTATION - 21 WANTED-Ride to Miami, Florida, for 2 passengers Feb. 7 or 8. Will share expenses. Write Box 20, Michigan Daily. FOR RENT SIX-ROOM suburban, east side. De- sirable location, $35.50. Phone 2-2839. 255 928 FOREST-Light pleasant double room. $3 each will rent single. Phone 2-2839. 256 SINGLE and DOUBLE rooms for students. Quiet. Continuous hot water. 260 N. State. 265 GRAD. STUDENT to share two room suite. Call evenings, 816 S. State or phone 2-3759. 262 FOR RENT-Lovely rooms for spring --cross draft ventilation-shower -very quiet-phone 6159. 264 FACULTY MAN ONLY-Attractive single room. Excellent meals. Ga- rage. 824 Arch. 2-4149. 263 ROOMS-Single, double, and suite. Continuous hot water. 615 Monroe St., first house off State St. 232 DOUBLE., Private entrance, shower bath, "kitchenette, Frigidaire. Main service and linen. Phone 6539. 610 Forest. 250 SMALL APARTMENT near Campus. Private tub and shower. Rent reasonable. Call 8154. 1221 Wil- lard St. 253 TWO DOUBLE ROOMS with adjoin- ing lavatories. Steam heat, show- er bath, constant hot water. 422 E. Washington. Phone .8544. 238 FOR RENT-Large double room, screened porch. Single room,' pri- vate bath, innerspring mattresses, hot water, quiet neighborhod. 923 Olivia Ave., Mrs. Guy W. Groom. 261 IVES WOODS HOME, 1 block from* bus line, has available a bachelor apartment consisting of living room with fireplace, bedroom with twin beds, and private tile bath with shower. Mrs. S. W. Allen, Phone 9710.. 252 HEATING and PLUMBING STOKER and oil burner repair and replacements. 30-day special. Al Root Heating Service, 2-35 18. 21c FOR SALE FOR SALE-Girl's bicycle, wire basket, new in September. Call 2-4861. 258 TUXEDO-Black, very good condi- tion. Too small for owner. Size 36. Only $12. Call 4626 between 6 p.m. and 8 p.m.' 254 VERY DESIRABLE east side subur- ban property in restricted district. Two acres and modemn seven-room house. $7500. Easy_ terms. Oril Ferguson, 928 Forest, Phone 2-2839. MISCELLANEOUS-20 THESIS Binding- Mimeographing. Brumfield&Brumfield, 308 S Statet 19cF DRESSMAKING and alterations.3 Coats relined. Also sewing of all i kinds. Call Mrs. Ream, 8653. 208D WASHED SAND AND GRAVEL-C Driveway gravel, washed pebbles.e Killins Gravel Company, Phonee 7112. 5c LAUNDERING LAUNDRY -- 2-1044. Sox darned.'3 Careful work at low price. 36 STUDENT LAUNDRY-Special stu- dent rates. Moe Laundry, 226 South First St. Phone 3916. 10c WANTED-Student washings by ex-F perienced laundress. Reasonable prices - satisfaction guaranteed., I Phone 4429. 259 TYPING-18 0 TYPING--Experienced. Miss Allen,A 408 S. Fifth Ave. Phone 2-2935 orV 2-1416. 14c VIOLA STEIN - Experienced legalR typist, also mimeographing. Notary t public. Phone 6327. 706 Oakland. , EXPERT TYPING-M. A. in Eng- lish. Work guaranteed; reasonable FE rates. Mrs. Walsh or Eley,- 2-4108. 205 B TYPING and duplicating service. Dorothy Testa, M.A., 625 E. Liber- in ty (at State), Rm. 1.2-1835. Re- C1 ports, theses, dissertations, briefs. A. 22c m' be distr in the meet in Building cording Sophomi a.m.; S who ent credit a students closed 1: cated, a ceive a times wi f rom :th+ has bees Englis Tuesday Artho Bertra Boys- Calver Engel- Everet Fletch Garvin Green. Green; Haine; Hallid Haugh Helm- Martir McCle; McCor Ogden O 'Neill Peake- Rettge Robert Schroe Schuel Taylor Walke, W eime Weisin Wells- White- Woodb Room. (College Final e'x will be rooms ex Math. Math. Math. Math. 208 A.. Math. A.H. Math. Math. Math. Math. Math. S.W. Math. Math. S.W. Math. Math. Math. Math. Math. Ro 1 tngta 7:30 with D .candidate must have compled two truhFia, eray7 l aas A pannl pe n I !se: .ea ofatcollege work or asda nvr t tdnsaecordially in- ____a[.9:00 pm. examination on the educational re- 1 vied _ _ quirements, Captain Boushey will ex-' 11111 A.. lL '' (.. FjFt C I A.r L B U51J LILEBT171N Barris Hal: There wil be a tea this plain the requirements in detail, and h oeg esac lbWl afternoon from 4:00 to 5::30 Un- will discuss the opportunities aval- meet on Monday, February 3, at vx cnity sudents are corially 'invied able to students who are qualified 7:30 p.m in the West Leture' P.'om ___________________________________________________________and wish to ente this banch of the ~~RehmBidn service. Students who are interested roam (continued from Page 4) in this lecture group will meet in Mendelssohn Theater. This recital i t7 Pivit i tedigti meigsh'l r.gria .Sny "h lc. ibutd bylot o al stdent N.S audtorum, s pat ofthe acuty Cncer Seres, Army Air Corps Flight Training ;watch the Aeronautical EngineeigadofGrnyuringteWol Room Assignments, Glrmstuden2, and will be open to the general pub- for Egn(rn tdns u'n bulletin board for further details asadofGrnyuigth Wrl Deatet;tdet ille week of February 3. Captain Homner to the time when it will be' held and , Room B-308 East Engineering 31, 32: Saturday, February 8, 9-12!- Wh f h lgtCae xm helcto.Miss Dorothea Morrill: "Religious g, on Friday, February 14, ac- 1,.m.: .ose, fteFlgtCde.xm-leltain ecusaney during the reign of James totefolwngshdle:Grmn1 xhibtions ,iarisng Board , will be in Ann Arbor o I os the0 follow ingsceds, :0 Wst Gecuermanis 1. psn Ehbtin lit thi alwith all Engineering students arris hai: Consolation teas will 4 Tebuiesmetn°x'cdn ors 80am.Juir,83 WetLcuePhsc:Plipn. Ehbto Thtyehngs of de- Iibareeinteresnedfinathexaminationnrfbe.held duringsfinaltexaminations. eniors, 9:00 am.; students Diamond, Gaiss, Graf. tails of landscapes by Frank A.'.sfrfih tann ihth ryTawllb evdfom40to53 he rogam members will vote on rd alaflw t advanced 1035t 31A.H.: Stiediec, VaniDe n. W- Faugh, freLndscheArofithecr Air Corps. In general, an eligible starting Tuesday, February 4, and ' otendio mre is desired. , 9:30 a~m. The doors will be yards, Broadbent, at Massachusetts State College, are(_______________________________ promptly at the times indi- 35 A.H.: Pott, Ebelke, Winkelman. on exhibit in the wall cases in the ~ rnd students who fail to re- German 2. first floor corridor of the Arehitec- number at these appointed 101 Ec': All sections, ( ture Building until Feb. 1. ill be compelled to select one German 31. Professor "Waugh is noted for his lose available after the draw B Hl.H. Pott, Edwards, Diamond. life-long efforts in the conservation n) made. 2003 A.H. Gaiss, Broadent, Ebelke. of the native rural. Americt andI' 301 U1J. Wahir. scope. h I - Final Examinations: 203 U.H. Nordmeyer. Exhibition by artists of Anin Arbor!l DN , February 4, 2-5 p.m. 201 U.H. Reichart. and vicinity, in several mediums,!j ,s-16 A.H. 306 U.H. Eaton.4 Alumni Memorial Hall, afternoons' i-229 A.H. German 32. 2:00-5:00 through today. am--208 U.H. D H.H. All sections. Let rsMH et rsA SA -231 A.H. Doctoral Examination for Mr. Ar-' Bilgia Ceitr ecue:Po .S"SA -1018 A.H. nold Otto Haugen, Zoology; Thesis: Booia hmsr etr:Po t-21A.H. "Life History and Management Stud- fessor Armand J. Quick of Marquette her W. Pys. ee.les of the Cottontail Rabbit in South- University School of Medicine will n-2054 N.S.. western Michigan," today at 1:30- speak informally on "Recent Devel-+ i-W° Phys. Lee, p.m., in room 3089 Natural Science opments of the Coagulation of the dr n r d l eai n hu - H.B d . C ar a ,L R.D c .B o d on T ed y Fe r ay .a s-4203 A.H. By action of the Executive Board 3:30 p.m. in the East Lecture Room lay-205 M.H. the chairman may invite members of the Rackham Building. All in- a-3011 A.H. of, the faculties and advanced doe- terested are invited. -2014 A.H: toral candidates to attend the ex- n-2203 A.H. amiration and he may grant permis- Events Today!Ev r F id y a d S t d y nnen-W. Phys. Lee. sion to~ those who for sufficient rea- Junior and Senior EngineeringEv r F id y a d S t d y mick-2016 A.H. son ight wish to b+.. present. Students interested in Reserve Con- 1-202 W. Phys. C. S. Yoakum msin nteUie ttsNv -103 R.L. Women Students wishing to enroll are invited to meet in Room 348,jTh o g Ex m -103R.L.in the course in Recreational Lead- West Engineering Building, at 4:00 r-305 S.W. ership offered by the Women's De- p.m. today. Captain Lyal A. David- tsow-201 U.H. partment of Physical Education dur- son, Commandant of the Naval R.B t ene e tr Bew e der-102 Ec. ing the second semester are asked O.T.C., will address the meeting. e e tr ler-18 A.H. to fill out an application blank in Ceta ComteofAsbl 'r-35 A.H. Room 15, Barbour Gymnasium, by CetaComteofAsbl sr2235 A.H. February 1. Bll will meet today at 5:00 p.m. in r-231 A.H. _____ the Council Room of the League. ger-2029 A.H.C ncrsjWsmnseStetGul -W. Phys. Lee. C n ers The Wsmnse tdn ul -20,3 .H. iof the First Presbyterian Church will -20.3U~n.Choral Union Concert: The Buda- I hold Open House from 8:00 to 12:00 ridge-2235 A.H. pest String Quartet, made up ofthsenig Josef Roismann, First Violin; thlex-eing AW Assignments in Mathematics ander Schneider, Second Violin; Bor-, Wesley Foundation: Bible Classa. of Lit., Sci., and the Arts), is Kroyt, Viola; and Mischa Schneid--__ aminations in Mathematics er, Violoncello; will give the ninth held in the regular class- Choral Union concert Thursday, Feb- VIOLIN INSTRUCTION cept in the following cases: ruar~y 20, at 8:30 o'clock, in Hill Aud-. Marion Struble Freeman 7Kaplan-229 A.H. itorium. ______S etrOpin Jb.1/ Raiford-2029 A.H. Piano Recital Mabel ReaSPanmBesnn~tr Oan igaeb.17hIlf 7 Dmevit5sWy-iSt will give a recital a 4:15 pm.1 (Coaching i,)Ai 2-12(48 DoHheisk-Sunday, Februar y 2, in the Lydia________________ 11 Schneckenburger-3010o - - - ___- 11 Raiford-203 U.H. 13 Raiford-302 M.H. y u l 13 Anning-225 A.H. d rn )A - ' 13 Elder (11 o'clock)-305 CduBFriREgST LJ 13 Mers201 .H.Eat our home cooking regularly1 13 Schneckenburger-301 1 47 Crag-300 A.H. /ER 1" R L i)Tonight 9:30Oto 1:00 °., Saturday 9:00 to 12:00. ..-1 a Couple 53 Elder-201 U.H. GRIL 53 Beckenbach-201 U.H, Two Floors 61 5 East William St. 53 Myers-225 A.H._______ 111 Nesbitt-3003 A.H. ---=zr-~~_________________________________________________ Changes in Mathematics Schedule. for Second. Semester. Math. 139 will be omitted, and in its ,place Prof. Rainich will offer Math. 235, Dif- ferential Geometry, Tu.Th.S. at 11,31 A. . M t . 49 ExeirB l listics, will be offered by Prof. Field, M.W.F. at 10, 201 W. Eng. Math. 223, Casualty Actuarial Theory (also list- ed as Bus. Adm. 278), will be offered by Prof. Carver, hours to be arrang- ed. History 173, Final Examination on Tuesday, February 4, 9-12. Sections 3 and 4 will meet in 2009 A.H.; all others in Room C, Haven Hall. History 49, Final Examination on" Tuesday, February 4, 9-12 a.m. Abrams to Hofman, 101 Economies Building. Holmes to Zarnow, Room B, Haven Hall.! The final examination for Psychol- ogy 55 will take place in Room 231 A.ngell Hall on Monday, Feb. 10, 2-5 p.m. _ _ Mathematics 8, Section 1 (Mr. Rickart) will have its final examina- tion on Thursday morning, Ferbuary 6, in Room 336 West. Eng. History 37, final examination, Wed., Feb. 5, 9-12: men students in room B, Haven, and women in 231 A.H. History 11, Lecture II, Final exam- ination, Tuesday, Feb. 4, 9-12: Mr. Clark's sections will meet in 2219 A.H., and Mr. Stanton's sections will mieet in 2231 A.H. All other sections, I I I F >. + ' - % I _________________________.--- ~~------ - .--'- ----------------. ~=------ NJ "HELP WANfED" The gr'ant' ad means just what it says - it seeks contact with pros- 1, [_] pective employees who are capable <~of "helping" -- of which the 7 ,Business School Trained candidate is always the most evidently qual- ified fr h. o rrk! OuCurse IT 1101W77'.: Jill l I I I