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January 31, 1940 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1940-01-31

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Ml JA-, -L7,iRV 21,


University Archaeology Museum
Gains Fame For Its Collections

Germai Airmeti

March In 1aLan City

Dr. E.D. Mains Discusses Plant
Photography In Illustrated Talk

Offering wide opportunities for re-
search to architectural and classical
language students and well-known
all over the nation and world for its
fine collections is the University
Museum of Classical Archaeology.
Archaeological collecting was begun
at the University almost fifty years
ago by Prof. Francis W. Kelsy of
the Vatin department who served on
the faculty from 1889 to 1927. The
museum itself was organized in 1928,
and it is now under the direction of
Prof. John G. Winter, chairman of
the Department of Latin. Mr. E. E.
Peterson is Curator and Miss Louise
Shier and Mr. Peter Ruthven are
Assistant Curators.
Ellsberg Collection Acquired.
The museum possesses the greatest
collection of Coptic and Islamic tex-
tiles in the United States. Last year
the famous H. A. Elsberg collection
of these articles was acquired. From
the ancient city of Karanis, Egypt,
Where University archaeologists have
excavated in the past years, one of
the world's finest collections of first,
second, and third century glass was
obtained. The largest collection of
Greco-Roman pottery dating from
the late Ptolemaic times to the fourth
and fifth century k.D. was also
gathered there.
More than 150 maps were made of
the Karanis area with its mound of
six -levels, and in the opinion of
archaeologists represents some of the
best documentation of an ancient
city. that has yet been done. The
museum also excavated a collection
of grave stelae from the city of Tere-
nousthis in the Delta of Egypt, some
70 kilometers from Cairo.
Many Paprus Documents
Pride of the museum, however, is
its papyrus 'collection which is the
largest in the United States and com-
pares with the collections in the
B:Vitish Museum, Oxford, and Berlin.
It is from such papyrus documents
that the background, living manners,
arid culture of a period are determ-
A smaller but important collection
is that of harnesses and ropes. Very
little was known about these imple-

ments before. Wood articles also
found in Karanis dispelled the mis-
taken theory held by archeologists
earlier that the ancient Egyptians
imported their supply. It is now
known definitely that they grew'
their own. Other oddities in the
museum are some toys used 1700
years ago including a small horse on
wheels and an example of the earli-
est Christian plate with a cross on it
from the late third century.
Rifle Squad
Wins Meet

Disci ion of his large collection
colored plant pictures pertinent
' biological research was the theme
:f an illus ated talk by Dr. Edwin
D. Mains. profeior of botany and
T rector of the University Herbarium,
ct a meeting prior to the initiation
ceremonies of Phi Sigma, national
honorary biological research society,
n the ;ackham Building Wednes-
'ay ight
Entitled "Photography in Biol-'
:gv". his talk concerned photomicroI
; hnique problems of background,
lens, filters, and the obstacles of
'hade in obtaining impressions of all
the plant parts.
Ranging in subject matter from
microscopic pictures of fungi to sci-
enilic ph tographs of various trees,
the collection was projected onto the
back of Dr. Main's special screen,
ihrough 1o the audience.
Mr. Robert p. Kleemeier of the
psychology department, president of

the local chapter of Phi Sigma. di-
rected the initiation rites of te 34
initiates. Graduates working at the
University for advanced degrees.
they were:
Estafania J. Aldaba, Stewart Arm-
itage, Clare Francis Bain, Robert C.
Ball, Dorothy Belknap, Jean Lucille
Bertram, Chen Ying Chou, Leonard
H. Elwell. Colvin Gibson, Virginia
Guild, Robert C. Hendrix, Raymond
E. Johnson, Robert M. Lewert. Fred
E. Locke, Herman H. Long, Robert
James Lowry, Dorothy Marquart.
Erasmus McCranie, Charles W. Mc-
Neil, Carl B. Obrecht, Mary Louise
Oswold, Edwin A. Phillips, John He-
witt Pierce, Ruth Schorherst, Har-
riet E. Smith, Fransesca Thivy, John
V. K. Wagar, Seymour Wapner. Gor-
don L. Watts, William Whitehorn,
Katherine Whittier, Tooi Xoomsai,
Julius Younger, and Max Richardson

Shooting Team


Breaking into the win column for
the first time since they started Big
Ten competition, the University
ROTC Rifle Team overwhelmed a
Northwestern University squad 1840
to 1757 in the match shot last night,
Verne C. Kennedy, Jr., '42E, captain
of the squad, announced yesterday.
In their first two ventures into
Big Ten shooting the squad came
out second best, losing to Illinois
in the opener and succumbing to a
crack University of Indiana team in
the second match.
Each man recording targets for
the match shoots four targets from
prone, kneeling, sitting and stand-
ing positions. Possible high score is
400, though anything over 370 is
considered good. One minute is al-
lowed for each shot, and ten min-
utes is the maximum time allow-'
ance for each target.
Shooting against Northwestern
this week were Richard O. Jones,
'43E, Kennedy, George D. Hooper,
'44E, Gordon A. Stumpf, '41E, and
Albert D. Engstrom, '44.
University Employee
83 Years Old Today
George J. Lutz, a University em-
ploye for 52 years, will celebrate his
83rd birthday today by doing his
usual daily tasks as supervisor of
the painting division of the depart-
ment of buildings anid grounds.
First employed by the University
in 1888, Lutz worked as janitor in
the library during his early yearsI
on the campus. He now plans the
work for 15 men in the painting de-
partment, and despite his advanced
years never misses a day's work.

Members of the German Air Force wearing helmets and with rifles slung over their shoulders march
through an unnamed Italian city while civilians-some with umbrellas-watch. Germany has sent planes
and fliers to help Italy in \ler Mediterranean warfare with Britain. This photo was transmitted by radio
from Berlin to New York.
Baxter Calls Proposed Alaska Road
Insufficient~~~ Fo eesv upss

500 WOMEN - Friday and Saturday
Who are interested in Real Bargains
Our store closes Saturday evening.
for 1 0 days, during extensive alternations
Everything Must Be Sold!
Mid-season and new Spring Hats

. I

The proposed international high-
way which will extend through the
interior of Canada to Fairbanks,
Alaska, will prove insufficient for its
primary purpose of Alaskan defense,
Prof. Dow V. Baxter /of the School
of Forestry and Conservation de-
clared in an interview yesterday.
The planned route will parallel
the Rocky Moontains, going in a
roughly northwesterly direction to
the Alaskan border. This route will
encounter a mi nimum of mountains,
Professor Baxtr contended, but
there would still be the necessity
for a number of bridges and trestles,
possibly tunnels and canyons, which
would be easy to bomb, because of

to many that an alternative plan
would be possible. A few authori-
ties in Alaska, however, have actu-
ally conceived another route which
would be more fully adapted for
the defense of Alaska, as 'well as be-
ing shorter, he added.
The new route, which has been
suggested to- Alaskan officials with
few encouraging results thus far,
would utilize the so-called "inside
route," a waterway from Seattle to
Skagway, Alaska, between the coast
and a chain of islands which para-
llel it. From Haines, near Skagway,
a road would be built following the
Dalton Trail, the earliest overland
line of travel by white men to the,
interior. At a distance of about 500
miles from Haines, the road would
join the Richardson Highway, a road
already constructed from Fairbanks
southward to the coast.
The advantages of this route, Pro-
fessor Baxter asserted, are numerous.
First of all, he said, the waterway
I stretch could be protected with a
minimum of effort, by laying mines
between the islands which protect
the inside route. Furthermore, it
would be much easier to protect a'

convoy of ships by air than to guard
the entire length of a highway in
the interior.
Secondly, he commented, in these
north regions the cost of highway'
maintenance is extremely high. For
this reason a shorter amount of road
would be advantageous, because of'
the many surface irregularities
caused by extremes of temperaturej
and weather conditions.,
In addition, Professor Baxter said,
the route would save the two-day
crossing of the Gulf of Alaska, the
most unpleasant part of the water
route to the "westward."
Peacetime uses of the highway
would contribute greatly to the de-
velopment of Alaska, he pointed out.
Since fish and game constitute the
greatest tourist attraction, a road
direct to Alaska from the United
States, as originally proposed, would
result in a rapid depletion of game,
thus destroying one chief reason for
making the trip, for many. A route
consisting partly of waterway would
tend to offset such a rapid destruc-
tion of Alaska's resources, he de-



HATS for
HATS for
HATS for


Think of Buying a New Hat for that Price Before the Season Opens
Full Fashioned Chiffon Costume Jewelry Our Dollar , Hose
or Service Hose . . . Scarfs . . . Genuine Crepe .
48c 59c 75c
604 E. Liberty St. 604 E. Liberty St.

Extra sheer 2-thread in new
spring shades. Regular $1.15
Triple sheer in red, blue, blaclk
stripe and plain pastels in
maize, pink, or blue.

the length of the
of war. Much
would be located

route, in the event
of the road, too,
in a foreign coun-



In spite of the fact that all the
her Canadian territory west of the
ckies is too mountainous for the
nstruction of a suitable road from
United States to Alaska, without
ormous expense, Professor Baxter
d, it is surprising that until with-
the last year it had not occurred

Freighter Sights U-Boat ' aI
NEW YORK, Jan. 30. --(UP)_- The in
British freighter Sheaf Crown radi-
oed tonight that it had sighted a "su-
spicuous submarine" approximately
60 miles east of St. John's Newfound-
land. Its call, heard here shortly be-
fore 9 p.m. (EST) said it was at
"latitude 47.52 north, longitude 50.34


~4 II



7.95 /{State Street Casual
SAU.JCY, head-hugging hat that's a dream for campus
wear. Note the jaunty bow-tied grosgrain band, and
the nice detail of the grosgrain laced brim. And wouldn't
you know Dunlap did it, even if you didn't peek
at the gold-stamped label in the band?
' Red with navy or all navy.



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