Cloudy, Snow Flurries
VOL.I. No. 92
Dr. Vaughan
Given Health
Prof essorship
By Uniersty
Will Cooperate.On lan
To Reorganize Hygiene
Division In New School
Opening Next September
To Help Supervise
Dr. Henry F. Vaughan, commissioner
of health in Detroit, has accepted the
postition of professor of public health
in the division of hygiene and public
health in the University, it was an-
nounced yesterday.
Dr. Vaughan, who will assume his
position at te opening of the new
semester next month, will cooperate
with Dr. John Sundwall, director of
hygiene and public health, and with
other staff members in the reorgan-
ization of the curriculum of the pres-
ent division for use in the new School
of Public Health, which will probab-
ly open in Sept., 1941. They will also
supervise the planning of the build-
ing constructed for the recent-
ly created school.
Son of the late Dr. Victor C.
Vaughan, dean of the Medical School
from 1891 to 1921, Dr. Vaughan re-
ceived his Bachelor of Science degree
in 1912, his Master of Science degree
in 1913 and was awarded the first
doctoral degree in public health ever
-given by the University in 1916.
Becoming a member of the faculty
of Wayne University in 1915 as lec-
turer in public health, Dr. Vaughan
was appointed city health commis-
sioner in Detroit three years later,
a post which he has held continuous-
ly since that time.
Since 1912 he has served as special
lecturer in public health administra-
tion here at the University, and has
held a similar post at Vanderbilt Un-
iversity for the last four years. As
a member of the Sanitary Corps dur-
ing the First World War, Dr. Vaughan
was head of the sanitary departments
at Camp Upton and Camp Wheeler.
A member of the board of trustees
of the W. K. Kellogg Foundation,
Dr. Vaughan has participated actively
in various national programs for the
improvement of public health.
Gerard Urges
War On Nazis
House Committee Backs
British Aid Measure
WASHINGTON, Jan. 30-(0)-AT
17-to-8 majority of the House For-
eign Affairs Committee urged the,
House tonight to pass the Lease-Lendj
Bill, asserting in a formal report that
its prompt enactment was "of high-
est importance to the vital interests
of our country-and even of our civ-
ilization.". '
The report was issued at the close
of a day which saw the committeet
approve the bill, saw Representativef
Martin (Mass), the Republican lead-
er, announce his opposition, unless
the powers proposed to be grantedt
to the President are "substantially
modified," and saw the Senate For-
eign Affairs Committee receive oon-
fidential information from Henry L.
Stimson, the Secretary of War.
The Senate group, in addition,
heard James W. Gerard, former Am-
bassador to Germany, say he favoredt
an immediate declaration of warj
against the Hitler government, and
advocate passage of the bill as a
weapon for "lightning defense"'
against "lightning war."
He said the Nazis would seize Mex-
ico if Britain fell.
Congress Asks Aid t
In HopBooth Plan=
Students who will be using the
Congress Independent Men's Associa-r
tion booth at the J-Hop were asked
yestercday to submit their names and
Fife Cigan
Fifty Years Of Continuouis Puiciatin
Broadcasting Station,
For The University .
'YT ' e*n-7E T
Vox Pop Solves Marriage Problems,
Awards Pig, Hollywood Phone Call
Hitler Claims American
Help Won't Aid England;
Ford Loses U.S. Contract
-Daily Photo by Will Sapp
. ** *
"Vox Pop," famed radio quiz show,
may have solved two of Forest'Eva-
shevski's marriage problems last
night when its directors, Parks John-
son and Wally Butterworth, awarded
Michigan's 1940 football captain a
large wedding cake and two round-
trip tickets for a Niagara Falls
Chan Pinney, '41E, pulled down
the prize (a make-up kit) for guess-
ing the best answer to the program's
general question, "How many dimes
are there in a mile?" Although last
year's Union Opera star's 100,000 was
closest to tOheactual figure of 89,792,
Prof. Preston W. Slosson of the his-
tory department drew the biggest
laugh with his estimate of 225,474
dimes-and one nickel.
Winner of a free telephone call to
glamorous movie starlet Rita Hay-
Naval Officer
PO Psts Opened
To E ineers
Probationary commission
Offered; Examinations
RequiredOf Applicantsj
Juniors, seniors and graduates in
the College of Engineering are being
offered an opportunity to receive pro-
bationary commissions in the U. S.
Naval Reserve next semester and to
perform active duty during the pres-
ent national emergency after gradua-
A special meeting for all interested
-ngineers will be' held at 4 p.m. to-
day in Room 348 of West Engineer-
ing Building at which Capt. Lyal
A. Davidson. chairman of the local
NROTC unit, will discuss the general
purpcses cf the program being offered
and answer any questions which
might be raised.
Those desiring to obtain these com-
missions are required to fill out ap-
plications, which are available at the
offices of the Department of Naval
Science in North Hall, and pass both
a physical and a personal examina-
tion which will be given some time
early in March.
Seniors and graduates whose ap-
plications are approved will be com-'
missioned Ensign, Volunteer (spec-
ial service) in the Reserve in June,
and will be ordered to active duty.
Pay and allowances, it was an-
nounced, are $183.00 a month.
Probationary appointments until
graduation will be given to juniors
whose applications are approved. In
June of 1942 they will be given their
regular commissions and ordered to
active duty.
Welles Questions Value
Of A Negotiated Peace
NEW YORK, Jan. 30-(P)-Ques-
tioning whether a negotiated peace
now would "be worth the paper on
which it was written," Sumner Welles,
Undersecretary of State, declared to-
night an Axis victory in Europe
would lead to economic and political
attacks on South America
u. -A- .1- 4. 4r 4,1,...- 1..,:,1
worth was Pete Haller, '42, "for his
attempts to explain the size of a
hair's breath." Haller disappointed
one member of the audience by not
asking her to Ann Arbor for the
Ruthven Invtes
State Officials
To Visit Here
House, Senate Committees
To Discuss University
Needs In Union Meeting
President Alexander G. Ruthven
yesterday extended an invitation to
the members of two houses and sen-
ate committees of the state legisla-
ture to visit the campus Thursday.
The legislators are expected to dis-
cuss the needs of the University with
President Ruthven at a meeting
scheduled for 11 a.m. in the Union.
Following a luncheon, the group will
inspect the campus during the after-
Chairman of the senate committee
is Clarence A. Reid, Detroit, whose
other membership includes Chester
M. Howell, Saginaw; Leo J. Wilkow-
ski. Detroit; Earl L Burhans Paw
J-Hop but satisfied the rest by shout-
ing out "I may not be Tom Harmon
but I'd still like to know if I'd have
a chance for a screen test if I came
out to Hollywood."
For knowing that Henry A. Wal-
lace's middle name was Agard, Wil-
liam Biggers, '41E, was presented
with a 50-pound pig and was later
given a can of flea powder to make
the animal "acceptable." Jane Con-
nell, '41, came through to win a pen
set and several "invaluables" such as
an old fraternity house bureau and
a 1910 washing machine.
Professor Slosson lent the greatest
dignity to the broadcast with the
pedagogical accuracy of his answers,
and then, with the greatest lack of
dignity, auctioned off his undesir-
able prizes--a pair of red-striped
shorts, an ancient bicycle and a
stand used to climb on trains with.
Barry County
Education Men,
To Meet Here
Officials Will Assemble
For Three-Day Study
Of Elementary School
War Department Rejects
Bid For Trucks; Labor
Clauses Cited As Reason
Ford Denies Plan
To Cede Factories
an action believed to set a precedent,
the War Department today rejected
a bid from the Ford Motor Company
for a contract involving 11,781 half
ton trucks because, it said, he "ex-
cepted as to the labor clauses."
The Ford Motor Company submit-
ted the lowest bid among 155 firms
which sought the contract, but the
award was made to the Fargo Motor
Corporation of Detroit. The bid of the
Fargo Corporation was $10,298,128.
The Ford Company's figure was not
disclosed tonight.
Last month it was announced ev-
ery invitation for bids for the pro-
curement of military supplies must
contain a clause saying a statement
of labor policy adopted by the De-
fense Commission and approved by
President Roosevelt shall be the guide
in awarding of contracts.
This statement of policy had assert-
ed all work done under defense con-
tracts should be in compliance with
Federal statutes (such as the Wag-
ner Act, the Walsh-Healey Act set-
ting labor standards for government
contractors and the Wage-Hour Act.)
A regulation issued Dec. 17, 1940,
said "all work executed under any
such contract will be carried out in
compliance with the provisions of the
statement of labor policy relative to
over-time pay and in dompliance with
federal statutory provisions affect-
ing labor wherever such provisions
are applicable, as well as with state
and local statutes affecting labor
relations, hours of work, wages, work-
men's compensation, safety and sani-
It was not disclosed just what part
of the "labor clauses" of Ford were
considered objectionable. The Ford
Company has been engaged in a bat-
tle in the courts with the National
Labor Relations Board, which has
accusedit of violating the Wagner
Government Won't
Get Ford Plants
DETROIT, Jan. 30-(0P)-Henry
Ford said today "there is absolutely
nothing to" a story that he told a
government official he would turn his
huge plants over to the government
at $1 a year rather than permit labor
unions to have a closed shop.
Harry Bennett, personnel director
of the Ford Motor Company, said
Ford made his denial in a telephone
conversationi from his winter home
in Georgia.
Rep. Clare Hoffman (Rep-Mich),
who said that his informant was ai
Michigan man whose name he de-
clined to disclose, entered in the Con-
gressional Record yesterday the re-
port that Ford made such a state-
Greek Premier
,~ , ar w v v w . .a. aa u a , .wv
-. More than 35 school officers from
Paw; and M. Harold Saur, Kent City. M
Heading the house delegation will rural and village schools in Barry
be Frederick J. Gartner, Wyandotte. County will assemble here Sunday to
Other members are Earl C. Gallagher, spend three days in observation and
Detroit; Edson V. Root, sr., Paw Paw; study of elementary education, Prof.
Henry J. P. Graebner, Saginaw; Bert W. C. Olson, principal of the Univer-
J. Storey, Belding; and Haskell L.s
Nichols, Jackson. sity Elementary School announced.
Other members of the state legis- The Monday morning session will
lature invited to attend the meeting be devoted to a discussion of various
are State Senator George P. McCal- instructional and health programs
lum, Ann Arbor, and State Repre- with members of the School of Edu-
sentative Joseph L. Warner, Ypsi- cation and staff of the Elementary
lanti. School.
In his annual report to the Boar'd of The group is here under scholar-
Regents released this week, President ships made available through the
Ruthven enumerated the legislative W. K. Kellogg Foundation and local
needs of the University as an admin- school boards. Represented in the
istration building, an addition to the group are students of education and
chemistry building, appropriations for public health. The program of study
repairs and alterations of the Uni- was arranged by W. J. Duddles of
versity plant and for purchase of land Delton with the assistance of Pro-
and removal of the mill tax limit. fessor Olson.
King George II of Gr~eece, short-
ly after the death of Premier John
Metaxas, announced his ecision to
name Alexandros Korizis (above),
55 year-old governor of the Nation-
al Bank, as Metaxas successor.
U. S. Birthd ays
Are Happier,
FDR Declares
WASHINGTON, Jan. 30-(P)-
President Roosevelt suggested to his
countrymen tonight that American
birthdays were happier this year than
they would have been otherwise "be-
cause all of us are still living under
a free peoples' philisophy."
He spoke from the White House by
radio to thank people from coast to
coast who were observing his own
59th birthday by attending parties,
balls and other activities to raise
money to combat infantile paralysis.
To all who labored "in this great
cause," he voiced his gratitude "from
the bottom of my heart."
Cuts Seven Cakes
But Mr. Roosevelt said it was not
a completely happy birthday for him
because "these are not completely
happy days for any of us in the
Mr. Roosevelt, besides making the
radio talks, cut one of his seven birth-
day cakes at the 18th annual reunion
of the "cuff and links boys" at the
White House, while thousands from
coast to coast made merry that hand-
icapped children might Pe happier.
In the family dining room at the
White House there was a swapping of
old campaign tales-tales that date
back to 1920 when Mr. Roosevelt ran
unsuccessfully for vice-president, for
among the guests were five of the
eight men who went through it with
"Cuff Links Boys" Present
These men were the original "cuff
links boys"-so named because at
the end of that campaign the candi-
date gave each a pair of cuff links-
and since 1923 they have held a re-
union on Mr. Roosevelt's birth anni-
During phe evening Mrs. Roosevelt
toured the capital's five birthday
balls, but was back at the White
House to hear the President's broad-
Celebrities here to enliven dances
and two theatrical shows included
Clifton Fadiman, the quick-tongue
of "Information Please"; Alice Mar-
ble, tennis star; Tommy Harmon,
Michigan's football hero; Wallace
Beery, Deanna Durbin, Glen Ford,
Lana Turner, Maureen O'Hara, Helen
Vinson, Jean Hersholt and a host of
others from stage and screen.
Hillel Players Plan
To Hold Tryouts
Tryouts for the Hillel Foundation's
annual play, this year John Howard
Lawson's "Success Story," will be
German Leader Threatens
Attack On All Vessels
Within 'Torpedo Range'
Denies All Designs
On North America
BERLIN, Jan. 30.-(P)-Adolf Hit-
ler declared today American help
would be of no avail to Britain and
that every ship "with or without con-
voy" approaching England within the
range of German torpedoes would be
As to British hopes of help from
America, he went on:
"I can only say this: we have from
the beginning put every possibility
into our calculations. That the Ger-
man people have no quarrel with the
American people is clear to everybody
who doesn't want consciously to twist
the facts and claim its opposite.
"Never yet has Germany sponsored
interests on the American continent
except that it helped to fight for the
liberty of this continent.
"If the states of- this continent,
however, now attempt possibly to in-
terfere with the European conflict,
then the war aims will change even
faster. Then all Europe will rise in
its own defense.
"Let there be no deception about
one fact: whoever believes he can
help England must at all events know
one thing:
"Every ship, whether important or
not, that comes within range of our
torpedo tubes will be torpedoed. We
are engaged in a war which we didn't
desire. On the contrary, one cannot
stretch his hand out to the other fel-
low more often than we did.' When,
however, others are looking for a
fight and aim at extirpating the Ger-
man nation, then they are in for a
terrific surprise."
He promised his nation victory and
the "new order" for Europe within
the year.
The great Sportspalast was filled
with about 18,000 Nazi party men and
government officials to celebrate the
eighth anniversary of Hitler's ac-
cession to power.
Greeks Report Victories
Against Italians
(By The Associated Press)
ATHS, Jan. 30-Greekswarriors,
on the offensive again after beating
off a week of fierce Italian counter-
attacks, were reported tonight to
have wrested new positions from the
Fascistsin the rugged Albanian
mountains north of Klisura.
Military advices said the Greeks,
pausing only long enoiig h to pledge
themselves to a fight unto death at
brief frontline memorial services for
their dead leader General John Me-
taxas, lashed out with such fury that
the Italians were forced to abandon
their own counter-thrusts and with-
draw hastily to new positions.
For a solid week Italian General
Ugo Cavallero's forces were said to
have stabbed at the Greek lines in
an effort to feel out weak positions
and not only failed, but disclosed
weak points in their own defenses.
In this time the Greeks said Italian
casualties' numbered 20 for every one
of their own.
In a spirited air battle the Greeks
announced their airmen downed two
Italian planes. Anti-aircraft batteries
were credited with destroying two
Derna Falls To British
After Bitter Fight
(By The Associated Press)
CAIRO, Egypt, Jan. 30-The third
major Italian bastion to fall in Lib-
ya-Derna, 175 miles west of the
Egyptian frontier-was occupied to-
day by British Imperial troops after
four days of the bitterest resistance
offered by the Fascists in the whole
of the African campaign.
The town had been defended by
fewer than 10,000 Italians, British
sources disclosed, but they fought with
a violence encountered nowhere else
in General Sir Archibald P. Wavell's
long continued thrust to the west.
While the conquering British con-
solidated their position in Derna,
Poll Reveals Students Favor Passage
Of Lease-Lend'
Bill By 2-1 Margin
Students at the University favor
by a margin of more than two to one
the passage of the lease-lend bill, a
recent poll reveals.
Thirty students were questioned
by a Daily reporter in the poll. The
questions asked were: "Do you favor
the passage of Bill No. 1776 (lease-
lend bill) ? If you are in favor of it,
do you think that any amendments
should be made?"
Of the thirty, twenty-two answered
that they were for the proposal, al-
though twenty of these stipulated
that amendments be made before
final approval of the bill. Eight were
against the bill.
Ten of those approving the bill,
two favored the bill, but felt that both
a definite time limit should be set,
and that the sending of American
convoys into belligerent zones should
be prohibited.
Eight of those questioned stated
that they were definitely against the
bill, no matter what amendments
might be made. Most common reason-
ing among this group was "that the
bill is the quickest way to draw us
into war, and this war is none of
our business.'
A few of the answers received are
given here:
James Wolf, '43: "I am definitely
in favor of the proposal, although I
think that a definite time limit should
be placed on the powers extended to
that the only way we can avoid actual
war and the ultimate sending of
American soldiers to Europe is to
aid England now in every way we can
without an actual declaration of war.
For this reason I favor the passing of
the lease-lend bill."
Arthur Y. Hillman, Jr., '43E: "We
will probably get into the war any-
way, so why not pass the lease-lend
bill and help England now as much
as we can?"
John Middleton, '43: "I am for the
bill. I think it is either a case of aid-
ing Great Britain now, or an out and
out war with the Axis powers some
time in the future. I prefer the form-
One of the most interesting an-
swers against the bill was given by