JV, U::ii,01941. THE MICHIG~AN DA;iily PACIF F. V I- Y- _-.' -- -.. S... S f n " , I . V A.. k Paralysis Fund Drive To Close Here Saturday Leaders Hope To Reach $2,000 Quota; $1,200 Is Already Contributed The local campaign for funds to combat infatile paralysis will close Saturday when the leaders of the drive hope to reach their $2000 goal. $1200 has already been contributed with several campaign divisions yet to report. Mrs. A. M. Waldron and Mrs. F. H. Yost, Jr., co-chairmen of the local drive expect the quota to be reached. Students still have a chance to con- tribute by mailing a check to Hervie Haufler, Student Publications Build, ing. These checks should be made out to the Arm Arbor Committee for Infantile Paralysis. Haufler and Bill Combs, '41, are leaders of a campus group which has been soliciting mon- ey for this cause. Fifty per cent of the money raised here will stay in Ann Arbor for lo- cal medical needs and the other, half will be turned over to the National Foundation which used the money to foster research into the causes and cure of this dread disease. A sizeable contribution is expected when the special gift division makes its report of donations by large don- ors. Pers ectives Asks For Copy Fiction, Poetry And Essays Will Be Accepted Ellen Rhea, '41, editor of Per- spectives, campus literary magazine, announced yesterday that manu- scripts for the next issue will be con- pidered between semesters and should be contributed immediately. Perspectives is interested in fic- tion, poetry, book reviews and essays. Any student registered in the Uni- versity is eligible to submit material. All manuscripts should be brought to the magazine's desks in the Student Publications Building on Maynard Street, or handed to editors Jay Mc- Cormick, '42, John Brinnin, Grad., Dick Ludwig, '42, Shirley Wallace, '42, or. to Miss Rhea. Hull Receives Petition MADISON, Wis., Jan. 29-(A)_- Eighty University of Wisconsin facul- ty members have signed and sent to Secretary of State Cordell Hull a petition recommending that Con- gress adopt a policy of "all-out aid to Britain-not necessarily short of force," it was disclosed today. The petition said in part: f "We believe that Nazism and De- mocracy cannot continue to exist in the same world, but that one must be destroyed." Ann Arbor, Here h Today's News In Summary An electric wall clock was stolen from the East Engineering Building sometime Tuesday or yesterday, police were notified. # *.. Each year students are bilked by traveling salesmen who come to them with "genuine woolen fabrics" at greatly reduced prices. Naturally, the innocent student finds out later that he has been cheated. Evidence that this practice is re- curring here, Chief Norman Cook said yesterday, is a complaint made to him recently. A salesman sold one of these so- called imported woolens to a mem- ber of one of the campus fraternities. This student took the material into one of the local tailor shops where he was informed that his unusual bargain was actually a cloth made up of 40 per cent cotton. When any student is approachec', it will usually be at a fraternity, he should phone the police immediately,' Cook declared. 'Big Parade' To Play Here Johb Gilbert Is Starred In War Picture Revival The late John Gilbert will star in the Art Cinema League's third film in their current series, "The Big Parade," to be shown here at 8:15 p.m. Sunday in the Lydia Mendels- sohn Theatre. The war picture, which is being exhibited as part of the Cinema League's "famous films of the past" series, also features the noted come- dian Slim Summerville and a cast considered "all-star" in the early 1 30's. The production, however, is fully equipped with sound, and will be supplemented by selected short subjects. Albert Stutz, manager of the league, announced yeserday that no tickets will be sold for this showing, since there was a complete sell-out in the original series ticket sale. Only holders of passes to the entire group of pictures will be admitted. "The Big Parade" was voted one of the best pictures of year in which it was produced.- Auto Plates Go On Sale LANSING, Jan. 29.-(RP)-Half- year auto license plates for 1941 will' be placed on sale in the 180 branch office of the Department of State Saturday morning, Secretary of State Harry F. Kelly announced today. Kelly predicted a sharp drop in the sale of half-year plates, declaring the sale of full year licenses has been brisk, due to improved business con- ditions. He estimated 1,400,000 motor ve- hicles remain ,to be relicensed before the March 1 deadline. DAILY OFFICIAL Wanderlust Lures Engineering hi4U T~ o uthe Islaiid BULLETIN (Continued from Page 4) held in Room 1025, Angell Hall, Mon- day, Feb. 3, at 4:10 p.m. Edward H. Kraus AGENDA 1. Consideration of the minutes of the meeting of December 2nd, 1940 (pp. 699-702), which were distributed by campus mail. 2. Consideration of the reports sub- mitted with this call to the meeting. a. Executive Committee, prepared by Prof. I. L. Sharfman. b. University Council, prepared by Associate Prof. Clark Hopkins. c. Executive Board of the Graduate School, prepared by Prof. E. F. Bark- er. d. Senate Advisory Committee on University Affairs, prepared by Pro- fessor A. W. Bromage. e. Deans' Conference, prepared by Dean E. H. Kraus. 3. Reports on the January Teacher )Education Conference by Professors H. M. Dorr, B. W. Wheeler, J. E. Dun- lap, Hayward Keniston, and P. S. Welch. 4. Evaluation of Faculty Service (Exhibits A-E). 5. Centennial Celebration of the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts. 6. New Business. 7. Announcements. Automobile Regulation: Permission to drive for social and personal pur- poses during registration period and the weekend of the J-Hop from I Wednesday noon, Feb. 12, until Mon- day morning, Feb. 17, at 8:00 a.m. may be obtained at Room 2, Univer- sity Hall, through the following pro- -edure: 1. Parent signature cards should be secured at this office and sent home for the written approval of the parents. 2. Upon presentation of the signed 2ard together with accurate infor- nation with regard to the make, type mnd license number, of the car to be used, a temporary permit will be granted. It is especially important to designate the year of the license plates which will be on the car dur- ing this period. 3. Out-of-town cars used for this period must not be brought into Ann Arbor before 12 o'clock noon on Wednesday, Feb. 12, and must be taken out before 8:00 a.m. on Mon- day, Feb. 17. The foregoing will not apply to those students who possess regular driving permits. The above permis- sion will automatically be granted to this group. Office of the Dean of Students Residence Halls Applications: There will probably be a few vacancies in the Residence Halls for the second semester. Students who wish to apply for such vacancies as may occur should file their applications immedi- ately. Women students should make --. ____ . application in the office of the Dean of Women, and men students in the office of the Dean of Students. Karl Litzenberg Faculty, College of Literature, Sci- ence, and the Arts: It is requested by the Administrative Board that all' instructors who make reports of In- complete or Absent from Examina-l tion on grade-report-sheets give al- so information showing the charac- ber of the part of the work whicn has been completed. This may be} done by the use of the symbols, I(A), X(D), etc. dents attending the J-Hop who do not attend an approved breakfast. For those attending approved break- fasts the closing hour will be 2 a.m. Jeannette Perry Assistant Dean of Women Aeronautical Engineering Scholar- ship: A scholarship of approximate- ly $450 per year will be offered by The New York Community Trust to students interested in Aeronautical Engineering. Further details may be found on the Aeronautical Engineer- ing bulletin board.l The niot n c e l tl'opic chlli(-; 1(O'k its toll on University enrollment last week when it beckoned the wander- le~st spirIt of J'srntes B. Funk, '43E. Funk's depanture from the "land- lubber's" life of Ann Arbor on a proposed cruise through the Carri- bean and later to Tahiti was enclosed Nars tu to Cartr' Chaniberlain,. '4, discled tIt Funk was scarch1ing for a boat in which to make the cruise. Chamberlain admitted that he would join Funk after the J-Hop~ and together they planned to pur- chase a 55-foot ketch in which to nn- in such secrecy that until yesterday U% l no more than a few of his most in- dertake their venture. timate friends knew that he had left Not content with either the naval the University. architecture courses he took or the Letters written from Florida and art school to which he later trans- - --- - ferred, Funk suddenly decided to manifest his love for small pleasure in applying please contact Ruth Well- Iraft in a cruise to the South Seas. ington at 2-2218 as soon as possible. Chamberlain revealed that their itinerary included a tour of the Ba- All people registered in either the hamas and points in the Carribean General or Teaching Division of the and that in September the pair would Bureau of Appointments and Occu- set sail for Tahiti. pational Information, please notify us of your change in address if you are leaving school or moving. EK . A Students and Faculty, ExeF ange Fellowships to Brazil: College of! Tyo exchange fellowships are an- Literature, Science, and the Arts: The attention of students and fac- ulty is called to the following regu-1 lations of the College: Students are not examined at anyj other time than that set for the7 examination of the class in which; the work has been done. When an en- tire class is affected by a conflict in the examination schedule, a special examination during the examination period may be arranged by the in- stuctor with the consent of the Ex-, amination Schedule Committee. It should be noted that a report of X (Absent from Examination) does not guarantee a make-up examina- tion. An instructor must, in fair- ness to those who take the final ex- amination at the time annouced for it, give make-up examinations only to students who have a legitimate reason for absence. Teaching Departments wishing to recommend February graduates from the College of Literature, Science and the Arts and the School of Edu- cation for Departmental Honors should send such names to the Regis- trar's Office, Room 4, U. Hall be- fore February 1j,1941. Robert L. Williams, Assistant Registrar Women Students Attending the J-Hop: Closing hour for the night of February 14 will be 3:30 for those students attending the J-Hop, who do not attend an approved, or- ganized breakfast. For those attend- ing breakfasts approved by the Dean of Students the closing hour will be 5 a.m. Closing hour for the night of Feb-I ruary 15 will be 12:30 for those stu- nounced under an arrangement be- tween the University and the Insti- tuto Brasil-Estados Unidos. They provide for a year of study in Brazil for students who have obtained their Master's degrees and are far enough advanced in their work for their Doctor's to have a definite research project which would be furthered by the year in Brazil. Applications should be made before February 15 to the Chairman of the Committee on Exchange Fellowships and Schol- arships, Prof. J. Raleigh Nelson. His office is in the International Center.! Freshman Hopwood , Coitests: Freshmen who enter the Freshman Hopwood contests should bind in cov- ers each of the three copies of manu- script in a given category. R. W. Cowden Graduate Students' registration material for second sefnester will be available in the Rackham Building beginning Monday, February 10. Graduate students are requested to follow the alphabetical plan of regis- tration on Thursday and Friday of the registration period rather than waiting until Saturday morning to register. Every student must obtain the signature of his advisor on his election card. C. S. Yoakum, Dean Two copies of Btopkelmann, Syris- che Grammatik, are needed for class work. If anyone has a copy and will sell or loan it, communicate at once with W. H. Worrell, 2023 Angell. Hall. The Girls Co-operative Houses still have room and board vacancies for second semester. Anyone interested The University Bureau of Appoint- ments and Occupational Information has received notice of the following Civil Service Examinations: Last date for filing application is noted in each case: UNITED STATES Junior Technologist (any special- ized branch), salary $2,000, Feb. 20, 1941. Junior Stenographer (men only), salary $1,440, indefinitely. Chief Artist-Designer, salary $2,600 Feb. 20, 1941. Principal Artist- Designer, salary l $2.300. Feb. 20, 1941. Senior Artist-Designer, salary $2,- 000, Feb. 20, 1941. Artist-Designer, salary $1,800, Feb. 20, 1941. Assistant Artist-Designer, salary $1,620, Feb. 20, 1941. Associate Chemist - Petrographer, salary $3,200, March 3, 1941. Associate Technical Editor, salary $3,200, Feb. 20, 1941. Assistant Technical Editor, salary $2,600, Feb. 20, 1941., Senior Pharmacologist, salary $4,- 600, Dec. 31, 1941. Pharmacologist, salary $3,800, Dec. 31, 1941. Associate Pharmacologist, salary $3,200, Dec. 31, 1941. Assistant Pharmacologist, salary $2,600, Dec. 31, 1941. Principal Technologist (any special- ized branch), salary $5,600, Dec. 31, 1941. Senior Technologist (any sp'ecial- ized branch), $4,600, Dec. 31, 1941. (Continued on Page 7) -Iz Buy Americas s ; 10th uonr No. 1 PIPE--*.QOs N TIhg One and Only There's only one cor rectwayto"breakrin" a pipe.. that's by STYLES smoking it...Only,, Or Grabow pipes are pre-smoked with fine tobacco (Edgeworth) ~ND onLinkman'smechan- BREAKTINGIN icalsmokingmachine NO SITTER TASTE PNTE CLEANER -' I! Ii II T'S r IME. to Renew Your Subscription to The Daily If your subscription to THE MICHIGAN DAILY has expired, don't be one of the unfortunate few who isn't in on the "know" on what's going on here at Michigan or out in the wide-wide world. Don't delay, don't put it off another minute, renew that subscrip- tion to THE MICHIGAN DAILY NOW by filling out the stub below. 11 i i Circulation Manager THE MICHIGAN DAILY Dear Sir: You bet I want to renew'that subscription to The Michigan Daily. Here's $2.25 so that f will get the paper until the close of the school i i N'ame I I I I I~~ddress I'l II it 11111