- I Weather Cloudy and warmer. L -999L I ld&k- 4* 41P ~uiti Editorial President Roseiet Begins A Decisive Reg line. Fifty Years Of Continuous Publication VOL. LI. No. 91 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JANUARY 30, 1941 Z-323 PRICE FIVE CENTS House Committee Rejects Proposal To Ban Convoying Adopts Time Limit Clause Fixing Expiration Date Of Presidential Power Senate Group Hears Stimson Testimony By RICHARD L. TURNER WASHINGTON, Jan. 29. -(')- A proposal to place an outright bar on the use of United States Nava vessels to convoy supplies to Britair was rejected by the House Foreig Affairs Committee today as it neared the end of its consideration of the lease-lend program for aiding coun tries battling the Axis. The Committee did, however, ap- prove an amendment stating that the measure neither authorizes nor per- mits the use of American vessels a convoys. Bloom Approves This action was taken with the approval of Administration member and Chairman Bloom (Dem.-N.Y.) later explained that if the Constitu- tion or any existing statute author- izes the President to order the Navy to escort duty, this power would no be affected by the language agree upon. Representative Mundt (Rep.-S.D.) unsuccessfully offered the amend- ment specifically prohibiting convo duty. Secretary of War Stimson, tes- tifying before a Senate committee earlier, had opposed such a ban, say- ing that "no one can tell what wil: happen in the course of this wa which is going on in Europe and get- ting nearer and nearer, in its effects to this country every day." Under the Constitution, he said the President has power to direci Naval movements, and the powe ought not to be limited by Congress even by implication. Amendments Adopted The House Committee also adopt- ed amendments fixing June 30, 1943 as the expiration date for the Presi- dential powers the bill contains; re- quiring that the President make peri- odic reports to Congress on the lend- lease program, and stipulating that he consult the ranking officers of the Army and Navy before sending any war materials abroad. While the Committee was acting, its counterpart at the other end of the Capitol, the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, was hearing Stim- son. He said that in the event of a British collapse the bill might prove the means of salvaging the remains of the British Navy, through its pro- vision that the President may open United States ports for the repair of belligerent vessels of those countries whose defense is vital to that of this nation.' Says Bill Vital "This is a very important point," he said slowly. "In case of disaster to Britain-which none of us wants to happen-this bill might be the means by which we can save the remnants of the British fleet." The House Commitee was in ses- sion all day, and this evening Chair- man Bloom said it had very little to do before taking final action on the measure. The amendments agreed to were formulated yesterday at a meeting of the Democratic members of the committee, and apparently were acceptable to the Administra- tion. Numerous amendments were of- fered by Representative Fish (Rep.- N.Y.), Mundt and other Republicans, but were uniformly disapproved. When Secretary Stimson, during his appearance before the Senate Committee, opposed the convoy pro- hibition, he was sharply questioned by Senator La Follette (Prog.-Wis.) who asked whether there was any doubt that if convoys were dispatched the country would be in the war. Stimson replied that that was "spec- ulation." Requires Speculating "With a bill of this nature I have to do some speculating," La Follette shot back. "So do I," said Stimson. In questioning the Cabinet Offi- cer, Senator Vandenberg (Rep.- Mich.) asked what he thought of an amendment to siet nrth ei mwhic US Citizenry Growing Older, Census Shows' WASHINGTON, Jan. 29. -(R')-- The average American, is 28.9 years old, the Census Bureau reported to- day after studying a 5 per cent sample of the 1940 census. The figures showed that the popu- lation is growing older. In 1940 the average American was two and a half years olde than in 1930, and six years older than in 1900. Men continued to predominate, but the Bureau found that the margin of males over females was declining. Some day. it was said, women would outnumber the men in America as they do in Europe and other areas of older civilizations. There were 101.1 males for every 100 females in 1940. Ten years ago there were 102.5 males per 100 fe- males. Whites constituted 89.8 per cent of the population in 1940, exactly the same percentage as in 1930. The nation grew older, the Bureau added, by a decline in the number of, persons under 20 years, a small in- crease in those between 20 and 45, and a large increase in those 65 or older. The Bureau estimated that the number of persons 65 or older in-, creased from 6,633,805 in 1930 to 8,- 956,206 in 1940-a 35 per cent gain. The average gain for all age groups was only 7.2 per cent. Annual Tryouts For Hillel Play sWill Be Held Cast For 'Success Story' Will Be Chosen Today, Tomorrow At Lane Hall Anita Newblatt, '41, president of the Hillel Players, announced yesterdayt that try-outs for the Hillel Founda- tion's annual major production will take place from 4 to 6 p.m. today and tomorrow at Lane Hall. The announcement of the play to be presented was also made yester- day by the Players' committee which has decided upon John Howard Law- son's "Success Story." There are roles available for six men and four wo- men. Arthur Klein, Grad., who recently was featured in Play Production's "Margin For Error," will direct the play which is scheduled for presen- tation March 7 and 8 at the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre, and March 17 in Detroit's Jewish Community Cen- ter. Fascists Flee British rive Toward Port Italians Believed Heading For Bengasi As Flight Leads Towards Baree RAF Raids Naples, Sicilian Air Bases (By The Associated Press) ', CAIRO, Egypt, Jan. 29-Royal Air Force planes leading the way for the British desert forces aimed at a clean- up of the Libyan port of Derna were reported by the RAF command today to have ground-strafed Fascist troops retreating all the way to Barce, 100 miles west of the menaced town. With British mechanized forces re- ported operating south and west of Derta and threatening Italy's hold on all Eastern Libya, the Fascist re- treat indicated Mussolini's men ap- parently had decided against making a fight of it at Derna. Instead, observers here believed the Italians would keep on past Barce and make a stand at Benghasi, 50 miles beyond on the western side of the Cirenaican hump which juts into the Mediterranean. The air activity in Libya was but one phase of the latest RAF assaults, which included raids upon Italian outposts on two other African fronts and night attacks upon Naples, west- ern Italian port, and Axis air bases on the island of Sicily. Fires and explosives were reported started at Naples Airdrome, the cen- tral railway junction and marshal- sling yards there. On Sicily, British pilots said they started fires and ex- plosions at Catania airdrome, used as a base for German dive-bombers preying on Britain's Mediterranean shipping, and at nearby Ccmiso. Hundreds of miles down in Africa, the middle east command reported, operations in the Agordat-Barentu sector of Italian Eritrea, about 80 miles from the Sudan border, were "developing." The capture of 73 more prisoners was credited to British forces pursuing Fascists retreating from Umm Hagar. "Vigorous patrol activity" was said to be continuing in many areas in- side Italian Somaliland. Spartans Defeat Matmen, 16-14 State Takes Four Straight But Finishes Weakly (Special To The Daily) EAST LANSING, Jan. 29-Despite the fact that the Michigan grapplers won four of the eight matches against a powerful Michigan State squad here tonight, the Spartans edged out a 16-14 decision. The feature bout of the evening found Michigan's Marvin Becker subbing for John Paup, who is ill, dropping a close match in the 145- pound class to Bill Maxwell. The 15- 14 defeat caused Coach Cliff Keen to hold up the proceedings and ques- tion the time-keepers and the ref- eree, but the decision remained un- changed. After Fred Klemach was decisioned by State's "Cut" Jennings, 7-1, Keen was forced to present the Spartans a gift of five points because both of his 128-pound wrestlers have been incapicitated with the flu. Sophomore Ray Deane, after win- ning both of his first two competi- tive matches by falls, carried Merrill of State through to the end of the third period, but was finally thrown at 8:19. At this point of the meet the tide (Continued on Page 3) Gen. Metaxas Dies; Korizis Made Leader To Be School Of Public Health New Premier Is Banker, To Hold All Portfolios Of Deceased Dictator 'Little John's' Loss Is Blow To Greeks (By The Associated Press) ATHENS, Jan. 29.-General John Metaxas, the "Little John" who dic- tated to Greece in peace and directed her aggressive defense in war, died today, whispering: "It is not for my- self that I mind, but I place my hope in the Greeks." "Premier for life," he died of a throat infection in his suburban home in Kiphissia at 6:20 a.m. while his soldiers were fighting in Albania, on the snow-covered soil of the Italians who invaded them, fighting for the life of Greece. Metaxas, 70, short, chesty, dolorous of visage, had been secretly ill three weeks. King Appoints Korizis King George II, with whose approv- al Metaxas obtained dictatorial pow- ers by a coup d'etat Aug. 4, 1936, quickly named a tall and studious banker, Alexandros Korizis, to be Pre- mier. Korizis, 55, a close colleague of Me- taxas but lacking any extensive army or political experience, also will hold Metaxas' other portfolios of war, avi- ation, foreign affairs, navy and edu- cation. Moreover, he is pledged to carry out to the letter Metaxas' own pro- gram of "victory over the enemy and afterwards, serving and promoting the welfare of the working classes, which constitute the productive power of the nation." With the Italians, aided by the Germans at least with plane, appar- ently ready to start a new offensive against the Greeks, Metaxas' death was viewed elsewhere in the Balkans as the heaviesL blow Greece could suffer. In Belgrad, political circles termed him almose irreplaceable.{ War Up To Papagos It appeared that, since the new premier lacks military knowledge, it will be largely up to Generalissimo Alexander Papagos, the Greek mili- tary commander-in-chief, to fight off: the Italians, with British counsel and aid. On Jan. 7, General Metaxas had attacks of dizziness, and a medical examination indicated a kidney ail- ment. He went back to work, how- ever, until a tonsil infection devel- oped. He was not even then greatly concerned, but his condition became worse and he went to bed Jan. 19, never again to rise. Last Sunday his condition became really grave.' Prosecutor Reveals M urder Charges A gainst Farmhand1 Beecher Osborne, 21-year-old Chel- sea farmhand, will be charged with first degree murder for the fatal stabbing early Monday of his broth- er, Price, 24, Prosecutor George Meader revealed last night. From earlier testimony it was in- dicated that a second-degree charge would be made, but there were dis- crepancies in the statements made by the defendant. His original confession claimed that the stabbing was done in self defense when attacked during a fight, but the autopsy showed that the blow was struck from behind and over the shoulder. Osborne, when faced with this evidence, said that he was ex- cited at the time of the crime and that he now cannot remember what occurred. e President Ruthven Says Established Here, 'Vox Pop' Radio Show To Be Presented Today Grid Captain Forest Evashevski, '41, Jane Connell, '42, and Peter Hal- ler, '42, were chosen last night to ap- pear on "Vox Pop," noted radio quiz show, which will be broadcast be- tween 7:30 and 8 p.m. today from the Union Ballroom. Others who are being considered as contestants on the program are Prof. Preston W. Slosson of the his- Although only 700 tickets have been distributed for seats at the program, Nathan Tufts, director, announced yesterday that there would be plenty of available room for standees. Everyone attending the broadcast must be present by 7:10 p.m., the time doors will be closed. tory department, Prof. John L. Brumm of the journalism depart- ment, Paul Chandler, '41, William D. Biggers, '41E, Chandler H. Pinney, '41E, and Robert Lewis, '42. Final selection of quizees will not be revealed until 7:10 p.m. today it was learned, and those considered for parts will be expected to report to the Union Ballroom at approximate- ly 6:45 p.m. today for last minute interviews. Members of the "Vox Pop" cast expressed their regrets yesterday on not being able to have on the show Michigan's All-American, Tom Har- mon, who has been invited by Presi- dent Roosevelt to attend the Infan- tile Paralysis Birthday Ball in Wash- ington. Conductors of "Vox Pop," Parks Johnson and Wally Butterworth, spent most of their time yesterday planning the prizes which will be of- Vinson Urges Strikes Curb Bill Suggested Following Army Job Walkout (By The Associated Press) An influential House member asked Congress yesterday to curb strikes in industries procucing Naval supplies a short time after 400 to 500 union workers had walked off a $1,- 550,000 Army construction job at Wright Field, Dayton, Ohio. The legislation, introduced by Chairman Vinson (Dem.-Ga.) of the House Naval Committee, would for- bid a strike on any naval project until 30 days after a Naval defense labor board had filed a report on the dispute. Vinson's bill goes further than the Railway Act, however, in that it also outlaws efforts to compel workers on Naval projects to join or refrain from joining labor unions. Vinson said the measure would make it illegal for Naval contractors "by discrimination" to encourage or discourage member- ship of employes in any labor organi- zation during the present national emergency. If the bill becomes law, Vinson ex- pressed the belief that any worker will be able to get a job on a Naval project despite existing closed shop contracts. fered during the course of the pro- gram. A free telephone call to a beautiful Hollywood movie star, whose name has been withheld, will feature the list of awards, they said. Among the other gifts which will be presented include radios, books, articles of clothing and an unan- nounced group of unusual prizes which, according to the "Vox Pop" directors, "will be humorous if noth- ing else." Tonight's show, the fourth ever to be presented by "Vox Pop" on a col- lege campus, will be broadcast by more than 50 Columbia Broadcasting System stations from coast to coast. Following next week's program aboard a U. S. naval vessel in New York, Johnson and Butterworth will leave the country to offer a series of pro- grams from Central America and the West Indies. Entry Deadline In Hopwoods Is Tomorrow Freshmen Must Submit Manuscripts By 4:30 For Annual Competition All manuscripts for the Hopwood contest for freshmen will be due in the Hopwood Room, 3227 Angell Hall by 4:30 p.m. tomorrow. Freshmen who enter the contests are reminded to bind in covers each of the three cop- ies of the manuscripts in each cate- gory. Each manuscript must bear a pseudonym. The entire entry of a con- testant must be accompanied by a sealed envelope bearing this pseudo- nym and enclosing the author's real name ,address and telephone number. Names of the winners in this com- petition will be announced in The Daily early in the second semester. A manuscript that has received a prize in the freshman contest will not be eligible for a minor award in the spring Hopwood contest. Prizes may be redistributed in the event that merit in a particular field makes such redistribution desirable. Further questions regarding manu- scripts should be addressed to mem- bers of the Committee which includes: Morris Greenhut, Ernest M. Halliday and Edwart S. Everett, all of. the English department. All undergraduate students who expect to enroll in the Avery Hop- wood and Jule Hopwood Spring Con- tests are reminded that one of the requirements for these contests is that they be enrolled in one course in composition in the English depart- ment or the Journalism department for at least one semester in 1940-41. Book Exchange To Open Feb. 6 Demand Always Exceeds Supply, Samuels Says All students desiring to receive their own price for their used books are urged to turn them into the Book Exchange as soon as it opens Feb. 6, Bob Samuels, '42, director of the exchange, announced yesterday. The student depositing a book will have to fill out two slips, Samuels explained. One will show the price requested, and will be put inside the book. The other, certified by one of the clerks, will serve as a receipt for the depositor. A 10 per cent service charge willI Rockefeller, W.K. Kellogg Foundations To Finance IConstruction Of Unit "raduate Studies Will Be Stressed Establishment ofa new school of public health in the near futur, financed by a million dollar grant from the Rockefeller Foundation in New York and the W. K. Kellogg Foundation in Battle Creek, was an- nounced today by President Ruth- ven. A limited program of instruction in public health has been conducted in recent years by Dr. John Sundwall but the new school will rank with the engineering, law, literary and medicine schools as a major unit of the University. Regents Accept Grant President Ruthven stated that the Board of Regents had accepted the grant for the public health school at their December meeting, and that construction of the new building would begin "as soon as possible." Completion of the building plans are awaiting the approval of certain technical phases of the new unit by the two Foundations. Only one-half of the million dollar grant may be used for site, building and equipment, according to the terms of the grant approved by the Regents. The initial expenses of operation will be financed by the re- maining amount of the grant over a ten-year period. Present courses taught in public health, hygiene and preventive medi- cine will be retained in the curricu- lum of the new school, but the total number of courses will be greatly in- creased, including a new emphasis on research problems in the field. Cooperation Will Be Stressed The new public health school will stress close cooperation with other units in the University, especially with the Medical School, science de- partments in the literary schools and the sanitary engineering divi- sions of the engineering college. The school will also function co- operatively with the proper govern- mental agencies, according to Presi- dent Ruthven, in fighting disease and in applying scientific techniques to problems in the public health field. This cooperation will include the training of personnel. Graduate and post-graduate stu- dies will be stressed by the new school, but a certain number of un- dergraduate courses will be offered. 'Mentioned frequently in current speculation over the new dean of the school is Dr. Henry F. Vaughan, com- missioner of health in Detroit since 1919. In 1916 Dr. Vaughan received the first degree of Doctor of Public Health ever awarded by the Univer- sity. Son Of Dean Son of the late Dr. Victor Vaughan, dean of the Medical School for 30 years, Dr. Vaughan received the Bachelor of Science degree in engin- eering in 1912, and a master's degree in 1913. Cotiimenting on the beginnings of the plans for a public health school here, President Ruthven said: "The long-continued interest of the Rockefeller Foundation in public health is 'well known. The trustees of the W.K. Kellogg Foundation are led to participate in the enterprise because of their conviction that pub- lic health education is important and a strong school of public health is essential to the success of the Michi- gan community health project. The University is expected to use its pre- sent resources for graduate training in public health and to make certain further provisions for this work in the future."~ Any interested to try-out for a production. The tomorrow will be1 and the cast willx next week. student is eligible part in the Hillel try-outs today and the only ones held, be announced early Budget Scored By Morgenthaii Predicts Federal Exhaustion By Credit May WASHINGTON, Jan. 29-(P)-De- claring that the. Treasury's borrow- ing power would be exhausted in four months, Secretary Morgenthau called on Congress today to raise the Federal debt limit from $49,000,000,- 000 to $65,000,000,000 and to tap two new sources of cash. He appeared before the House Ways and Means Committee in support of a bill which, in addition to raising the debt ceiling, would make future Federal securities taxable and em- n -..nr fl-h Tr',r oji.. d fn icz a crnl Aircraft Without Propeller Or Wings Proposed ByProf. Stalker May Revolutionize Flying By MORTON MINTZ Utilizing a stream of compressed air in place of unsatisfactory me- chanical drives, a helicopter proposed by Prof. Edward A. Stalker of the aeronautical engineering department may mark a new era in man's mastery of the air. Emhndving advantae of low of air forced from a large jet to drive the rotating blades, the plane itself does notrhave a tendency to spin, thus overcoming the torque problem in which the mechanical de- vices have not been adequate. Some propelling mechanisms, ac- cording to Professor Stalker, have al- bladed propellor, but on a horizontal plane, projects out from above the cabin. The hub from which the blades radiate, can be shifted back and forth in order to set the craft's direction. Air is pumped into the blades and escapes through special, long slots, re- Harmon Will Attend. President's Celebration I ..m" ANN ARBOR, Mich., Jan. 29--)- Michigan's All-American Halfback, Tom Harmon, left tonight for Wash-