WEDNESDAY, JANUARYV ?9, 1941 THE MICIGTAN DA-MY PA .. ... .. .s u s.a a v 1-a a i.r t'> t L 2 rA« ' Yt T Gus Arnhelm 's Orchestra To Play At Caduceus Ball Feb.21 I Medical Men's Annual Dance To Be At Union Committee Chairmen Of Affair Are Named; Herbert Pederson To Be In Charge Of Publicity Gus Arnheim and his orchestra have been signed to play at the annual Caduceus ball to be heldtfrom 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. February 21 in the Union ballroom. The orchestra includes among its fame notes a command performance in London by the Duke of Windsor, then Prince of Wales, a seven year run at the Cocoanut Grove and manyj radio programs. It has recently played at the Bev- erly Wilshire Hotel in Los Angeles, The Congress Hotel in Chicago, the Fox Theatre in Detroit, the Nicollet Hotel in Minneapolis and the Mark Hopkins Hotel in Los Angeles. Gained Fame In West. Vocalist with Gus Arnheim's or- chestra is Katherine Joyce. Arnheim has gained his greatest fame on the West Coast where, besides hotel and theatre performances, he has worked in motion pictures. Arnheim is also a song writer and among his hits are "Sweet and Love-1 ly," "I Cried For You," "Good Night My Love," and "I Surrender Dear." Announcement that Gus Arnheim and his orchestra would play for Ca- duceus was made by Herbert Peder- sen, '41M, publicity chairman. Head- ing the event this year are Robert Christensen, '41M, and John McNich- olas, '41M. Assisting Pedersen is, George Schaiberger, '42M. Committee Is Announced Others on the committee are How- ard Lawrence, '41M, Donald Effler, '41M, and Logan Hovis, '42M, decora- tions; Mason Maynard, '41M, and Charles Tolle, '42M, tickets; Robert Medlar, '41M, and William Wright, '42M, programs; and Wayne Stewart, '41M, and William Purfield, '41M, are in charge of patrons. The ball, which is traditionally held the evening before Washington's birthday, is restricted to doctors and medical students. i GUS ARNHEIM 'Winter Carnival Still To Be Held Next Semester All good things come if you wait,, watch and pray long enough. You'll get the toy trumpet you longed for as a child when you have a long grey beard, just as the Union staff got its prayed-for snow when final exams are just around the corner. It's too late now, however, to do anything about it. The much-herald- ed Winter Carnival will take place at the beginning of the new semester, according to Don West, '43, and Don Harness, '43, co-chairmen of publici- ty for the carnival. Carving Will Be Featured One of the features of the carn- ival will be the snow-carving con- test. The fame of snow carvers from{ other schools has spread throughout the collegiate world, but inasmuch as it is Michigan's first chance at it, works of great art will hardly be ex- pected. Anyone can try his hand at mod- eling. The entries will be amateur works, probably based on the inspira- tion of the moment. Judging on the basis of originality and im- pressiveness, and will take place the Sunday following the Saturday on whichthe outdoor eventsatake place. Judges Are Announced West and Harness specified that each entry should have a sign placed near the exhibit, telling just what the entry is supposed to be (conces- sion to amateurs). Judges will be Prof. Walter J. Gores of the decorative design department of the School of Architecture, Miss Catherine Helter, also of the decora- tive design department, and Marga- ret Whittemore, '41, member of the League Council. Play To Be.Given Scenes from Hanilet will be given by the class in Speech Interpretation at 7:15 p.m. tomorrow in room 302 Mason Hall. A review of the princi- pal scenes from the play will be given and all persons interested are invited to attend the program.' Michigan's Venus Is Created From "ProverbiaI Fifth' Co Editor's Note: This is the second of a series of articles designed to en- Myrna Loy, and the appealo lighten the campus on subjects here- Sheridan." tofore confined to bull sessions. Our Campus concensus is that t next article will present the woman's man who dances well will fn angle on the dutch treat situation the dances and that the By FRANCES GOLDBERG abounding with vitality will b Michigan's Venus of 1941 is quite a up as well as an all around cc streamlined gal. She has shapely ion. Pep, however, should nev limbs, a sparkling personality, un- ble over and register silly on th conventional outlook, independence, mometer of oomph. conversational talents and an under- And now campus fans, if y standing soul. She need not be a sad at heart, because you jus beauty queen, the only reqirement squeeze into the mold of Mic is that she be pleasant, natural, and dream girl, don't lose hope. R neatly put together. ber, this is an age of special Specific physical requirements are iwhich there is someone to fi irrelevant. Blonds, brunettes and red- mood. heads are all good on the market, 'tradition has it that Michig though the brunette has taken the is discontent with Co-ed. W sales lead. Candid observation and just given him the chance to the following self-commitals suggest from "the proverbial fifth" h some solution to the eternal question, fect woman. What women do men date? Aggression sComplimented P rise t s As for the "Aggression Policy,"T there is still some controversy about whether man should be the pursuer WR or the pursued. Frank Talbott, '44, W ill R ate says, "I like them slightly aggressive, it saves work and I'm a lazy man." By RHODA LESHINE Naivete is an obsolete quality giv- "When a new word has bee ing way to clever strategy in social part of your daily speech or sets. Bob Gribble, '43, comments. "I you have taken an old word an like an unaffected girl who isn't too added a new meaning to it, the regressive, too intelligent, and who for it must be found in the d has read Freud." ary," says Charles Funk, dic Dick Postmantur, '41, points out, editor, in a current article in "Simplicity in dress and manner is Housekeeping Magazine. essential, or else well planned and de- Editor Funk feels that iti ceiving sophistication." people's language and that Pep Is Important should determine how it is to b Jim Wolf, '43, describes his ideal Dictionary editors simply reco date as a mellow girl with the beauty common usage of the people, of Hedy Lamarr, the personality of lates, ald may even resent the ties that have been taken in th age of new or old words. WittyStudents ictionary Grows A list of 50 new words that w pear in this year's new diction Descr ike Profs revealed by Funk. As to the o these words, he points out tha rise from many sources-s 'Killer', 'Card', Uh-Man trade. radio, aviation, war,i 'Spicy' Are Classified food, dress-anything whatsoevi old phrase may be too cumbe The Emory Wheel, newspaper o an old word forceless,,too long, Emory University, declaring that highbrow." "since the professors divide students In his list of newly "acc into classes it is safe to assume that words that have been given th all professors can also be divided into cial approval stamp that goe classes," offers these groupings: tdtheprestige of dictionary m 1. he illr tpe Hewats t iEditor Funk includes such fa: kill off the lower teird and thinks terms of World War II as Blit killffthe owersy thrwr anmeaning lightning warfare, an the best way is by overwork. waffe, referring to the air forc 2 The Card type. He is a card, A chatterbox is a synonym but not an ace. He's a 3x5 card. machine gun and a conchie is Outstanding is his index appeal. ;cientious objector. Swing mu 3. The spicy type. He has a lot of usual, deserves mention with it cheek and plenty of tongue to put tribution to the world of words in it. His lectures kick up intellec- gie-woogie is explained as "n tual sarks out of the academic flint. more alarming than piano musi 4. The Skimmer type. The surfac- a fast, rolling bass." ing in his courses is fine. But the In music, mugging is staccat :oundation is weak. 5. The Fatherly type. He is the unexpectant father, always giving pop quizzes. 6. The Uh-Man type. He doesn't know any punctuation except "uhs.' Option-The Nomad type. Like the Nomad of the desert he loves to wander, and what he wanders over 0 is as dry as the desert. -College Topics# )ed of Ann he wo- requent co-ed e lined ompan- er bub- e ther- 'ou are t can't higan's emem- ization, t every gan Ed e have create is per- Casua . s I , " ! + 4 M L M As Glory Of Man Takes Over s Dear lip-trembling, lily-fingered angels of the earth, dear lovely un- derstanding visions of delight, Dear Women: Smelling faintly of lavender and old lace you will drape your bodies in finery on St. Valentine's Eve and be carried off on the arm of some gal- lant young man to display your beau- ties at the Junior Hop. If nature has been kind to you, saccharine mists of fine words will be sprayed over you and sweet noth- ings whispered in your delicate, pink cars. The whole business started some- where back in the miasmal murk, maybe when two sorts of amoeba developed. Then the poets got hold of you, thought it was all give and no take and heaven at that. Creation endowed you with enough grace and intelligence to keep quiet about the whole business, to lie softly on silken, couches with perfume in your hair. Lord only knows why the game has always been yours-maybe because of the card you have hidden away. At any rate you have never lost. You made them give away kingdoms and heads for your smile, you raised your soft hand and they fell on their knees. But, dear ladies, sweet ladies, you are only the minor half of humanity. In terms of your conduct you are parasites on the dignity of man. Let me chide you gently, mild creatures. The Don Juan who holds you in his arms on St. Valentine's Eve is your superior. (Editor's Note: we cut three thous- and more words of this, for it all leads up to a commercial plug for the J-Hop edition of The Daily to be published Feb. 14, an edition in which the males are supposed to prove the idea of superiority.) Prof. Hammet To Speak Prof. Ralph Hammett will speak on Mexico at today's meeting of the Michigan Dames in the amphitheatre of the Rackham Building. He will illustrate his talk with colored slides. Jacket Tops Al Possessing an air of nonchalance and warm comfort, this brief pock- eted jacket proves a smart acces- sory over sport sweaters and dresses. Its boxy lines and trim length make it adaptable for all occasions. Temple Of Woman Will Totter -~ Uf College Slang Space In Dictionary come a when d have n space iction- tionary Good is the they e used. rd the he re- liber- e coin- Hill ap- ary are 'igin of t "they cience, music, ver. An ersome, or too epted" le offi- s with Lntion. amiliar zkrieg, d Luft- ,e. for a a con- [sic, as is con- . Boo- othing ic with o swing :. and schmaltz is defined as sweet and aentimental. Being eight-balled, Edi- tor Funk tells non-collegiates, is noth- ing more than a failure. To gander is to look, and oomph doesn't refer to Ann Sheridan but to anyone with "great personal magnet- ism." Funk discloses that doodling is "absent-minded scrolling or draw- ing. Thus, we see the American lan- guage as a dynamic tongue ever gath- ering momentum as it collects the present coloring and international in- fluences in its growth-and we can't help wondering if a Rip Van Winkle would be able to converse with us. Would he know that when we men- tioned harlequins, we referred to our new pixie glasses rather than to com- edy actors in a play which is the dle- finition last year's dictionary gives? Gilbert Movie To Be Shown' ' The late John Gilbert will star in the Art Cinema League's third film of their current series, "The Big Parade," to be shown 8:15 p.m. Sun- day in the Lydia Mendelssohn The- atre. No tickets will be sold for this showing, since only holders of series tickets will be admitted, Albert Stutz, Grad., manager of the cinema league, announced yesterday. "The Big Par- ade" is one of the "famous films of the past" group, and features the famous comedian Slim Summerville, as well as Gilbert and a cast con- sidered "all-star" in the 1930's. I VARIATIONS on a classical theme -I Boots March Into Fashion With Winter "Tramp, tramp, tramp the boots are marching down the diagonal eve- ry stormy day," could well be the new theme song of the Michigan coed for she has at last accepted the dictates of dame fashion and dionned the boot as official footgear. Last year on many campuses, the women immediately took a liking to this novel way of keeping their feet dry, but the conservative dressers at Michigan steered clear of this new fad. There were very few who had the courage to put on these boots and appear in public. Yes, they were different from the ordinary overshoe, but were they going to be a passing fancy, and how would the men take them? The last question was soon an- swered for no serious objections seemed to be forthcoming from the male element. The boot was prac- tical and not too hard on the eyes. And so, reluctantly at first, and then with wholeheartedness, the boot ap- peared. They were worn by the BWOC as well as the hope-to-be BWOC. But there are many more pleasing features about the finally accepted boot. Lately new and smart ideas have been incorporated. Colors pleasing to all tastes instead of the plain black or white have been adapted. Boots can now be had in a fiery red, tans, green, and blues. There are three main types of boots. Oise of these is the fireman boot which, as its name implies, is quite similar to those worn by our fire eating L .r- "l R) f a .. ' a f ,.r---- ; After a long class. Dause andaZ brigade. r1_- _ - _ II Ef HANG ON to something good! Renew Your Subscription to the MICHIGAN DAILY NOW! THE EVER-POPULAR redingote style in better dresses has been re-fashioned and glamorized to establish a new and more youthful trend. Warmer colors are featured in these clever dresses. - Two-tone contrast and plain-with- print combinations highlight the group. Here is a grand way to solve your "mid-winter thru spring" clothes problems . . . 14.95-29.95 jjl$ -0Zr* rlt .: 'fit Y +ri ' Where To? Why, to that popular new spot The Nut and Nibble Shop, of course. Headed for their new aajve "0 Of e~9 ',h ~ e~t P owa pg The Michigan Daily Circulation Manager Am Mi -rt C-r.~ NV if ~7j'g~ ~ El A I I I