IVALdyt- mm, TI ft M tiff. I G A.N h A tt Y 1V'flNVT:AYCA4UARY 29, 1941 __________-_-_-_---__-_--------_-_-----__-_---------I- THE MICHIGAN DAILY 'Warmongering Professors' Are DefendedBy Slosson Fn -Away, w Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newpaper. All rights of republicationofeallother matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by carrier $4.00; by mail, $4.50. REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVERT13ING BY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADisoN AvE. NEW YORK. N. Y. CHICAGO * BOSTON . LOS ANGELES * SAN FRANCISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Editorial Staff Press, 1940-41 Hervie Haufler . Alvin Sarasohn . Paul M. Chandler Karl Kessler Milton Orshefaky Howard A. Goldman Laurence Mascott Donald Wirtchafter Esther Osser . Helen Corman . . . . . Managing Editor . . . . Editorial Director . . . . . City Editor . . . . Associate Editor . . . Associate Editor . . .Associate .Editor * . . Associate Editor . . . . . Sports Editor . . . . .Women's Editor . . . . Exchange Editor Business Staff Business Manager . Assistant Business Manager Wohen's Business Manager Women's Advertising Manager Irving Guttman Robert Gilmour Helen Bohnsack Jane Krause NIGHT EDITOR: ROSEBUD SCOTT The editorials published in The Michi-.. gan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Labor Plugs For National Defense .. . IT IS COMMON KNOWLEDGE that when organized labor recently evi- denced its interest in the national defense pro- gram by means of the Reuther plan the author- ities in Washington for some inexplicable reason chose to label the plan "impractical". Not so well known is the fact that CIO President Philip Murray submitted a plan of his own which is apparently receiving even less attention than did Reuther's, for he has received no official reaction to it, whatsever-either encouraging or discouraging. In brief, Murray's scheme consists of a series of "Industrial Councils"-one for each vital in- dustry. The councils would be appointed by the P'resident. Labor and management would re- ceive equal representation and Government would furnish one representative to act as chairman for each council. The immediate pur- pose of the plan is to speed defense, the long- range objective is to smooth out the bumps in oUr whole economic order. IS TO BE EXPECTED that the constitutions of the Murray councils would be patterned somewhat after the railroad union-management point council agreements. Management would, thus, agree to: recognize the union as the sole representative of the employes; pay higher wages as increased profits were realized through increased efficiency; provide safe and healthful working conditions; reward valid employe sug- gestions for improvements around the shop; divide the work when business is slow; regulate employment so as to provide the worker with more security. Labor, on its part, would be required to do everything in its power to: increase both tl amount and quality of its work; adhere strictly to all shop rules; treat the tools and machines with care and not waste materials; and make continued suggestions as to how production and efficiency problems might be more easily solved. PLAN on this order has worked for the B&O Railroad. During the first five years of the system the employes offered 18,000 suggestions, 85 per cent of which were considered valuable enough to use. At the same time, labor was receiving practical gains such as higher wages, better hours and more security. Murray claims his "Industry Councils" would be equally successful on a much wider scale. They would, therefore, be of immense value to our national defense program. Greater effi- ciency would result, orders would be filled more quickly and labor would receive more nearly its Just share of increased profits; Upon the re- turn to peacetime economy, following the war, Mdurray sees the councils playing a leading role in bringing about the necessary readjustmets in industry. More than that, he sees them, in dears to come, dealing with such things as tech- nological unemployment, retirement and pen- sion plans, seasonal lay-offs and production problems. A PROGRAM such as Murray proposes, how- ever, is not without its dangers to the labor movement. A union which attempts to thus sit around a council table with management : c hac r ofit A1,Pgf_ a- rwe ak unmio SINCE YOUR SPACE is necessarily limited, instead of replying to critics individually I should like to emulate Benjamin Franklin's alleged proposal to "pray over the whole barrel of pork at once" instead of doing it retail at mealtimes. So I venture to put down some gen- eral thoughts on the alleged "warmongering professors" of whom we hear so much. Few seem, however, t ask themselves the question why professors are so perverse. It is not love of military glory; for a favorite taunt is that professors are too old to fight. It is not love of war for its own sake, for any anti-in- tellectual will explain to you that the professors are a timid set of men, whose patriotism is at best mere milk and water. It is not economic advantage, for war means reduced educational appropriations, inflation and a higher cost of living, higher taxes, insecurity of tenure. Farm- ers, business men and even laborers in the muni- tions industries may reap golden harvests from a war, but salaried men cannot. THE MOST COMMON EXPLANATION is that the intellectuals are obsessed by love of England or by hatred of Germany: "Anglophils", "friends of every country but their own", "sacri- ficing American interests to foreign" and so on (read any copy of Seribner's, the Saturday Eve- ning Post or the Chicago Tribune). But "Anglo- Bursting with a spectacular abruptness into the Prometheus overture,- by Beethoven, the Minneapolis Orchestra, underthe very competent hands of Dimitri Mitropoulos, shocked the audi- ence out of its usualy early concert restiveness and forced entire attention thenceforth. We were first struck by the beauty, clarity and unity of the string section in this work, qualities which were well borne out by the other sections. Mr. Mitropoulous demonstrated his competency throughout the program, keeping the large unit precise, and under his control at all times. The work, one of great strokes and forces, was capably handled and characterful of the mood of Beethoven. Schumann's second symphony, in C major, was a litle overdone. We thought the orchestra was too strong in much of the work, which is one of great difficulty, due to its many and quick contrasts in rhythm and dynamics. The first movement was sparkling, strong and vibrant. The scherzo followed in the same mood to a very lively rhythm. The third movement, adagio es- pressivo, glided smoothly and evenly, with the exception of the pizzicato passage, the length of which was not understandable. The final move- ment, allegro molto vivace, was smooth, steady, precise; part followed part with great evenness. Smetana's symphonic poem, "The Moldau" re- opened the concert after intermission. Beauti- fully melodic, lyrical to a high degree, it was as purling as the brook, and as rushing as the mighty stream which it pictures. It was well in- terpreted, well presented, and, fitly, well received. An American work "Adagio for Strings" by Samuel Barber, was simple, serene, and entirely logical in its progressions. We thought it one of the best examples of writing done on this side of the ocean, where good writing comes not too often. It had massive lines, contrasted with a delicacy of principle striking in its simplicity, and faded to a whisper, leaving a hushed group. The well-known Fantasia and Fugue in G minor, by Bach, closed the scheduled program. We have not taken too kindly to another arrange- ment, feeling that it departed too greatly from the principles that were Bach's. This, also, seemed not a faithful representation of that great composer, nor was it an improvement. The Fantasia, particularly, sounded as if it had drawn from Beethoven and Sibelius in idiomatic expression. It was very loud, missing the mas- sive stateliness that the piece carries as the organ represents it. The second portion, which was the fugue, was much truer, although we lost, to some ex- tent, the interesting observance that has always accompanied our thought when we have listened to this work. The audience, appreciative of what proved to be one of the better symphonic groups in this country, clamored for more. The conductor and orchestra generously responded with three en- cores, the familiar Aria from Bach's suite No. 3, and the Slavonic Dances Nos. 5 and 17 by An- ton Dvorak. Better known as Air for the G String, Bach's work has long been a favorite of concert-goers. Last night's performance followed the conven- tional lines of orchestral interpretation, which is to say that it was well done. The Slavonic Dances were performed with an admirable spirit and verve that captured the happy earthiness of the Slavic folk as they have been often presented to us. Mr. Mitropoulos distinguished himself in the successful control he evidenced over so large a group, and the fire with which he led them. -K.K. Hallie Harris, supervisor of janitors at the University of Kansas, estimates that in 14 years he has climbed 5,880,000 steps, or a total of 742 miles. a firm, clear-thinking leader who knows what phil" is a word of many meanings. If it means one who admires the great historic achieve- ments of the British people, all educated people must plead guilty. If it means that the gallant struggle the British, are now putting up evokes especial admiration, nearly all Americans, edu- cated or not, are guilty. If it means that America will be safer if the British defeat Hitler, Anglo- philism is merely the statement of the obvious, Even among those who oppose any increase of aid to the British there are a predominant ma- jority who are "Anglophil" in one or more of these uses of the word; indeed, nine out of ten of their speeches begin "Of course, we hope the British will win, but-". "Anglophil" can, however, have other mean- ings. If it means one who prefers British to American folkways, or feels a closer allegiance to King George than to President Roosevelt, it is a term which has no application to any pro- fessor in this country with whom I am person- ally acquainted. For my part I would rather live in Michigan than in any British city-in time of peace, to make the comparison fair!-at twice the income. We have a freer social atmos- phere, less class consciousness and more verve and zest in living. If it means one who idolizes British institutions, one must discriminate. I admire the British civil service, see some con- veniences in the parliamentary system and re- spect the British courts; but to my American mind the monarchy, the aristocracy and the es- tablished Church are things we can do very well without, and if some future British Labor Gov- ernment decides to do without them many pro- fessors will be among the first to congratulate President Bevin or President Morrison. If it means one whose attitude toward the war is mainly determined by the fact that Britain is a belligerent, it is singularly wide of the mark. It is not Britain the Empire, or even Britain the Land of Shakespeare, that we are primarily sup- porting, but Britain the Chief Obstacle to To- talitarianism. NOR DOES THIS MEAN that we are "anti- German". The Germany of Goethe, Schil- ler, Lessing, Kant, Mann, Einstein and the liber- als of 1848 has never had so good a friend as the American university men, many of whom were trained in the old-time German univer- sities; it has never had so bitter and unrelenting an enemy as the Nazis. Why, then, are weso much concerned about the war? Well, there are several reasons. One is, no doubt, that we cannot blind our eyes to distant dangers. The student of world affairs may be any other kind of pacifist-internation- alist, isolationist or non-resistant-but he is not apt to be the Ostrich Pacifist who chirpily ig- nores danger because it is not yet right next door. Those who pointed out to blind and com- placent Britons in 1938 that the fall of Czecho- slovakia threatened the security of Britain were called "warmongers"; those who point out that the fall of Britain would threaten America are called "warmongers" today. As well call a ther- mometer the cause of a heat wave or a barometer the cause of a storm! BUT there is another reason. Wars, it is true, are not ideological in origin, which may be summed up in the phrase "real or supposed national interests". But they have ideological by-products, and any chemist can tell you that a by-product often is more important than the original end-product. My job is teaching his- tory, and I find that in every age I judge a struggle not by its casus belli but by its cultural effects. When Athens resisted Persia the Athenians were not "fighting for democracy" or for Greek art and letters, they were fighting for existence. Nevertheless, their triumph meant the victory of a freer type of civilization. When the Swiss villagers resisted the tyrannies of Hapsburg and Burgundian they were not fight- ing for abstract "liberty", yet liberty throve the more for their victory. It may be true that the Long Parliament was more interested in low taxes or Puritan theology than in the "balanced constitution", but we are more interested in the latter. I care very little whether the future Europe will speak German, French or Russian; but very much that it shall speak nobly and freely. NOW, the results of a totalitarian victory are so evident in the pages of recent history that only the naturally or willfully blind can fail to read them: (1) the annihilation of the specific national cultures-often very high in quality-of the Dutch, Scandinavians, Czechs, Poles and a score of other peoples; (2) the closing of all colleges and universities of the subject peoples-this has taken place already in Cracow and Prague; (3) the forcible silencing of all teachers, writers and other intellectually active persons who do not accept ideologies which many of them know to be false, such as Nazi anthropology; (4) the replacement of elec- toral democracy by the crudest and worst of all types of government, military dictatorship, rule by naked force; (5) the end of the "reign of law", of Magna Carta, of habeas corpus, of trial by jury, and their replacement by Ogpu Ges- tapo, concentration camp, secret arrest, and tor- ture; (6) the long drawn out agony of the Jew- ish people (wfhose cultural contributions to our common civilization have been so vast and var- ied across the ages) all the way from the Nurem- berg laws to the pogroms in Bucharest; (7) an end to all efforts for and prospects of world peace, since the dictators scoff at internation- alism, cosmopolitanism :and pacifism and glory in the conquests they can make. PlRITAIN might perish and progress continue; AXi /_ All, Y ~ $~~ Il tizz .; F ,fir :, loop, \ 4r AM A x AL DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN - WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 29, 1941! VOL. LI. No. 90I Publication in the Daly Official Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Notices Student Accounts: Your attention i is called to the following rules passedj by the Regents at their meeting of Feb. 28, 1936: "Students shall pay all accounts due the University not later than the last day of classes of each sem- ester or Summer Session. Student loans which are not paid or renewed are subject to this regulation; how- ever, student loans not yet due arel exempt. Any unpaid accounts at the close of business on the last day' of classes will be reported to the Cashier of the University, and "(a) All academic credits will be withheld, the grades for the sem- ester or Summer Session just com- pleted will not be released; and no transcript of credits will be issued. "(b) All students owing such ac- counts will not be allowed to register in any subsequent semester or Sum- mer Session until payment has been made." S. W. Smith, Vice-President and Secretary Group Surgical Service: Sufficient enrollments have been received to make the plan effective for those who signed applications either during the enrollment period in November or the period just closed. Service under the terms of these enrollments will be available to all applicants beginning February 5, 1941. Students, School of Dentistry: There will be a Student Assembly this afternoon.at 4:15 in the auditor- ium. Mr. Arthur Secord of the Speech Department will speak on "Develop- ment of an Effective Personality." All dental students and hygienists are requested to be in their seats by 4:10 in order that the lecture may begin promptly. Automobile Regulation: Permissior to drive for social and personal pur- poses during registration period and the weekend of the J-Hop from Wednesday noon, Feb. 12, until Mon- day morning, Feb. 17, at 8:00 a.m. may be obtained at Room 2, Univer- sity Hall, through the following pro. cedure: 1. Parent signature cards should be secured at this office and sent home for the written approval of the parents. 2. Upon presentation of the signed card together with accurate infor. mation with regard to the make, type The foregoing will not apply tof those students who possess regulart driving permits. The above permis-t sion will automatically be granted tov this group.r Office of the Dean of Students t Residence Halls Applications: There will probably be a few vacancies in the Residence Halls for the second semester. Students who wish to apply for such vacancies as may occur1 should file their applications immedi- ately. Women students should make application in the office of the Dean of Women, and men students in thet office of the Dean of Students. Karl Litzenberg i i Freshman Hopwood Contests: Freshmen who enter the Freshman Hopwood contests should bind in cov- ers each of the three copies of manu,- script in a given category. R. W. Cowden Aeronautical Engineering Scholar- ship: A scholarship of approximate- ly $450 per year will be offered by The New York Community Trust to students interested in Aeronautical Engineering. Further details may be found on the Aeronautical Engineer- ing bulletin board. All people registered in either the General or Teaching Division of the Bureau of Appointments and Occu- pational Information, please notify us of your change in address if you are leaving school or moving. Graduate Students' registration material for second semester will be available in the Rackham Building ceginning Monday, February 10. Graduate students are requested to follow the alphabetical plan of regis- tration on Thursday and Friday of the registration period rather than waiting until Saturday morning to register, Every student must obtain the signature of his advisor on his election card. C. S. Yoakum, Dean Teaching Departments wishing to recommend February graduates from the College of Literature, SeIende and the Arts and the School of Edu- cation for Departmental Honors should send such names to the Regis- trar's Office, Room 4, U. Hall be- fore February 14, 1941. Robert L. Williams Assistant Registrar The Girls Co-operative Houses still have room and board vacancies for second semester. Anyone interested in applying please contact Ruth Well- ington at 2-2218 as soon as possible. The University Bureau of Appoint- ments and Occupational Information has received notice of the following Civil Service Examinations : Last date for filing application is noted in each case: UNITED STATES Junior Technologist (any special- ized branch), salary $2,000, Feb. 20, 1941. Junior Stenographer (men only), salary $1,440, indefinitely. Chief Artist-Designer, salary $2,600, Feb. 20, 1941. Principal Artist- Designer, salary $2,300, Feb. 20, 1941. Senior Artist-Designer, salary $2,- 000, Feb. 20, 1941. Artist-Designer, salary $1,800, Feb. 20, 1941. (Continued on Page 6) RADIO SPOTLIGHT WJR WWJ - CKLW WXYZ 750 KC - VHS 920 KC - NBC RedI ,1030 KC - Mutual 1240 KC-NBC Blue Wednesday Evening 6:00 News Music; Oddities Rollin' Bud Shaver 6:15 Htdda Hopper Newscast;tTune Horne The Factfinder 6 :30 Inside, of Sports Bill Elliott Conga Time Day In Review 6:45 Melody Marvels Lowell Thomas Hard of Hearing Short Short Story 7:00 Amos 'n Andy Fred Waring News Easy Aces 7:15 Lanny Ross Evening Melodies World Today Mr. Keen-T.racer 7:30 Mr. Meek Cavalcade Carson Robison The Lone 7:45 Mr. Meek Of America Serenade; News Ranger 8:00 Ed. G. Robinson Tony Martin Your Job & Mine Quiz 8:15 In Big Town How Did You Meet Interlude; News Kids 8:30 Dr. Christian Plantation -emoirs Manhattan 8:45 News at 8:55 Party In Music At Midnight 9:00 Fred Allen Eddie Star of Hope Yukon Challenge 9:15 Fred Allen Cantor Tabernacle The Old Traveler 9:30 Fred Allen Mr. District Chicagoland John B. Kennedy 9:45 Fred Allen Attorney Concert Win With Flynn