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January 29, 1940 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1940-01-29

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Vor Nationai ife.

Fifty Years Of Continuous Publication


Marshall Declares
Britain Could Beat
Axis With U.S. Aid


Will Battle




Weakened Squad To Face Powerful Spartan Team,
Without Seniors Tom Weidig And John Paup

Free French Open Third
Fighting Front In Africa;
Nazis Renew Air Attacks

Trade With Russia Faces
Curtailment As British
Protest Supplies To Nazis
Murray Proposes
Industrial Council
WASHINGTON, Jan. 28. -()-
In clipped monosyllables, General
George C. Marshall today expressed
the opinion that Britain could whip
Germany with the American aid
contemplated under the Lease-Lend
Bill, while Secretary Morgenthau de-
clared that unless the bill is passed
the British must stop fighting.
The views of the army's chief of
staff, expressed to reporters after he
had testified at a secret session of
the House Foreign Affairs Commit-
tee, recalled the testimony given last
week by Col. Charles A. Lindbergh.
Lindbergh said that even with the
full military assistance of the United
States Britain could not hope suc-
cessfully to invade the continent of
Europe, unless Germany collapsed in-
Another major development was a
disclbsure by Chairman Bloom
(Dem.-N.Y.) of the House Foreign
Affairs Committee that Democratic
committeemen, in conference with
House leaders, had tentatively agreed
on fourr amendments to the Lend-
Lease Bill.
He said they would. "clearly pro-
hibit" the use of United States naval
vessels to convoy materials to bellig-
erents, would limit the life of the
President's sweeping powers to two
years, would require periodic reports
to Congress on the administration of
the program, and would require him
to consult the Army Chief of Staff
and the Chief of Naval Operations.
efore taking any step under the
proPwed statute.
English Assert Russians
Send U.S. Goods To Nazis
WASHINGTON, Jan. 28-(A)-The
possibility arose tonight that Ameri-
can trade with Soviet Russia might
be curtailed further after British of-
ficials claimed that important mili-
tary supplies were "leaking" into
Germany through Russia.
Russian purchases of cotton in the
United States, which amounted to
approximately 140,000 bales during
the last three months of 1940, ap-
peared to be Britain's chief concern.
The British government disclosed
that it was seeking through diplo-
matic conversations here to reduce
this traffic.
Secretary of State Hull said the
United States government was seek-
ing to determine to what extent
American exports might be reaching
certain belligerents through other
countries. He appeared to regard Rus-
sian purchases of cotton and other.
products in this country as of small
military importance, but indicated
the government was watching the
situation closely.
He added that there was "little
evidence that United States exports
to the Soviet are reaching Germany
direct but there is ample evidence
that the Soviet is exporting Russian
goods to Germany and replacing
them by imports from the United
New Management Council
Suggested For Industry
WASHINGTON, Jan. 28. -(T)--
CIO President Philip Murray pro-
posed today that President Roosevelt
establish a Labor-Management Coun-
cil in the steel industry to supply
what he said was a "critically needed"
coordination of production facilities
for defense and civilian needs.
The steel industry Murray de-
clared in a survey of capacity, is fall-

ing 5,920,195 net tons a year below
attainable production despite re-
ports that operations are within one
per cent of capacity.
He said the machinery of the na-
tional defense commission, is "in-
escapable of achieving this vital in-
dustry-wide coordination" because it
is organized on what he called a
"horizontally specialized basis" in
stead of a "vertical, industry basis so

Arrange menrts
For Vox Pop'
Are Completed

The cast of radio's original quiz
show, "Vox Pop," will invade Ann Ar-
bor sometime today to make final
arrangements for their broadcast
here, scheduled to be held from 730
to 8 p.m. tomorrow in the Union Ball-
Students who have obtained tickets
for the broadcast must arrive at the
Ballroom before '7:10 p.m., the time
all doors will be closed. The Union
and League reported last night that
all of their tickets had been distri-
buted and that, as far as was known,
there were none left in the city.
Parks Johnsonsand Wally Butter-
worth, conductors of the show, are
expected to address the radio class
of Prof. Waldo Abbot of the speech
department at 9 a.m. today in Morris
Hall and Nathan Tufts, director of
the program may also be present to
add a few words.
The "Vox Pop" presentation here
is the first campus appearance of
the program west of New York State.
Engineers' Institute
To Hear Prof. Gault
Presenting his paper entitled "to-
tor-Bar Currents in Squirrel-Cage
Induction Motors," Prof. James S.
Gault of the electrical engineering
department will be in Philadelphia
today to attend the annual winter
meeting of the American Institute
of Electrical Engineers.
In addtion to presenting his paper,
Professor Gault, as faculty adviser
to the campus student section of the
AIEE will also meet with other stu-
dent counselors for a discussion of
their activities.

A Wolverine wrestling team, caught
in the midst of the current flu wave,
meets a powerful Michigan State
squad tonight at East Lansing in a
meet which should be hotly contest-
T flu epidemic has added three
ofthe home grapplers to its ver-
growing toll. Seniors Tom Weidig
and John Paup have both been made
inactive for the Spartan clash. And
Weidig's substitute in the 128-pound
class, Art Schoenberg, is also ill. Thus
with nobody else available at that
weight, Michigan will be forced to
spot State five points on a default.
Sophomore Marvin Becker will take
over Paup's post at 145-pounds.
Sporting a team which is probably
the best in its history, State will play
host to the Wolverines in a meet
which will be the toughest one on
both teams? schedule. Fendley Col-
lins, the Spartan mentor, in addition
to having several Oklahoma star
wrestlers, will have a squad tonight
that will be at top strength.
Top honors for the best scraps,
should go to the 175-pound and 155-
pound matches. In both tussles are
four of the finest grapplers in the
country. Hutson of State and Michi-
gan's Jim Galles will wrestle in the
heavier class, while Bill Combs and
Prof. C. Heller
Will Address
Art Banquet
Prof. Catherine Heller of the arch-
itecture and design college will ad-
dress the initiation banquet of Tau
Sigma Delta, international honorary
fraternity for students of architec-
ture and applied design at 6 p.m.
today in the Union.
Seven students of the college were
chosen for membership on the basis
of their excellent work and promise.
They include Janet Fisher. '41A,
Ann Arbor; Julie Hart, '42A, of Ann
Arbor; Fred Arnold, '42, of Salt Lake
City, Utah; John Maxon. '41A, Hemp-
stead, N. Y.; Chauncey Korten, '42A,
of Iron Mountain; Clelan Grahman,
'41A, of Flint; and Charles Shaw, '41,
of Ann Arbor.
The initiation program will be
held at 5:15 preceding the banquet.
Ann Wills, '41A, is in charge of the
program and entertainment.
Transports Sighted
ear indo-China
SAIGON, French Indo-China, Jan.
29.-(R)-Japanese troop transports
were reported sighted off the coast
south of here today as new Japan-
ese military moves in Indo-China
overshadowed the violation of the
Thai-Indo-China armistice agree-
ment for which each side blamed the



Benny Riggs, both captains of their
teams, will take on each other at
155-pounds. Riggs has been gunning
for Combs, but Bill is set on pro-
tecting his 18-match winning streak.
Since the two schools started re-
lations in wrestling 19 years ago,
Michigan has an edge on wins, 22-5.
State's last victory came in 1935.
Michigan won last year, 26-8.
Both teams have two victories, and
no defeats up to date. Michigan has
scored decisive victories over the
Dearborn A. C. and Northwestern.
(Continued on Page 3)
Brown To Head
On Taxation
Congressional Committee
Will Analyze Problems
Of Tax-Free Securities
WASHINGTON, Jan. 28. -(A)-
Selection of Senator Prentiss M.
Brown today as chairman of a Con-
gressional committee to draft new
tax legislation placed the Michigan
Democrat in the forefront of what
promises to be one of this session's
most complex tasks.
The committee will figure in the
problem of boosting the national debt
limit from $49,000,000,000 to a pro-
posed $65,000,000,000 and in an an-
ticipated battle over attempts to place
a tax on certain securities heretofore
exempted. ,
In the last Congress Brown, then
also chairman of a subcommittee
recommended that all tax exemp-
tions on bonds be denied. Today he
said he felt sure that Congress would
approve such a proposal.
Senator Brown said he had ob-
tained data showing that approxi-
mately half of all estates of $5,000,-
000 or more lay in tax-exempt secur-
ities of Federal, State or municipal
governments. He said this repre-
sents "a tremendous loss" to govern-
"We do not believe that we will
achieve absolute tax justice in the bill
to be drafted," Brown said. "But it
is our hope to distribute the burden
among those who can best meet the
obligations which the heavier taxes,
necessitated by the defense program,
have forced upon this Congress."
Student Enlists
To Aid Britain
Curtis Atherton Will Join
Canadian Air Force
Curtis Atherton is going to fight
"for the cause he believes to be right
and just, the Battle of Britain."
Forsaking his studies, Curtis will
add his flying abilities to those of
Britain's RAF defenders in "America's
fight, as a fulfillment of my moral
obligation, as my contribution to the
fight for freedom."

First Nazi Attack
(By The Associated Press)
LONDON, Jan. 28-German bomb-
ers ended London's four-day respitet
from raids with a shower of incen-t
diaries and explosives which caused1
considerable damage to houses and
brought the city's anti-aircraft de-t
fenses into vigorous action today.-
German long-range guns also re-
newed shelling across the Dover
Strait tonight.1
The four alarms in I.andon were(
the first since last Thursday, butE
the attacks ended before dark ush-
ered in the ninth night without a raidI
Bombs landing in a residential area
killed one woman, but otherwise there
were no reports of serious casualties.
Planes were reported to have ma-
chine-gunned a train in eastern Eng-
land and dropped fire bombs and
explosives on villages whose inhabi-1
tants were said to have been firedl
upon when they fought the incendi-
aries. Threshers also were reported
Wendell Willkie Confers
Jt'ith English Officials "
LONDON, Jan. 28-(IP)-Minus tin
hat, Wendell L. Willkie plunged
cheerfully about London today
through four air raids, acting as if
nothing out of the ordinary had hap-
pened and permittingnothing to dis-
turb his strenuous schedule.
He inspected the bomb damage at
St. Paul's and called it "outrageous;"
talked with Montagu Norman, Gov-
ernor of the Bank of kngland, con-
ferred with Sir Kingsley Wood, Chan-
cellor of the Exchequer; sat for half
an hour in Commons listening to de-
bates; had a half-hour's conference
with Arthur Cardinal Hinsley, Ro-
man Catholic Archbishop of West-
'Empress Of Australia'
Torpedoing Disclaimed
LONDON, Jan, 28-()-British
naval authorities announced tersely
today that the big war-converted din-
er Empress of Australia is "safe in
port," and one source suggested that
radio messages reporting her torped-
oed and shelled might have been "a
German trick."
The messages were received last
night by the Miami, Fla., station of
tropical. radio, which said they had
no way of telling whether they were
genuine. Beginning at 10:36 p.m.
E.S.T., the messages, over a period
of about 20 minutes, gave staccato
account of a torpedo striking.

Daylight Bombing Raid
Ends Four-Day Lull;
Batteries Shell Coast

G ov. Osborn' s'
'Possums Make
Feast For Si s
The boys at the Sigma Chi house
are going to eat 'possum tonight, all1
because House-manager Blaz Lucas
happened to be listening to the radio
last week.
Lucas heard a radio birthday salute
to former Governor Chase Osborn, a1
brother Sigma Chi, and sent him a
congratulatory card. Two days ago
"Sparky" Harrison, the fraternity's
porter, dragged a 40 pound crate-
Osborn's thank-you card-into the
kitchen. Inside were two 15-poundf
well-fattened, scrowling 'possums. The
return address was Possumpoket
Farm, Possumlane, Georgia.
They had to kill the things
Rush Cattell, the chef, backed out,
"I'm a chef, not- a butcher." Sparky1
said he didn't even like 'possum meat.
So yesterday afternoon 14 determined
Sigs slipped into the basement, in-
tending to kill them in a humane way,,
like drowning. They opened the crate
ad one of the animals jumped out.
Steward Mert DeLancey, seeing that
he could save money on the food if
they killed them, grabbed a lead gas
pipe, clonked the 'possum over the
head, smiled as it dropped to the floor.
The other met the same fate.
So they're going to eat 'possum to-
night, slowly-roasted 'possum with:
candied yams in the mouth and car-
rots in the body. Dean Emeritus Mor-
timer F. Cooley and Fielding H. Yost
will be special guests at the feast. ;
Osborn even sent directions how to
cook the animals ". . . with potatoes,
in the mouth and carrots in the body,
roast slowly for half a day and then
you'll have a feast for the Gods,
Coach Yost, Dean Cooley and all of
you. Wish I could be there and cook
them for you."
And the steward says that Blaz
Lucas is going to get double servings
Elizabeth Dew Given
Mann Scholarship
Elizabeth Dew, '41, has been award-
ed the first Margaret Mann Schol-
arship for University students in li-
brary science it was announced yes-
This award which carries a stipend
of $75 this year was established in
1938 by gifts from the University Li-
brary Science Alumni Association,
the Ann Arbor Library Club and as-
sociates and former students of Prof.
Emeritus Margaret Mann who was a
member of, the library science de-
partment from 1926 to 1938 when she

New Campaign In Libya
May Result In Downfall
Of Mussolini's Empire
Nazis May Attempt
Landing In Africa
CAIRO, Egypt, Jan. 28.-A "Free
F'rench" camel corps operating from
Chad-the northern area of Equator-
ial Africa-has begun an offensive
against the Italians in southwestern
Libya, thus opening a third fighting
front in an African struggle menac-
ing the whole of the Fascist empire.
This new blow against the Italians
was belatedly announced by radio
tonight by General Georges Catroux,
an associate of General Charles De
Gaulle, the supreme commander of
all those Frenchmen who rejected the
armistice with Germany and have
been fighting on as Britain's allies.
Corps Assembled
The corps was assembled along the
Libyan frontier early this month, he
said, and crept slowly across the
desert by night, hiding by day, until
at last they met and drove out the
Italian garrison in the important
oasis of Fezzan. The regional capital,
Marzouk, was declared to have been
haided in a fierce, suddendassault
which took the Italian defenders
wholly by surprise. The town is 300
miles from the Frehch base in Chad,
and lies some 700 miles to the south-
west of Derna, Libya, where only to-
day British Imperial forces were re-
ported being rapidly reinforced for
a general attack.
The third front active during to-
day is 2,000 miles away to the south-
east. There, advancing British
forces were said to be closing in on
the towns of Agordat and Barentu in
Italian Eritrea.
Agordat Essential Center
Agordat is an essential rail center
some 40 miles within Eritrea, and
there and at Barentu, military in-
formants said, the disorganized Ital-
ians were preparing to make what
stand they could. British ground
forces were reported advancing in
strength and it appeared to be only
a question of a short time before both
towns fell.
Still other British troops were de-
clared to be pursuing an Italian
column, 3,000 to 4,000 strong, which
had abandoned the post of Umm
Hagar, near the Eritrean-Ethiopian
border, and had taken flight into an
area which is infested with Ethiopian
"patriots" aiding Britain.
Recapitulating recent operations in
East Africa, the British announced
the capture of an Italian general-
the 17th of that rank to fall into Bri-
tish hands in the whole campaign-
and the seizure in the Eritrean sec-
tor of an additional hundred. prison-
ers, thus bringing to 1,200 the total
taken there to date. The general
was not identified.
Hitler Expected To Move
Against French In Africa
(By The Associated Press)
ROME, Jan. 28-Foreign observers
said today that there was a possibility
of a German landing in North Af-
rica, if necessary, in an attempt to
drive a military wedge between Gen.
Sir Archibald P. Wavell's British Ar-
my in Libya and Free French forces
to the west."
The British are expected in Rome
to reach the end of their driving force
when they get to Bengasi, more than
300 miles from the Egyptian Border,
with vast stretches of sand between
them and their bases and more hun-
dreds of miles of desert ahead.

Gayda Accuses America
Of Coveting Azores Base
ROME, Jan. 28-P)--Virginio Gay-
da, the highly-placed Fascist editor,
accused the United States today of
planning to establish air and naval
bases in the Portugese-owned Azores
as a threat to Europe.
His editorial, "Eyes on the Azores,"

Mitropoulos Declares Germans
World's Best Concert Audiences

With a rueful smile on his deeply
lined face Dimitri Mitropoulos opined
yesterday that "although they can be
unbelievably cruel, the German peo-
ple are romantic sentimentalists at
heart, and I have found them to be
the best concert audiences in the
Interviewed before his performance
last night in Hill Auditorium where
he conducted the Minneapolis Sym-
phony Orchestra in the eighth Chor-
al Union concert, Mitropoulos de-
clared that as conductor of the Ber-
lin Symphony Orchestra he knew the
pre-Hitler people as the best informed
and most respectful music lovers.
Born in Greece, which at present
through its war with Italy, is decid-
edly anti-Nazi, the noted maestro
has been active on war relief com-
mittees for his homeland. He has of-
ten expressed his deep concern over
the outcome of its conflict, but speak-
ing as a musician he admitted that
nnwheree se hnve audienes int-

cal supplies that the Greeks were un-
able to obtain before.
As to Greek-German relations, he
related the news that the wife of the
German ambassador in Athens heads
one of Greece's soldier-supply units,
but that-as they would feel towards
a friend that consorts with their ene-
my-he knows that his people are
definitely distrustful of all Germans
at the present.
Since his debut in America in 1936,
Mitropoulos conducted both the Bos-
ton Symphony and New York Phil-
harmonic Orchestra as well as tour-
ing the country with the Minneapolis
group. Comparing the East's sophis-
ticated audiences with those here in
the middle-west, he asserted that
while the former are as a whole bet-j
ter informed, they are also noisy and1
less respectful.
During the interview two Daily
photographers who had met and ob-
tained pictures of the conductor a
few weeks ago, brought enlargements
of the shnts to Mitronoulos. After


Aid To Britain Now May Avert
Future Conflict, Kitchin Asserts

It is better to take every step in
aiding Britain now, even though it
may possibly mean war, than to wait
and fight a far worse war that will
be forced upon us if Britain collapses
and three continents are dominated
by the totalitarian system," Mr. Jo-
seph A. Kitchin of the political sci-
ence department stated in an inter-
view yesterday.
Our interests are very closely tied
up with those of the British Em-
pire, for they grew side by side under
similar conditions, he continued, and
if we wish to save our own system
we must aid her in every way pos-
"It may mean man power later on.
It may even involve the eventual
collapse of our free economic sys-
tem. But the comparatively small loss
in aiding Britain would be nothing
to our loss if we wait for totalitarian
invasion, external or internal, that
will come," Mr. Kitchin said. "And
a to the collanse of our economic

of England and France then, he
claimed. We can prevent a far worse
war if we act now.
There is a good chance that we will
not have to use man power to aid
Britain, he continued. If Germany is
blockaded, if we supply Britain with
sufficient food and enough mechani-
cal equipment, and if the weapons
of American finance are used to keep
the rest of the world friendly, then
England can probably defeat Ger-
many, he asserted.
The victory may come through in-
ternal collapse, within a few years
or possibly even a few months, Mr.
Kitchin said.
Germany's defeat will be more cer-
tain if Russia can be weaned away,
and if Turkey can be kept actively in
the Allies' camp, Mr. Kitchin con-
tinued. "If the United States-and
Great Britain-can do this, then I
think Germany will be defeated."
By aiding Britain we will be aid-

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