SUNDAY, JANUARY 26, 1941 T HE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE FIVE . . ...................... . .... . . . ...................... . ..... ........... Nearing Advises Cooperative LifeI Scott Nearing, free-lance lecturer and author yesterday told an Ann Arbor audience of students and towns- people gathered in Unity Hall that the future of this generation lies in the adoption of a cooperative way of life. Describing the development of com- petition as a way of life, Nearing de- clared that it inevitably has become monopolistic and totalitarian in char- acter. This generati6n must adopt a cooperative way of life, he asserted, or it will find itself the victim of the ultimate consequences of com- petitive totalitarianisms-war and destruction. Competition, he stated, finally re- solves itself into the question of "will we eat them or will they eat us?" and the world is doing that today with all the intensity that modern techniques are capable of, he added. "To abandon its degenerate com- petitive mode of life, give social direc- tion to the immensely productive ca- pacities of this age for the benefit of all, is the decision the present gen- eration must make," Nearing stressed. Individual progress as well as the progress of the social groups depends3 on making that decision, he pointed! out. Private enterprise is virtually a myth today in our so-called "competi- tive capitalist economy," Nearing said, warning that all individual lib- erty would suffer the same fate un- less the basic change to a cooperative Ministers Plan Varied Topics For Sermons Student Groups To M t For Discussions, Talks At Evening Gathermgs Minister, teacher and editor. Rev. Stephen H. Fritchman of Boston will Stu(lent AdJviser S es Diversity In Draft ACtionm (Editor's Note: This is the sec'ud of a series of articles written with the cccperation of Prof. Charles M. Davis of the geography department .n- "The Selective Service and the Universit .' Today's article deals with the posi:in of the student under the national draft law.) i preach on Liberal Religion in al Year of Crisis" at 11 a.m. in the In order to reduce the effects of the Unitarian Church. At present, Mr. often disorganizing factors involved Fritchman is head of the Unitarian in the breaking-up of college life, the All Applications For Residence In Girls' Cooperatives Due Now Applications for second semester tmce a rotatin schedule al- :-esidence in the Girls' Coopcrativc ows the re idents to try their hand Houses on campus are due immedi- 1 menu planning. purchasing, ac- lately, the personnel committee an- ,untm and acting as house man- nounced yesterday. ter and treasurer. All of the work Any woman registered in thel ni- in the houses is done by the resi- versity is eligible for admission. In- nts, who divide up duties so that terested persons are requested to call ph ]irA does her share in about Zuth Wellington at 2-2218, or apply uthWelii1 n A~tc2-21 01aps vcn hours of work a week. Each J in person at the Alice Palmer House. nhuso okawe.Ec 1511 Washtenaw. The other coopera- house, however, does have a chaper- tives are Muriel Lester House and on living with the members. Katherine Pickerill House. The girls' cooperative houses were The student applying for admis- first organized on this campus four sion will be interviewed by a special years ago when the Palmer House cooperative house board, and will then be asked to visit the various houses, came into being. Since that time the to become acquainted with the girls, movement for more such groups has and to choose her house. The coop- been growing. They have already erative groups stress not only econ- won representation in the Interco- omy in room and board-the average operative Council, and take an active charge is between $5 and $6 a week part in issuing the Cooperatorthe -but . also social activities including formals, roller-skating and ice-skat- groups' publication, ing parties, faculty teas, open house, Vacancies exist at the present time and joint dances with the boys' co- in both the Palmer and Pickerill operatives here. Houses. The group living, the girls have, found. also provides novel and worth- while experiences in home manage- I . ' . 1' - b . _. _ . ,1 FINAL CLEARANCE NECKWEAR 3 for $2.95 Values to $2.50 Sale closes Jan. 31 Van Boven Inc. way of life were made soon. a SMART WOMEN use only good cosmetics, the kind you get at Calkins-Fletcher's. Come in and look at our stock, the most complete in the city. PACQUINS HAND CREAM A "discovery" in dainty, pleasant hand care! So helpful in cpped appearance.nd HAND Ca£A 23c, 39c, 79e JorJand On arace-- COLOR GUARD by Peggy Sage These alluring sets include polish remover, satinbase, and polish with a choice of six different shades. . . . $1.00 LUXURIA by HARRIET HUBBARD AYER 9 Y" -' Cleanses and beautifies. En- courages dry skin to feel 4 smooth and look flower-fresh. g $100 4711 SOAPS LARGE BATH SIZE . . . Four for $1.00 COLD CREAM . . ,'Four for $1.00 Most Complete Cosmetic Counter in the City CALKINS-FLETCHER 324 South State 818 South State -FLfL-U1J -U U~LYUU~~U ~U~U~U1lYU1LTU~U U~LT Youth Commission. A student meet- ig will be held at 7:30 pt etm.e- "What Can a Man Believe?" is the subject of Dr. Lemon's sermon at the First Presbyterian Church at 10:45 a.m. tkis morning. At the West- minster Student Guild supper will be served at 6 p.m. followed at 7 p.m., by a meeting with Daniel Suits speak-j ing to the group on "The New World Order-What Is It to Be?" The Sun- day Evening Club will have an in- formal discussion of China and its customs.I Loucks To Preach Rev. C. H. Loucks will give the sermon "Make Up Your Mind" at the First Baptist Church at 10:30 this morning. The Roger Williams Guild will meet at 6:30 p.m. in the Guild House. Dr. Charles Brashares, pastor of the First Methodist Church, will speak on the subject, "What Ought Christians to Do?" Sermon at the Zion Lutheran ;hurch at 10:30 this morning is "The Glory of Jesus' Words" by Mr. Roland Weiderander$. The Trinity Luther- an Church will hear Rev. Henry O. Yoder speak on "A Dissipated Life Restored" at the same time. At 5:30 o.m. the Lutheran Student Associa- don will meet in Zion Lutheran Par- ish Hall. There will be supper at 6 o'clock and a program at 6:45 p.m. Selective Service Act created a spe- cial draft classification for students enrolled in college this year. As far as the law is concerned, all students possessing both draft quali- fication and sufficiently low registra- tion numbers are automatically de- ferred until July 1 or until the end of their school year. They become t eligible for service on the datle which comes first. The official classification in which students find themselves during de- ferrment is ID which automatically expires on July 1. Discussing this general problem of the status of students in a recentj interview, Prof. Charles M. Davis of ALADDIN had nothing. on YOU the geography department, student" draft adviser, declared that there was Civiw Forum no unanimity as far as local boards were concerned and that there was no, definite way. of knowing what in- diidalboards were going to do when students left their ID classi- Ann Arbor Social Agencies fication. The government has left this prob- Will Be Discussed lem entirely up to local authorities, he said. and, from what is known An Ann Arbor Community Forum here, several different courses of on the topic, "Ann Arbor Social, action may be taken. Agencies, What Next?" will be held at1 According to Professor Davis it is 8 p.m. tomorrow in the Pattengill possible that students may be asked Auditorium in the Ann Arbor High to report to their home town boards School. qs son ~ asthe sncl ar sr ad Drl Part ic~ atin i th ..r,,n, ,vlia -1wll h / A .t y1 V-Ette Whirlpool YOUTHFUL GRACE without slip- ping or binding - for sports, daytime and evening wear. Orig- inal patented features make them the choice of the film colony and smart feminity everywhere. New 1941 models . . . 1 TRUE, he tould rub his Charles Weinaug, who attended the that several c Naperville Conference, will summar- ready planning ize the reports of the various Com- places students missions of the Conference. tfi-.n - 4 l ul yar AO aSAUA communities are al- to do this. In certain will be kept in a sep- Irate i e and will be considered Subject, "If I Had Jitters" separately and in others they will be At 10:40 a.m. Dr. Brashares will placed in regular files according to preach on "If I Had Jitters" at the their draft numbers and will be called First Methodist Church. The Wesley- in that order. an Guild will meet at 6 p.m. Profes- Ccntarary to the opinion held by sor Ralph Hammnett will give an il-many, students have not been given lustrated talk on Church Architec- blanket permission to attend sum-_ ture. There will be a fellowship hour mer sessions and thereby extend thir and supper following the meeting. deferrment until sometime in August "Stolen Gods and a Sick World" Several students, however, have re- will be the subject of Dr. Parr at the ceived permission to attend college First Congregational Church at 10:45 this summer and it is believed that a.m. today. For the Student Fellow- others may appeal to their local ship Group a discussion will be held boards and receive like permission if on the topic, "What Do College Stu-hey have good enough excuses. dents Believe?" led by Willis B. Hunt- N n nw sytwehri ing. A social hour will follow. No one knows as yet whether 1D Professor Palmner Throop will speak will be recreated in September to pro- cn the topic "Religion and Ethics1 tect students from the draft until (Part Ill)" at the College Work Pro- the summer of 1942. Unless some gram at 7 p.m. at Harris Hail to- act to this effect is passed, students ai aht here will be eligible for service any- r 1mwUIU . UUIIIe11lUe U ii1JC Prof. John P. Dawson of the law school, chairman; Mrs. Martha Saw- yer; Mrs. Louise B. Trow; Mr. Clar- ence Ramsey, director of the Child- ren's Institute; Prof. Laylin K. James, of the law school and Mr. Alex Camp- bell, children's consultant to the Ann Arbor Public Schools. Among the research authorities for the forum is Mr. John F. Moore, Secretary of the Community Fund. Following the Forum there will be a discussion in which any member of the audience may participate. The public is cordially invited to attend. FINAL CLEARANCE HATS Values to $7.50 Sale closes Jan. 31 Van Boven Inc. magic lamp and be whisked away to wherever he wish- ed. But you can pick up your telephone and be whisked away to wherever you wish, too. Try it RIGHT NOW! Re- duced rates on calls to most points are in effect ALL 'DAY TODAY (SUN- DAY) and every night af- ter 7 o'clock. For rates to anly point not listed below, see the telephone directory (inside front cover) or dial 0 and ask "Long Distance." Rates for 3-minute night and Sunday station-to-station calls . .. Ann Arbor' to: $1.50 to $3.50 8 Nickols Arcade Phone 2-2914 i i t w r I Gordy To Lecture time after the end of this University school year even if they enroll again in the fall. I "The Problem of the Question- For Post-Graduate a,""* 3d"s" 1 or ost-raf-iate naire" will be discuqed in a subse- quent article. Engineering Study Post-Graduate Engineering Study ' MfRPRI LYL will get its second practical test Thursday, Feb. 6, when Prof. Charles B. Gordy of the mechanical engineer- ing department will open a course in "Modern Industrial Methods" in A Battle Creek, it was announced yes- terday. The theme of the course will be "How to Obtain High Level Perform- ance in Industrial Operations." and ! Professor Gordy'slecture, "Methods- Improvement or Work Simplifica- tion," will be the first in a series of six to be presented during the course by outstanding engineering faculty ;w and industrial men. The plan was first inaugurated inj Kalamazoo shortly before Christmas, when the course was presented for the first time. - / _._ _..., . : ... .. ... .. .... , c .. . ' ' 2 >% \ J-HOP GLf4MOUR I S 7< ',7 ,,i 7< /7 Adrian. Alpena .... Atlanta, Ga. Battle Creek Bay City .. Benton Harbor. Big Rapids Boston, Mass. Cadillac Charlevoix Charlotte Coldwater Dallas, Tex. Denver, Colo. Flint ....... Grand 'Haven Grand Rapids Grayling Hastings ... Hillsdale Houghton Ionia. Kalamazoo. Lansing ... Menominee New York City. Owosso. Port Huron Sault Ste. Marie Traverse City .25 .60 1.10 .35 .35 .50 .45 1.15 .55 .65 .35 .35 1.55 1.75 .35 .45 .40 .55 .35 .35 .95 .35 .35 .35 .75 1.00 .35 .35 .80 ,. .60 - d' . {¢ + 9 ., ..q c :w .: ' \ " Q ^t C '': SPRING FASHIONS ARE ON THE MARCH White on navy blue, new- sailor styles, and prints are the latest modes for your spring wardrobe. $7.95 to $22.95 SPRING COATS and SUITS $12.95 to $29.50 7,. I 4.> a b St# ,, . { / 7 / /5' 55/ /57 -:.-, For your approval- a super-duper collection of smooth new formals for >.' On a cal coadng 50 cents or more, a federal tax applies. MICHIGAN BELL TELEPFONE CO. L Looll l I -z_ K 5 ... I ..t T-T-Tr)n I LI-Tc~rY - %% I 1r