PAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DATLY SUNDAY, JANUARY 26. 141 i __ ,-- R _..._.. __,. . .._s .,, _.. THE MICHIGAN DAILY - I + MUSIC + ' Tightening Up! ItpNS isI O ' N N '. -- Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newpaper. All tights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class mail matter.4 Subscriptions during the regular school year by carrier $4.00; by mail, $4.50. REPRESENTED POR NATIONAL ADVERT13ING 8Y National Advertising Service, Inc- College Publishers Representative 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK. N.sY. CHICAGO * BOSTON + Los ANGELES ' SAN FRANCISCO Graceful and pleasant was the music that was presented yesterday afternoon and evening by the Musical Art Quartet in the lecture room of Rackham Hall-graceful and pleasant in ef- fect, and largely suave in performance. In pre- cision and in interpretation there were few really detectable flaws. Once or twice there was a slight failure in the bowing, one false interval, one entrance and one cut-off that could have been improved upon, and once or twice there was a lack of unison in the pizzicato passages; but the performances, on the whole, were admir- able. In the afternoon, the program began with the quartet in G Major by Haydn, which was nicely done. The first movement, allegro con brio, was excellently performed; its sprightly rhythm car- ried smoothly through. In the menuetto, which we believe to be one of his more lyrical, the em- phasis was in the first violin, which carried the burden df melody. The work closed strongly with the finale presto. Second on the program, and nicely unusual, came the "Prelude," "Night," of Ernst Bloch. Its line was lean and slab-like, of a compelling unity and structure. "Night" was eloquently suggest- ive of softness and shadow. The Borodin quartet in D Major closed the re- Member, Associated Collegiate Editorial Staff Press, 1940-41 Hervie Haufler Alvin Sarasohn Paul M. Chandler Karl Kessler Milton Orshefsky Howard A. Goldman' Laurence Masco#4 Donald Wirtchafte~ Esther Osser .1 Helen Corman Managing Editor Editorial Director . . . . . City Editor Associate Editor . . Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor * . . .Sports Editor . ..Women's Editor Exchange Editor RADIO Business Staff Business Manager Assistant Business Manager Women's Business Manager Women's Advertising Manager Irving Guttman Robert Gilmour Helen Bohnsack Jane Krause NIGHT EDITOR: ROSEBUD SCOTT The editorials published in The Michi- gan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. How Can We Best DefenA America?.. . MERICA is rapidly approaching a state of war hysteria. The cries for more aid to Britain and for actual intervention into the conflict against Germany are ever growing louder. And even the most optimistic people in this country are looking upon war for the United States as inevitable. The time has come to take stock of the situa- tion. We know that very few Americans are pro-German and that some form of aid to the British is favored by more than 90% of the population. The questions we should ask our- selves today are "why do we favor aiding the British?" and "in what ways will America bene- fit from such aid?" After we answer those questions, and only after we do so, will we be able to intelligently decide the question of the extent to which we wish to help the British cause. T IS the failure to ask and answer such ques- tions which has resulted in a certain "sheep- ishness" among the American people. The ef- fect of this situation have not as yet been real- ized but there is little doubtthat this "sheepish- ness" will result in an American public which can easily be led into war. There are few Americans who wish to help Britain because they wish merely to see a con- tinuation of English policy. Certainly the ma- jority of the people in the United States are cognizant of the atroqities of England in India and Africa, and the number is small indeed who favor a British victory for Britain's sake alone. ALTHOUGH President Roosevelt frightened thousands in a recent speech reminding the people that the Azores were only five hours from the U.S. for a fast bomber, there are still only a small number who believe that Germany will conquer the United States if she defeats Great Britain. The difficulty Germany has been facing in an attempt to defeat an enemy only 26 miles away makes the more than 3,000 miles of Atlantic Ocean seem like a very safe defense for this country. The third reason making many Americans favor support to Britain is the fear that Ger- many will gain control of South America if she wins this war, and thus will endanger America. This raises another question: Can we stave off Nazi control of the Latin American states best by helping the British defeat Germany or by strengthening our own position there? MOST OF THE ADVOCATES of supporting the English wish to do so because of a fear of the spread of German ideologies to the West- ern Hemisphere. Again we have another ques- tion: Is our best method of attack here more support to England or is it the improving of our own government to make it invincible to the spread of Nazi ideologies? There is no doubt but that many Americans will feel that aid to Britain, even intervention with armed troops, is necessary after they con- sider these questions. On the other hand there is also no doubt that many Americans will tend to take the other points of view - which may or may not be better.% ROOSEVELT seems to be leading this country Is Music 'Highbrow'? By DAVID LACHENBRUCHI L AST WEEK we protested the fact that many k of the network programs of good music are not carried over the Detroit stations, and in addition to a few letters from Ann Arbor read- ers (thanks), we received a letter from WWJ and one from WJR. t WWJ says: "You are in error in stating that WWJ does not carry the NBC red network or- gan recital by Dr. Charles Courboin on Sunday mornings. This program is actually scheduled from 8:05 to 8:30 a.m. WWJ has always carried red network at this hour and will continue to do so. Some newspaper listings occasionally print only the first item of a half-hour program and it may be that WWJ was listed as broad- casting a newscast from 8 to 8:30 Sunday morn- ing." We stand corrected. THE LETTER FROM WJR was more interest- ing, and throws some light upon the con- ditions that devotees of serious Sunday music are up against. Neal Tomy, Publicity Director of WJR, explains that "Perhaps when you are out of school and in actual contact with a great radio audience you will discover that it's quite a job 'to please each individual in that audience. We judge from your entire column that you're a bit highbrow in your musical taste. Better than 90 per cent of the people are not. Thq time devoted to really good music by Columbia and WJR is far in excess of the demand." That letter represents a pretty typical atti- tude-that the people don't want good music, so don't give it to them. Now we don't mean to cram it down their throats by any means, but it's been pretty well proven that anyone who can enjoy a smooth jazz number by John Kirby or be "sent" by an Ellington improvisation or get pleasure from a Shaw arrangement of a dance tune is a potential lover of serious music. The recent tremendous sales of the so-called "Music Appreciation" phonograph records of- fers one pretty good proof of that. We've seen it happen time and time again-somebody hears Larry Clinton play his version of the Dance of the Reed Flutes, from the Nutcracker Suite, and admits "that's not bad." Then by chance he happens to notice in the paper that the New York Phil is going to play the Nutcracker Suite. Just out of curiosity, to hear how the suite sounds in the original, he tunes in, and there's a very good chance he'll like it. Now, he's still prejudiced against classical music, mind you, but he says, "maybe this guy Tschaikowsky's different from the rest-more melodious," and so one day he listens to Tschai- kowsky's Fifth Symphony on the air, and likes it. By then, he's interested to hear what Bee- thoven and the others sound like, and by the time he's heard Beethoven's Fifth, he's a sym- phony enthusiast. THAT'S THE PART the radio stations and networks can play in educating the public -that's why it's important that they play as much symphony music-especially "light" sym- phony music-as possible. If the radio can produce programs with transitory orchestras such as Kostelanetz, which attempt to bridge the gap between migratory and permanent mu- sic, some day most Americans will realize how music can help make their Jives more enjoyable. That's our gospel, and we'll stick to it. Still room for the radio highlights of the day: WJR, 3-4:30 p.m.-Bruno Walter, guest con- ductor with the New York Philharmonic, de- votes the full hour-and-a-half program to the playing of a single work, the monumental Sym- phony No. 8 in C minor by Bruckner. WXYZ-- 1-1:30--The second half of the Radio Ciy Mu- sic Hall Symphony, Andor Foldes, pianist, and Jan Peerce, tenor, as soloists. WWJ-5-5:30-. Personally we're agin' 'em, but maybe somebody enjoys the Metropolitan Auditions of the Air. FUTURE NOTES: Next Saturday's Metropolh. itan Opera will be the famous double fea- ture, "Cavalleria Rusticana" and "I Pagliacci," with Tibbett and Martinelli portraying Tonio and Canio in the latter. (WXYZ--2-5 nm) cital. In this, evidences of the composer's asso- ciation with Korsakov's works were strong. It was most pleasantly smooth, the liquid melody running from the allegro moderato into the live- ly scherzo, becoming limpid in the notturno. It was a beautiful work, bringing out the best efforts of the group. Mr. Jacobsen was sometimes too brilliant, which brilliance we thought interferred with the effect of the grouping, and harmonic arrange- ments. His shading lacked just a little in much of the recital, creating a slightly mechanical effect. Introducing the evening recital was Schubert's quartet in D minor which began a little coldly, with an accent on precision that was not alto- gether congruous with the entire work. Too much "first violin" seemed to leave unsaid a deal of the subtle lovely harmonies that are so typically Schubertesque. The andante became just a little disorganized and fuzzy in spots, yet the work warmed favorably and finished interpretatively good. It was a somber subject, called "Death and the Maiden," but did not live up to the adver- tised "baleful atmosphere of death" which ac- companied the program notes; it was quiet, sober, and entirely enjoyable. Turina's quartet, La oracion del torero, was an interesting piece of ensemble literature, com- posed in the later impressionistic style, strongly remindful of Manuel de Falla, the South Ameri- can composer. The Ravel quartet in F was the piece de resist- ance of the recital series as far as we were con- cerned. The allegro moderato was an easily flowing melodic line very competently growing into the accompanying harmony. The char- acter of the second was entirely in keeping with the introductory movement, carrying the melody over a fast pizzicato that was delightful in its warm intensity. Tres lent, the third movement, was solemn, darkly quiet, shadowed in dull yet rich tones. The final section, violently agitated and in beautiful contrast to th preceding, brought a harp-like effect in the pizzicato passages in the 'cello. The quartet was as close to a work of symphonic proportions as a-work of that kind can get, and was a fine example of that mode of expression. The group encored with a scherzo of Shosta- kovich, remindful, somehow, of all melodies that have been e .K.K. lfinilie Says "THERE were never so many jobs being held out to us" is the prompt reply each time we ask a senior about his immediate future. If he does not add, "but the draft," it is fair to assume that his spirits are up and his pur- pose in life is functioning well. What is this purpose to which we always refer when ap- praising a student? That result in an organism which comes from environment and the drives is thought of as behavior. When the organism is not only in- fluenced by these hereditary and environmental factors but by a conscious ideal toward which it is directed, we call it conduct. In general, therefore, we speak of the behavior of animals but the conduct of men. When any end is con- sciously conceived and voluntarily pursued, we call it purpose. PURPOSE, fed by an ideal, makes a difference which can be observed in every group. The ideal differs from an idea in this, it can attract to itself all the emotions. Ideals are in a class by themselves. Life is dynamic, not static, and the ideal can organize both the drives and the learned factors into a functioning whole. An adequate ideal can weld the individual into a stable personality. Religions, in a way, are the record of man's long search for a single easily grasped ideal. When man finally discovers an ideal which will empower all classes and kinds of men at various levels of development, welding each into a hap- py unity and unifying groups of men into an immediately satisfying purpose, the Utopias of which men dream will be within reach. In the meantime we know the value of an ideal. It relates all the minor wishes, the incidental re- lations, and our lesser schedules to a lofty and inclusive objective. In the presence of such an ideal one year of, defense training is a mere incident possible of being made a part of the whole pattern of a significant life. THE PURPOSIVE STUDENT, the man whose ideal is adequate, will measure his ability against world conditions. German youths have been in training most of their lives. What about the British boys already by the millions called to the colors? Or the Jewish youth on the continent being snuffed out because of the contingencies of race, and violated without ref- erence to intelligence or achievement? The stu- dent with purpose, now made habitual in his life, will take, his year of temporary jobs, or ser- vice, or some slow waiting process, in stride. His brother, who without an ideal has not yet developed a purposive pattern of conduct, will fret, be subject to moods, tend to be nervous and tense, become self-conscious, and impress people negatively. In our present campus life, we can do much to carry along such non-pur- poseful associates, hoping steadily that adequate ideals, aided by the exigencies of our epoch, will take possession of them and move each toward unity. Acquaintance with faculty men whom we ad- pX DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN SUNDAY, JANUARY 26, 1941 VOL. LI. No. 88 Publication in the Daily Official Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Notices Student Accounts: Your attention is called to the following rules passed by the Regents at their meeting of Feb. 28, 1936: "Students shall pay all accounts due the University not later than the last day of classes of each sem- ester or Summer Session. Student loans which are not paid or renewed are subject to this regulation; how- ever, student loans not yet due are exempt. Any unpaid accounts at the close of business on the last day of classes will be reported to the Cashier of the University, and "(a) All academic credits will be withheld, the grades for the sem- ester or Summer Session just com- pleted will not be released, and no transcript of credits will be issued. "(b) All students owing such ac- counts will not be allowed to register in any subsequent semester or Sum- mer Session until payment has been made," S. W. Smith, Vice-President and Secretary Faculty, College of Engineering: There will be a meeting of the faculty of this College on Monday, Januaryt 27, at 4:15 p.m., in Room 348, West Engineering Building. Residence Halls Applications: There will probably be a few vacancies in the Residence Halls for the second semester. Students who wish to apply for such vacancies as may occur should file their applications immedi- ately. Women students should make application in the office of the Dean of Women, and men students in the office of the Dean of Students. Karl Litzenberg Faculty, College of Literature, Sci- ence, and the Arts: It is requested by the Administrative Board that all instructors who make reports of In- complete or Absent from Examina- tion on grade-report-sheets give al- so information showing the charac- ter of the part of the work which has been completed. This may be done by the use of the symbols, I(A), X(D), etc. Actions of the Administrative Board, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts: A student has been placed on probation for the first se- mester 1940-41 because of plagiar- ism in a French course. A student has been suspended for the balance of the current semester because of dishonesty in connection with a Geologv examination. in the examination schedule, a special examination during the examination period may be arranged by thein- stuctor with the consent of the Ex- amination Schedule Committee. It should be noted that a report of X (Absent from Examination) does not guarantee a make-up examina- tion. An instructor must, in fair- ness to those who take the final ex- amination at the time annouced for it, give make-up examinations only to students whohave a legitimate reason for absence. All Students, Registration for Sec- ond Semester: Each student should plan to register for himself during the appointed hours. Registrations by proxy will not be accepted. Robert L. Williams, Assistant Registrar. Registration Material, College of Architecture and Design: Students should call for second semester ma- terial at Room 4, University Hall, ati once. The College of Architecture and Design will post an announce- ment in the near future giving time of conferences with your classifier. Please wait for this notice before seeing your classifier. Robert L. Williams, Assistant Registrar Registration Material, College of L.S.&A., and Schools of Education and Music: Students should call for second semester registration material at Room 4, University Hall, as soon as possible. Please see your adviser and secure all necessary signatures. Robert L. Williams Assistant Registrar Choral Union Members: Members of the University Choral Union in good standing will be issued court- esy tickets for the Minneapolis Or- chestra concert on Tuesday, Jan. 28, the day of the concert, between the hours of 9 and 12, and I and 4. After 4 o'clock no tickets will be given out. Those who have not yet returned their "Messiah" books are required to do so, and to lift their copies of Eugene Onegin" before receiving courtesy tickets. Graduate Students' registration material for second semester will be available in the Rackham building beginning Monday, Feb. 10. Grad- uate students are requested to ob- serve alphabetical registration in the Gymnasium. Every student must ob- tain the signature of his advisor on his election card. C. S. Yoakum, Dean The Dictaphone Station will be in the Council Room, 1009 Angell Hall, until further notice. Insofar as possible the $ work will be carried on in the regular manner. How- ever, there will not be telephone service and it will be necessary for all persons to call in person at the office. Repairs to the office necessi- tate this temporary change. Petitioning for Ethel A. McCormick Scholarships will take place begin- ning January 24 through January 31. Interviewing will be February 19 by appointment. Petitions and lists of instructions are available in the Un- dergraduate Office of the League. The University Bureau of Appoint- ments and Occupational Informa- tion has received notice of the follow- ing United States Civil Service Ex- (Continued on Page 7) RADIO SPOTLIGHT WJR WWJ CKLW WXYZ 750 KC - CBs 920 KC - NBC Red 1030 KC - Mutual 1240 KC-NBC Blue Sunday Evening 6:00 Silver Theatre Catholic Double or Across the 6:15 Silver Theatre Hour Nothing Footlights 6:30 Gene Autry News The Show News; New Friends 6:45 Gene Autry Herschell Hart of the week Of Music 7:00 G. Smith Jack Benny's Dr. M. R. DeHaan, The News 7:15 G. Smith Program -Religious From Europe 7:30 Screen Guild Fitch Talk Charles Dant 7:45 Screen Guild Bandwagon Week-End RevIew Orchestra 8:00 Helen Hayes Charlie CKLW Concert Message 8:15 Helen Hayes McCarthy Party of Israel 8:30 Crime Doctor One Man's We Are Not Alone Sherlock Holmes 8:45 Crime; News Family Evening Serenade -Basil Rathbone 9:00 Ford Hour The Manhattan Old Fashioned Walter Winchell 9:15 Ford Hour Merry-Go-Round Revival Parker Family 9:30 Ford Hour Album of Hour- Irene Rich 9:45 Ford Hour Familiar Music Services Bill Stern