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September 24, 1940 - Image 16

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The Michigan Daily, 1940-09-24

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Track, Baseball Squads Suffer Heavy Graduation I



Mann Foresees
'Greatest Year'
Natators Expected To Cop
Three Major Titles
(Continued from rage 1)
Patton will be a welcome addition
tp the distance men.
When the Michigan team left Yale
after trouncing the Elis and departed
from New York after copping the
AAU crown, the sports writers and
fans were acclaiming Gus Sharemet
as the "Second Weissmuller." Na-
tional Collegiate 100-yard champ as
a. sophomore, goodl-looking Gus will
be back for a crack at the world
record for the century.
Another veteran returning is the
great competitor, Charley Barker,
one-time holder of the National fif-
ty-yard title. Capt.-elect Bill Beebe
and Francis Heydt, who is expected
to cop the Collegiate backstroke
championship, make up a strong duo
to compete in that event.
Do you wonder why Matt Mann is
praising his team-to-be as the best
and getting better?
For the breaststroke, Matt has the
peer of the nation in Ann Arbor's
own Jim Skinner, who has already
broken several existing world records.
Swimming with Skinner will be the
quiet, hard-working John Sharemet,
a tough man to beat.
But we aren't through yet. There's
Blake Thaxter, John Gillis, Bill
Holmes, Dick Riedl, Dobson Burton
and Tom Williams, all seasoned per-
formers and consistent winners last
year. Jack Wolin will be the number
two diver, to help "T-Bone" Martin.
With all this talent Mr. Matthew
Mann does not hesitate to climb far
out on the limb to predict a great
season for a great team. Yale reach-
ed its peak last year. Ohio ,State
has nothing but their inimitable
diver, Earl Clark.
Michigan, the "nation's best" and
getting better, is destined to scale
the pinnacle of success once again.

Sophomores Bolster Cinder Squad;
Fisher Seeks Pitchers, Outfielders

Leading Hurler

Wallace Picks
As Back Of


First Outdoor Workout;
Scheduled Next Week1
For BigTen Champs1
Michigan's intensive track pro-t
gram will swing into immediate ac-
tion next week when all potential
thinclads on the campus will be
asked to report to Coach Ken Doher-
ty for a month of outdoor drills.
Doherty emphasized that previous
training or experience would be un-
necessary to compete in the fall pro-
gram since it is designed primarily
as a factor in the conditioning and
training of prospective Varsity and
freshman material itself.
As a highlight of the fall program,
Doherty announced that about Octo-
ber 24th a meet will be held to de-
termine the relative accomplish-
ments of the members of the squad.
Last season with .Coach Doherty
at the helm for the first time Mich-
igan captured first place honors in
the Big Ten in both indoor and out-
door competition.
Indiana Is Powerful
This season experts are predicting
keen competition for Michigan in
the defense of its crowns. The great-
est threat is expected to come from
Indiana where not a single "confer-
ence point winner" was lost through
Michigan, on the other hand, lost
heavily because of last year's com-
mencement ceremonies. Greatest
single loss to the team was that of
Capt. Ralph Schwarzkopf, the fore-
most distance runner in the Univer-
sity's history, whose place appears
unfillable at the present time.
In addition to Schwarzkopf such
stars as quarter-milers Phil Balyeat
and Jim Rae; half-milers Dye Ho-
gan and, Tommy Jester; two-miler
Brad Heyl; dashmen Carl and Fred
Culver and Conference champions

Al Smith and Stan Kelley will be
missing from the Wolverine squad
this year.
A group of sophomores rivalling
the class of 1940, however, along with
a nucleus of returning veterans gives
cause for more optimism than
It is in the middle distances that

... quarter-mile ace

I - i

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Michigan will possess its greatest
strength. Warren Breidenbach and
Jack Leutritz are both back. Bob
Barnard, Hugh Dalzell, Fred Nassar
and Buck Dawson are other capable
440-men. Sophomore Bob Ufer is
rated the finest quarter-mile pros-
pect since Breidenbach to appear on
the Michigan scene.
Kautz Has Drive
In the dash the Wolverines have
Bud Piel and Al Thomas returning.
Piel ran 6.2 in the 60-yard dash, be-
fore illness forced him to resign from
the squad. Next year should find
him ready as well as Thomas, who
has been suffering from leg injuries.
Coach Stackhouse sends up from his
yearling squad Ufei-, Chuck Donahey
and Norman Elson, all of whom
should greatly strengthen the Var-
sity in the sprints.
The half-mile finds Johnny Kautz
and Howie Egert back for another
year of competition. In his first sea-
son "on the Varsity Kautz showed
tremendous drive, and should be
very capable next season. Coming
up from the frosh team are a host
of good 880 men, among them three
yearlings who bettered two minutes
In the weight events the best pros-
pect since Bill Watson is to be found
in the person of sophomore George
Ostroot. Bob Hook, a 49-foot shot
putter, and Tommy Lawton, who can
do 47 feet, are also returning. The
freshman squad sends up Rudy Sen-
gel, Bill Steele, Gene Hirsch, Dave
Eldridge and Al Wistert to support
the veterans.
Perry Kimerer leads in the javelin

Infield, Catching Problem
Settled; Bond Is Slated
As Number One Hurler
All Ray Fisher asks to round out
his 1941 Michigan baseball squad is
a couple of good outfielders and
two or three pitchers with good "high
hard ones" and plenty of stuff.
With men returning for every posi-
tion in the infield and the catching
department well taken care of, Ray's
main worries are in finding replace-
ments for Charley Pink and Freddie
Trosko, outfielders, and two pitch-
ers, including Jack Barry, all of
whom departed from the Michigan
scene last June.
Pink's Loss Hurts
Charley Pink, captain and center-
fielder of last year's Varsity nine and
a consistent .300 hitter, will be a
difficult man to replace. Charley
was as good an outfielder as has been
seen around Ann Arbor way in many
a year. He could go a country mile
to drag in a fly ball, was a better-
than-average hitter and a superb
bunter, besides being an excellent
Likewise, Freddie Trosko, last sea-
son's regular left fielder, will be sore-
ly missed. A good hitter and another
good fielder, the Flint Flash was one
of the most valuable members of the
Michigan squad.
In the mound department, Coach
Fisher's most difficult task will be to
find a pitcher whose ability approxi-
mates that of Jack Barry, number
one member of the Varsity hurling
corps for the past two seasons.
Russ Dobson is the other pitcher
who will not be back when the first
call goes out for baseball practice
next spring.
Bond Hurling Ace
It seems likely that the top pit-
cher will be Lyle Bond, a lad who was
used mostly in relief roles during the
1940 season. He may or may not be
aided and abetted by some consistent
pitchers from the freshman ranks.
Among these is Cliff Wise, right-
handed chucker up from the class of
Another long shot prospect is
Steve Vukas who starred on Benny
Oosterbaan's freshman squad two
years ago but was not in school last
year. Vukas, a husky Pennsylvania
coal miner, will likely win a regular
pitching berth should he decide to
return to the Michigan campus this
Behind the plate will be George
Harms, diminutive backstop who es-
tablished a reputation before coming
to Michigan as the catcher for Har-
old Newhouser, Detroit Tiger school-
boy sensation, when Hal was pitching
American Legion ball. Reserve cat-
ching spots will likely be held by Bob
Westfall, star fullback of the Varsity
grid team, and Dick Wakefield, a
Veteran Infield
The infield problem is not a prob-
lem at all for this is the one place
where there is a veteran to fill every
position. At first base, George
Ruehle, seems to be pretty sure of
his job. George was the regular
guardian of the initial sack for the
Wolverines last year and kept in
shape this summer by doing a little
first-basing for the Sam's team in

Lyle Bond senior on Coach Ray
Fisher's varsity baseball team will
probably be promoted to a starting,
role and the number one position
on the hurling corps this year. The
bespectacled Wolverine was main-
ly a relief pitcher last season.
Detroit, state amateur champions in
Class B.
Around the middle of the infield,
Mike Sofiak and Bill Steppon will
hold down the shortstop and second
base jobs respectively. Both are sen-
iors. Sofiak, a Gary, Ind., boy, was
handicapped by a sore arm through-
out a great deal of last season but
played regularly despite this.
Steppon Hard Hitter
Steppon, captain-elect of the 1941
squad, does a pretty fair job of field-
ing around the keystone sack and
can also be depended upon for an
extra-base hit or two every now and
Bud Chamberlain, a junior who
played third base throughout most
of last season's campaign, looks to
have the hot corner job tucked se-
curely in his hip pocket before the
Wolverines leave on their jaunt into
the Sunny Southland (advertise-
ment) next spring.
In the outfield, it appears likely
that two of the three jobs will go to
Don Holman, who saw some service
in the outer garden last year, and
Davie Nelson, Detroit boy who did a
little outfielding and a little third-
basing last season.
The third outfield job will likely
be turned over to whichever of the
two reserve catchers shows the great-
est tendency to feel at home up at
the plate.

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Francis Wallace, Collier's ace pig-
skin previewer, picked Notre Dame,
Texas A&M, and Washington as the
top three teams in the nation picked
on the basis of the severity of the
competition they meet.
In a recent article, Wallace joined
the nation's gridiron critics in pick-
ing Ohio State's Don Scott as the
back of the year. The versatile Buck-
eye was given the nod over such
greats as Harmon, Michigan. Kim-
brough, Texas A&M, Matuszcak, Cor-
nell and Piepul, Notre Dame.
Harmon was chosen for the ex-
pert's 1940 All-American with Scott,
Piepul and Kimbrough.
As outstanding linemen, Wallace
named Rudy Mucha of Washington.
Nick Drahos of Cornell, Bob Suf-
fridge of Tennessee, Ben Sohn of
Southern California and Bob Ison of
Georgia Tech.

Flying Wolverines
Insured For $225,000
Thirty-five members of Michi-
gan's football team and 10 others
including the coaches will be in-
sured for $5,000 each for the plane
trip to and from California when
the Wolverines embark to play the
University of California tomorrow.
The total coverage of the group
will be $225,000 and the cost of the
insurance for the round trip will be
about $2 a person, Coach Fritz Cris-
ler revealed.
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