)bight snow and colder.
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Fifty Years Of Continuous Publication
Churchill Speaks
On Need For MHen .
Regents Agree
On Celebration
Of Centennial
Swimmers Meet Purdue;
Pucksters Face Sarnia;
Cagers Invade Evanston
British Expect
Board Approves Broader
Program Of Studies
For Degree In Law,
New Summer Course
Gifts Of $10,860
Are Acknowledged
Celebration of the 100th anniver-
sary of the opening of the College of
Literature, Science and the Arts next
fall was authorized by the University
Board of Regents at their regular
January meeting yesterday.
The Regents also apprpved a
. broader program of studies for the
master's degree in law, provided for
a four-weeks course in teacher edu-
cation for the 1941 Summer Session
and acknowledged gifts of $10,860.
Scheduled For Oct. 15, 1941
The centennial celebration of the
literary college, the original unit of
the University, has been tentatively
scheduled for Oct. 15, 1941. Includ-
ed in the day's program will be a re-
view of the contributions made by
the literary college to higher educa-
tion, a discussion of the future oppop-
tunities and responsibilities of liberal
education in the United States and.
a formal convocation to be held in
the evening.
The literary college, headed by
the Rev. George Palmer Williams
and Rev. Joseph Whiting, sponsored
the first collegiate instruction offered
by the University, which had taught
only elementary and high school sub-
jects from 1817-37, when the insti-
tution was located in Detroit.
Candidates for the master's degree
in law will hereafter be permitted to
elect no more than 50 per cent of
their course in the Graduate School,
the remainder to consist of either
advanced study in law or legal re-
search, or both. The Law School was
also authorized to prepare and pub-
lish a directory of its graduates, to
be financed by income from sales.
School Of Nursing
The Board of Regents gave the
School of Nursing permission to use
the service given by the Psychological
Corporation in New York City, in
order to allow the School to make a
more careful selection of applicants
for admission. The School of Nurs-
ing will test the procedures advised
by the Corporation for a year or two,
so that the advisability of retaining
the procedures permanently can be
Included among the gifts accepted
by the Regents were a $2,70 grant
for the Aboriginal North American
Research Fund from an anonymous
donor, $1,00 for reaserch in endocrin-
ology from the Aaron Mendelson
Jewish Charities Fund in Detroit and
$70 for the Pharmacy Scholarship
id Fundl from an anonymous donor.
A gift of $500 was also accepted
from Parke Davis Co. for research
on theaskin disinfectant, phemerol
to be conducted by Dr. Walte J.
Nungester, associate professor of bac-
teriology in the Medical School.
Other Gifts Accepted
Other gifts accepted were $600
from Melville R. Bissell, Jr., Grand
Rapids, for the Anna Bissell Fellow-
ship in Thoracic Surgery; $100 from
Loius Milgrom, ~etroit, for the work
of the Health Service; $10 from
Ernest F. Lloyd, Ann Arbor, for the
University Hospital Aid Fund; $200
from Benjamin N. Braun, '06E, Oak
Park, Ill., for the General Loan Fund.
An unusual diamond crystal for
the department of mineralogy was
accepted from Harvey B. Wallace,
Detroit, and M. L. Van Moppes, Lon-
don, England, and also an initial
contribution of $5,000 to the Class of
1904 Law Scholarship Fund was ac-
(Continued on Page ,)
Cook And lemans
Seek Renomination
Regents Charles F. Hemans, Lan-
Ma. and Franln AN- enk me_
Michigan's powerful swimming
team and the Wolverine hockey
squad will see action on home grounds
tonight, while Bennie Oosterbaan's
basketball quintet invades Evan-
ston, Ill., to meet Northwestern's
In their opening Conference meet,
Matt Mann's mermen will play host
to a feeble Purdue aggregation at
7:30 p.m. in the Sports Buiding pool.
The puckmen face off against a
strong Sarnia A. C. sextet at 8 p.m.
on the Coliseum ice.
The only uncertainty concerning
the outcome of the aquatic meet is
the size of the score, for the pitting
of the far-famed Maize and Blue
tank juggernaut against a woefully
weak Boilermaker squad points to
little short of a complete massacre.
Coached by a former Mann pupil;
Dick Papenguth, Purdue dropped its
initial Conference dual meet to
Factory Doctor
Plays Big Role,
Brooks Avers
Session Of Conference
On Industrial Hygiene
Hears Medical Expert
Factory workers no longer regard
the company doctor as merely a
means used by the company to es-
cape .the payment of compensation
to injured workers, according to A.
L. Brooks, M.D., Medical Director of
the Fisher Body Company, who ad-
dressed the Second Annual Confer-
ence on Industrial Hygiene yester-
day at the Rackham Building.
The physician is responsible for
this improvement in his relatipns
with workers by his new attitude of
fairness and impartiality in the ap-
proach to his patients, Dr. Brooks
pointed out. Most full-time physi-
cians are in industries of at least
1,000 employes, as small plants are
unable to afford one. The physician
can obtain invaluable experience in
diagnosis and treatment of all the ills
common to a working man, he said.
Tle industrial physician, although
he is in a position to deprive the
private practitioner of his practice,
must always try to be as fair as pos-
sible and send patients that can af-
ford it to the private practitioner. The
industrial physician will have many
advantages over this same practition-
er when he enters private practice,
however, Dr. Brooks concluded. He
will gain experience through his in-
terest in the working conditions of
the plant and the resulting contacts
with the State Factory Inspectors,
the Department of Public Health or
the State Hygiene Department, in
addition to the experience in treat-
ing cases of all kinds.
Schwarzkopf To Run
Against Rice Tonight
Ralph Sciwarzkopf, last year's
track captain, runs tonight in the
Boston Garden for the second time
in two weeks.
He will compete in the Prout Games
in his specialty, the two-mile, where
he will be opposed by virtually the
same field, topped by Greg Rice, with
whom he matched strides two weeks
ago in Boston in the Veterans of
Foreign Wars Meet.
Northwestern, 54-30. Michigan will
be carrying a 21-meet win streak into
tonight's encounter.
If there is any doubt of victory on
hcme soil tonight, it centers around
Michigan's erratic puckmen, who will
be seeking their third win in 10
games against the strong Canadian
club, Sarnia .A.C. Lowrey's men have
been plagued by injuries and illness,
but he will send 'a scrappy sextet
onto the ice determined to avenge
the 4-2 defeat inflicted upon them
by the Canadians last year.
Thus far this season the hockey
team's record stands at two wins, five
defeats and one tie. Two of the losses
were at the hands of Canadian out-
fits, London A.C. and Western On-
tario, while Minnesota inflicted a
double licking on theaWolverines last
week. The other loss and the loe tie
were the result of the western trip
'to Colorado College. Both of Michi-
gan's triumphs were gained at the
expense of Michigan Tech.
Out aftertheir secondconsecutive
Big Ten victory, the varsity agers
are slated to meet a cellar-dwelling
Purple team which is still seeking
its first Conference win. But despite
this apparent edge on paper, Ooster-
baan's lads are viewing the tilt ap-
prehensively, for Northwestern's four
defeats have all come atsthe'hands
of tops-notch quintets, and the Wild-
cats boast a tall, powerful quintet.
(Complete Stories on Page 3)
Waltz Selected
For Active Duty
With U.S. Army
Stanley G. Waltz, general manager
of the Union, has been called to ac-
tive duty for one year, beginning Feb.
8, as a captain in the Army quarter-
master's corps at Camp Lee, Virginia,
it was learned yesterday.
Commissioned as a second lieuten-
ent in the quartermaster reserve in
1931, Captain Waltz was promoted
to a first lieutenancy in 1935 and to
a captain in 1939..
IWe has served as general manager
of the Union since 1933 when he re-
placed Paul Buckley, with whom he
had worked since 1927 as food mana-
ger. The Union board of directors
has granted Captain Waltz a leave
of absence for the duration of his
Army service, and it is expected that
his duties will be assumed by Frank-
lin Kuenzel, assistant director of the
"I hate to leave Ann Arbor," re-
marked Captain Waltz when queried
about his commission, "but the Army
comes first just now." The soft-
spoken Union manager has served
as president and as secretary of the
local chapter of the Reserve Officers
Association, and is an honorary mem-
ber of the campus unit of Scabbard
and Blade, honorary military fra-
His specific duties at Camp Lee,
a quartermaster replacement center,,
have not been indicated. His last
previous active duty tour was for 28
days at Forst Custer in 1939, when
he was assistant mess officer there.
._ i
Berlin Warns Profiteers
BERLIN, Jan. 24.-()-The Min-
istry of Justice proclaimed tonight a
regulation providing the death pen-
alty for extreme cases of war profit-
Gas Att
Committee Opposes Points
Of Logan-Walter Bill
On Judicial Review
Group Makes Five
WASHINGTON, Jan. 24-(A)-In a
report highly critical of some current
practices, a special committee ap-
pointed two years ago at the dirc-
tion of President Roosevelt recom-
mended today that judicial and pros-
pective functions of federal agen-
cies be separated and proposed other
far-reaching changes in their proced-
A majority of the committee op-
posed, however, any extension of ju-
dicial review of agency decisions as
was proposed in the Logan-Walter
Bill. That measure was passed by1
Congress last session after prolonged
controversy, but was vetoed by the
The committee' study of adminis-
trative practices embraced 33 agen-
cies and departments, among them
the power commission, trade commis-
sion and labor board. Its report made
these overall recommendations:
1. Creating an office of federal
administrative procedure to review
the procedures and practices of ad-
ministrative agencies. This would
be composed of a director appointed
by the president, an associate justice
of the court of appeals for the Dis-
trict of Columbia, and the director
of the administrative office for the
United States Court.
2. Separating judicial and prose-t
cutive functions by creating a new
corps of officers to be known as
"hearing commissiofiers." They wouldl
function much as trial judges, with
appeal from their decisions being to
the agency. They would operate as7
a "separate unit entirely divorced
from any investigation or prosecutiveE
3. Some standardizing of the pro-
cedure for issuance of rules and reg-
ulations, giving persons affected by
them greater opportunity to parti-
cipate in drafting the rules. In gen-
eral, new rules would not be effective
until 45 days after publication.,
Band Concert
Will Be Given
Program For Mid-Winteri
Scheduled Tomorrow
A program of modern, march, and1
classical music will be offered to the
campus free of charge at 4:15 tomor-
row when the University Band pre-
sents its annual Mid-Winter Concert
at Hill Auditorium.
Prof. William D. Revelli, conductor
of University Bands, will direct the
program which highlights the play-,
ing of Morton Gould's newest compo-
sition "Cowboy Rhapsody." Gould,
noted young New York composer,
introduced the number to and con-
ducted the Michigan Band when he
was in Ann Arbor last week-end for
the Instrumental Clinic.,
Lt. Col.Robert M. Kunz, former
drill master of the marching band,
who leaves the University at the end
of this month for another post, will
be honored by a special number dur-
ing the afternoon. A cornet trio, com-
posed of Donald Dickenson, '42, Ray-
mond Crisara, '42, and Sedgewick
Fields, '44, will also be featured. They
will play Walter Roger's modern se-
lection "Echoes of the Catskills."
Faculty Mel To Give
Joint Recital Monday
Two members of the School of
Music faculty, Prof. Hanns Pick, cel-
list, and Prof. Joseph Brinkman, pian-
istx will unite to present a Sonata
U.S. Leaders Seek
- <*?
Lord Halifax Arrives In U.S.
With Appeal ForSpeedier Aid
WASHINGTON, Jan. 24-(A)- closing one of the dramatic scenes o
Appealing for speedier American international friendship in American
help to shatter the "Nazi Power," history.
Britain's new ambassador, Lord Hali- The President had motored earlie
fax, arrived in this capital tonight af- in the afternoon to Annapolis, Md
ter a secret dash across the 4tlantic and embarked on the yacht Potoma
in a brand new dreadnaught and a at 3 p.m. to go out to secretly mee
history-making rendezvous with. the new British battleship Kin
President Rosevelt. George V which brought Lord Halifax
Casting aside protocol, Mr. Roose- secretly across the Atlantic: They me
velt went to meet Lord and Lady shortly after nightfall about six mile
Halifax aboard the battleship George below the United States Naval Acad
V as it lay at anchor in fog-shrouded emy dock.
Chesapeake Bay. Lord and Lady Halifax and th
Then all three motored to Wash- ambassador's immediate staff trans-
ington in a cold downpour. The Pres- ferred to the Potomac in a drench
ident dropped them at the British ing rain and while that craft was
Embassy at 9:15 p.m., and said good returning to shore they had dinne
night to them on the Embassy steps, with the President in the latter'
Scott Nearing a
To Talk Today
On War Status
Liberal Author, LecturerE
Will Discuss American
Outlook AtUnity Hall
Author and lecturer, Scott Nearingi
will discuss the outlook for Americai
in a war-torn world in a public lec-
ture at 3:30 p.m. today at Unityi
Ann Arbor friends of the famous1
liberal have arranged the address3
for which a nominal admission fee to1
defray sexpenses will be charged. The
Hall is located on the north-east
corner of the intersection of North
State and Huron Streets at the Uni-
tarian Church.
Speaking in An Arbor is not a new
experince for Nearing, for he has vis-
ited the city many times in his lec-
turing jaunts. During his last appear-
ance here in February of last year
he spoke on the role of American
foreign policy.
A graduate of the University of,
Pennsylvania, Nearing received his
doctor's' degree from that institution
in 1905 and returned in 1914 to;
serve as a professor of economics. He
was dismissed from the Pennsylvania
faculty in 1915 for his views and later
left the University of Toledo faculty{
for similar reasons in 1917.;
Since 1917 Nearing has devoted ,
his time to writing and lecturing. He,
is the author of a considerable num-
ber of pamphlets and books, among
them "Poverty," written in 1932 and
"Fascism," written the following year.
Wendell Willkie Arrives
In Lisbon On Clipper
LISBON, Portugal, Jan. 24.-(P)-
Wendell L. Willkie, en route to Lon-
don, arrived here today by Pan-
American Clipper. Reiterating that
he expected to remain in England
about a fortnight, he said he hoped
to be back in the United States by
Feb. 12 for important engagements.S
cabin. Also at the table were Secre-
tary of the Navy Knox, and Harold
R. Stark, Chief of Naval Operations.
Before coming ashore a 1:30 p.m.,
Lord Halifax received reporters on
tl* Potomac's main deck and read
excerpts from a formal statement
which said:
"The more quickly your generous
help can be ,made effeitive, the soon-
er shall we be able to break this Nazi
power that is trying to enslave Eur-
ope and the world."
Charles Peake, private secretary
to the New British. envoy, was the
first to walk ashore from the Poto-
Smiling despite the cold, driving
rain, Peake had slung over his left
shoulder an old World War trench
helmet and a more modern gas mask.
He said they belonged to Lord Hali-
C. T. Johnston,
Davis To Retire
Bouchard Will Act
Department Head
Assault May Be Launched
By Nazis Before May;
English Are Confident
Army Intensifies
All Preparations
LONDON, Jan. 24.-(A)-Informed
military and diplomatic circles in
London seriously expect the mightiest
onslaught of history, with bombing
on an unimagined scale and the use
of every modern weapon including
flame-throwers and gas, to be
launched upon the British Isles with-
in three months.
This is the sober, although unoffi-
cial opinion of scores of military men,
from army privates and ordinary sea-
men to officers, and British, Allied
and Neutral diplomatic and political
observers who agree that:
Germany Will Try For Break
"Germany will try to break Britain
and win the war before May."
Britain, these informants believe,
will beat off the German invasion
attempt, but only after sacrificing
half of its airforce, three-quarters of
its battle fleet and at least 250,000
Along the beaches and behind them
tonight Britain tightened the lines
of preparation for the expected as-
sault, particularly the threat of gas,
Authorities considered requiring a
gas mask as an admission "ticket" to
bomb shelters and the Ministry of
Home Security weighed plans for
civilian gas alarm practices to shake
Britons back into consciousness of
this menace.
In fact, not since the Munich Crisis
and the actual outbreak of the war
has Britaiin evinced such concern
over gas attacks.
Less Gas Masks.
As the first air raids passed with-
out the appearance of gas, the Bri-
tish dropped the custom and now
only one-fifth of the population
carries masks.
Meanwhile, the three fighting serv-
ices have intensified preparations,
not for one landing of German troops,
but for several.
No purely British Army in history
ever reached the number, 4,000,000,
of today's combined regular and hpme\
guard forces. And no British Army
of history ever has undergone the
comprehensive training that has been
given the present one since Djun-
The buck privates have been re-
equipped with a multiplicity of mo-
dern weapons and many tactics dear
to the old guard have been dropped
by the younger and less "1914-mind-
ed" officers of the high command.
Problems In Maneuvering
An idea of the number and in-
tensive nature of the maneuvers that
have been going on may be found in
the fact that one command alone has
studied 120 distinct "problems" of in-
vasion in "defending" an area against
every tactic and type of force, from
parachute trops to amphibious tanks.
The RAF, whose task is to preserve
the sky frontiers, has been equipped
with hundreds of new planes and ex-
pects a heavy influx of more bombers
and interceptor fighters from the
United States in the spring.
- The Army's plan is to "shoot 'em
on the beaches" when the Germans
attempt their landings. But some
military authorities concede that out
of several tries, the Nazis are likely
to establish one good bridgehead, in-
to which they would pour every re-
source in men and materials.
Musical Arta uartet
Will Play Today
The Musical Art Quartet, which
opened Ann Arbor's first Chamber
Music Festival with a recital in the
lecture hall of the Rackham Build-
ing last night, will present two con-
certs at 2:30 p.m. and 8:30 p.m. today
in the same auditorium.
Concert ticets: will h on isae for
Prof. Clarence T. Johnston of the
engineering college and Prof. Calvin
0. Davis of the education school will
retire from active teaching 'service
at the end of this semester, it was
announced at the Janauary meeting
of the Board of Regents yesterday.
Professor Johnston will be succeed-
ed by Prof. Harry D. Bouchard as
acting chairman of the department
of geology and surveying and also as
director of the Davis Engineering
Camp at Jackson Hole, Wyo.
Appointed to the University faculty
in 1911, Professor Johnston became
known as a leading authority on irri-
gation projects. He has served as an
irrigation expert in the U. S. Depart-
ment of Agriculture and also in the
U. S. Geological Survey. Early in his
life he made a thee-year study of ir-
rigation in Egypt. He was granted
the title of professor emeritus of geo-
desy and surveying by the Regents.
A member of the faculty for 35
years, Professor Davis has served as
secretary of the education school since
its organization in 1921.
Iackn ia FStraits Span Unlikely
In Near Future, Cissel Asserts,
Dr. Max Peet To Give Address
Today On ParalysisFoundation
Immediate construction of the pro-
posed Mackinac straits bridge, link-
ing Michigan's upper and lower pen-
ninsulas, appears highly improbable
in view of the present national emer-
gency, Prof, James H. Cissel, of the
civil engineering department as-'
serted in an interview yesterday.
Professor Cissel, a nationally rec-
ognized expert on bridge design,
pointed out that the tremendous
steel tonnages required by this pro-
ject would conflict with defense
needs, making it fairly certain that
the Priorities Board would not per-
mit the vast diversion of steel.
construction would offer are of great
importance to the nation and are
vital to the people of this stgte.
"In view of this." Professor Cissel
continued, "there has been a temp-
orary corrective plan which stands
chance of adoption. Under this pro-
posal, new dock facilities would be
made by extending the northern
shore at the bridge site about one
mile, thus eliminating the necessity
of the present nine mile ferry cros-
sing and allowing a direct four mile
route to be utilized. The advantages
of this proposition, which I heartily
endorse, are that the present ser-
vice efficiency can be doubled with-
ntfa n i- r-. ca n m- nnn..r nr fo
The highlight of today's activities
in the local infantile paralysis drive
will be Dr. Max Peet's address at
1:30 p.m. over WJR on the work of
the " National Infantile Paralysis
Dr. Peet, of the medical school,
will discuss the organization of the
foundation, and research projects
that it finances. He will explain, for
example, the nature of the project
for which the University received a
$30,000 grant last year. Dr. Peet was
one of the original members of the
foundation and at present acts as one
of its technical advisers.
Later, at 5:30 p.m., University stu-
dents of broadcasting will present a
skit "You and Your Doctor" which
mitories, cooperatives, to contribute.
All checks shoud be mailed to Hervie
Haufler, Student Publications Build-
ing. These checks shoud be made out
to the Ann Arbor Committee of the
National Foundation for Infantile
The quota for this area is $2,000.
Mrs. Fielding Yost, Jr., and Mrs. A.
M. Waldron are the chairmen.
The funds contributed are used to
furnish medical treatment and to
foster research into the causes and
cure of this disease. One half of the
proceeds will be turned over to the
national headquarters and the other
half is used locally. Of the local
fund 50 per cent goes for helping
tr, i