?AOI POVU THE MICHIGAN DAILY FItDAY, JANUARY 24, __________________________________________________________ I I ______________________________________________ THE MICHIGAN DAILY Letters To The Editor Washington Merry-Go-Round U.d ! M Of umo i l? I Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications: Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newpaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by carrier $4.00; by mail, $4.50. REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVERTISING IY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADiSoN AVE. NEW YORK. N. Y. CHICAGO - BOSTON * LOS ANGELES * SAN FRANCISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1940-41 Editorial Stafff Hervie Haufler . Alvin Sarasohn . . . Paul M. Chandler Karl Kessler . Milton Orshefsky Howard A. Goldman . . Laurence Mascott . . Donald Wirtchafter . . Esther Osser . Helen Coriman . Business Business Manager Assistant Business Manager Women's Business Manager Women's Advertising Manager . Managing Editor . Editorial Director City Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor . . Associate Editor * Associate Editor Sports Editor . .Women's Editor Exchange Editor Stafff Irving Guttman Robert Gilmour Helen Bohnsack Jane Krause NIGHT EDITOR: BERNARD DOBER The editorials published in The Michi- gan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Defense And Natural Resources . .. P ERHAPS UNSPECTACULAR, but t certainly not the least of America's defense effort is the work of preserving and developing our great natural resources, carried oh principally by the Department of the In- terior. It's a year-round job-this task of preserving owr great heritage of minerals, waterpower, fer- tile land, wildlife and forests. Wars may come and go, but the work of defending the material basis for our domestic and international secur- ity goes on regardless. It was not always so; during the epoch of the amazing physical expansion of our continent in the latter half of the last century, few people thought about conservation. Except for short intervals, an endless stream of immigrants came from the East to enter the expanding West whose limits seemed boundless. An inexhausti- ble wealth in natural resources was an assump- tion no one questioned or wa's forced to ques- tion then. THAT THIS ASSUMPTION did have limits was only slowly realized, and still remains by the great majority of people. It was under the administration of the first Roosevelt, the guy with the "Big Stick", that the government first took concrete action to stop looting of pub- lic wealth by private individuals and corpora- tions. The man, who loved to live and play on the hills and plains of the Dakotas, believed that other generations should share in America's great naturab heritage. That spirit for public control of its resources, initiated by the policies of Roosevelt's adminis- tration, was intensified during the World War period, but thereafter until the New Deal of Franklin Roosevelt took over in 1933, the driving animus for conservation declined. In the early days of the New Deal, when private industry left millions of needy workers without employ- ment, a program of positive conservation was undertaken to utilize the wasting resource of idle man-power, x Today, eight years later, we are rich in natural resources, because, in the words of Secretary of the Interior Harold Ickes, "we have put our house in order". In coopera- tion with the CCC, the WPA and numerous other government departments and agencies, that Department serves as the spearhead for our conservation efforts. IT WATCHES OVER and develops our natural gift of wildlife and fish; it manages great! forests and cqnt'ols thse public domain. It opensI irrigated areas in the great semi-arid regions of our country for future settlement. It coop- erates with the States in the conservation of petroleum and natural +gas. It markets vast electric energy from the Columbia River. It locates and analyzes useful deposits of strategic and critical minerals. It rebuilds and regulates the livestock.ranges of the West. It conserves the nation's water resources above and below the ground. The list could go on, but the evidence is con- clusive. Here is a service that cannot be mea- sured fully in terms of dollars and cents. Upon the phrase "rich in natural resources" rests the future security and happiness of the American people. That phrase will remain true only if ttu Ampir- nnhli, s nm m l an+ 3 ASDL's Credo Explained To the Editor: SINCE I was mentioned by name in E.G.B.'s letter I should like to take the liberty of replying to his charges. Unfortunately there is a great deal of misinterpretation of the aims of the ASDL and of the whole international crisis which brought about the organization of such groups, and this is based partly on lack of evi- dence and partly on the absence of a desire to see the whole question clearly. First of all, I should like to call the gentle- man's attention to the fact that our Credo is the credo as we adopted it in final form, and not something else which can be dug up from past statements which were discarded because they were found to be incorrect statements of our aims. And on the same point, this paragraph which E.G.B. quotes was taken almost verbatim from the credo of the Harvard branch of the ASDL, and it was used in the tentative credo with the idea of securing as much uniformity as practicable with similar organizations through- out the country. That we found it unsuitable as a statement of our aims means precisely that and nothing else. NEXT DISCOVER that our group is "either exceptionally naive" or we must realize that we have "no possible connection with the real peace forces in this country", that we are "a committee-for war." Unfortunately this rep- resents the most common of the misinterpreta- tions, and I brand it categorically as untrue. We are not naive, so let us remove that question now. But this is the vital point. We believe firmly not only that we represent one of the forces for peace-ultimate peace, but that our general attitude is the only one which can, in this most difficult of all periods in our his- tory, secure to our nation the only possibility for lasting peace in the future. I have never been able to understand those who hold, as I do, the ideal of peaceful living, but are so blind as not to see that following a course of inaction or avoidance of partial belligerency for the present may make forever impossible the attain- ing of the ideal of future peace. May I ask all who share the opinions of E.G.B. what chance the cause of peace will have, which possible opportunity "the common people who do not love wars" will ever have to develop a better life, if we let the power of Fascism destroy the last remaining democracy but our own and then go on to plunge our democracy into economic and military conflict under which all good ideals will face destruction? That is how I look at the present war. Let no ,one ever say of me that I am a congenital Anglophile. I realize only too well that there are many grave faults in the English way of life and in English government, much as there are in our own. But shall we therefore,let England, perhaps ourselves, be de- stroyed? Look on the other side and what do you see? This is a question of a choice. We must say yes or no. We cannot bandy regrets about and hang ourselves with our own profusion of rope. I do not pretend to say that I know a better life will come if we aid England and crush Fascism. It may be worse than what we have at present. Every sane man admits that. Debts and their social effects will alone be hard to bear. But there is a chance for the better. And I do know that if we do not aid England and she is defeated, our own lifetime will be so much, worse that I for one am willing to sacrifice a great deal for that difference. FINALLY let me condemn as a falsification the statement that the ASDL is a "com- mittee for war." Quite on the contrary we be- lieve that we deserve the whole-hearted support of all those who want to preserve the one possi- bility that in the future they will have "jobs and security and a healthy life for their natural heritage." That you will not have if you let Fascism triumph. Read Mr. Malter's letter which appeared beside that of E.G.B. and see if it is possible to talk of this war as concerned { with "few ideals", only with "profits of indus- trialists" and "seizure of colonies". That, to my mind is truly and sadly naive. -Frank G. Ryder P.S. Did anyone else get the impression that the Winter Parley proved that England was not fighting for "human freedom. etc." but for the preservation of empire and economic sovereignty of the world?" I was there and I didn't. Benevolent Britain? T the Editor: STATEMENT 1: I am not a fifth columnist. Statement 2: Nor have I any sympathies, or even tolerance, for governments that exert oppressive or tyrannical rule upon their people. However, this may well include more than the Fascist and Communist nations in the world, Our benign, benevolent pal, Britain, might also fit into this category. Reasons? Professor Slosson also asks for reasons for calling this conflict "a war for the British Empire". Per- haps I can help in both matters. India is perhaps the fattest bunch in the Great Britain grape arbor. India wants her freedom, just as we once desired ours. England has, in the past and present, scorned India's request, and is repressing action toward her freedom by means not unsimilar to those used upon us in the colonial days. And we revolted. Lord Lothian said that it was a pity the U.S. ever left England. The higher circles of Eng- land still believe this, and they want us to unite again for Imperialism. I am not without author- ity when I say this because I visited England shortly before the war. And if I am not qual- ified to interpret the meanings of such phrases as "together we could be the most powerful combination . . .," or "united we could dominate the world . . .", then will you tell me what they mean? PROFESSOR SLOSSON asks if we are to be- lieve that the "men, women, and children who are nightly rained on by bmbs are think- ing only of India and Kamerun." Of course we're not to believe that, Professor. The Eng- lish people are fighting for England, but what is England, fighting for? To save the United States? Sure!! Our pal Britain wants us to be a rival to her as a world power. Sure! Her navy has always fought for us. (I hope you recognize the sarcasm.) Our pal has pulled some funny tricks before, too. Funny we never mentioned until this war, that, the British navy has been protecting us.! THEN, they want to save the world for De- mocracy. I think that also is a lead coin that rings a little false. Great Britain won't even grant freedom to Great Britain. Since be- fore the war, the press and radio in India have been only what England allows. Friends of the movement to liberate India have been jailed. England is not 4llowing their Indians to remain in this country who unfortunately are revealing the treatment india is receiving at the hands of our pal. (This is straight stuff but I can't reveal the source. It's a native of India, though.) Well then, in the light of this, it appears Eng- land has the intention of saving the world, not for Democracy, but for her own Imperialism. Our Pal, and Germany, both have that same funny tinge. Then, perhaps England wants to save the world for Christianity. Sure! That's it! Church- ill has said that the English speaking people must dominate the world for Christianity. But GOOD GOSH!! Are the English speaking peo- ple God's chosen race? Churchill's statement has helped widen the rift in the friendship be- tween the U.S. and South America, and through this rift has filtered Nazi propaganda to create, Nazi sympathy. Militarists agree that the only way that Ger- many can ever successfully attack the U.S. would be by gaining a foothold in Central or South America-a step she seems to be taking. Therefore, in an effort to strengthen the out- post across the drawbridge, we leave the back door wide open!! Silly of us, isn't it? - Harley Moore WASHINGTON-No other man in history ever has been sworn in for a third term as President of the United States, but Franklin Roose- velt did not seem seriously perturbed by the ceremony. The first thing he did after des-] cending from the Capitol and enter- ing his car, was to ask for a cigarette. Then turning to Mrs. Roosevelt, he said: "Well, how was it?" "Everything went off fine," she assured him. "I mean the speech. Do you think it went over? Tell me your honest opin- ion." Mrs. Roosevelt patted his arm af- fectionately. "It was excellent. Frank- lin," she said, "really excellent." The President leaned back, in- haled deeply. "It certainly is grand weather, isn't it?" he remarked. "Quite a change from four years ago." (The 1937 inaugural was marred by a terrific downpour.) At, this moment the chauffeur called to Jimmy Roosevelt, eldest son, to look out for the tail of his swanky Marine overcoat which was caught in the door of the limousine. "Be careful, Jimmy," exclaimed his mother. "That coat cost a lot of money and you can't afford to tear it." New Flying Tank If advice from Washington is car- ried out, the Royal Air Force soon will stage a relentless bombing of Amsterdam. Advice for such a raid was sent in coded cables from the British Embassy here, after intelli- gence reports revealed that the Ger-' mans had developed a tremendous production of military equipment in Amsterdam intended for the invasion of England. Directly after the invasion of Hol- land, the Germans took over the tre- mendous Fokker aircraft plant in Amsterdam and began production of a large four-motored plane. Word relayed back to Britain-is that this type of plane is for use as a tank transport. Special tanks are being built in Germany sufficiently light to be hoisted aboard these planes and car- ried across the Channel. The British are planning to buy a similar type of "aero-tank" from the United States, but are awaiting passage of the lease-lend bill before signing con- tracts, Meantime, they may be expected! to try to cripple Amsterdam's pro- ductions of this new weapon. Willkie's Plans. Chief among prominent Britishers whom Wendell Willkie will see in London are the labor leaders who hold key posts in the Churchill govern- ment. In fact, Willkie put the following names at the top of the list of people he wanted to see: Ernest Bevin, Min- ister of Labor; Herbert Morrison, Minister of Home Security; Major FRIDAY, JANUARY 24, 1941 c VOL. LI. No. 86 t t Publication in the Daily Officialt Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Notices2 Student Accounts: Your attention a is called to the following rules passed by the Regents at their meeting of Feb. 28. 1936: "Students shall pay all accounts due the University not later thanG the last day of classes of each sem-. ester or Summer Session. StudentF loans which are not paid or renewedv are subject to this regulation; how-a ever, student loans not yet due arec exempt. Any unpaid accounts at r the close of business on the last dayc of classes will be reported to ther Cashier of the University, and t "(a) All academic credits will beI withheld, the grades for the sem- ester or Summer Session just com- pleted will not be released, and no transcript of credits will be issued.a "(b) All students owing such ac-c counts will not be allowed to registerC in any subsequent semester or Sum-a mer Session until payment has been3 made." S. W. Smith, Vice-President and Secretary Student Loans: All those wishingv to apply for a student loan for thei second semester should file their ap-c plications in Room 2, University Hall,I on or before Saturday, January 25,t 1941.t Faculty, College of Engineering: There will be a meeting of the faculty of this College on Monday, January 27, at 4:15 p.m., in Room 348, West Engineering Building. Petitioning for Ethel A. McCormickw Scholarships will take place begin-? ning January 24 through January 31. Interviewing will be February 19 by1 appointment. Petitions and lists oft instructions are available in the Un- dergraduate Office of the League. The University Bureau of Appoint- ments and Occupational Information has received notice of the following Michigan Civil Service Examinations. Last date for filing application is noted inteachrcase: Bridge Engineering Draftsman Al, $140 a month, Feb. 13, 1941, Bridge Designing Engineer 1, $160 a month, Feb. 13, 1941. Police Radio Operator A, $130 a month, Feb. 13, 1941. Forest Fire Warden and Tower- man B, $105 a month, Feb. 3, 1941. Requirements: Either three years of experience in manual and semi- skilled work in forested areas and] completion of 8th grade or com- pletion of one year of college with major work in forestry or related field. Conservation Officer A2, $115 a month, Feb. 7, 1941. Requirements: Either (1) experience in outdoor oc- cupations including four seasons as a hunter or trapper and completion of 8th grade (2) such a background in- cluding two yrs. of experience and completion of the twelfth grade (3) Clement Atlee, Lord Privy Seal; A. V. Alexander. First Lord of the Admir- alty: and Hugh Dalton, Minister of Economic Warfare. To a friend just before departing, Willkie explained: "I want to find out all I can about everything, but I am particularly interested in talk- ing to Mr. Bevin and the other rep- resentatives of labor. I have a feel- ing that the social developments in England will, at least to a certain extent, set the pattern of American social conditions follow.ng the war. "I want to find out what is on the minds not only of the heads of the government, but of the labor leaders and the workers in British industry. Also I want to look into English production methods. "The over-all objective of my trip is to learn as much as I can to help me in advocating the cause of in- creasing American aid to Britain. I am personally convinced that if Eng- land collapses, the effect on America -economically, socially and ideolo- gically-will be tremendous." - DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN completion of four yrs. of college raining with specialization in fores- ry, wild life management, biology, or police administration. Complete information on file" at the University Bureau of Appoint- ments and Occupational Information, 201 Mason Hall. Office hours: 9-12 and 2-4. Academic Notices Speech Students: On Monday, Jan- uary 27, at 4:00 p.m. in the West Lounge, second floor, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studies, will be held an assemby of all gradu- ate students in Speech, Speech con- centrates, and teaching majors and minors in Speech for the purpose of considering abstracts of the papers presented at the Washington conven- tion of the National Association of Teachers of Speech. G. E. Densmore Psychology-English 228: An error appears in the schedule of this course on page 314 of the Bulletin of the Graduate School. The class meets as a seminar Monday, 4:00-6:00 p.m., in 3216 N.S. A. R. Morris Make-up Qualifying Examination in the Social Studies: Those stulents who were unable to take the Qualify- ing Examination in the Social Studies on Saturday afternoon, January 11, will be expected to take the examina- tion today at 1:00 p.m. in Room 2019 U.H.S. U. W. Stephenson Concerts String Quartet music will be pro- vided by the Musical Art Quartet of New York City tonight at 8:30, Saturday afternoon at 2:30, and Sat- urday night at 8:30, in the Chamber Music Festival given by the University Musical Society in the main Lecture Hall of the Rackham Building. Tick- ets foi the series or for single con- certs, are available at the Burton Memorial Tower, and will be -on sale for an hour preceding each concert in the main lobby (left) of the Rack- ham Building. Band Concert: The University Con- cert Band, conducted by Prof. William D. Revelli, will present its annual1 Mid-Winter Concert at 4:15 p.m. Sunday, Jan. 26, in Hill Auditorium. A special program of modern and classical music has been arranged. Although this concert wil be open to the general public, for obvious reas- ons small children will not be ad- mitted. Sonata Recital: Hanns Pick, Cellist, and Joseph Brinkman, Pianist, will present a Sonata Recital at 8:30 p.m. Monday, January 27, in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre, The concert will be complimentary to the general public. Exhibitions Exhibition, Rackham Building: Photographs of Outstanding Ex- amples of Iranian (Persian) Archi- (Continued on Page 6) The City (4itf're Lcratch Pad1 FIRE and WATER By MASCOTT Vox-Pop may be coming here next week just in time to interfere with pre-finals studying, but we don't believe that the "quiz" program, one of the 734 to the nth power quiz programs now heard on our moron-oriented broadcasting net- works, will answer some of the questions that we'd really like to have answered. So we print the following in the earnest desire for informa- tion from all or any enlightened experts that are not too enlightened to condescend to read this would-be clever compendium of ignorance. 1. What has happened to the Reuther plan? As we understand the situation Reuther; a CIO leader, submitted to the Administration a far- reaching plan which, by using some of the idle capacity of the automobile industry, would, with- in six months, enable the mass-production of 500 airplanes per day. Such a scheme is not to be passed over with terse comments of "im- practical" by unofficial spokesmen. We do not believe that such a plan is to be treated with a seeming "conspiracy of silence" by the nation's press which, with tpe exception of PM and a few columnists dismissed the whole plan with lit- tle coment-and in some cases, no comment at all. Possibly the plan might not eventuate in the production of 500 planes per day. But we're will- in the world, as it has been claimed by some? If not, what nation does and how do we rate com- paratively? If we do produce the "best" planes in the world but we do not develop mass pro- duction because as soon as we begin the pro- duction of any particular model, we develop an even superior model (such a hypothesis has many backers), why do we not, given present world and national defense condition, finally settle on any particular model that is superior to all others throughout the world and con- centrate on the mass production of that par- ticular model? Why can Germany and Britain develop the mas-production of airplanes while the United States (supposedly the richest in re- sources and most advanced technological na- tion in the world, stumbles along, producing planes, and comparatively few of them, with antiquated methods? 3. How good is the famed American bomb- sight and are we the only nation that has possession of it? We remember the claims ad- vanced at one time that the sight was unsur- passed and damn-near perfect. We also remem- ber reading, possibly in Time, that in the details of the famed Nazi-Soviet pact, the U.S.S.R. re- vealed the intricacies of the bombsight to Ger- Imnnr x mct a #h --r a cr -of hi.- rs -t..n.+ THAT STRANGE SOUL known as Rigby is expected to return to Ann Arbor next Tuesday to discuss final arrangements for a "charity" game which was to have been played in Miami Feb. 23. And when he blows in, there should be some interesting doings. For one thing, Mr. Rigby left here under the impression that Thomas Dudley Harmon was going to be play- ing football beneath the Florida suns come Fe.b 23. Since then Tommy has announced his intentions of step- ping out of the picture. That's not going to please Mr. Rigby one mite and he'll be doing a lot of fast talk- ing, you can be sure. So, to coin a phrase, we'll watch future developments with interest.. BULL-BACKED Forest Evashevsk was approached on this same deal but he declined the offer. Evy say he doesn't like "charity" games, an he insists they're going into the wrong pockets. Sometimes even Evashevski (he robbed us on that Santa Claus election) talks sense. t ,, i 1, d c' RADIO SPOTLIGHT WJ R WWJ CKLW WXYZ 750 KC - CBS 920 KC - NBC Red 1030 KC - Mutual 1240 KC-NBC Blue Friday Evening .6:00 Stevenson News Music; Oddities Rollin' Bud Shaver 6:15 Hedda Hopper Newscast; Music Home The Factfinder 6:30 Inside of Sports Bill Elliott Conga Time Day In Review 6:45 Melody Marvels Lowell Thomas Attack Thru Arctic Short Short Story 7:00 Amos 'n Andy Fred Waring Val Clare-News H. Gordon Rangers 7:15 Lanny Ross Dinner Music Do You Remember? Radio Magic 7:30 Al Pearce Heritage Carson Robison The Lone 7:45 Al Pearce of Freedom Symphony Band Ranger 8:00 Kate Smith Cities Service Lew Friday Night 8:15 Kate Smith Concert Loyal Army Show 8:30 Kate Smith Information, Laugh 'n Death Valley 8:45 News at 8:55 Please Swing Club Days 9:00 Johnny Presents Waltz Sen. Ludington Gang 9:15 Johnny Presents Time Interlude; News Busters 9:30 Campbell Playhse Everyman's I Want John B. Kennedy 9:45 Campbell Playhse Theatre A Divorce Your Happy B'thd'y 10:00 Stephen T. wings National News Ray Gram Swing 10:15 Early of Destiny Britain Speaks News Ace io-so W1ierr I'm From Alec Templeton BBC Radio To be Announced what are the main differences and points of similarity between the American attitude toward Britain and war in early winter 1917 and early winter 1941? The significance of the question can be doubted but the qiuestion is still, we believe, interest-