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January 23, 1940 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1940-01-23

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ASCE Meets
At Rackham
Motion Pictures To Show
Tacoma Span Failure,
Topic Of Burdick Talk
Formal Recognition
To Be Give To Six
Motion pictures of the Tacoma
Bridge failure and an address by
Charles B. Burdick, a Chicago con-
sulting engineer, will feature the
combined meeting of the Michigan
Section and the Student Chapter
of the American Society of Civil
Engineers at 8 p.m. tomorrow in
the amphitheatre of the Rackham
Previous to the meeting delegates
will attend a dinner at 6:30 p.m. in
the League.
Prof. James H. Cissel of the civil
engineering department will show
the Tacoma Bridge pictures which
will be open to the public. It was
he who was opposed to the building
of a bridge of this design when it
was first proposed and he was one
of the few that predicted the Ta-
coma collapse.
The speech by Burdick, who
is vice-president of the ASCE, will
discuss some of the internal affairs
of the society and the activities
which the group is planning all over
the country. He will also speak on
the organization and finances of the
different ASCE chapters.
After the welcome, which will be
given by Prof. E. L. Eriksen of the
engineering mechanics department,
pi'esident of the Michigan Section,
three men will be presented to the
delegates for recognition.
The men are Burdick; Prof.-Emer-
itus Henry E. Ribbs of the civil en-
gineering department, past-president
of the ASCE, and Louis E. Ayres,
'08, past-director.
The organization is also planning
to present life membership awards
to three Michigan members, Prof.
William C. Hoad of the civil engi-
neering department, Isaac DeYong
of Sault Ste. Marie and Jerome Wil-
helm of Traverse City. Only mem-
bers who have reached the age of
70 and have paid dues for 25 years,'
or those who have paid dues for 35
4 years are eligible for this award.
Industrial Hygiene
Meet Opens Today
(Continued from Page 1)
ternoon session will include a talk
on "Comprehensive Industrial Hy-
giene Investigations" by H. G. Dyk-
tor, B.S.C.E. Chief Industrial Hygiene
Engineer of the Michigan Department
of Health, and a discussion of "Oc-
cupational Diseases" by Dr. Henry
Cook, Chairman of the Committee
on Occupational Diseases and Indus-
trial Hygiene of the Michigan State
Medical Society.
Dr. Louis Schwartz, medical direc-
tor of the Office of Dermatoses In-
vestigations of the National Insti-
tute of Health will lecture on "In
dustrial Dermatoses." A dinner lec-
ture on "Industrial Hygiene in the
National Defense Program" will be
given by a speaker as yet unan-

Chapman Tells
Mexican Hate
Of Amwericans
Beneath a pleasant exterior, the
people of Mexico really dislike the
Americans, Wendell Chapman, well-
known wildlife photographer, said
in an interview yesterday. Chapman
who showed his movies "Wild Life
in Mexico" Tuesday evening, had an
opportunity to record the life of the
peons and of the few remaining'
"aristocrats" of that country during
his recent trip there.
Their hatred and envy of Amer-
icans is justified, Chapman contin-
ued, because American representa-
tives to Mexico have been very bad;
they have mistreated and exploited
the Mexicans instead of trying to
achieve anything worthwhile.
Starting his expedition at Alamos
in Southern Sonora, Chapman trav-
elled by car and, trailer until the
roads forced him to switch to mule
pack. Utilizing this type of trans-
portation, Chapman and his wife
covered the hilly, less-populated re-
gions of Mexico, hardly ever reach-
ing the larger cities.
After talking to one Mexican wom-
an whose ancestors were Spanish and
who had been educated at Paris and
Berkeley, Chapman said the feeling
was prevalent among this class of
people that they be "taken over" by
the United States because the na-
tion as a whole was not strong
enough to resist the Nazi, Soviet
and, Japanese propaganda "which is
rife in Mexico now."
A few schools have been built in
the back-countries he visited, Chap-
man declared, "but Mexico will never
become a country like the United
States because there are too many
peons." Confiscated property which
was turned over to the peons is go-
ing to ruin because the peons don't
know how to manage or take care
of the property, he added.
There is no truth to the statement
that the Mexican peons are "dirty",
the photographer emphasized; they
are naturally clean, but sanitary con-
ditions are so poor down there, they
cannot help themselves.
Rev. Fritchman
Will 'Give Talk
"Youth Challenges the Church" is
the subject of a luncheon talk which
will be given by Rev. Stephen H.
Fritchman, executive director of the
Unitarian Youth Commission of Bos-
ton Saturday =at Lane Hall.
In his work as adult advisor to
the Peace Commission of the Student
Christian Movement in New England
and director of the Citizens' Union
of Massachusetts, Rev. Fritchman is
visiting several of the Big-Ten col-
lege centers in an effort to learn
student sentiment on present-day is-
Besides these activities, he has
preached in a number of New Eng-
land churches, and before entering
the ministry he was religious editor of
the New York Herald Tribune and
taught English literature at Wash-
ington Square College, New York
University and Boston University.
In addition to his appearances at
Lane Hall, Rev. Fritchman will ad-.
dress a supper group Friday and
preach at the Unitarian Church Sun-
day morning.

'De ""cracy Went Out The Window'

Sing Sing Warden To Appear
Monday In Oratorical Lecture

Making a special trip to Ann Arbor
to fulfill an engagement he missed
Nov. 11, Lewis E. Lawes, world-famedt
Warden of Sing Sing, will appear
~Monday in Hill Auditorium in an3
Oratorical Association lecture.
For thirty-five years Lawes has
been a great reformer, and is now
generally recognized as one of the
finest practical criminologists. During
his years of service, he has held
Tentative Cast
Selections Are
Made For Play,
Committees Also Chosen
For Spanish Comedy
To Be Given March 12
Tentative cast and committee selec-
tions have been named for the an-
nual Spanish play, "Puebla de las
mujeres," to be presented by La Socie-
dad Hispanica in March, Prof. Charles
E. Staubach, director of the pfay,
announced yesterday.
Staubach said the following people
will be connected with the produc-
tion: June Larson, '41; Norma Ben-
nett, '41; Frances Besancon, '42; Hel-
en Lepitsky, '41; Marjorie Teller,
43; Carmelita Rosasco, '42.
Other committee and cast members
will be Antonietta Ferretti, '42A; Jud-
ith Perkins, '42; Leanor Grossman,
'43; Claude Hulet, '42; David Gibson,
'41; Raymond Chambers, '41; Law-
rence Aronsson, '43; Robert Mantho,
'43, and Charles Karpinski, '42.
There are a few positions yet to
be filled, Staubach said. Regular com-
mittee assignments will also be made
in the near future.
"Puebla de las mujeres" is a light
comedy concerning the effect of gos-
e sip in a small town. Written by the
. Quinteros brothers, it is considered
- one of their best works.
- i
Meeting Today
(Continued from Page 1)

by one creed: Vengeance is not a
cure for crime; rehabilitation is pos-
sible only if convicts are treated like
men instead of beasts.
Warden Lawes has served society
and, like so many of his contempo-
raries, he has come up through the
ranks.He wasborn in Elmira, less
than a mile from New York State
Reformatory. His parents forbade.'
him to go near the place because the
boys were "very bad." But to Lawes,
they looked normal enough. That
was the beginning of his career
as a reformer. All his activities
as an officer and warden are based
on his belief in the criminal. He has
never believed in force as a cure.
After three yrears in the United
States Army, Lawes received an op-
portunity to follow his life's work,
when he was appointed a guard in
Clinton Prison. He was advanced to
Auburn Prison ,then to ElmiranRe-
formatory and finally to Sing Sing.
He reached his peak when he was
thirty-seven years old, the young-
est man ever to serve as Warden of
Sing Sing in its ninety-four year
history. Now Lawes is starting his
twenty-first year as Warden of this
It is the work of Warden Lawes
which has made Sing Sing the most
unique and well-known institution of
its kind. His success can be attributed
to his ability to win the affection
and loyalty of the inmates and of
the people he meets. When he was
a guard he would knock an inmate
down with his bare fists rather than
beat him with a blackjack, billy-
club, or rubber hose.
Warden Lawes has made Sing Sing
the most advanced and humane penal
institution in this and other nations.
The record of this service is known
to most of the patrons who are ac-
quainted with his five best-selling
books and countless magazine arti-
cles, or who have heard his lectures
or major radio network broadcasts
in the last decade.
Among ti~e books written by War-
den Lawes are: "Cell 202 Sing Sing,"
"20,000 Years in Sing Sing," "Life and
1 Death in Sing Sing," and "Man's
I Judgment of Death." t

Band Concert
Will Be Given
Here Sunday
Works Of Morton Gould
Will Feature Program
In Annial Performance
The newest published musical work
of Morton Gould, noted young Amer-
ican composer, will be featured at
the University Band's annual Mid-
Winter concert to be held at 4:15 p.m.
Sunday in Hill Auditorim.
The concert, which is being offered
to the entire campus free of charge,
will highlight the performance of
"Cowboy Rhapsody, dvhicll Gould
introduced to t1he band when he at-
tended the Band Clinic here last
weekend. It will be conducted by Prof.
William D. Revelli. Another feature
of the afternoon program will be a
performance of the modern work
"Echos of the Catskills" by Walter
Roger. It will be played by a cornet
itrio composed of Raymond Crisara,
'42, Sedgewick Fields,. '44, and Donald
Dickenson, '42.
Among the other numL2rs to be
conducted by Professor Revelli will
be one especially dedicated to Lt.
,Col. Robert M. Kunz, former drill
master of the Marching Band, who
leaves this month for another post.
The program includes modern,
marching and classical music.
ornibrook To See
Costa RicaOpening
William H. Hornibrook, U.S. envoy
extraordinary and minister plenipo-
tentiary to the Republic of Costa
Rica, will represent the University at
the official inauguration of the re-
cently established University of Costa
Rica, to be held March 7 in San Jose,
Hornibrook, who studied here at
the Law School in 1903-04, will be
present at the formal ceremonies,
which will renew the university tradi-
tion in Costa Rica, following a lapse
since 1888.
Luis D. Tinoco, secretary of edu-
cation in Costa Rica, extended the
invitation to University officials on
behalf of the University of Costa

Gesturing as he spoke, Joseph P. Kennedy, retiring Ambassador to
Great Britain, told the House Foreign Affairs Committee that when
war caine and the British Parliament passed a bill in two hours with-
out debate "Democracy went out the window." Kennedy, who went
through more than 280 air raids in London, was called to testify on
the British Aid Bill.

Orchestra Acts
Unusual Role
In. War Relic-

Ann Arbor


Here Is



Members of the Minneapolis Sym-
phony Orchestra, which will play a
Choral Union Concert here 8:30 p.m.
Tuesday in Hill Auditorium, had a
unique surprise to offer their con-
ductor, Dimitri Mitropoulos, when he
took the podium for the first time
this year.
The su'rprise was in the form of a!
check for $110, raised by the orches-
tra and the management to be pre-
sented by Mitropoulos to the Greek
War Relief Association. The" gift
was conferred upon him because of
his great succesp conducting the New
York Philharmonic Orchestra just
before he returned to Minneapolis.
Born in Greece, the conductor has
been active in national and civic war
relief work.
Mitropoulos will make his debut
in Ann Arbor when he brings the
Minneapolis group here Tuesday. A'
special program has been arrailged,
consisting of the following musical
works: Overture to "Promentaus",
Op. 43, by Beethoven: Symphony
No. 2 in C major, Op. 61, by Schu-
mann; a symphonic poem, "The Mol-
dau", by Smetana,; Adagio for strings,
by Samuel Barber, and Fantasia and
Fugue in G minor, by Bach-Mitro-
Freshman ROTC
Rifle Team Wins
The traditional rivalry between the
Army and the Navy flared up on the
Michigan campus yesterday when it
was announced that five freshman
members of the ROTC rifle team had
out-shot their sea-going colleagues
by an 865 to 821 score.
Far from being convinced of Army
superiority, the sailors-to-be were
quick to challenge the soldiers-to-be
to a return match,
High marksmen for the ROTC were
George D. Hooper, '44E, David H.
Weisburg, '44E, DeMott D. Riley, '44E,
Albert D. Engstrom, '44, and Charles
R. Chase, Jr., '44E.
Shooting high scores for thej
NROTC were Leland A. Thompson,
'43E, Robert J. Begle, '43, Morton R.
Hunter, Jr., '44, and Harry E. Miller,i
Jr., '44E.
New Plan Proposed
LANSING, Jan. 22-(11')-A special
study group proposed today that the1
state arm a Michigan elections com-
mission with broad police powers to
combat election frauds.

University students will broadcas
a radio skit Saturday on infantile
paralysis at 5:30 p.m. over W.J.R
The prevention, symptoms and treat
ient for this disease will be the theme
The program will originate in the
University station and the skit has
been prepared by radio departmen
studio under the direction of Prof
Waldo Abbot in collaboration with
the Washtenaw County Medical So
Arthur Klein is the student director
of the skit and the arrangement
for the broadcast were made by Mrs
Fielding H. Yost, Jr.. co-chairman
of the local campaign to fight infan
tile paralysis.
Ira M. Smith, University registrar
has been given the "Silver Beaver
award by the National Boy Scou
Council "for outstanding service to
boyhood." A member of the Wash
tenaw-Livingston county council fo
seven years, Smith has also serve
as chairman of the advancement com
The national defense program ha
brought a 20 per cent drop in direct
relief and work-relief rolls in Wash
tenaw County, according to local re
lief oficials. The County Social Wel
fare Department reports 324 cases
comprising 810~persons on its relie
rolls as compared to 459 a year ago
Washtenaw County Democrats wil
choose 13 delegates at the party'
annual county convention Saturday
for the state convention will be hel
Feb. 19 and 20 in Grand Rapids.
Two ornamental lanterns in fron
of the Amberey apartments 619 E
University Ave., were broken las
week end by a group of students po
lice were told in a complaint mad
yesterday. The lanterns were value
at $14.


history department will speak at the
"Public Affairs" panel, and other dis-
cussion sections will consider the
problem of particular significance to
members of the YMCA. These sec-
tional meetings will be held at 3:00
Ira M. Smith, registrar, Dr. Char-
les Fisher of the Extension Service
And Roger H. Freund of the local
YMCA unit are acting on the local
committee in charge of preparations
for the convention.
Dr. Ellenwood was at one time in
the ministry and is widely known in
Y circles for his work as executive
in one of the most active YMCA
state organizations. His tworecently
published books are "No Place Like
Home" and "Look at the Y."
As president of the national council,
Judge Carlson traveled throughout
the country, visiting YMCA groups
in many cities. He has served as prac-
ticing attorney in Des Moines, Ia.
-- Starting Friday -

Italian Convoy Hit
By Greek Bombers
ATHENS, Greece, Jan. 22-(A)-
The Greek airforce reported tonight
the destruction by bombers of an
entire Italian convoy of more than
100 trucks on the central Albanian
Italian troops also were bombed
and machine-gunned in repeated at-
tacks, it was stated.
The transport column was said to
have been smashed after a Greek
bomb had dislodged a great boulder
which rolled into the road.


Te Iegrapb,

Last Times Today
FRANK JENKS Dancingo aDiiue"
SHOWS DAILY at 2-4-7-9 P.M.

Students Plan Motorcycle Trip
From Ann Arbor To Pan ama



To Panama by land, motorcycling
over modern roads and ancient mule
trails, is the, ambitious trip being
planned by two Michigan students.
Leaving Ann Arbor about February
25, Alan R. Bott, '42E, and brother
George R. Bott, E Spec., will travel
to Mexico and then further south-
ward into Indian territory, so primi-
tive that the natives d? not even
know the use of any sort of a wheel.
This section of their route, lying be-
tween Oaxaca, Mexico, a last outpost
of civilization, and Panama is about
820 miles of mere gully-like trail,
becoming' most hazardous in the
great cross-wise mountain ranges of
Costa Rica.
Expecting to cover a total distance
exceeding 5,000 miles, the boys in-
vestigated the types of roads they
could plan on finding in Mexico and
Central America. Between the Tex-
as border and Panama, they discov-
ered, there are 1123 miles of paved
road; 669 miles of gravel road, good
all year; 653 miles of dirt road,
passable in the dry season, and the
remaining 820 miles of mule path.
Two new, very light motorcycles
will be used, capable of 70 miles per
gallon of gasoline. The brothers are

now building special racks equipped
to carry a 141/2-gallon reserve tank,
motorcycle oil, emergency water and
ration supply, and light camping and
camera equipment. For day-to-day
food, the boys hope to subsist on
common Mexican dishes and Indian
The cost of the trip, estimated to
be in the neighborhood of $1500,
will be partially reduced by unique
photographs taken along the route
which will be sent back to the United
States for development and sale.
Six months might be required for
the trip, the boys explained, because
the rainy season, moving northward
from Panama in June, stops travel
through the tougher spots until the
trails are again in reasonable con-
George, an engineering graduate of
Cornell University, plans to stay in
Panama on an engineering job. Alan
expects to return to Ann Arbor in
time for school next fall. A running
account of the trip will be written
and Alan will tie the pair to civiliza-
tion through correspondence, when-
ever possible, with Albert Pfaller, '41.
The "travel bug" has bitten the
brothers since:youth. They have al-
ready been in all 48 states.

Jaies Hamilton, Tenor
Private and Class Instruction
Monday - Thursday
Bethlehem Evangelical Church, 423
Fourth Ave., South.
James Hamilton, 831 Tappan Court,
or Dial 8389, Ann Arbor, Mich.

... .



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Coming Jan. 31 "GONE WITH THE WIND"

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