Letters To The Editor
Ntm. tA TH 1 7 M h1Of $Th1 N .McAs,1I v
Edited and managed by students of the University of
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National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1940-41
Editorial Staff
Hervie Haufler
Alvin Sarasohn
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Karl Kessler
Milton Orshef sky
Howard A. Goldman
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Donald Wirtchafter
Esther Osser
Helen Corman .
.* . Managing Editor
Editorial Director
. . . . City Editor
. ,. . Associate Editor
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. . . Associate Editor
* . Associate Editor
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The editorials published in The Michi-
gan Daily are written by members of The
Daily staff and represent the views of the
writers only.
A Long-Range Plan
With Latin Neighbors
N THE tremendous stream of articles
written about the need for solidarity
between the United States and the South Amer-
ican republics, scarcely any writers gave a pre-
cise plan for action that would accomplish the
desired end. And those that did took the short-
est view of the situation, forgetting apparently
that the suspicion of Latin Americans toward
this country is too deeply rooted to be broken
down in a month or two.
Short-cut policies would only reveal more
clearly that our sudden friendship is a result
of necessity; what was needed was an outline
for action that would remain in effect regard-
less of the outcome of the war-a long term
policy that would promote a real Pan-Amer-
ican- friendship, not one based solely on ex-
The program put into. effect should achieve
both the immediate end of counteracting total-
itarian propaganda and of forming commercial,
cultural and communicatory ties with South
America. According to President Roosevelt's
budget message, the execution of plans, by
means of an organization headed by Nelson A.
Rockefeller, will cost about $5,000,000-about
five-eighths the cost of a battleship.
The first step taken by Rockefeller, whose
imposing euphemism for what might be Amer-
ican Minister of Propaganda is Coordinator of
Commercial and Cultural Relations between the
American Republics, was to improve communi-
cation facilities between the Americas. He has
encouraged newsreels to show more articles of
inter-American interest, while moving picture
companies are putting out "educational" films
concerned with inter-American topics. Special
radio stations have been established whose sole
purpose is to send broadcasts from here to South
America, in Spanish, calculated to arouse sym-
pathy and interest, toward this country.
Rockefeller is forming commercial ties with
South America that, while benefiting the Latin
Americans, are not exactly proving unprofitable
for United States interests. He has used money
from here to stimulate imports from South
America, especially in defense materials, as
nitrates, copper and tin. He is also trying to
develop production in Latin America of com-
modities that are not produced in the United
States, with the aid of finances from here. The
general plan is not only to promote domestic
industries, but to provide larger markets for
United States products. k
Other commercial projects that the Coordin-
ator, etc., is working on are a schedule of rea-
sonable transportation rates between here and
Latin America, emergency loans, like the recent
one to' Argentina, and exchange loans, of which
eight have already been made. It is probably
not coincidental that this part of the three-fold
plan will be as great a boon to business in this
country as to South Americans.
The other activities of our South-American-
friendship-bureau will try to develop some un-
derstanding of North American culture in Latin
America. This is the only phase of the plan
that will actually provide for non-profitable.
(in the commercial sense) relations between the
countries. Rockefeller wants to promote inter-
American sports, concerts and art exhibitions.
He is also advocating that United States history
hb rmnnhaized in South America while Latin
The Cost Of Blood
To the Editor:
I read your Sunday editorial with warm in-
terest and many doubts. You say that war-
any war and particularly this war-is not worth
its cost in blood and tears. Homes will be
ruined, men with the capacity of unlived ecstacy
will be blown to bits, and the realization of the
-aorrows that comes of war must force us to
ride the waves of the future-from whatever
source they may come-instead of trying to
control the flow.
Before continuing, I must ask you some ques-
tions. Can we think of war in terms of the
individual soldier? In terms of the five human
beings who were killed over Berlin or Rome or
London? Do they represent the all-import'n' ,
entity or are they part of the greater whole?
Should we consider the common grave in which
the dead lie or the cause for which the dead
have fought? Whose life, Mr. Haufler, do you
consider the more important: the Englishman
or the German, the Greek or the Italian, the
Chinese or the Japanese, and, to look back, the
Frenchman or the German, the Loyalist or the
I would like to read your answer in a future
editorial. Here is mine. I see two worlds in
conflict-the Democratic and the Anti-Demo-
cratic. To illustrate this, I shall substitute ex-
amples for definitions. Spain after the Civil
War:'Finland after the Russian invasion; Po-
land, Austria, Czechoslovakia, and France after
the German conquest: these are the clear exam-
ples of the Anti-Democratic world. We see it
again in the wanderings of the refugees, the
Aryanization of science and culture, the disre-
gard of the freedoms each man need possess to
live a decent life-the freedoms of thought and
expression and conscience; and the subordina-
tion of the individual personality like a robot
to the omniscient and all-powerful State.
World, War II will destroy our present-day
conception of Nationalism with the politically
sovereign but economically dependent nation,
and in its place will emerge a Europe organized
on a federal scale. I cannot agree with you
that "a destitute England is not going to make
things much more paradisaical than a destitute
Germany." (I think the word "paradisaical" is
unfortunate but we won't quibble over it.) It
makes all the difference to the world who wins
this war, for to the victor goes the organization
of Europe. That 'which we all desire-a demo-
cratic world federation-cannot exist, I feel, un-
der a Nazi-dominated Europe. When you sup-
pose a German victory, you do not realize that
there will be two worlds in conflict; and the
blessings of a just peace shall never accrue to
those who live in constant fear.
You conclude that "either we pay the cost of
keeping ourselves armed-a cost that will prob-
ably become very burdensome if our living stan-
dards should decline or we leap in now, sacri-
ficing our arms and men and wealth in one
throw of the dice, for which we may win a du-
bious victory, a victory that will not be half
so triumphant as the interventionists paint it."
This raises questions in my mind I should like
answered: aid to Britain; your either-or argu-
ment; and the dubious victory we may win.
Aid to Britain you conspicuously failed to
mention. What about it? Do you feel that since
paradise will flower from neither a German nor
a British victory it makes no difference (allow-
ing for the belt-pulling) who wins the war?
If so, do you consider the Lease-Lend Bill un-
necessary? Or do you approve of it only so long
as we do not incur the dictators' wrath?
You write in constant fear of an American
entry into war. In terms of revolutionized mod-
ern warfare, would there be another Flanders
Field? What acts would result in a declaration
of war against the United States? It is necessary
to answer this question because aid to Britain
is evidently dependent upon weighing all the
possibly provocative acts.
Either we arm, you state-or we leap into the
war now! Are these the two only ways of action?
If we arm, we arm so long as the enemy exists.
Could we not do all within our power to see
that a common enemy does not exist in the first
place? And you speak of arming yet of not going
to war? Would power without use be looked
upon as an indication of weakness? And, again,
assuming war in the long run, would it be to our
military advantage to wait until Hitler con-
trols Europe?
Why would the victory be dubious? What
would be the role of the United States in win-
ning the peace-terms? Can you see, with Amer-
ican aid and a totalitarian defeat, the making
of a democratic world federation? What kind
of a world would follow a German victory?
Although you can see where my prejudices
lie, I have tried instead to make this letter a
springboard for another editorial. The questions
raised here hardly can be called complete; how-
ever, they serve to raise some issues that you
have yet not considered. I would appreciate
it if you would attempt to answer my general
line of questioning with any other approach
you see fit.
- Newell Malter
Comments On The 'Credo'
To the Editor:
At the first open meeting of the American
Student Defense League, a temporary Credo was
issued, two paragraphs of which I would like
to quote here: "While not favoring an imme-
diate declaration of war, we are open to the
possibility that sometime in the not distant fu-
ture it may be necessary and expedient to send
U.S. armed forces out of the Western Hemi-
sphere. Although our most immediate concern,
and one of vital importance to us, is the defense
of the Western Hemisphere by mtilitary, eco-
nomic, and moral preparedness, on extensive
plans of Hemispheric Co-operation, we are aware
that 'defense' may take on added significance
of military intervention against Germany, Italy,'
Japan, Russia, and other exponents of force,
and if such be the case, if it be prudent, diplo-
matic, and to the best interests of the Demo-
cratic Powers we advocate that we frankly ad-
mit the best defense may be an offense."
These words are not taken from the program
of the William Allen White Committee to Defend
America by Aiding the Allies, although the ASDL
has indicated its adherence in other matters to
that program, The White Committee secured
extensive popular support by deluding the aver-
age American into thinking that more and more
aid to Britain would insure certain peace for
America. So great was, and still is, the senti-
ment for peace in America, that Mr. White him-
self was forced to leave off boasting of the way
he could manipulate the Army, Navy and State
departments at his will, and declare that "the
Yanks are not coming" to a Scripps-Howard
reporter. This obviously cynical bid for con-
tinued public support caused a furor in the ranks
of the Committee itself and Mr. White was
forced to resign. That any man on such a
committee should openly declare himself for
peace was an outrage! Unless the supporters
of the ASDL on this campus are exceptionally
naive, they must realize that their organization,
like the White Committee, has no possible con-
nection with the- real peace forces in this coun-
try, is, in fact, a committee not for peace at all
but for war. Mr. White, their former idol, has
proved that. They themselves, with their polite
phrases about "we are open to the possibilit:
that" or "defense may take on added signifi-
cance," have shown us that equally well. Rus-
sia, be it noted, a country that has made no
hostile moves against either Britain or the
United States, which, by its continual aid to
China has kept Japan busy, and with which
there is still the chance of achieving a unity
more important for defense than any aid to
Britain, is thoughtlessly linked with the fascist
Mr. Ryder indicated in a recent letter that
this war is a conflict between two positive ideals,
the one for evil, the other for good, Britain's
ideal being "predominantly good" and Ger-
many's "almost entirely evil." How beautiful
this war would be if its ideals were stich black
and white affairs! Unfortunately, there are few
ideals concerned in this war, only on one side
the profits of large industrialists in all coun-
tries and the seizure of colonies, on the other
the blood, sweat, and tears of the common
people who do not love wars and who, more
than ever before, are getting it in the neck in
this war. If discussion at the recent Winter
Parley proved anything at it, it demonstrated
that England was not fighting for "the fate
of human freedom, freedom of thought, of re-
ligion, of individual initiative," as the White
Committee puts it, but for the preservation of
empire and economic sovereignty of the world.
The ASDL is a committee for war and the
war does not deserve the support of peace-
loving peoples who demand jobs and security
and a healthy life for their natural heritage
- E. G. B.
by mascott
When, in "The Long Voyage Home" which
appeared last week-end at the Maj, Driscoll
yelled at one of the firemen "Get the Hell Out
of Here", we received one of the great minor
thrills of our lifetime. Realism had come to
the "pitcher shows".
Incidentally, the picture was, indeed, excel-
lent and distinctive in many ways, especially
the photography and the one burst of profanity
This column today, however, is not going to
become a brief for profanity in the movies.
But we can say we were more than pleasantly
surprised at Driscoll's outburst.
Too many times have we sat semi-enthralled
in a Hollywood production and seen a supposedly
irate truck driver tell an equally irate hack-
driver, "Please depart, you bounder," or some-
thing almost as anemic. Too often have we seen
the "good guy" double-crossed by his wife, his
mother, his "best" friend and his dog and then
finally run over by a truck, nimbly jump to his
feet and then meekly exclaim "Oh, darn!" It
seems that the worst epithet that can be hurled
at a Hollywood villain is "oh, you bum" or "you
heel"-not even a "cheap bum" or "All-Amer-
ican heel."
But, for what we believe to be the first time
in the modern era of Hollywoodiana, a sailor,
tramp, crewman, tar, bos'n or whatever you
want to call him, finally addressed a fireman
in somewhat natural speech-just for the kick
we get out of it, we repeat: "Get the hell out of
here." No, censor Hays, you refugee from the
pristine purity of the U.S. Post-Office Depart-
ment, Driscoll did not say "Would you kindly
leave, dear fireman;" he did not say "Kindly
quit the premises" or even simply "get out of
here." Driscoll, Mr. Hays, you fugitive from a
Jimmy Farrell book, said, yes he said, "Get
the Hell out of here"-and 17 women did not
swoon during the performance nor, as a result,
Dr" Pe~nos
Rbet S.Atles 1
WASHINGTON-Wendell Willkie'sF
deci ion to go to London to gather
first-hand information to supportI
the lend-lease armament bill broughtI
him a grateful bow from the White
House, but it cost him a hot verbal:
battle with one of the most potent
press backers of his presidential cand-
Roy Howard, of the Scripps-How-
ard group of newspapers and an ar-
dent "negotiated peace" advocate,.
spent the better part of one night
trying to persuade Willkie to drop the
trip plan.i
Back-stopping Howard in his argu-
ments was Bruce Barton, former Newl
York Congressman and defeated GOP1
aspirant for the seat of New Dealer
Senator Jim Mead. Like Howard,
Barton was one of Willkie's earliest
and staunchest boosters and played at
leading role in putting him over at
Howard and Barton strove mightily
in their effort to win Wilkie over to
their views. But the former GOP
standard-bearer stood firmly by his
Will'ie Or Smith
He contended that aiding Britain
to beat back the Axis aggressors wasc
crucial to U. S. security; that he had
always advocated this and did not1
propose to change his position. Also,
that while he didn't pretend to bet
a friend of Roosevelt, Roosevelt was
elected and if he was to function as
President he had to have authority to
do so. He (Willkie) would have de-
manded this had he been elected, so
he was not going to permit personal1
feeling or partisanship to prevent him
from urging such a policy for his suc-
cessful rival.
This undercover battle occurred
several days after another in whichj
Willkie was the innocent bystander.-
The scrap took place within the
high command of the Committee to
Defend America by Aiding the Alliest
and was over the issue of electing
him successor to William Allen White.-
A group of Midwestern and New
England board members came with-
in a hair's breadth of doing this af-f
ter Al Smith had turned them down.t
The Man with the Brown Derby was
their first choice, but shook his headI
when asked whether he would accept.c
The group then proposed Willkie,
although they had not asked him and
hadn't the slightest notion what he
would do if offered the post. A count
of noses showed that they had the
voes to put over their spectaculart
plan, but at the last moment theyt
were blocked by a Willkieite.
Lewis Douglas, co-chairman of thet
Democrats for Willkie and a fighting
advocate of "all-out" aid to Britain,
took the floor and declared that as
much as he admired Willkie, it wouldt
be q strategical Mistake to put him9
in White's place. Douglas contended
it would inject the Committee into
partisan politics and he advised ar
less political choice.
This sound argument scored and
the group dropped their idea in favor
of Douglas' choice, ex-Senator Ernest
W. Gibson of Vermont.
Mrs. Roosevelt Receives
A reception of a thousand people
in a single day at the White House
Continued from Page 2)
the following sections. Each section
vill meet at the same hour and day
each week for seven weeks.
Section No. 1, Monday, 4:15-5:15.
Date of first meeting, February 24;
Room: Natural Science Aud,.
Section No. 2: Tuesday, 4:15-5:15.
Date of first meeting, February 25:
Room: Natural Science Aud.
These lectures are a graduation re-
Margaret Bell, M.D.
Medical Adviser to Women
Coit certs
Chamber Music Concerts: The
Musical Art String Quartet of New
York, composed of Sascha Jacobsen
first violin; Paul Bernard, second
violin; William Hymanson, viola, and
Marie Roemaet-Rosanoff, violoncel-
lo: under the auspices of the Uni-
versity Musical Society, will inaug-
urate the First Annual Chamber
Music Festival. with three programs
to be given in the Main Lecture Hall
of the Rackham Building, as follows:
Friday Evening, Jan. 24, 8:30:
Works of Mozart, Tansman and
Saturday Afternoon, Jan. 25, 2:30:
Works of Haydn, Bloch and Borodin.
Saturday Evening, Jan. 25, 8:30:
Works of Schubert, Turina and Ravel.
Reserved season tickets (three con-
certs) at $2.00, and tickets for in-
dividual concerts at $1.00, are now
on sale at the offices of the Uni-
versity Musical Society in Burton
Memorial Tower. Preceding each
concert tickets will be available in
the main lobby (left) of the Rack-
ham Building.
Exhibition, Rackham Building:
Photographs of Outstanding Ex-
amples of Iranian (Persian) Archi-
tecture, made by Myron Bement
Smith and loaned by the Library of
Congress will be on Exhibit in the
West Gallery until Saturday, Janu-
ary 25, from 2:00 to 5:00 p.m. !
Exhibition: Thirty etchings of de-
tails of landscapes by Frank A.
Waugh, formerly head of the De-
partment of Landscape Architecture
at Massachusetts State College, are
on exhibit in the wall cases in the
first floor corridor of the Architec-
ture Building until Feb. 1.
Professor Waugh is noted for his
life-long efforts in the conservation
of the native rural American land-
Events Today
The Pre-Medical Society will meet
tonight in the East Amphitheatre of
the West Medical Building at 8:00.
Two medical movies will be shown:
"Good Hospital Care," and "Tonsillec-
tomy under Local Anaesthetic."
German Journal Club will meet
today, Michigan Union Room 304, at
4:10 p.m.
Zeta Phi Eta will hold a program
meeting tonight at 7:30. Attend-
ance is compulsory.
Freshman and Sophomore candi-
dates for R.O.T.C. Drum and Bugle
Corps will receive tryouts at R.O.T.C.
Hall today, 4-5 p.m. No experience
Sigma Xi will meet tonight at 8:00
in the Rackham Lecture Hall. Dr.
JGP Make-Up Committee
it 4:30 p.m. today in the
Aitendance at this mee ing
pulsory for any gills who
participate later.
The Art Division of the Publicity
ommittee for J.G.P. will met outy
at 5:00 p.m. in the 3rd floor Drat-
ng Room of the Art School,
'heatre Arts Make-up Committee
will meet today at 4:00 p.. in the
League. Call 2-2936 after twelve if
v:ou will not be able to attend.
The Little Symphony Orchestra,
under the direction of Mr. Thor
Johnson, will give a concert for the
'nembers of the Faculty Women's
Club and their guests today at 3:0
).m. at the Lydia Mendelssohn 'he-
Michigan Dames: The Drama Group
will meet tonight at 8:00 at the home
f Mrs. R. W. Cowden, 1016 Olivia
Coming Events
Pi Lambda Theta will meet Thurs-
day, January 23, at 5:15 p.m. for
supper in the Russian Tea Room of
the Michigan League, following the
Slosson Lecture to be given at Rack-
. am Building at 4:15. All members
ire urged to attend.
Anatomy Research Club will meet
Thursday, January 23. at 4:30 p.m. in
Room 2501 East Medical Building.
Speakers and Titles:
Dr. Robert J. Parsons: "Virus pro-
luced oral papillomatosis of rabbits."
Dr. Wilfrid T. Dempster: "The me-
hanics of microtome sectioning,"
Tea at 4:00 p.m. in Room 3502.
Everyone is invited.
Latin American Journal Club: The
visit by William Berrien to discuss
fellowship possibilities has been post-
poned until fall. The next meeting
of the Journal Club will take place
at 4:15 p.m. Tuesday, February 18,
in the West Conference Room of the
Rackham Building. Nofice of this
meeting will be sent out near the end
of this semester.
The Public Health Club will hold
a semi-foi'mal dinner dance at the
League, Friday, January 24, at 7:00
p.m. Tickets may be obtained at
Waterman Gym, Room 2.
Classical Students: Phi Tau Alpha
will meet in the Rackham Building at
7:30 p.m. on Thursday, January 23.
Glider Club will meet Thursday,
Jan. 23, at 8:00 p.m. in 348 West En-
gineering Bldg. All members should
Phi Delta Kappa Coffee Hour will
be held at 4:15 p.m. on Friday, Janu-
ary 24, in West Conference Room,
Racklham Building. Professor Calvin
o. Davis will lead the discussion.
Movies of Larynx: The -attention
of graduate and undergraduate stu-
dents in Speech and other depart-
ments interested is called to a show-
ing of color movies of the vocal folds
at 4:00 p.m. on Friday, Jan. 24, in
room 231 Angell Hall. Author of
the movies is Dr. Paul Moore, North-
western University.
The Deadline for JGP health re-
checks is February 1. Appointments
must be made by this date by any
girl participating or wishing to par-
ticipate next semester in JGP.
J.G.P. Central Committee will meet
Thursday, January 23, at 7:00 p.m.
in the Council Room of the League.
Dance Program: Tickets on sale
at the box office of Lydia Mendels-
sohn Theatre for the Dance Pro-
gram to be presented on Friday,
January 24, 8:30 p.m. All seats
Kije; and Peter and the Wolf.
interested are invited.
is corn-
want to
mea: is big business, socially speaking. James Franck, Department of Chem-
But on inauguration day, such a istry at the University of Chicago,
crowd poured through the doors of will speak on "Fundamentals of
that mansion that all recent records Photosynthesis."
were broken. The total was between
six anct seven thousand. The Theology Seminar will meet at
Result was that the Roose.7:it child- Lane Hall today at 4:15 p.m.
ren, who came to set Papa take the
oath of office for the third time, International Center's Program of
got lost in the crowd, and thought Recorded Music: This evening an all-
they were in the Grand Central Term- Prokofieff program will be played
inal in New York. In fact, the crowd from 7:30 to 9:00 p.m. in the Lounge.
was so great that even Mrs. Roose- The following numbers will be given:
velt's brother, Hall Roosevelt, was el- Love for Three Oranges; Lieutenant
bowed out to quarters in an adjacent _
The parying started on Sunday
with a luncheon for 144 guests. That
looks like plenty of people to have
for lunch, but the figure pales into
insignificance beside the number of} WJR WWJ
Monday's lunchers. They were 1,600 750 KC - CBS 920 KC - NBC Re
strong. And this figure was dwarfed
by the 4,600 who came to tea, making Wednesda
the total for that one day 6,200.
The big job of receiving these 6:00 News Music; Oddities
thousands fell not on the President 6:15 Hedda Hopper Newscast; Tune
but on Mrs. Roosevelt. The President 63O Inside of Sports Bill Elliott
d 1030 KC - Mutual 1240 KC- NBC Blu*
ay Evening
Rollin' Bud Shaver
Home The Factfinder
Conga Time Day In Review
rceeived only a few hundred, but she
received and shook hands with them
Crisis March 15?
Secretaries Stimson and Knox did
not go into details when they told
Congress they expected an interna-
tional crisis in 60 to 90 days, bit ac-
tualty their War D:hpartment experts
have go so far as to fix the approxi-,
mate date for the crisis to break.;
This estimate is based not nly up-.
on the already known fact that Brit-
ish shipping and its convoys soon
6:45 Melody Marvels Lowell Thomas The Italian People Short Short Story
7:00 Amos 'n Andy Fred Waring News Easy Aces
7:15 Lanny Ross News Room World Today . Mr. Keen-Tracer
7:30 Mr. Meek Cavalcade Carson Robison The Lone
7:45 Mr. Meek Of America Serenade; News Ranger
8:00 Ed. G. Robinson Tony Martin Your Job & Mine Quiz
8:15° In Big Town How Did You Meet Interlude; News Kids
8:30 Dr. Christian Plantation Memoirs Manhattan
8:45 News at 8:55 Party In Music At Midnight
9:00 Fred Allen Eddie Star of Hope Yukon Challenge
9:15 Fred Allen Cantor Tabernacle The Old Traveler
9:30 Fred Allen Mr. District The Question I.John B. Kennedy
9:45 Fred Allen Attorney Box Win With Flynn
10:00 Glenn Miller Kay Kyser's National News To be Announced
10:15 Public Affairs Kollege of Britain Speaks News Ace
10:30 Where I'm From Musical BBC Radio .Doctors