__THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE FIt Plans Sermon On Humanism Local Churches Will Have Discussions Of Varied ReligiousTopics Today ThroopWill Talk A varied number of subjects will make up topics for discussion in the churches of Ann Arbor today. "Humanism and Life Questing" will be the sermon subject of Prof. Eus- tace Haydon of the University of Chicago at the Unitarian Church at 11 a.m. Student questions on religion will be answered by Dr. Haydon at a coffee hour at 7:30 p.m. He will also speak at a Faculty Luncheon for him at the Union Monday noon. As usual St. Andrew's Episcopal Church will have morning gayer and sermon by the Rev. Henry Lewis at 11 a.m. The speaker for the col- lege work program at 7 p.m. at Har- ris Hall will be Pr6f. Palmer A. Throop. His topic is "Religion and Ethics." At Baptist Church A unified service of worship and study, a graded program provided for all ages, will take place at the First Baptist Church at 10:30 this morn- ing.The sermon topic is "How to Become a Christian." At 6 p.m. the Roger Williams Guild will join with the Wesleyan Guild in the Methodist Church to hear Dr. Hornell Hart talk on the subject, "Life Ought to be Thrilling." Dr. Parr, assisted by Dr. Blakeman and Dr. J. D. Brownell (president of Northland College), will conduct the public worship service at the First Congregational Church at 10:45 a.m. There will be a meeting of the Stu- dent Fellowship at 7 'p.m. with a social hour and refreshments. Student Guild Meeting Sermon topic for morning worship at the Bethlehem Evangelical Church at 10:30 a.m. is "The Way of Salva- tion." Student Guild meeting and discussion hour will take place at 6 p.m. Dr. Lemon's sermon at the First Presbyterian Church at 10:45 a.m. is "The Safest Mind Cure." West- minster Student Guild will meet for supper at 6 p.m. At 7 p.m. there will be a panel discussion, led by the law students, of the Guild, on "Religion and Economics." ' The Sunday Eve- ning Club will have several Central and South American students lead an informal discussion about their coun- try and its customs. On Thursday night the Presbyter- ian Church held their first church supper of the new year. Dr. Lemon spoke on "Religious Meanings of 1940 for Today." Army Spurns Wagner Labor Act Decisions WASHINGTON, Jan. 18. -IP - The War Department, informed persons said today, has decided the question of whether or not firms accused of violating the Wagner Act should be denied defense contracts, is a matter for Congress. Consequently, it was said, the De- partment will not write into its con- tracts a requirement that contractors comply with the labor relations stat- ute unless it receives specific in- structions to this effect from Con- gress. Sidney Hillman, labor leader and associate director of the new Office 'Vlanaging Defense Production, tried in vain recently to have such a clause placed in two contracts with the Ford Motor Company. War Department officials said they still had under study the question of whether departmental contracts generally should include labor pro- visions in addition to those now in- corporated, which require compliance with the Walsh-Healey Public Con- tracts Act and with legislation against the use of convict labor. The Walsh-Healey and convict labor clauses are included in con- tracts at the direction of Congress. The Legislators, however, have never directed that the labor relations law be, mentioned in the agreements. Undersecretary Robert Patterson, who handles contract matters, was described as being opposed to the writing of laws by administrative bodies. Basic Trends OfEducation Are Disc-ussed (Continued from Page 1) education, the head of the romance languages department cited. More than 400 teachers, school administrators, and students in edu- cation participated in more than 20 roundtables on educational prob- lems. The program was centered about study and research underway in various classes in the education school on curriculum and instruction- al problems. In the three series of roundtables school administration, education re- search, educational psychology, and elementary education were con- sidered. Faculty of the school of education led panel discussions of education in the time of crisis, music in the chang- I ing order, and vocational guidance. Germany's Newest Terror Machine Photographer Chapman Uses No Blinds In Snapping Animals As people watch the intimate pic- quiet and friendly is eventually ac- tures which Wendell Chapman shows, cepted as a friend and the life of the hey invariably ask what kinds of forest, stream or mountain is re- blinds he used to get so close to his sumed as if he were not there. -ubjects. They are greatly suprised Blinds work with birds, but not ,when they learn thiephotographer with animals. Their senses of smell .nd hearing are too keen to over- useC NO BLINDS. look odiferous and stumbling man. Chapman, who is well-known as I In the mountains, where the Chap- a photographer of wild animals, will lml ins do so much of their work, winds deliver an illustrated lecture in the shift to often it is impossible to keep Oratorical Association Lecture Series "up-kind" for a length of time suf- at 8:15 p.m. Tuesday in Hill Audi- ficient to catch intimate scenes. So terium on "W.ld Animals in the the photographer disregards wind, he Rockies." uses no traps, he hides in no blinds. He gets the animals to accept him The Box Office at Hill Auditor- as a friend, and-he is able to present ium will be open tomorrow from the greatest moving and still pictures 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. and from 2 to 4 of American wild life. Outing Club Will Meet Graduate Outing Club will meet at 2:30 p.m. today at the Rackliam Building for a hike in the vicinity of Ann Arbor or skating at the Coli- seum. An informal supper will be served at Rackham following these events. All facuilty- members and grad- uate students intereste ii outdoor activities are invited to attend. tI : q y < _ .. .. /ti i T'.l ;, , r._- 0 . ; , ; - - This is the first picture to be released of Germany's latest four- motored long distance bomber, a Focke-Wulff "Kurier". German sources say it has been used in hunting enemy merchantmen far out on the Atlantic. This photo was sent from Berlin to New York by radio. J. Leon Lazarowitz, New Hobo King, Says Jeff Davis Ousted (Editor's Note: Late last night The ology class at 10:00 a.m. and also Daily heard from a usually reliable on his book entitled the "Life of source that Dr. Lazarowitz was "strict- ly a phony." The source, a member a Hobo" which he hopes to have of the Intern'1 Itinerant Migratory ready for publication in six or seven Workers Union-Hoboes of America, months. declared that Jeff Davis was still "the When he has finished this he hopes one, the only, the original King of'tosprlin adgthraite Hoboes." A Dailyreporter will inves- to stop rolling and gather a little tigate the situation tomorrow.) moss although he has not yet de- cided where. It may even be Ann Ar- By GLORIA DONEN bor, for Dr. Lazarowitz, who, by the Jeff Davis is no longer King and way, is unmarried, admitted having Emperor of the Hobos of the World. found a beautiful and interesting according to Dr. J. Leon Lazarowitz, member of the other sex here and in- new King of the Hobos, who is in Icidentally believes that this Four Out Arn Arbor on a special visit. of Five business is a hoax. p.m. On Tuesday the Bex Office will be opcn all day before the lec- ture. When he first started his picture hobby, Chapman found blinds and traps fooled nobody. One beaver broke into a blind, sniffed knowingly at the Chapmans, proceeded to wreck ashen branches for food. A badger buried a camera trap with dirt he showered from his burrow, while a pine marten, eager for trout bait, was carrying off trap and camera when fortunately the string broke. The only way to photograph ani- mals, Chapman discovered, was to get them to accept you as a part of nor- mal life. Animals respond to frank- ness as humans do. When, however, they see someone who is furtive, someone trying to hide, they assume that person is up to no good and get suspicious to the point of attack- ing or vanishing. Sudden movements frighten them. The person who is Engine Society To Hear Beatty Opening their post-holiday season, members of the University students section of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers will meet at 7:451 p.m. Tuesday in the Seminar Room, Room 1042 East Engineering Build- ing. Speaker for the evening will be Dr. Harold Beatty, assistant director of research with a nationally known gasoline refining company, who will speak on "Tetra-Ethyl Lead Indus- try." Having worked in this field for many years, Dr. Beatty is well quali- fied to speak on the subject. Business at the meeting, which will be presided over by AIChE Presi- dent Lowell P. Moss, Jr., '41E, will feature a continuation of the discus- sion started last meeting regarding industrial inspection trips to be made in the near future. Prof. Slosson Will Interpret World Affairs Fourth Lecture In Series To Present Discussion Of International News Prof. Preston Slosson, of the his- tory department, will deliver the fourth in his series of lectures on "Current Events'' at 4:15 p.m. Thurs- day in the Lecture Hall of the Rack- ham Bulding. This series is spon- sored by the Ann Arbor-Ypsilanti Branch of the Amercan Association of Unversity Women. At each of his lectures, Professor Slosson reviews the latest develop- ments in the World situation since the time of the preceding lecture. In the last lecture he stated that the present struggle between Germany and Great Britain would be decided on the sea: in Britain's ability to transport raw materials and food through the Nazi submarine and aerial blockade. In his lecture Thursday, Professor Slosson will deal with the current controversy in Congress over passage of Bill No. 1776, known as the "lend- lease" bill, which would give Presi- dent Roosevelt powers to lend, lease or transport American naval vessels to nations battling totalitarian ag- gressors. Edwards Will Give Talk James S. Edwards of the German department will give an informal talk on "Student Days in Munich" at the regular meeting of the Deutscher Verein at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday in Room 305 of the Union, according to an announcement by Gertrude Frey, '41, president of the organization. Now thai rower and waistlines grow nar- hips take on gentler curtes, the fashion-wise look to WARNER'S Sta-Up-Top for Controlling Genius $5-00 This Two Way-One Way Veil of Youth with new 3 inch Sta- Up-Top sides and back will nip in your waist like an extra set of muscles! THIS top won't roll! It won't ride up when you sit down! It won't roll over when you bend! Its tiny bones seem to take inches off your waist-and so comfortably! Lustre rayon and rayon Lastex back with Veil of Youth sides and center gore. Talon stepin -so easy to adjust! a 8 NICKELS ARCADE Davis. who spoke at Ann Arbor last spring, under the auspices of Congress, Independent Men's Associ- ation, was ousted as hobo king by the Supreme Hobo Kangaroo Court of America because "he had been caught paying a railroad fare." How- ever, when Davis refused to abdicate, the matter was brought to the Federal Court in Detroit, where Federal Judge Arthur J. Tuttle ruled in favor of the Rambling Hobo Fellowship of Ameri- ca, the organization of which Lazar- owitz is president. Dr. La rzarowitz arrived on Friday via the rails in his private box car and stopped off here to spend the Sabbath in Ann Arbor. As far as is possible Dr. Lazarowitz, as he in- sists on being called, observes the dietary rules and never breaks the Sabbath even though it may mean that he is caught in some out of the way place for several days. He wears his 'yarmulka' or a hat at all times and frowns on people who would re- form religion. "I have been riding the rails for more than twenty years and I have never once paid a railroad fare," Dr. Lazarowitz proudly claimed. At present Dr. Lazarowitz is work- ing on the talk he is to deliver Mon- day at Amos H. Hawley's Human Ec- Bilto Analyzes Speech Sounds "Although the Finnish and Eng- lish alphabets are identical, the basic vocal sounds of the two languages differeto a great extent," William Bil- to, Grad., asserted yesterday in a talk at the Speech Clinic before the Suomi Club. Bilto, who is majoring in speech, gave several sounds from the Finnish language and then demonstrated how different they are in quality from the comparable English sounds. The talk was illustrated with a de- vice known as a "sound mirror," which is a mechanism whereby a person's speech is picked up and then repeated back to him a moment la- ter. Members of the club were asked to participate in the discussion fol- lowing Bilto's speech, and everyone was given the chance to hear their own voice "mirrored" by the newly acquired machine. Immediately after the general dis- cussion and demonstration refresh- ments were served to conclude the meeting. 4I 1 1 NEW SIX-20 FLASH BROWNIE $5,75 Including Fhushholder Flash photography is simple. . . fun for everyone ... and picture results are remarkably good. Flash Brownie picture size, 2%4x3%4 in- ches. Flashholder accepts 2 No. AA flashlight batteries and inexspensive No. 11A Photoflash lamps. Price, $5.75 including Flashholder but without lamp and batteries. ENLARGEMENTS made from your favorite snapshot negative. Our enlargements are carefully done to bring out all the beauty and detail Better yet, they're surprisingly inexpensive-even MRlRILY N NEW SUITS ARE IN DEFINITELY! EXQUISITE DETAIL-ATTENTION LOVELY NEW FABRICS SPRING> PASTELS AND PLAIDS NAVY-BLACK WEARABLE} LONG TORSO EVERYTHING you could ask of a suit to make it a veri- table "must" in every Spring wardrobe. 5 .95 $16.95 and $19.75 wl W ~ 1{. t , 1 I tT tA 1 \ aj f c- s y f t \ 2;. 1 2{ - 1 YC r/J. i s~I *%ji (. (S3 4 . /,< 5. G~ I " jw (l J~I;. 2y14 11 y}} [0 LOOK AT lnd even more lovely to wear, are these new evening gowns 'or the coming BIG weekends. You'll want to be the toast of :he evening, so why not start now to prime your wardrobe? You'11 love their fresh, new olors and styles designed to play up young figures, and to nake you feel festive. $14.95 to 9.9 in picture-framing size. Bring in some of your negatives today. Movies are f i to take with a CINE-KODAK "E" Superbly equipped to get the best home movies, this 16-mm. movie camera is a favorite with both experienced and new movie makers. Cine-Kodak "E" takes both black-and-white and full- color Kodachrome movies indoors or outdoors. See it here. Ir r V --ter*~ ~. "I ""rani'd r'w n - : : :a 11 1 I I1