W eather
Cloudy and colder.
Y r e
5k ig4iu
The Humiiu Side
Of War...
Fifty Years Of Continuous Publication
Cagers State Pastors,
C. gers Will Convene
uutclass IVIicigan
Win 40-30
Varsity Wrestlers Defeat
Northwestern In First
Big Ten Game Of Season
Swimmers Beat
N.Y.A.C., 4-36
It was talent against heart again
in Yost Field House last night, and
the talented ones from Wisconsin
won the basketball game, 40-30.
The valiants of Coach Bennie 0os-
terbaan played with their backs to
the wall for 40 toilsome minutes, but
their Badger rivals were too good and
the Wolverines dropped their fourth
straight Big Ten contest and thus
plunged deeper'into the gloom of the
Conference cellar.
Team Works Hard
No team ever worked harder to
win a ball game. The Wolverines
scrapped all the way, wrestled for
the ball with their bigger opponents,
took 62 shots at the hoop, many of
them of the do-or-die variety, and
even took advantage of some lax
refereeing in an effort to outrough
the Cardinals.
In fact, little Mike Sofiak went so
far as to get himself ejected from
the game for the Varsity cause. The
tiny veteran became all tangled up
on the floor with Wisconsin's Ted
Strain in a scramble for the ball
during the closing minutes of the
game, and when Mike's fist ended
up in the vicinity of Strain's chin,
Referee Bill Haarlow rewarded the
fiery Wolverine's efforts by giving
him the heave signal and Strain two
foul shots.
Too Much For Varty
Coach Harold "Bud" Foster's hoop-
men had too much for the Varsity.
With Strain calmly setting up the
Badgers' attack from his position in
the backcourt, and omnipresent Gene
Englund controlling the ball off both
backboards, Michigan never had a
The Wolverines hopped off to an
early 3-1 lead in the first minute of
play, but once Englund swung into
action, Wisconsin left Michigan far
in its wake. The towering Badger
pivot man threw in six straight
points, while a bewildered Jim Mand-
ler took to fouling him in an attempt
to keep him in check.
Mandler had three personal fouls
called on him before six minutes of
play had elapsed, and was promptly
removes from the game by Ooster-
(Continued on Page 3)
Wrestlers Overpower
Northwestern, 27-5
Displaying complete mastery over
an underdog Northwestern wrestling
team yesterday afternoon, the Wol-
verine grapplers opened the 1941 Big
Ten season with a one-sided 27-5
After sweeping through seven
matches, and over thee minutes in
the match in the unlimited class, it
appeared as if Coach Keen might have
a clean sweep. In the unlimited
match, Michigan's Jack Butler went
into the second period with a two-
point advantage over his Wildcat op-
ponent, Lyman Grover. However, in
his anxiety, Butler accidently strted
an illegal body slam from a standing
position instead of with one knee on
the mat. Grover was knocked out and
was awarded the match by default.
He was not injured seriously.
The meet opened with both 121-
pounder Fred Klemach and 128-
pounder Tom Weidig winning their
matches on points. Klemach was on
(Continued on Page 3)
Natators Set Back
New York Club, 48-36
NEW YORK, N.Y., Jan. 18-Despite
Gus Sharemet's first dual meet loss
of his collegiate career in the 100-
yard free style, Michigan's swimming
team came out on top in their battle
with a surprisingly strong New York
A.C. team tonight.
Gus has never won a race in the
N.Y.A.C. pool, having been licked last
year in the National AAU meet and'
Chaney Stars
In .Art Cinema
Movie Today
The "man of a thousand faces,"
the late Lon Chaney, will star in "The
Unholy Three," second in the Art
Cinema League's series of famous
films of the past which will be shown
at 8:15 p.m. today in the Lydia Men-
delssohn Theatre.
Although single admissions to any
of the films in this series will not
be sold, students who wish to see the
remaining three pictures may buy
series passes for $1 at the Mendels-
sohn box office. According to Albert
Stutz, Grad., manager of the Art
Cinema League, holders of these tick-
ets may be allowed to see still another
film as yet unannounced, which is
being offered to . the league as a
"bonus film."
"The Unholy Three," one of Holly-
wood's first attempts at horror screen
plays in the 1920's, is a silent picture,
but a musical score has been ar-
ranged as accompaniment. Selected
short subjects will supplement the
Student Senate
Forum Plans
Public Debate
T Seniors To Discuss
'Power For Roosevelt'
Arguments__At Meeting
Frank Rider, '41, will defend the
proposition "That President Roose-
velt Be Given the Extraordinary Pow-
ers He Asks of Congress," against
the arguments of Harold D. Oster-
weil, '41, in a public debate at 7:30
p.m. Thursday in the North Lounge
of the Michigan Union.
The debate is sponsored by the
Michigan Forum, non-partisan stu-
dent organization, as part of its pro-
gam of bringing public issues to the
attention of students and faculty. The
nJliev fI 1Iinr .nmmittI4 of th, J±Fr-
Here Monday
McCall To Give Opening
Talk At Second Annual
MeetingFor Ministers
Ruthven To Make
Welcome Address
Ministers from all parts of the
state will convene here Monday
through Wednesday for the second
annual Michigan Pastors Conference
sponsored jointly by the Michigan
Council of Churches and Christian
Education and the Extension Service
of the University.
Lectures by eminent professors and
theologians, forums, and conferences
on the general topic "Our Christian
Faith and Democracy" will consti-
tute the three-day meeting of pas-
tors of all denominations.
Opening the first general session at
2 p.m. Dr. Oswald W. S. McCall of
the New First Congregational Church
of Chicago will deliver an address
entitled "Arrows of God" in the
Rackham Lecture Hall. President
Alexander G. Ruthven will officially
welcome the pastors to the campus.
From 3:30 to 5:00 p.m. forums on
detailed aspects of the general topic
"Pastoral Counseling," "The Church
and Its Community," and "Church
and. State" will be held in the Rack-
ham conference rooms.
Dr. Walter W. Van Kirk, director
of the Department of International
Justice and Goodwill of the Fed-
eral Council of Churches, will give
a dinner talk on "The American
Churches and the World Crisis" at
6 p.m. at the First Presbyterian
The first day's activities will end
with a lecture on "A Rendezvous with
Death" by Dr. McCall to be given at
a general session at 8 p.m. in the
First Methodist Church.
Tuesday's and Wednesday's pro-
grams will include talks on. the rela-
tions of democracy and Christianity
by Prof. Edwin E. Aubrey, professor
of Theology and Ethics of the Uni-
versity of Chicago. Forums and
group meetings will be held for all
denominational groups.
Prof. J. H. Hanford
Will Discuss Milton
As A Propagandist
Gophers Whip
Pucksters, 7-2;
Paulsen Stars
Michigan Speed Matches
Minnesota But Defense
Weakens To Lose Game
Heddle, Goldsmith
Score On Assists
(Special To The Daily)
MINNEAPOLIS, Jan. 18-Minne-
sota's hockey team took its second
straight decision over Michigan here
last night as the Gopher offense;
counted in every period to outscore
the Wolverines, 7-2.-
Michigan found the speed it lacked
in the first encounter Thursday night,1
matching the Gophers with plenty of
drive, but the scoring power of the
locals was too much for them. Babe
Paulsen, Minnesota's speedy wing,,
led the scorers, his three goals alone
being enough to beat the Wolverines.
Two-Goal Lead
Minnesota got off to a two-goal
lead before the game was ten minutes
old. Allan Eggleton tallied first in
7:21 on an easy push shot, taking'
a pass from behind the Michigan1
nets from Jim Magnus. Paulsen
started his string less than three min-
utes later, blazing into the Michigar
blue line and letting go with a should-
er-high sizzler that poor Hank Loud,
the Wolverine goalie, didn't have a1
chance to stop.
From then on the contest was1
never close. The Wolverines came
closest to matching the Gophers late
in the second period when Fred Hed-
dle counted Michigan's first goal of
the series on assists from John Corson
and Bob Collins. This only made it
4-1, however, as Paulsen had pre-
viously ended his scoring for the eve-
ning by decorating the cords twice in
43 seconds, both times on passes from
Gopher center Bob Arnold. His goals'
came at 9:01 and 9:44 of the period.
Arnold Passes Loud
Arnold came back again just 48
seconds later to pull the Gophers to,
a four-goal lead once more, passing
Loud on a blazing shot after defense-
man Ian Anderson broke through
to set up the play in front of the
nets, and that's the way the session
Michigan opened the scoring at
3:19 of the final period when Paul
Goldsmith took a pass from Bert
Stodden to tally on a close-in shot.
Magnus took less than a minute to
equalize Goldsmith's counter, how-
ever, taking a pass from Bill Gali-
gan feinting Loud out of position
to give the Gophers their four-goal
lead back.
The trio of Eggleton, Galliganand
Magnus closed thenscoring as they
(Continued on Page 3)
Elizabeth Scott
Dies At Home
Was Wife Of Professor,
Graduate Of University
Mrs. Elizabeth Rogers Scott, wife
of Prof. Irving D. Scott, of the geolo-
gy department, died at her home last
night at the age of 54. The cause
of her death has not as yet been as-
A graduate of the University in
1909, Mrs. Scott received a teacher's
certificate here to teach German. She
was a member of Delta Gamma soror-
ity and was active in the sorority's
activities until her death.
She was born in Escanaba in 1886
and had lived in Ann Arbor since
her marriage in 1911. She was also
a member of the Ann Arbor Faculty
Women's Club and the St. Andrews
Episcopal Church.
Mrs. Scott is survived by her hus-
band, two daughters, Mrs. William
H. Crago, Jr., and Martha; two sons,
James and David, and a grandchild,
James, Jr.
Announcement of funeral services
will be made later.
Hitler, Duce
Lease-Lend Bill Claimed
Unjustified By Kennedy;
'ill Confer
Dr. Hart, Sociologist, Will Speak
To Church, University Audiences
Swiss Reports
On Possibility
Thrust Into
Of Nazi
Dr. Hornell Hart, noted American
sociologist and professor of sociology
at Duke University, will deliver the
first of a series of lectures here when
he speaks on "Christianity in an Age
of Science" at 10:30 a.m. today at
the First Methodist Church.
Choosing as his topic "Happiness
Measurements and Their Sociological
Applications, and Their Sociological
Approach," Dr. Hart will give a Uni-
versity lecture at 4:15 p.m. tomorrow
in the Natural Science Auditorium
under the auspices of the sociology
department and the Henry Martin
Laud Foundation.
Dr. Hart will discuss the subject
"Life Ought To Be Thrilling" at 6
p.m. today before the Wesleyan
Guild at the Wesley Foundation As-
sembly Room of the Methodist
Tomorrow noon he will address a
student luncheon group sponsored
by the Inter-Guild Council at Lane
Hall on "Religion and Successful
Graduating from the University of
Wisconsin, Oberlin College, and the
University of Iowa, where he received
his Ph.D., Dr. Hart has been research
associate for the Iowa Child Welfare
Research Station and executive sec-
retary of the Iowa Child Welfare
Dr. Hart has achieved a reputation
as a scientist and religious leader and
in 1930 was investigator in charge
of measuring of changes in social
attitudes for President Hoover's Com-
mission on Social Trends.
He is also noted as the author of
"The Science of Social Relations,"
"The Technique of Progress," "Per-
sonality and the Family," and "Chart
for Happiness," and "Newspapers
and the News."
Dr. Hart acted as civic secretary of
the City Club of Milwaukee and acted
as professor of social ethics at Hart-
Harvard Professor
To Present Lecture
Here Tomorrow
Prof. Louis Allard, retired from the
faculty of Harvard University, will
return to open the annual series of
French lectures speaking on "The
Theatre and Life" at 4:15 p.m. tomor-
row in Room 103, Romance Languages
The author of two volumes on com-
edy in. the nineteenth century, Pro-
fessor Allard was decorated by the
Legion of Honor for his outstanding
scholarship. He was the first to oc-
cupy the chair at the University of
Laval in Quebec and has acted as
editor of "Reves Des Deux Mondes."
Tickets for the series may be pur-
chased from the members of Le Cercle
Francais which sponsors the pro-
grams. They will be available also
in the offices of the secretary of the
romance languages department.
Tickets entitle holders to attend
the lectures given by Prof. Allard
this semester and those by Professors
Charles Koella, Edward Adams, Marc
Denkinger, William Merhab, and Mi-
chael Pargment next semester.
ford Theological Seminary, and was
associate professor of social economy
at Bryn Mawr.
He is a member of the American
Sociological Society, and the British
Society for Physical Research.
Basic Trends
Of Education
Are Discussed
Prof. Keniston Addresses
Meet On Curriculum,
Instruction Problems
Validity of the basic assumptions
and trends of education must be
critically analyzed as democracy
faces a period of crisis, Prof. Hay-
ward Kenistdn of romance languages
department told more than 400 edu-
cators who convened here yesterday
for the Third Annual Conference on
Instruction and Curriculum Prob-
The purpose of training the stu-
dent today for society of tomorrow
may result in using education as a
means of propaganda for a type of
society desired by a few, Professor
Keniston warned. If the function
of education is to train intelligent
citizens, an abstract and potent pri-
macy of the state may result.
The aim of education should be
to develop the powers of the indi-
vidual to maximum capacity compat-
ible with society. In a democracy
"the ladder that leads to the top
must be kept open to all," he insist-
ed. It must also be realized, Pro-
fessor Keniston pointed out, that the
same ladder is not suitable for every-
Integration of courses into general
survey does not necessarily give the
student fundamental knowledge, he
criticized. Appreciation of values as
well as knowledge must be fostered
by a successful educational system.
Gradual displacement of tlraditional
subjects and less emphasis on dis-
cipline are characteristic of modern
(Continued on Page 2)
President Prepares
Inaugural Address
NEW YORK, Jan. 18.-(P)- Joseph
P Kennedy, retiring ambassador to
Great Britain, urged tonight that the
United States "give the utmost aid
to England," but said he did not feel
the nation's immediate danger justi-
fied passage of the "lease-lend" bill
In its present form.
He declared this country's aid to
Britain "should not and must not go
to the point where war becomes in-
The "lend-lease" bill, he said, con-
ferred upon President Roosevelt "au-
thority unheard of in our history,"
and he commented:
"I am unable to agree with the pro-
ponents of this bill that it has yet
been shown that we face such im-
mediate danger as to justify this sur-
render of the authority and responsi-
bility of the Congress. I believe that
after the hearings have been com-
pleted there will be revealed less dras-
tic ways of meeting the problem of
adequate authority for the President."
Once a bill had become law, Ken-
nedy said in an address over the
nationwide Red Network of the Na-
tional Broadcasting Company, it was
the duty of every American to "rally
behind the President."
Regardless of what this nation's
foreign policy should be, he said, "we
must go 'all out' for rearmament."
"It is only in this way," he said,
'that the American people can real-
ize their national policy of security
and their desire to help EngI T."Tihe
more we rearm, the larger our arsen-
al, the more we shall have available
for England. There is no need to
fear if we prepare."
Kennedy said one argument ad-
vanced as to why we should get into
the war was that "England is fight-
ing our battle."
"England is not fighting our
battle," he said. "This is not our war.
We were not consulted when it be-
gan. We had no veto power over its
Hitler And Mussolini
To Hold Conference
BERN, Switzerland, Jan. 18-(R)-
Amid portents of stepped-up German
aid for Italy, diplomatic quarters here
heard reports today that Adolf Hitler
and Benito Mussolini, with their chief
military, diplomatic and economic ad-
visers, would hold a full-dress con-
ference tomorrow.
Whether it foreshadows a German
move in the Balkans, a thrust at &i-
braltar or simply additional German
air aid from Italian-and perhaps
Rumanian-bases was a matter of
Neither Rome nor Berlin confirmed
officially that such a meeting was
set, but diplomatic sources said they
expected no confirmation until it
is over, possibly Monday.
The Brenner Pass, Alpine setting
for several Axis conclaves, is regarded
as the likely scene. Mussolini, how-
ever, may go to Germany this time,
it was suggested, to repay Hitler's
visit to him in Florence last Oct. 28
-the day Italy's invasion of Greece
Third FDR Inauguration
Will Be Held Tomorrow
WASHINGTON, Jan. 18-(P) -
Thousands of folks-political leaders
and lesser party workers, and people
great and humble,-crowded into
Washington today bent upon taking
a spectator's part at least in the third
inauguration of Franklin D. Roose-
The President received no visitors
and spent the day among the ship
pictures of the oval study on the sec-
ond floor of the executive mansion,
relaxing and preparing his inauguaral
It will be short, White House at-
taches said-not more than 12 min-
utes. In his fireside chat of Christ-
mas week, they added, and in his
:annnn1 m.v-,n., nc, 4,-fn Cn n-rrant.c Shpa a4
Policy ormng co mil ee vo ue Vu
um is comprised of heads of the Un- Prof. James Holly Hanford, noted
ion, League, Daily and Student Sen-
ate, while the actual execution of the internationally for his Milton studies,
committee's decisions is carried on by will give a University lecture on
the Parley Committee of the Student "John Milton as a Propagandist" at
Senate. 4:15 p.m. tomorrow in the Auditor-
Herman Epstein, '41, will preside ium of the W. K. Kellogg Foundation
over the fifteen minute presentation
speeches and rebuttals by the two Institute of Graduate and Post-
main speakers which will be followed Graduate Dentistry.
by open discussion from the floor. Professor Hanford, professor of
During and immediately following the English in the graduate school of
discussion on the question, balloting Western Reserve University, has
will be conducted to determine the gained renown as one of the leaders
sentiment of the audience. in developing the modern study of
Revived for the first time since Milton.
the national election last fall, the A member of the University Eng-
Michigan Forum will be held regular- lish department here for seven years,
ly throughout the school year to dis- Professor Hanford has been professor
cuss topics of social, political and of English at Simmons College in
economic interest before the student Boston and the University of North
body, Epstein said. Carolina.
Prof. Schuman To Talk Today
On Can America Escape War'
Noted author and political scien-
tist, Prof. Frederick L. Schuman of
Williams College, will express his
views on the question, "Can America
Escape War?" at 8 p.m. today in the
lecture hall of the Rackham Building.
The talk, which is sponsored by
the Hillel Foundation here, will deal
mainly with the diplomatic back-
ground which immediately preceded
the present war, the various factors
in the conflict affecting the United
States and Professor Schuman's an-
swer to the problem of war aid which
is facing the entire nation.
Professor Schuman's personal be-
lief is that it will be to America's
disadvantage to keep out of World
War II and he further feels that the
longer the U.S. keeps out of war, the
worse state the country will be in.
In The New Republic of July 8,
1940, he summed up what he believes
Music Directors To Conclude
Two-Day Instrumental Clinic
Myron Smith To Give
Art Lecture Tuesday
Myron Bement Smith, consultant
in Islamic Architecture and Art at
the Library of Congress, will deliver
a University lecture on "Iran: The
Country and Its Architecture" at
4:15 p.m. Tuesday in the Rackham
A-...4k ,4..-"ii n.-. ii A-,,. -I-, n ,mrnC,
The fourth annual Instrumental
Music Clinic, sponsored by the Uni-
versity School of Music and the Mich-
igan School Band and Orchestra As-
sociation, will close today when Prof.
William D. Revelli, director of the
clinic, adjourns the convention that
drew more than 300 music directors
from throughout the country.
After yesterday's sessions, which
gave the visiting high school and col-
lege music directors the opportunity
to hear music played by the Univer-
sity Concert Band, today's meetings
will be mainly for the purpose of se-
lecting State Festival required band
-- .-3 - - -nt A rt.i.'-c-N7Y n Ta
fdrmance of Class C and D music
by the University Concert Orchestra,
under the baton of Prof. Thor John-
son, of the School of Music. Carle-
ton L. Stewart, director of instru-
mental music in the Mason City,
Iowa, high schools, will act as guest
The University Symphony Orches-
tra, with Professor Johnson conduct-
ing, will read class A and B orchestra
material from the official state list
from 1 to 3:15 p.m. today, with Stew-
art again acting as guest conductor.
The University String Orchestra will
perform from 3:15 to 4 p.m., and will
hP n11w~dimmrii~tPv , e slc