'I t iE JCHIiGAN DAILY SA -T1~r - , T Mows" THE MICHIGAN DAILY Letters To The Editor I Could Swear I Smell Smoke! Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to It or not otherwise credited in this newpaper. All tights of republicationofeall other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class mail matter. . Subscriptions during.the regular school year by carrier $4.00;, by mail, $4.50. REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVERTIJING EV National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADISON AVE. NEw YORK. N. Y. CHICAGO"H BOSTON * Los ANGEs - SAN FUANCISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press,, 1940-41 Editorial Staff Hervie Haufler Alvin Sarasohn Paul M. Chandler Karl Kessler Milton Orshefsky Howard A. Goldman Laurence Mascott Donald Wirtchafter Esther Osser Helen Corman . . . . Managing Editor Editorial Director City Editor * . . . Associate Editor * . . . Associate Editor . . . . Associate Editor .* . . . Associate Editor . . . . . Sports Editor . Women's Editor * . . Exchange Editor Business Staffj Business Manager . Assistant Business Manager Women's Business Manager Women's Advertising Manager Irving Guttman Robert Gilmour Helen Bohnsack Jane Krause NIGHT EDITOR: ROSEBUD SCOTT The editorials published in The Michi- gan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. 15 Months To Think About his Beliefs . . I N THE RECENT DEISION handed down by Federal Judge Earnest A. O'Brien in Detroit in which Thaddeus Szyman- ski was sentenced to 15 months at Terre Haute, the judge, it seems, forgot the dignity of his robes, and delivered a scathing rebuke which was undignified and exceedingly unpatriotic In assuming the attitude he did, Judge O'Brien denied the very things he thinks are worth fighting for. Szymanski is a "classic example of the old saying that a 'bit of knowledge is a dangerous thing'," and, he continued, "because you are superficially bright, you think you are wiser, better and have higher principles than the government that protects you to enjoy liberty." That sounds more like an argument of an advo- cate of fascism than of a judge from Detroit. It says tha't the state is the highest good and that an individual should subordinate his be- liefs, his actions, his thoughts, his entire body to the government. That's not the basis the U.S.A. was founded on; that's not what it says in the Constitution in the Bill of Rights. Continuing with his rebuke, Judge O'Brien says, "It is the basest ingratitude for a person to willingly take the benefits and protection of government and then obstinately refuse to -con- tribute what he can for his country's protec- tion." Certainly everyone who lives in America is glad that he is not living in the inferno that is Europe today, but does that make Szymanski less an individual who believes and can think independently? Here again the judge forgets that in a free country the individual is not a means to an end, but is an end in hiiself. The government seeks to attain the greatest good for all, but, tragically enough, it can and has been mistaken in its efforts to do so. The crime "which brought this stern reprisal on Szymanski is that he believed; he believed that tlhre is a better way than war to bring about a better society- a society in which good and happiness for all may be a fact. "War and its antecedent, preparation for war," Szy- manski says, "is a complete negation of all that is good in life. Its' futility has been repeatedly demonstrated throughout man's history. Its greatest tragedy has been that, in innumerable instances, the best in human nature has been tricked into the service of the worst. The ends it has purported to attain have been rendered impossible by the very means it has employed." And history has proved that war is devastating, that it results in nothing good. It was only a short time ago that America lost thousands of its finest young men; but now a new ideal has to be fought for and more men will die - hoping. For 15 months Szymanski will be in prison; it won't change him because, as he says, "the freedom of heart and conscience, no man, no power on earth can touch." To believe as he does, and as strongly, that the "ideals of fel- lowship and good will toward all men" is of su- preme importance in a creative society is a better, less tragic, way of achieving happings and the greatest good. He may be "impractical" and a dreamer; very few people believe what he believes. But as an American he has a right to follow the dictates of his own conscience. Szymanski has done what he as an individual Pro Bill No. 1776 To the Editor: The Congress is soon to decide the fate of the momentous Bill No. 1776-"A Bill to Fur- ther Promote the Defense of the United States, and For Other Purposes."- UIder its provisions, President Roosevelt is empowered to command the manufacture of any defense article - wea- pons, munitions, aircraft and vessels -which he can sell, exchange, transfer, lease or lend to any country "notwithstanding the provisions of any other law". The need for immediate pass- age is clear-cut: The United States must ex- tend to Britain, with her weak purchasing power, all the essential aid. However more often than not symbols, ritual ind folklore hinder clear-thinking; and the sym- bol in this instance is the balance sheet. "But aren't we giving Britain goods she can never pay for?" is a question persistently asked. "The debts of World War I haunt us still and it would be foolish to throw away billions of dollars again." Since the fate of Britain depends upon enlightened American opinion, we must consider some issues very often overlooked. The two statutes that block American aid to Britain are the Johnson Act and the Neutrality Act. Under the Johnson Act, private loans can- not be granted to countries at war; we realized that the money lent was spent on war materials and did not add one bit to the national produc- tive wealth of those 'countries. The only way out was for the United States to accept over a long period of time a surplus of imports over exports; however this was made impossible be- cause our economy was geared to an export sur- plus and because tariff rates were raised to their historical peak. Shipment of arms, ammuni- tions. and implements of war to countries where a state of war existed was forbidden by the Neu- trality Act of 1937; materials non-essential to welfare could be sold to those countries only on a cash and carry basis. The shibboleth of peace was then isolation; today we have realized the remarkable fact that the globe is continuous and, whole. Now the time is to consider how Britain has paid us for purchases to date. Gold, bank bal- ances and securities, Gold, however, has added nothing to our national real income, since the Government has solidly packed it away within the strong vaults of Fort Knox. Yet it is con- sidered a source of real danger. In the first place, the gold inflow might add to the reserves of 'the whole banking system and thus form ground for a possible inflationary movemen Although the Roosevelt Administration acts in good faith, nevertheless such a person as Chair- man Eccles of the Federal Reserve Board has proposed methods to sterilize further this Ken- tucky bullion. But this is not all. A German victory would claim the gold standard among its many victims, and the gold in Fort Knox will comfort only those who visit their dentists more than twice yearly. As Secretary Morgenthau testified Monday before the House Foreign Affairs Committee, the British resources in this country are wholly insufficient to buy war materials. And natur- ally our happy purchases of Scotch, woolens, leather and Lloyd's insurance will never be capable of furnishing the British necessary pur- chasing power within this country. The balance-sheet mind can be appeased. True, that Britain can never repay us in eco- nomic symbols for the aid to be extended under the proposed "lease-lend bill"; however, we can follow the sugggestions of George Soule: Since international trade consists -primarily in the exchange of goods and services, let us include within the word "services" the activities of the Royal Air Force, and the Royal Navy and the British army that are trying to stop the dy- namics of Nazism. We can put a dollar-for- dollar value on every plane shot down, every ship sunk, every building ripped, and on every human life destroyed. Those familiar with the German "Revolution of Nihilism" know that Britain is fighting our 1940 - China Gains Against Axis . . BORROWING an old occidental cus- tom, the government of free China, under the leadership of President Chiang Kai- shek, issued on New Year's Day an encouraging review of that nation's war efforts during 1940. In the past year, the Chinese leader said, the Japanese suffered 384,000 casualties. No mention was made of Chinese losses, which is not strange. But he did state that China's armies, now numbering five million men, are better equipped and better trained than ever before in history. During the year, the report continues, the Japanese captured 66 cities from the Chinese, but the Chinese in turn recaptured 89 from the Mikado's troops - a net gain of 23 cities. Japa- nese progress in China was slowed to a virtual standstill. Prior to last year invading troops gained two and a half miles a day against Hankow, and nothing net last year. China, on the other hand, has reoccupied two provinces taken by armies from the Land of the Rising Sun. But, Chiang Kai-shek added, these are not the greatest gains. The reopening of the Burma Road was one of them, a diplomatic victory for wily Winston Churchill and a great aid to the Chinese. The consolidation of the Chinese na- tional spirit was listed as a second, and closer, friendship with the United States as a third. Regarding the last, the President of the Chinese Republic feels that Japan must depend to a battle along with hers; victory is the only pay- ment for aid we should- demand. And the ar- chaic symbol of the balance sheet of tangibles must be blotted out by the new, fresh symbol of "services rendered". - Newell Malter Justice For Evil To the Editor: "We must so lead the world in the next few years that peace will again come -not the peace of appeasement but a peace in which de- mocracy shall survive, in which the trade routes of the world shall olce again be opened, because the birds of commerce carry with them the seeds of democracy, of peace, and of individual opportunity." So wrote Wendell Willkie in a recent plea for approval of the President's Lease-Aid Bill. This statement supports the contention of Secretary Hull that "mankind is faced not with regional wars but with an organized ruthless and implacable movement of steadily expanding conquest by nations not restrained by considera- tions of law or principles of morality; nations which are desperately struggling how to seize control of the oceans as an essential means of achieving and maintaining their conquests of other continents." If we accept the premises which these out- standing national figures from opposite political parties begin with, one cannot but regret the utter lack of realism in Mr. John O'Hara's prop- osition that "real Christians" must work for peace by loving one's enemies and turning one's left cheek to him that strikes thee on thy right cheek. Such a policy which would have us turn over the control of the high seas to the total- itarian powers as tribute for a little temporary peace is unthinkable. Nations such as Holland, Norway, and Bel- gium scrupulously observed neutrality only to find that the program provided not lasting security. Events of the last two years prove that a nation can have peace with the Nazis only at the price of total surrender. Yet there are those among us that would have the United States use its influence for a "negotiated peace." To call it that, is as our President said, "Sheer nonsense. For is it a negotiated peace if a gang of outlaws surrounds your community and on threat of extermina- tion, makes you pay tribute to save your own skins?" As Hitler himself once proclaimed - there can be no ultimate peace between our philosophy of government and their philosophy of govern- ment. Therefore Mr. O'Hara, as a "real Christian"r I cannot reconcile myself to the Nazi philosophy, of paganism nor can I believe that it is possible for me to love my enemy. For non-resistance, in a world of men formed by natural selectionr and the struggle for existence, is an invitation to aggression and enslavement; a people that; loved its enemies would be wiped off the face of the earth.1 As Confucius once said, "With what, then, will you recompense kindness? Return good for good, AND FOR EVIL, JUSTICE." -Fred Niketh, '41L An Open Letter To FDR's Wastebasket Dear friend, to whom in these days all ra- tional appeals are being referred, I write to you out of despondency and bitterness; for I rep- resent a large group of our country's youth which does not believe in the hysterical actions of your owner; which believes that it is being plunged into death and destruction and toward the demolition of every hope; which knows that such a fate is unnecessary, useless, and a tre- mendous crime; yet which can gain no audi- ence, no recognition, no consideration, and is now being branded insane, psychopathic, cow- ardly, and even rotten. I write to tell you that your owner is damn- ing our generation to spiritual and moral, as well as physical, poverty; that by forcing the very cream of the country's manhood into com- pulsory subjugation and preparing them for foolish carnage in the name of a dozen hypo- critical ideals, he is shattering every vital re- source of America's spirit, wrecking the free- dom he professes to defend, and closing the gates of our nobility, which earlier and wiser men than he have opened. I write to tell you how I envy you, my friend, my fortunate friend, for the quality of yori' acquaintances, and for your capacity and toler- ance. When I think of the ideals that men have written to you, of the strength- and judgment of the men from whom you gain your correspon- dence, yes, of the beauty and inviolability . their beliefs, I envy you, for undoubtedly none other in the land can claim such a wealth of friendships. But I am sorry for you, dear Waste Basket, dear democratic companion, for you have no eyes with which to see the intense necessity of protest, you have.no ears to hear the unanswered appeals of the young who are being sacrificed, no mind to comprehend the growing tragedy, no heart to tell you that there are fearful wrongs being done that must be righted. And I am sorry for all the young men who shall die again overseas, needlessly, cruelly, for another fantastic falsity; because you, dear Waste Basket, our President's chief confidante, possess no tongue with which to assay the dim chance of persuading him tot end his irrational belligerence. Dear friend, dear democratic pal, you alone in the White House hold the real fact, the real 'ti . ATIONA , 'S 5" N 5. N e " / ,' .v- / 71 - r' I'll .. ___ DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Continued from Page 2) in Lane Hall to list and discuss dif- ficult questions confronting pacifists. The meeting is open to all. Lutheran Student Association will meet at Zion Lutheran Parish Hall at 5:30 p.m. Sunday for social and supper hour. The group will leave the Parish Hall at 7:00 p.m. to par- ticipate in a joint meeting with the Congregational Students at the First Congregational Church. The Hillel Forum Series is pre- senting Professor Frederick L. Schu- man, Professor of Government at Williams College, at the Rackham Auditorium on Sunday, January 19 at 8:15 p.m., in a lecture on the sub- ject "Can America Escape War?" Ad- mission is free and the public is cordially invited. The Gamma Delta Student Club will meet Sunday at St. Paul's Luth- eran Church at 5:30 p.m. for a fel- lowship supper and social hour. At 6:30 p.m. Professor Bruno Meinecke of the Latin Department will give an illustrated talk on "Musical Instru- ments." All students invited. Bethlehem Evangelical-Reformed Student Guild will have supper at the Church at 6:00 p.m., Sunday, January 19. Dimitri Teofilaktides will talk on "Turkey Since World War I." Churches First Methodist Church: Student Class at 9:30 a.m. with Prof. George E. Carrothers. Worship Service at 10:40 a.m. Prof. Hornell Hart of Duke University will speak on "Chris- tianity in an Age of Science." This speaker is being sponsored by the Henry Martin Loud Lectureship. Wes- leyan Guild meeting at 6:00 p.m. Dr. Hart will speak on "Life Ought tc be Thrilling." The members of the Baptist Guild will join us for this meeting and for the supper and fel- lowship hour following. St. Andrew's Episcopal Church: Sunday, 8:00 a.m. Holy Communion; 9:30 a.m. High School Class, Harris Hall; 11:00 a.m. Morning Prayer anc Sermon by the Rev. Henry Lewis; 11:00 a.m. Junior Church; 11:00 a.m. Kindergarten, Harris Hall; 7:00 p.m. College Work Program, Harris Hall.I Speaker: Prof. Palmer A. Throop. Topic: Religion and Ethics. Re-F freshments. Presbyterian Church: Sunday, Dr.C W. P. Lemon will speak on "TheN Safest Mind Cure" at 10:45 a.m. The Westminster Student Guildi will meet for supper at 6:00 p.m. At 7:00 p.m. a panel discussion, led by the law students of the Guild, on "Religion and Economics" has been planned. 1 The Sunday Evening Club will have1 several Central and South American students leading an informal dis- cussion about their country and its customs, at 8:00 p.m. Zion Lutheran Church: Church Worship services at 10:30 a.m. with sermon by Rev. E. C. Stellhorn on "Is Jesus God?" Trinity LutherantChurch: Church Worship Services at 10:30 a.m. Ser- mon by Rev. Henry O. Yoder. Theme "Jesus Blesses Marriage and the Home."' Unitarian Church: 11:00 a.m. The Billings Lecturers, Professor Eustace Haydon, of the University of Chica- go. "Humanism, and Life Questing." 7:30 p.m. Round Table Discussion; Prof. Haydon will answer student questions on Religion. Monday, 12:15 p.m. Luncheon at the Michigan Union. Prof. Haydon will speak on "The Survival Qualities in Religion." Disciples Guild (Christian Church):, 10:45 a.m. Morning Fred Cowin, minister. Worship, Rev. 6:30 p.m. Disciples Guild Sunday Evening Hour. Rev. Chester Loucks of the Baptist Church will speak on "A Faith for Our Generation." Dis- cussion, social hour and refreshments will follow. 8:00 p.m. Comunity Church Serv- ice. Sermon by Rev. Fred Cowin. Ann Arbor Society of Friends meets on Sunday in Lane Hall. The Study Group will continue its discussion of the Quaker Meeting at 3:30 p.m. Meeting for worship at 5:00 p.m. Busi- ness meeting, 6:00-7:00 p.m. All in- terested are invited. First Church of Christ, Sunday morning service Subject: "Life." Sunday 11:45 a.m. Scientist: at 10:30. School at St. Paul's Lutheran Church: The morning worship service begins at 10:45. Rev. C. A. Brauer will preach on "Jesus, the Light of the World." First Baptist Church: 10:30 a.m. Unified Service of Worship and Study. Sermon: "How to Become a Christian.' 6:00 p.m. The Roger Williams Guild will join with the Wesleyan Guild in the Methodist Church to hear.Dr. Hornell Hart talk on "Life Ought 'to be Thrilling." 6:30 p.m. The B.Y.P.U. meets in the church parlors to discuss "What Science Has to Say About Race." Miss Phyllis Seibert is in charge. 8:00 p.m. The Cooperative Even- ing Service will be held in the Dis- ciples of Christ Church. Rev. Fred= ericek Cowin will preach. 10:00 a.m. Students' L. Pickerill, leader. Bible Class. H. RADIO SPOTLIGHT WJR WWJ CI KLW WXYZ 750 KC - CBS 920 KC - NBC Red 1030 KC - Mutual 1240 KC- NBC Blue Friday Evening Saturday Evening 6:00 Stevenson News Music; Oddities Questions Of Hour Day In Review 6:15 Musical Revue; News NHL Hockey Players Sandlotters 6:45 World Today S. L. A. Marshall Topical Comment New World News 7:00 People's Platf'rm Pastor's Study News-Val Clare Town Talk 7:15 People's Platf'rm Passing Parade Tiny Hill Orch. News Ace 7:30 News To Life Yvette, Songs Sons of Listeners' 7:45 News to Life Art's Human Side the Saddle # Playhouse 8:00 Marriage Club Knickerbocker N.H.L. Hockey The Green 8:15 Marriage Club Playhouse Game': Hornet 8:30 W. King Orch. Truth or Boston Canadian Society 8:45 King Orch; News Consequences vs._Toronto Of New York 9:00 Your Hit Parade National Barn NHL Hockey: Gabriel Heatter 9:15 Your Hit Parade Dance with at Toronto National Defense 9:30 Your Hit Parade a Corny Contact News; NBC 9:45 Sat. Serenade Cast -Musical Symphony,- 10:00 Sat. Serenade Uncle Ezra's Chicago Theatre Alfred 10:15 Public Affairs Program Wallenstein, 1 "In ank,.. T ,,nnarA 'D'I in n Npwna I Gues OrYas FROM DAILY FILES 25 Years Ago Jan. 18, 1 -16-"Why war at all?" was the challenge flung out by Eu- gene V. Debs, socialist leader, before a capacity crowd at Newberry Hall last evening. "This world," he as- serted, "has always been ruled by a I