Weather Snow Y r E Sin a4 Fifty Years Of Continuous Publication ~~Iaibi Editorial The Younger Generation . VOL. L. No. 79 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JANUARY 16, 1941 Z-323 IPRICE FIVE CENTS Navy Requests Larger Fleet; Gets Approval Of Committee Admirals Seek Authority To Increase Strength With .Broad Program Of Naval Construction Immediate Action Is Recommended WASHINGTON, Jan. 15. -(P)- A Navy request for strengthening the fleet against the menace of dive bombers won unanimous approval of the House Naval Committee today, and admirals immediately sought authority to construct 400 new small ships, including subchasers, escort vessels and minesweepers. The Committee recommended with- out debate a $300,000,000 program to give the Navy's fighting ships many more "pom pom and heavier calibre antiaircraft guns and to provide the men with "splinter protection." It also was disclosed that the Navy intends to equip some ships with "blisters" to protect them at the water line from explosions of bombs which burst alongside-"near misses." Meanwhile Secretary Knox told a press conference that the Navy was attempting as rapidly as pos- sible to organize its shipyards for operation 72 hours a week. At pres- ent, he said, most yards are on a 48-hour week, with employes being paid time-and-one-half for work in excess of 40 hours. Some departments in some yards already are working three shifts, the Secretary added, and other shifts will be started in the remaining yards as soon as enough competent fore- men are available. Knox also announced that Army and Navy forces would hold joint training maneuvers in the Carib- bean starting Jan. 21.? Rear Admiral Samuel M. Robinson, Chief of the Bureau of Ships, told the Committee that 280 of the new small craft were "urgently needed" and that funds for their construction would be sought in a forthcoming supplemental appropriation bill. Chairman Vinson (D.-Ga.) brought 'out that completion of the 400 craft as well as the rest of the two-ocean fleet now under construction would give the Navy a total of 1,898 ships of all'types, including auxiliaries. Disclosure of the Navy's intention to build the 280 small craft in the immediate future, largely at Great Lakes and South Atlantic shipyards, came during 'Robinson's testimony on a bill to give the Navy authority to spend an additional $315,000,000 for expansion of shipbuilding facili- ties and $194,000,000 for more ord- nance machine tools and related equipment. The Committee deferred final action on the measure until to- morrow. , Secretary Knox said the Navy planned "as fa~r as possible" to con- tract with Great Lakes plants for the construction of smaller craft. Knox noted at his press conference that ship yards in the Great Lakes area already were being relied upon for considerable construction. He told a questioner that a new type Scott-Paine motor torpedo boat of British design, powered by a De- troit made motor, had been found an "unqualified success." He said 48 of these had been ordered aside from other small, fast craft of Ameri- can design. Meanwhile the first contingent of American soldiers to leave for mili- tary bases recently acquired from England sailed for Newfoundland from the Brooklyn Army Base today on the old German liner Amerika. Greeks Make Gains In Surprise Attack ATHENS, Jan. 15-(/)-Greek sol- diers in' a surprise attack launched during a snowstorm have blasted the Italians out of important high posi- tions in the central sector of the Al- banian front and held them against several counter-attacks, the govern- ment spokesman declared tonight. The speedy, arrival of Greek re- inforcements helped the attackers retain their grip on the positions, he said. Mortars, machine guns, munitions, and other material were captured in 'Baker's Wife', Famed Film, OpensToday 'I -'$$$$0 RAIMU * * * The. "best foreign film of the year," "The Baker's Wife," will open at 8:30 p.m. today at the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre for a three day run under the auspices of the Art Cinema League. Starring Raimu, famous continen- tal. actor, the French film will be shown also tomorrow and Saturday nights. Tickets may be secured for 35 cents at the Mendelssohn box office. English sub-titles have been sup- plied for the picture by John Erskine, noted American writer. According to the critics, who voted the film the best of the year, "The Baker's 'Wife" is also one of the best comedies of the past decade. Giriette Leclerc, popular French actress, plays the title role in the story of the village baker whose mari- tal problems are solved by the entire community which finds itself "bread- less" when his wife runs away. The film was directed by Marcel Pagnol, realist Frenchman who is widely known for his artistic cellu- loid productions, and was written by Jean Giono, poet, essayist, and au- thor. According to Albert Stutz, Grad, manager of the Art Cinema League, "The Baker's Wife" was brought to Ann Arbor by popular request. He has urged all students who wish to see the movie to call for their tickets immediately to insure seats for a per- formance. Since the opening of the ticket sale Wednesday, very few seats are available. War Experiences Will Be Described y ewsp aperman Under the auspices of the his- tory department, H. Shilo Watt, noted international newspaperman' and broadcaster, will tell his exper- iences of crossing the Atlantic in a former United States destroyer and of observing the London blitzkrieg at 4:15 p.m. tomorrow in the Rack- ham Lecture Hall. He recently returned to England on one of the destroyers which were ex- changed for sites for bases in British possessions in the Western Hemis- phere. Last year he acted as broadcaster for the British and Canadian Broad- casting Corporation and covered the royal trip to Canada and the United States for the London Sunday Times. During his stay a few months ago the British library staff as a research expert. His experience on foreign news fronts has been varied., Victor Gore Dies At Home After Illness Former University Regent Served For 16 Years; Was ActiveRepublican President Praises 'Loyal' Service Word was received here yesterday of the death of Victor M. Gore, for- mer member of the Board of Regents and dean of the Berrien county bar, who died at his home in Benton Harbor after a week's illness. He was 82 years old. In 1913 Mr. Gore was nominated for a vacancy on the Board of Re- gents, a post in which he served for 16 years. He was elected to a seven- year term and returned to the office in 1921 with a plurality of more than 300,000 votes. President Alexander G. Ruthven last night issued a statement lauding the services of Mr. Gore. He said: "Victor M. Gore was Regent dur- ing the difficult period of the World War and thereafter, when the University of Michigan exper- ienced sudden and rapid growth. His seasoned judgment was con- stantly sought by University of- ficials in dealing with these trying problems. His loyalty to the Uni- versity, of which he was a distin- guished alumnus, was unfaltering." Mr. Gore was active in the state organization of the Republican party, although he never sought any public office other than Regent. When the issue of the gold standard was stir- ring the voters of the nation, he as- sumed the chairmanship of the Re- publican state convention and de- livered an address on the subject, which was later widely publicized. Mr. Gore was graduated from the Law School with the class of '82. Three other mehbers of the Class of '82 in the Literary school also later served Regents. These were Junius E. Beal, Frank B. Leland and Wil- liam L. Clements. His first professional partnership was in Minneapolis with Henry J. Fletcher, for many years a professor of law at the University of Minnesota. In 1891 he returned to Michigan, and in 1894 he opened law offices in Ben- ton Harbor, where he practiced until his retirement two years ago. Mr. Gore was chosen to deliver the induction address upon the occas- ion of the inauguration of Dr. Mar- ion L. Burton as President of the University in 1920. He is survived by two sons and a daughter, all of Benton Harbor. They are Charles W. Gore, an attorney and former Berrien County Prosecu- tor; Fletcher Gore, fruit canner, and Mrs. Stanley R. Banyon, wife of the publisher of the Benton Harbor News-Palladium. Funeral services will be at 2 p.m. tomorrow. Chinese Prepare Offense SHANGHAI, Jan 16. -()- The Chinese press reported today that regular Chinese army troops are mov- ing steadily into Chekiang and Ki- angsu Provinces with the ultimate in- tention of surrounding the Japanese in Shanghai and Hangchow and other important cities in preparation for a possible big spring offensive. Szymanski Is Sentenced In Draft Case Student Gets 15 Months Term In Government Jail At Terre Haute To Carry On With War Judge Delivers ScathingRebuke Maintaining his cheerful, uncon- cerned attitude, Thaddeus A. Szy- nanski, '41E, heard Federal Judge Earnest A. O'Brien in Detroit yester- day sentence him to 15 months in the Federal Reformatory at Terre Haute, Ind., for refusing to fill out his draft quesitionnaire. The court lashed at Szymanski, who is opposed to conscription on religious grounds. "You are a classic example of the old saying that 'a bit of knowledge is a dangerous thing,' " Judge O'Brien said. "Because you are superficially bright, you think you are wiser, better and have higher principles than the government that protects you to enjoy 1iberty." Judge O'Brien said that the med- ical reports to the effect that Szy- manski was mentally ill showed that hie is "merely conceited, arrogant, and invincably willful." "It is the basest ingratitude for a person to willingly take the benefits and protection of government and then obstinately refuse to contribute what he can for his country's pro- tection," the court asserted. Referring to Szymanski's Polish ancestry, Judge O'Brien lauded Po- land for "its herioc role in history as a defender of liberty," and asserted that the youth's whole attitude "brought discredit on your race." His sentence was the first im- posed in the eastern Federal Court district for violation of the draft act and also the first draft evasion case in Ann Arbor. Szymanski registered for the draft last October, but refused to fill out his draft questionnaire despite the urgings of the local board. He ex- plained that he considered the reg- istration a civil order and the ques- tionnaire a miltary requirement. He said that he is not a member of any religious group that objected to its followers participating in war, but follows the teaching of the Fel- lowship of Reconciliation, a New York Pacifist organization. Speech Contest Winner Chosen From Finalists Leanor Grossman, '43, was selected from six contestants at the second Speech 31 finals of the semester in Natural Science Auditorium yester- day. She described the cost and physi- cal torture which women endure to try to maintain their beauty. This creates the huge cosmetic industry, she insisted in her speech, "The Slipping Beauty." John Steward, '43, pointed out the comparison between the present world conflicts and the events lead- ing to the World War in his speech, "Our Promise of Yesterday." Richard Meade, '42, pointed out the wear and tear on students and the cost yearly of walking down and then upstairs to get to the first floor of Angell Hall in his talk, "It's a Fine State of Affairs." Perry Nelson, '42, pointed out the need of friendliness on campusin his speech, "Got a Light, Mister?" while Robert A. Vibbert, '43,described the life fq a draftee in camps in his talk, "To Your Posts." The contest was judged by Prof. William A. Halstead, Prof. H. H Bloomer, and Mrs. Glen Mills, all of the speech department. Mr. Alfred Partridge, also of the department, acted as chairman. Sen. Wheeler Hits New Deal Officials WASHINGTON, Jan. 15-)(IP-Sen- ator Wheeler (Dem-Mont) told re- porters today that it was well known in Washington that many highly- placed officials in the Roosevelt Ad- ministration "are thinking in terms of urr in Anril 1 Complete' American War Entry AdvoatedByr. R. H. Mc owel Answer To Rep. Woodruff Urges Action To Secure 'American Way Of Life' In a letter to Congressman Roy 0. Woodruff in Washington, Dr. Robert H. McDowell, research as- sociate in archaeology, Tuesday ad- vocated "immediate and complete" American entry into the war against Nazi Germany, in order to make se- cure "our liberties, and our American way of life." Dr. McDowell, a member of the lo- cal unit of the National Defense Committee, wrote Congressman Woodruff, who recently criticized the committee as "interventionist," that he expects that the American people "will vote for our entry into the war when and if they become convinced that failure to make war will in all Student Co-Ops To Hold Meet For Discussion Entire Rev. Will Campus Is Invited; H. L. Pickerill Address Group Morgenthau Says British Cannot Pay For Supplies An all-campus meeting to discuss campus cooperatives will be held at 4 p.m. tomorrow in Room 319 of the; Union. Keynote speaker will be Rev. H.-L. Pickerill, who has been associated with Michigan's campus co-ops sinces their inception. He will speak on "The Growth of Cooperatives on thei Michigan Campus - a History and Evaluation." Also on the program will be Dorothy Morris, '43A, president of Katherine Pickerill Cooperative House and Edward Fried, '41, pres- ident of the Inter-Cooperative Coun- cil, who will discuss life in women's and men's cooperative houses, respec- tively. The meeting will be sponsored by the Inter-Cooperative Council, and everyone interested in cooperatives is invited to attend. A special invitation is extended to those who consider living or boarding in a cooperative house next semester and who wish to acquaint themselves with the co- operative movement. Harold Osterweil, '41, chairman of the Inter-Cooperative Council per- sonnel committee, requested that all men students interested in living or boarding in a co-op next semester contact him at 7350 and that all women students thinking of joining a cooperative phone Ruth Wellington, '41, at 2-2218. There are now 13 cooperative houses on the Michigan campus, nine of which are for men. There are three women's houses and a recently opened house for married couples. probability bring the destruction of our liberties and our way of life." Prof. William H. Hobbs, another member of the National Defense Committee and professor-emeritus in the geology department, assertedr yesterday that he approved "in gen-t eral" of the views of Dr. McDowell, H. Shilo Watt, former corres- pondent on the London Sunday Times, will speak at the regular Saturday luncheon meeting of1 the local unit of the National De-1 fense Committee this week.x but that an actual declaration oft war was "out of the question now."t Prof. Edwin C. Goddard of the Law3 School, also a member of the com- mittee, expressed the hope that "we can keep out of the war," and that1 "we should aid Britain, so that we won't have to get in ourselves." Col. Henry W. Miller of the en- gineering college explained that Dr. McDowell's letter to Congressman Woodruff had been considered at last week's meeting of the National Defense Committee, but that the members had decided not to make it the official, opinion of the cor- mitee, since some of them were not in precise agreement with Dr. Mc- Dowell. Dr. McDowell wrote Congressman Woodruff that his conclusions for aiding Britain were based on per -] sonal observations during 15 'yearst in the Near East and 'in Europe, and on studies of Nazi leaders, American] correspondents, diplomats and lead- ers. Reardon Piersol, local business man, indicated last night that he] strongly favored Dr. McDowell's po- sition, and stated that he would sup- port an actual declaration of war. Ens Lace Haydon To Speak Sunday Eustace Haydon, one of the leaders of the humanist movement in the United States, will be the lecture speaker of the Billing Foundation here Sunday at 10:45 a.m. at the morning service of the Unitarian Church and at the meeting of the Liberal Students Union at 7:30 p.m; The author of several books, Dr. Haydon is a member of the depart- ment of comparative religion at the University of Chicago. In coopera- tion with Prof. Roy Sellers of the philosophy department, he partici- pated in the writing and revision of the humanist manifesto which was brought out about eight years ago. His approach to the problem of religion is from a historical and psy- chological background. In his books "The Quest of the Ages" and "Man's Search for the Good Life," he pre- sented these viewpoints. U.S. Treasurer Testifies At House Investigation RevealingEnglish Needs Speech Supports LendingProgram WASHINGTON, Jan. 15-(M)-Sec- retary Morgenthau testified before the House Foreign Affairs Committee today that the British "just haven't got" dollars enough to pay for "any- thing like what they need" in war supplies from the United States. He presented the much-discussed "balance sheet" of British resources here a short time after Secretary Hull, tangling repeatedly with com- mitteemen critical of Roosevelt For- eign policy, backed the Administra- tion's Aid-To-Britain Bill with a plea that the nation "invoke the law of self-defense before it is too late." Hull said the most serious question today for this country is whether the control of the high seas shall pass into the hands of powers bent on a program of unlimited conquest. To pointed questions whether the Bill would violate international law, Hull urged that the committee take a "realistic" view of the world sit- uation, and to queries whether the measure might lead to war, he re- plied: "We cannot sit still with our hands folded until an invader crosses the border." Morgenthau asserted that Britain's total dollar assets as of January 1 were $1,775,000,800. Alongside this figure, he placed another, $1,555,000,- 000, representing Britain's estimated dollar receipts during the calendar year, and a third figure, $3,019,000,- 000, the total of expenditures already contracted for during the year. He left a fourth figure blank, to be sup- plied later by the War and Navy De- partments. It was the total of what Britain expects to purchase in 1941 over and above what she already ordered. Then, in explanation, h said: "They can pay this year for what they have already bought in dol- lars, but when it comes to finding the dollars to pay for anything like what they need--they just haven't got it." His voice dropped to an ominous tone as he reached the last sentence. The Secetary of the Treasury was testifying in support of the Adminis- tration's bill empowering the Pres- ident to manufacture war implements here, pay for them from the treas- ury and then lend the supplies to the British to be returned or replaced in kind after the war is over. Officials in other departments said that Morgenthau's $1,775,000,000 es- timate of British assets available for American purchases covered only the most easily available wealth. They pointed out also that the Morgenthau figure was limited only to the United Kingdom. British Empire investments outside the United States, were estimated by Morgenthau today at 3,868,000- 000 pounds. (A pound is currently worth about $4.02). America To Be Cultural Center Of World, Horowitz Believes Sextet Meets Gophers Tonight; Swimuners Entrain For East - By S. R. WALLACE Piano virtuoso Vladimir Horowitz, whose recital, played to a capacity crowd in Hill Auditorium last night, was the seventh in the Choral Union series, believes that 1iecause of the current war situation America is fast becoming the cultural center of the world. Horowitz pointed out in an inter- view yesterday that almost every great artist in any field has come to the United States within the past few years with definite plans for re- maining. Many of them, like himself, are planning to becdme citizens. Be- cause of this influx of talent, Horo- witz claimed, the world will be look- ing to this country for advances in culture and creative art for at least the next decade. And once we have By ART HILL A much improved Michigan hockey team will take the ice tonight against Minnesota's strong Gopher aggre- gation. The Wolverines left Ann Ar- bor yesterday afternoon and will ar- rive in Minneapolis today at 11:35 a.m. There is little to choose between the records of the two teams, but the Gophers will rate the edge on the basis of a tougher schedule thus far in the season. Michigan's record stands at two victories, one tie and three defeats. Both their wins came over the Mich- igan College of Mines club by scores of 6-2 and 4-3. They gained a 1-1 tie in the second game of a two-game series with Colorado College, having By WOODY BLOCKl Undefeated in 19 dual meets overl a period of two years, Michigan's swimming team of 11 men will pull out of Ann Arbor early this morn- ing for Pittsburgh, where they match strokes with the Univcrsite of Pittsburgh Panthers tonight. The Wolverines will be seeking their second victory of the presynt campaign, having already swamped Pennsylvania 51-23 in a dual meet at the Buffalo Athletic Club. Pitt Is Untested Champions of the Eastern Colleg- iate Association, the Panthers have not yet been tested this year. Coach Ben Grady will be hard put, however, to find enough strength to out-score the powerful Wolverines even though Matt Mann is not taking several Morgenthau did not add the fig- ures for British assets and estimated receipts, but their total was $3,330v- 000,000. Deducting $3.019,000,000, the total of war supplies contracted fo,~ this left $311,000,000 to be ap- plied to the bill for supplies -still to be ordered during the year. Ethiopians Incited To Fight Italians ON THE ETHIOPIAN-SUDANESE FRONTIER, Jan. 15-(,P)-The ryth- mic tom-tom of 44 royal war drums has broken the desolate silence of this desert area with a summons to Ethiopian patriots to rise in arms against their Italian masters. From peak to peak the thumping carried the message from former Emperor Haile Selassi last tnight, and today hundreds of Ethiopians slipped across the border to join their comrades assembling an army T ... i i