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January 15, 1940 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1940-01-15

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. .......... . . ................... - ...... . .... . ......... .


Edited and managed by students of therUniversity of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newpaper. All
ights of republication of all other matters herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year 'by
carrier $4.00; by mail, $4.50.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative

Member, Associated Collegiate
Editorial Staff

Press, 1940-41

Iervie Haufler
Alvin Sarasohn
Paul M. Chandler .
Karl Kessler
Milton Orshefsky
Howard A. Goldman
Laurence Mascott
Donald Wirtchafter
Esther Osser
Helen Corman

* . . Managing Editor
Editorial Director
. . . . City Editor
. . . Associate Editor
. . . Associate Editor
. Associate Editor
Associate Editor
. . . . Sports Editor
. . . .Women's Editor
. . . Exchange Editor

Business Staff
Business Manager.
Assistant Business Manager
Women's Business Manager . .
Women's Advertising Manager

Fire & Water
by mascott
Mascott looked like an apple in a cider press.
He was crushed. Crushed to the ground. The
crushing blow had been delivered by an ec prof.
He had an exam to prepare for, and was look-
ing around for someone who could tell him what
course it was. He knew the prof's name and
what hours it met.
He was also worried and frustrated. "Elbi",
he said to me, "I'm in a hole."
"Sorry," I parried, "I'm broke. Just bought
my J-Hop ticket."
"No, Elbi, it isn't that. I've got to study for
an exam."o
Well that was tough, and I understood. I
offered to take his girl off his hands for the
evening, but he said he wasn't going to study
that hard. He said the real trouble was with
Fire and Water. He couldn't see where he was
going to get time to copy it and wanted to know
if I'd do it for him. He even offered to give me
his list of publications to clip from.
I asked him when it had to be done. He said
I'd have two hours. I told him I was about to
pick up the girl friend for a coke, but if it was
o.k. with him we could write it together. It
wouldn't be very good. but it would do for Fire
and Water. He was so crushed that he didn't
even retaliate to this, just told me to go ahead
and fell out of a second story window into a
snow bank, breaking his leg, the first leg of
his journey home to study. That's how columns
are born.
So I went out and then remembered I'd need
some paper, so came back and went into the
Gargoyle office, it being closest except for the
'Ensian, but they don't use paper there, only
pictures, cardboard and glue. I asked editor
Donaldson if he had any paper and he said no,
but I saw a stack of copy paper that he had
swiped from The Daily and took a few sheets
on the way out, calling Donaldson exactly what
you would under the circumstances.
So I got the girl friend and told her we had
to write the column and she groaned because
she used to be on the women's staff and she
knows. So we went to the -- the advertising
staff won't allow anybody to say where in print
in The Daily, but the place is named after that
very bright plumed bird who is usually repre-
sented as squawking stridently (the girl friend
said to use that word) "Polly wants a cracker".
We sat down and she had a coke and I had a
lemonade because I hate cokes and we started
to write the column. But we couldn't think of
anything to write about that would fit Mascott's
column and complimented ourselves on that
and started to play double solitaire. She won
two games and I won two and then she gave
me a long lecture on how she never wins when
we play cards together so we stopped, and she
reminded me that I had to write a column, and
I said what do you mean? WE have to write a
column so she won and I took her home.
Then' I came back to The Daily office and
Sarasohn asked me where the column was and
I said what column just to see what he'd do
and he did it. So I started to write it with
twenty minutes to deadline and still nothing to
write about fitting for Fire and Water, and
you've been reading, if you got this far, what
I've been doing since then. And that's how
columns are written.
Now I'll send this to the shop to be set up,
and the linotypist will put it into nice solid
slugs and some poor fool sophomore will have to
pull a proof and read it (imagine, having to
read it!) and Mascott will come in after his
date and not like it and toss the whole thing
out. And that's how columns die.
- w_ If

Irving Guttman
Robert Gilmour
Helen Bohnsack
Jane Krause

The editorials published in The Michi-
gan Daily are written by members of The
Daily staff and represent the views of the
writers only.
hIMemoriam --
James Joyce .. .
leading literary figures of our time,
he passea away at 59 in a Zurich, Switzerland,
hospital after an intestinal operation. Joyce will
best be remembered for his monumental, stream-
of-consciousness novel, "Ulysses," which started
a world-wide controversy that was brought to a
climax in the libel trial of the Southern District
of New York against the publishers.
Joyce studied medicine, music and languages
before he decided on writing as a career. He
started early, and veered into experimentation
with words and technique which came to a
climax in "Ulysses." This novel took seven years
to write and contained many strange, new words
invented by the author.
PARTS of "Ulysses" were first published in
serial form in the Little Review, a New York
magazine of the arts. The struggle between the
censors and the advocates of free expression
came to a head when it was published in book
form. Then it was banned as "obscene" in
Dublin, London and New York.
Finally, in a last effort to lower the bars of
censorship which had been choking true literary
and artistic expression, the case was brought to
court. After careful and lengthy consideration,
Judge John M. Woolsey delivered the momen-
tous decision which lifted the ban on "Ulysses"
in this country.
JUDGE WOOLSEY read "Ulysses" to determine
"whether the intent with which it was writ-
ten was what it is called . . . pornographic, -
that is, written for the purpose of exploiting
obscenity." He said finally "in 'Ulysses', in spite
of its unusual frankness, I do not detect any-
where the legr of the sensualist. I hold, there-
fore, that it is not pornographic."
"It is because Joyce is loyal to his technique,"
the decision continues," and has not funked its
necessary implications, but has honestly at-
tempted to tell fully what his characters think
about, that he has been the subject of so many
attacks and that his purpose has been so often
misunderstood and misrepresented. For his
attempt sincerely and honestly to realize his
objective has required him incidentally to use
certain words which are generally considered
dirty words and has led at time to what many
think is .a too poignant preoccupation with sex
in the thoughts of his characters."
WOOLSEY goes on with his decision and con-
cludes that "Ulysses" may be admitted to
the United States. It was a momentous day for
those who had been fighting to lift the ban and
"liberalize the law of 'obscenity'."
With "Ulysses" and his subsequent novel,
"Finnegan's Wake," Joyce paved the way for a
new flow of life in creative writing in America
and a new freedom of interpretation of the laws.
of "obscenity," which culminated a long struggle
toward this end. Joyce and "Ulysses" will long
stand as a milestone in literary history.
-Bernard Dober
Billions For Defense
The War of 1812 was ended on Feb. 17, 1815,
when Congress ratified the Treaty of Ghent.
Yet today, almost 126 years later, the United
States Government is still paying a pension
growing out of that war, to the daughter of a

Dew Pedso
Rbed5 .Alle '
WASHINGTON - The President's chat with
Ed O'Neal, soft-spoken head of the American
Farm Bureau Federation, was not as harmoni-
ous as the impression given when he emerged
beaming from the White House.
On foreign policy the two men saw eye to
eye, but it was quite different on the farm ques-
tion. O'Neal bluntly chided Roosevelt for not
giving more consideration to agricultural in-
terests in the defense program.
"We've been hearing how business will pros-
per and the rights of labor will be protected,"
O'Neal said. "You've had plenty to say about
this in your speeches, but you've been silent on
the farm question as related to national de-
"Maybe that's because I have no complaint
against the farmers," said Roosevelt, in effect.
"WELL, we have a complaint against you,"
shot back O'Neal, with no trace of jocular-
ity. "All this bickering and indecision in Con-
gress about farm legislation to be submitted
at this session is due chiefly to the Administra-
tion's failure to agree on steps that should be
O'Neal had no real success in urging on the
President the Farm Bureau's plan for govern-
ment loans up to 85 per cent of parity on basic
crops to keep production up to demand. (Parity
loans now range from 52 to 75 per cent.) Acre-
age control benefits, plus the loan guarantee,
he contended, would enable farmers to get full
parity, while "dumping" on government ware-
houses of cotton and wheat surpluses could be
stopped by the imposition of penalties for over-
This plan was a compromise, O'Neal told
Roosevelt, between the present loan program
and the processing (sales) tax proposal of the
Republican-backed income certificate plan.
Roosevelt agreed that farm prices would have
to be jacked up and production restricted, but
demurred at appropriating more funds for par-
ity loans. He argued that the vast defense
expenditures would boost crop prices auto-
matically. But this line of reasoning did not
persuade O'Neal.
"Mr. President," he said with a grin, "I'm
telling you now that we're going to demand full
parity from this Congress. Our convention in
Baltimore approved the plan I have outlined,
to you and we won't rest until we get it."
United On Britain
ident and O'Neal got to discussing aid to
Britain. The farm leader proudly related how
the Farm Bureau convention had endorsed the
policy of "all-out" aid to the hilt.
"There wasn't a peep of opposition," O'Neal
said. "I thought some might develop from dele-
gates representing parts of the country reputed
to be isolationist, but it didn't."
Warmly thanking O'Neal for his efforts in
putting the resolution over, Roosevelt remarked
that no one section of the country could hardly
be considered isolationist, since each was de-
pendent on the others in preserving national
"We're getting letters of support from all
over the country," he said. "They're coming
in at the rate of more than 1.000 a day."
Last Call
NOT ALL THE TALES around Defense head-
quarters are about bottlenecks and other
brain-wracking problems. A different one go-
ing the rounds is about a job-hunter on a de-
fense construction project and an application
form he was required to fill out.
When he came to the question, "Are you a

Nazi, Fascist or Communist?" he promptly an-
swered, "Yes, suh, Boss'"
"Are you sure you know what that means?"
said the interviewer. The applicant insisted
he did.
"Well, let's put it another way. Are you a
Fifth Columnist?"
"Boss, I certainly am. Yes, suh."
"What does 'Fifth Columnist' mean?"
"That means," was the grinning reply, "the
fella that's the last to be called. and Boss,
that's me."
Our YesterdaysI
50 Years Ago
Jan. 15, 1891-PERSONAL: Will the janitor
of the general library kindly brush at least a
portion of the dust off the goddess who is en-
gaged in adorning the entrance to the reading-
room? It would lighten her task.
25 Years Ago
..Jan. 15, 1916 -Announcement has just been
made by the Athletic Association that a sep-
arate trainer for the football team, Harry Tut-
hill, of the Detroit Tigers, will have charge of
reconditioning the gridiron men next month.
This action will relieve "Steve" Farrell of the
necessity of taking his time from track and
cross-country prospects to devote to the foot-
ball squad.
to join the army. As such his strength of char-
acter was noteworthy.

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'Finding An Opening'





(Continued Irom Page 2)

Please wait
seeing your {

for this notice before
Robert L. Williams,
Assistant Registrar

of New York State are notified that
the required examination in French,
Spanish, German, and Italian will be
given here on February 14. Those
who wish to take this examination
should notify Pofessor Pargment (100
R.L.) not later than January 25.

Registration Material, College ofI


L.S.&A., and Schools of Education Recreational Leadership: Women
and Music: Students should call for students wishing to enroll in the
second semester registration material course in Recreational Leadership of-
at Room 4, University Hall, as soon fered by the Women's Department of
as possible. Please see your adviser Physical Education during the sec-
and secure all necessary signatures. ond semester are asked to fill out
Robert L. Williams an application blank in Room 15,
Assistant Registrar Barbour Gymnasium, by January 25.
German Departmental Library: All Co certs
books are due January 20.
Choral Union Concert: Vladimir
The Library Committee will meet Horowitz, Pianist, will provide the
on Friday, Jan. 17. Members of the Seventh program in the Choral Union
Faculties having requests to lay be- Concert series tonight at 8:30 in Hill
fore the Committee are asked to have Auditorium. The audience is respect-
them in the hands of the Librarian fully requested to be seated on time.
of the University not later than noon


ib >

City Editor's
'i clrtch

ONE of the staff members insists this is a
scoop. He says that the Eighth and Sixth
Avenue subways in New York have been built
so that they could be used as bombproof shel-
ters. It's all been secret, presumably.
Another Winter Parley is over, and the
memory is not too pleasant. Audiences were
small and anything but a cross-section of
campus thought.
To our mind, a parley is a part of the dem-
ocratic process on the campus. To mean any-
thing it must receive the attention of all kinds
'of people.
IT IS little less than amazing that the so-called
Michigan party could enlist hundreds of
voters at a Senate election, and yet can send
only a sprinkling of its members to attend an
important meeting sponsored by the same Stu-
dent Senate.
A Michigan Party, a liberal group, or a
band of fifth columnists, are stupid non-
sense if they are not informed and willing
to defend their views in the face of oppo-
* * * '
To the sponsors of the Parley we suggest that
riore showmanship and perhaps a "name"
speaker would have lured more students to the

of Thursday, Jan. 16.
Candidates for the Teacher's Cer-
tificate, June 1941: Before making
elections for the second semester, each
candidate should check the require-
ments in the major and minor teach-
ing fields, as outlined in the School
of Education announcement. page 28
and following.
Academic Notices
Chem. and Met. Eng. Seminar:
Today at 4:00 p.m., Room 3201 E.
Eng. Bldg., Mr. D. E. Holcomb will
speak on "A Comparison of The-
oretical Design Methods for Multi-
Component Fractionating Columns."
The Correlated Course in Educa-
tion (Education D150) will not be of-
fered during the academic year 1941-
Concentration in English: Stu-
dents should confer with me at the
following times:
Wed.. Jan. 15-11-12 a.m.
Fri., Jan. 17-1-5 p.m.
Wed., Jan. 22-11-12 a.m.
Fri., Jan. 24-1-5 p.m.
- -J. L. Davis
English 121: The course in the
English Romantic Poets will be giv-
en at 9 o'clock on Monday, Wed-
nesday and Friday. The hour stated
in the catalogue has been cancelled
in favor of the earlier hour. (English
121. MWF. 9, 2225 A. H.)
All students taking classes in In-
strumental Supervision are required
to attend a Conference conducted by
Mr. Carleton Stewart of Mason City,
Iowa, to be held in the Third Floor
Assembly Hall, Rackham Building
9:30 to 12:00 a.m., Friday, January
17. This conference takes precedence
over other School of Music Classes

Exhibitions -
Exhibition, College of Architecture
and Design: The work of Bruce Rog- P
ers,-books, including the Lectern z
Bible, pamphlets, studies, bookplates, P
labels, water color sketches,-is being
shown in the ground floor cases,I
Architecture Building. Open daily,1
9 to 5, except Sunday, through Jan-
uary 16. The public is invited.
Exhibition, Rackham Building:
Photographs of- Outstanding Ex-
amples of Iranian (Persian) Archi-
tecture, made by Myron Bement
Smith and loaned by the Library of
Congress will be on Exhibit in thet
West Gallery until Saturday, Janu-
ary 25, from 2:00 to 5:00 p.m.
University Lecture:, Dr. Hornellt
Hart, Professor of Sociology at Duke
University, will lecture on the sub-
iject, "Happiness Measurements and
their Sociological Applications" un-
der the auspices of the Department
of Sociology at 4:15 p.m. on Monday,
Jan. 20, in the Natural Science Audi-
torium. The public is cordially in-
University Lecture: Professor James
Holly Hanford of the Department of
English at Western Reserve Univer-
sity, will lecture on the subject, "John
Milton as Propagandist," under the
auspices of the Department of Eng-
lish at 4:15 p.m. on Monday, Janu-
ary 20, in the Auditorium of the
W. K. Kellogg Foundation Institute:
Graduate and Post-graduate Den-
tistry. The public is cordially invited.
, University Lecture: Myron Bement
Smith, Confultant in Islamic Archi-
, tecture and Art at the Library of Con-
gress in Washington, D.C., will lecture
e on "Iran: The Country and Its Archi-
tecture" under the auspices of the Re-

krehitecture of Mexico today at 4:15
)m. in the Architectural Lecture
Fall. Lecture will be illustrated with
)olored slides.
French Lecture: Professor Louis
Allard, recently of Harvard Univer-
ity, will give the first lecture on the
,ercle Francais program, Monday,
Tanuary 20 at 4:15 p.m., room 103,
t.omance Language Building, on "Le
'heatre et la Vie."
Tickets for the series of lectures
nay be procured at the door at the
ime of the lecture.
Myron Bement Smith, Consultant
n Islamic Architecture and Art at
he Library of Congress in Washing-
ton, D. C., will lecture on "Iranian
Vault and Dome Construction" on
Wednesday, January 22, at 4:15 p.m.
n Room 102, Architecture Building.
The public is cordially invited.
Events Today
The Research Club will meet in the
Amphitheatre of the Rackham Build-
ng tonight at 8:00. The following
papers will be read:
"Some Analyses of Reasoning in
Rats," by Professor John F. Shepard.
"Franklin's Political Journalism in
England," by Professor Verner W.
R.O.T.C. Drum and Bugle Corps
will meet today at 4:00 p.m. at Head-
Chemical Sound Movies: The pic-
tures "The Story of Neoprene," de-
picting the development and pro-
duction of synthetic rubber, aid "It
Isn't Done With Mirrors," dealing
with the development and produc-
tion of plastics and resins, will be
shown in the Rackham Ampitheater
today at 4:45 p.m. They are being
sponsored by the Alpha Chi Sigma
Alpha Phi Omega will meet tonight
in room 304 of the Michigan Union at
8:00. Professor Ralph L. Belknap,
of the Geology Department, will
speak on "Little Known Facts About
Greenland, Its People, and How They
Cercle Francais: The 'Ensian pic-
ture will be taken today at 5:00 p.m.
at Dey's Studio.
Mr. Claude Nelson, National Direc-
tor of the World Student Service
Fund, will speak at Lane Hall at
4:30 p.m. today concerning the stu-
dent relief work in Europe and China.
Ski Club Meeting will be held to-
night at 7:30, in Union Room 305.
Application for membership will be
accepted. All interested please at-

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