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January 14, 1940 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1940-01-14

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TIT hIY. 3 l'%NUt-JA.T14; i W41





The Editor

r 1ei1 f1, t mnor m a
Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newpaper. All
fights of republication of all other matters herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by
carrier $4.00; by nmails $4.50.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1940-41
Editorial Staff

Hervie Haufler
Alvin arasohn
Paul M. Chandler
Karl Kessler
Milton Orshefsky
Howard A. Goldman
Laurence Mascott
Donald Wirtchafter
Esther Osser
Helen Corman

. Managing Editor
* . .Editorial Director
. .City Editor
. . . Associate Editor
. . . Associate Editor
* . . Associate Editor
* . . Associate Editor
. . . . Sports Editor
. . . .Women's Editor
. . . Exchange Editor

Business Staff
Business Manager
Assistant Business Manager
Women's Business Manager
Women's Advertising Manager

Irving Guttman
Robert Gilmour
Helen Bohnsack
Jane Krause

The editorials published in The Michi-
gan Daily are written by members of The
Daily staff and represent the views of the
writers only.
The NLRB's
New Chairman . .
THERE has been much talk about this
new chairman of the National Labor
Relations Board, Harry A. Millis. Some call him
the "grand national champion of labor arbitra-
tors;" others say he is a "born peacemaker."
When the Smith Committee recently denounced
the NLRB, Millis was the only member they rec-
ommended for continuation of his job.
Defense preparation will increase the NLRB's
importance in spite of its past and present repu-
tation; 'and the leader of the Board will be a
vital factor to industrial cooperation. Millis'
labor philosophy and professional background
are the only clues to the future actions which will
db much to determine the efficiency of America's
defense program.
Chairman of the Department of Economics at
the University of Chicago, Millis in 1934 was
elected president of the American Economics
Association; not because he was a leading scholar,
but because he had achieved such success in the
field of labor arbitration. For 21 years arbitra-
tion has been his specialty. t
F RIENDS say his philosophy is to keep both
sides in a dispute working together until an
agreement is reached; and to protect the interests
which neither side may have in mind, that is
generally the public. And they say he is primari-
ly interested in disputants making their own
The credit side of his record shows that he has
never hired out as an expert witness to any union
or employer, a legitimate practice; and he has
been knownto cut a proposed salary (as perma-
vent arbitrator for U.A.W. and General Motors)
in half because he thought he was not worth it.
His only other experience in public office was on
the first NLRB under the NRA. Decisions of this
Board did much to color the Wagner Act, which
Millis approves as it is.
This presentation of virtues is only one side,
of course. So far his enemies, if he has any,
have not had the occasion to chalk up balancing
figures. His ability under pressure will be one
of the interesting revelations of an interesting
near future. Rapid war production always offers
temptations to the factions of industry. Certain
.abor groups are inclined to take advantage of
the crisis to obtain long-sought privileges. Cer-
tain manufacturers welcome war fear as an,
opportunity for personal profit, in spite of non-
profit laws. And the public tends to become
impatient with such attitudes and condemns the
efforts of labor and industry in general.
T HE NLRB will have a vital part in minimizing
extremes in labor and industry, and can there-
by limit the possibilities of indiscriminate public
reaction against both groups. A man of Millis'
repute is sorely needed; should he live up to his
past record, the United States will avoid much
imminent grief. f-Emile Gel
From Other Campuses
The editors of The Minnesota Daily think
"one of the most vital links in the defense of
America is the health of the American people.
There can be no total defense against aggres-

Corrections From Dean Lloyd
To the Editor:
Like several members of the editorial staff of
the Michigan Daily, I too "managed to look in
on the work of the professional theatre in New
York." I was much interested in reading the re-
views in Sunday's Daily, but I feel obliged to
suggest that E. M. consult the program of "Old
Acquaintance." Dwight Deere Wiman to whom
great praise for "peppery, fast-moving dialogue"
is accorded did not write the play. He produced
it. The play was written by the English play-
wright, John Van Drutan, author of "Young
Woodley", "There's Always Juliet", and other
plays. If E. M. will substitute John Van Druten
for Dwight Deere Wiman in his review, I can
heartily agree with him.
I must take exception also to Mr. Milton Or-
shefsky's opinion that Miss Hayes in her reading
of Viola's lines "definitely falls short as a Shakes-
pearean verse-reader". I do not see how the lines
could have been more beautifully read. I should
hesitate to register only my opinion on this point
since I am not a Shakespearean scholar, but I
happened to see Mr. O. J. Campbell, formerly
professor of English at the University of Michi-
gan. As a teacher and student of Shakespeare,
Mr. Campbell spoke with especial appreciation
of Miss Hayes' reading of the part, saying that
she had not failed in any instance to project
both the meaning and the beauty of the lines.
I find myself wondering what Mr. Milton Or-
shefsky would suggest that Miss Hayes do to im-
prove her reading of her part. One might well
wonder why Stewart Chaney decided to design
a costume which made a little clown of Miss
Hayes, but that was a minor point in what is
after all a notable performance of Shakespeare's
charming comedy, and her extraordinary reading
of the part, in my opinion, surmounted the
handicap of her costume.
Again let me express my genuine interest in
what your reviewers had to say.I
-Alice C. Lloyd
P.S. Jose Ferrer spells his name FERRER.
(Editor's Note: We wish to thank Dean Lloyd
for her interest in pointing out two errors in
fact, and claiming one in interpretation. It is
true that Dean Lloyd's accuracy and spelling
on the former items were better than ours. But
Mr. Orshefsky pleads guilty, at most, only to a
possible hazy reference in his review of "Twelfth
Night." His statement that Miss Hayes "definite-
ly falls short as a Shakespearean verse-reader"
was not to mean, in any absolute terms, that
she fell down completely. Following as it did
the brief encomium for Mr. Evans, it was simply
to convey that her delivery of Viola's lines was
neither so skillful nor so imaginative as his de-
livery of Malvolio's. In that sense, she fell short,
and was "less fortunate" than he.)
A Wheeler Supporter
To the Editor:
"Yes, just an engineer, and a thick-skulled
one at that," will undoubtedly be the remark of
Messrs. Ogden and Slosson. Last year we were
plagued with the editorials of the A.S.U. and,
this year it is this wild chatter driving us into
war. I have watched with millions of other
Americans the tide that is bearing us nearer to
the maelstrom of hatred and bloodshed. Arms
embargo, neutrality, Western Hemisphere iso-
lation, Monroe Doctrine, all have crumbled to
a large extent under the surge of propaganda.
I am fully in favor of the present armament
program primarily as a defense measure. I
also favor the draft not only as a means of
building a standing army, but I think that the
army discipline will do me good. But when
measures have been advocated such as those of
the President in his address to Congress and in
his last fireside chat, it is time for the people to
get out of the fog of propaganda and start think-
ing for themselves. When asked by reporters
what his plans were during his Caribbean cruise,
the President stated that it was' youth and old
age that he was thinking about. It certainly
sounds like he thought a lot about these since
he got back. (Perhaps too much.)
The views expressed by Professor Slosson are
notnew, inasmuch as he has advocated aid for
Britain ever since the outbreak of the war. As

a modern professor in a progressive university,
it seems that Professor Slosson's views have been
very biased. Quoting Professor Slosson in the
letter to The Daily of January 11, 1941, "As one
of those who have 'grown timorous with the
years,' etc," I would like to say that I will be
growing timorous with this advancing year, be-
ing one of the eligible males should this country
send an expeditionary force over to Europe. As
for Mr. Ogden, if he cannot present a better
argument than to brand Mr. Huston and Mr.
Muehl as Nazis, he should crawl back in his shell
and remain silent.
If we live through this conflict, we will prob-
ably ferret out the truth with regard to the ele-
ments behind this war as to how many millions
of war profits the various corporations have
made. I wholeheartedly support the views ex-
pressed by the honorable Senator Burton K.
Wheeler in his radio talk of December 31, 1940.
Mr. Muehl and Mr. Huston have also expressed
my sentiments to a great extent.
- L. J. Mikulich
Exam Opinions
In objecting to the last "grinding weeks of
classes" before semester examinations, the edi-
tors of The Daily Northwestern suggest as a
remedy a week devoted entirely to reading in

Pacifist's View
To the Editors:
On reading over the various letters in this
column and listening to the discussions at the
Winter Parley, I find general agreement that
we are in for bgd times. The arguments for
how bad the future could be are clear and
strong; the arguments for how good it might be
are weak and unimpressive.
To echo Messrs. Muehl and Huston, why fight
or work our heads off for a more or less certain
doom? Is there any practical ideal that is worth
working for and dying for at the present time?
If so, it must be an ideal of peace and brother-
hood, and it must offer realistic means for
progress toward it.
The hopes offered for a better life arising from
successful militarism are mostly wishful thinking.
The means of war defeat the ends of peace. What
means can we use? How is a better society gen-
Our hope lies in devoloping social patterns of
thought and action that produce cooperation,
mutual respect, and good will, and an active de-
sire on the part of people in general to serve one
another. We need general attitudes that will
give our intelligence and good will a chance to
This sounds unreal. The reason is first that
such social currents grow slowly, whereas our
doom seems to be almost upon us. But if we
try to avoid the doom by methods that hasten
it, social currents will not grow at all. In the
second place, so many people have talked about
such ideals without really trying to live by them
that it does not seem possible to do so.
It is possible. Most of our democratic tradi-
tions of freedom have started with individuals
and small groups that had visions, lived by them,
and died for them. The pacifist movement is
one attempt at the present time to find a con-
sistent, active, and practical idealism. The true
pacifist seeks to solve social problems-of sup-
pression of liberty,' of economic injustice, of rac-
ial and social prejudice, of war--by means that
are consistent with the pattern of society he
seeks to establish. He knows that men are at
least sub-consciously deeply influenced by a con-
sistent, active ideology and that ideals based on
the best nature of man and the universe in the
long run will be stronger than the self-defeating
ideology of Fascism. He may have to suffer or
die because of this way of life, but his willingness
to die if need be makes living worthwhile.
Those whose hope is for personal security may
find little comfort in the future, but those whose
hope is to be of service in building a better world
need not be disappointed.
- William T. Scott

TOT A GREAT NUMBER of years appeared in lieu of the once self- to be amazed at the maturity and
ago, there sprang into the Amen- sufficient photographs. The person perspicacity of American Youtth (age
can scene, graced by a beautiful who originated the Life Coestoa 14-18) it's maybejust a little too
Party department must have looked
and nauseating set of action shots like abrttlenf mhldmnaloked much. That current issue is a dandy
of a brain operation, a super speci to a parched desert rat, but even a all thrugths, evho as it des ust
men of the old fashioned Sunday lowing that a clubwoman or debu- what lengths ever, to four extra pic-
rotogravure section, called Life Mag- tante photographed is a friend for- tures of Lana Turner, Life will po for
azine. The idea was good, so good ever, things were quiet. A magazine limbpicturesbetswin the splendid
that for awhile it looked as though came out every week, and some good and the editorial depatdents in the
Life might go struggling down under educational features were dragged arte ioa waerooet aiplne
the waves of cheese-cake imitators, out from the files, but all in all- article on a sater-cooled airplae
Cthe Haves Nic s-c ad es imioth.toisemotor which assert, subtly at e ery
Clic Hc, Nic, Sic and so fth. LifeF AME THE WAR. Came the elec- opportunity that there is a strong
in conception had set the ante for ,AM
advertising rates a little too low, just tion. Came Americanism. case also for the air cooled type of
Innocent words. They meant a lot motor {The full page advertisement
low enough so it took the combined to Life. Life decided that we weren't of the air cooled motor manufactur-
tprofits of Henry Luce's other sophis- prepared. Life decided there was a er appears a little farther back in the
ticated ventures, Time and Fortune .Lf eie hr a
to keep the infant in swaddling lot of good in both candidates (Rep. issue), but really, Mr. Luce, have you
clothes. But as time marched on and and Dem). Life decided Americanism forgotten so soon your high school
should he practised, meaning "no days? Is it necessary to foist such
turpl esiedpbliatimoswertephn- more isms," and labor is led by Harry sticky, trumped-up surprise at thle
tes l hera fropubHcations were pose Bridges and John L. Lewis, until fact that high schools have student
es le r as wa Hollywood ior pe John L. Lewis saw the light. Things councils, hall patrols, school papers,
sexier pages of True Stories, Life were picking up. and earnest young people with glasses
sexk agewlasf eSrits, LtaredThere were a lot of good pictures and/or saddle shoes running around
sook a new lease on itself, started of airplanes, and cannon, and tanks, in a dither of civic virtue, on a trust-
soaking the Brewer's Aatonbe accompanied by appropriate texts, ing public? Of course, it's all for the
plenty for its ads on the peace to be varying in interest according to cause of God Bless America ASCAP),
found in beer in war-torn times such whether they were written by a cap- but believe me, Mr. Luce, either
as those. and before they knew it, tam in the reserves, a major general, you are letting some pretty phoney
tetrdwheomrginphrase-clipping retired. or a newspaper man. There stuff seep into the pages of your
ediorsof he agzin wee ejoyngwere shots of communities which in- pride and joy, or you wvent to a dif-
(1) a practical monopoly of the pic- tended to vote for Willkie, and shots ferent kind of high school than I did.
tre magazine racket, (2) buymngof communities which intended to Maybe that's it. Maybe you went to a
themselves sables and new Leicas, vote for Roosevelt, and some just prep school where they drilled or
and most important (3) being a na- plain shots of communities, like St. wore Eton collars instead of attending
influence.Louis which had smoke, but doesn't meetings of the Birds and Bees Club,
Circulation hit the oxygen level, now and has been cleared of the meeting every Thursday afternoon
propellors were adjusted for stratos- smirch on its name in the latest issue, at three-thirty in Miss Platz' room,
phere conditions, but, and I am sure There were artist's interpretations of I say nothing about the gawking, in-
it was not only the readers who no- the sinking of liners by torpedo, and sulting charity visits to public insti-
ticed this, stories got fewer and worse. once a good story on the firing of a tutions for I haven't forgotten a few
More and more trick camera work German liner, a real story. There such that I went on myself, back in
was used-golf balls began to know were increasing shots of ruins. There the good old days, but if you want to
how they looked when they were hit, were little graphs of What the Amer- see a first class example of what the
drops of water preened themselves ican Public Thought, mostly about guy who wrote the article didn't
on their beauty as revealed by a the election, though sometimes show- want to show, take a look at the shot
stroboscopic camera-and at- the be- ing that We Were Not Prepared. of Roosevelt High School kids stand-
hest of advertisers who felt that with ing in the full flush of coke-drink-
so little reading matter, pages on BUT WHEN, in the course of events, ing, shag-dancing YOUTH, looking
which appeared vital messages con- Life turns its merciless camera in at a couple of boes clinging to the
cerning dandruff or halitosis were on the American High School, and bars of the jail house cell. This is the
not getting the attention they deser- emerges radiantly, wrapped in the way we settle AMERICA'S social
ved, more and more written words folds of Old Glory, and makes as if issues. So long until soon.

(Continued from Page 2) 1 University Lecture: Dr. Hornell
Hart, Professor of Sociology at Duke
ing fields, as outlined in the School University, will lecture on the sub-
of Education announcement, page 28 ject, "Happiness Measurements and
and following. their Sociological Applications" un-
der the auspices of the Department


City Editor's

l i'

DR. FORSYTHE, boss of

the health service,

is convinced that this "come back to college
for a rest" is no joke. The good doc attributes
the current siege of colds among students to the
fact they returned to school last week after a
hard, tiring holiday vacation, and thus were
in no shape to do battle with the big, strong
That Alfred Connable who annouced his can-
didacy for the Board of Regents is the same Al-
fred Connable who was a candidate in 1938.
He's been an active alumnus since graduation
in 1935.
THE ROBBERY of Pi Lambda Phi the
other night was regrettable, but it could
happen in any one of a dozen houses on the
campus where carelessness reigns supreme.
On behalf of the entire campus, we want to
extend deepest sympathy to Forest Evashevski.
[Our Yesterdays
50 Years Ago
Jan. 14, 1891 - A new era has dawned for the
festive student. Those pleasant walks he has
been wont to take to "Ypsi," are now to give
place to pleasure rides on the Ypsilanti and Ann
Arbor Railroad. You can now go all the way to
Ypsilanti for the small sum of ten cents, since a
toy engine, with equipment to match, has been
made ready to take up the weary pedestrian at
numerous hours of the day, and place him quick-
ly and safely in the city of his desires.
25 Years Ago
Jan. 14, 1916 - "When Roumania enters the
war, the war's close is imminent," declared Ray-
mond G. Swing, Berlin war correspondent of the
Chicago Daily News in a talk before students of
journalism yesterday. He stated that Roumania
will never enter the war unless assured of the
Patriotic Songs

Seniors who wish to be eligible toI
contract to teach the modern foreign
languages in the Secondary Schools
of New York State are notified that
the required examination in French,
Spanish, German, and Italian will be
given here on February 14. Those
who wish to take this examination
should notify Pofessor Pargment (100
R.L.) not later than January 25.
Doctoral Examination for Mr. John
Russell Vatnsdal, Mathematics; The-
sis: Minimal Variance and Its Rela-
tion to Efficient 'Moment Tests,
today at 3:15 p.m. in the West
Council Room, Rackham Build-
ing. Chairman, P. S. Dwyer.
By action of the Executive Board
the chairman may invite )nembers of
the faculties and advanced doctoral
candidates to attend the examination
and he may grant permission to those
who for sufficient reason might wish
to be present.
C. S. Yoakum
Choral Union Concert: Vladimir
Horowitz, Pianist, will provide the
Seventh program in the Choral Union
Concert series, Wednesday, Jan. 15,
at 8:30 p.m. in Hill Auditorium. The
audience is respectfully requested to
be seated on time.
Exhibition, College of Architecture
and Design: The work of Bruce Rog-
ers,-books, including the Lectern
Bible, pamphlets, studies, bookplates,
labels, water color sketches,-is being
shown in the ground floor cases,
Architecture Building. Open daily,
9 to 5, except Sunday, through Jan-
uary 16. The public is invited.
Exhibition, Rackham Building:
Photographs of Outstanding Ex-
amples of Iranian (Persian) Archi-
tecture, made by Myron Bement
Smith and loaned by the Libraryof
Congress will be on Exhibit in the
West Gallery until Saturday, Janu-
ary 25. from 2:00 to 5:00 p.m.
University Lecture: Professor Oskar
Halecki, late of the University of
Cracow, Poland, will lecture on the
subject "The Problem of an Inter-
national Order in European History"
under the auspices of the Department
of History today at 4:15 p.m. in the
Rackham Lecture Hall. The public
is cordially invited.
University Lecture: Professor James
Holly Hanford of the Department of

of Sociology at 4:15 p.m. on Monday,I
Jan. 20, in the Natural Science Audi-C
torium. The public is cordially in-s
University Lecture: Myron Bementt
Smith, Consultant in Islamic Archi-I
tecture and Art at the Library of Con-t
gress in Washington, D.C., will lectureL
on "Iran: The Country and Its Archi-
tecture" under the auspices of the Re-
search Seminary in Islamic Art, In-
stitute of Fine Arts, at 4:15 p.m. on,
Tuesday, January 21, in the Rack-
ham Amphitheatre. The public is7
cordially invited.
To students enrolled in the Series
on Naval Subjects: The fourth lec-
ture of the series, subject, "The Navy;
Ship," will be delivered by Captain;
B. B. Wygant, U.S.N. Commandant
Reserve Midshipman's School, Chi-
cago, in room 348 West Engineering
at 4:00 p.m. today.
Professor Ralph W. Hammett, of
the College of Architecture, will give
a lecture on the Pre-conquest Art and
Architecture of Mexico on Wednes-
day, Jan. 15, at 4:15 p.m. in the
Architectural Lecture Hall. Lecture
will be illustrated with colored slides.
Events Today
Botanical Journal Club will meet
tonight at 7:30 in Room N.S. 1139.
Gepots by: James McCranie, "The
Genus Septobasidium;" Jose Santos,
"Papers on hormones in Archiea am-
bisexualis;" Jean Farrell, "The com-
munal nature of the fruiting pro-

cess in the Acrasiae;" Verle Ren-
nick, "Trwo Diseases of Gleditsia."
Mathematics Club will meet to-
night at 8:00 p.m. in the West Con-
ference Room, Rackham Building.
Dr. Martin will speak on "Two-to-
One Transformations of Two-Dimen-
sional Manifolds and Linear Graphs."
Juniors Mathematics Club will meet
tonight at 8:00 p.m. in 16 Angell
Hall. Mr. Wadey will give an illus-
trated talk on "Solid Geometric Fig-
ures in Three Dimensions."
Varsity Glee Club: The following
will go to Jackson today. The bus
will leave the Union promptly at
4:15 p.m. Bring formal clothes and
Allen, Bassett, Scherdt, Parthum,
Holland, Weller, Edwards, Pinney,
Crowe, Repola, Powers, Martin, Erke,
Steere, Klopsic, Conti, Fairbanks,
Muller, Wierengo, Davis, Berger,
Swenson, Hines, Whitney, Hipwood,
Ed Gibson, Shale, Landis, Sommer-
feld, Nuechterlein, George, Brown,
Liimatainen, Mattern, Ossewaarde.
U. of M. Flying Club will meet at
the Union tonight at 8:30. Election
of Vice-president and Secretary.
The Michigan Party will meet to-
night at 8:00 in the Michigan Union.
The room number will be posted
on the bulletin board.
Alpha Nu: meeting of q.ll members
in Alpha Nu room, Angell Hall, at
7:30 tonight. All members are obliged
to attend.
Portuguese Classes, International
Center: There will be an organiza-
tional meeting of the classes in Portu-
(Continued on Page 6)'

750 KC - CBS 920 KC - NBC Red 1030 KC - Mutual 1240 KC-NBC Blue
Tuesday Evening
6:00 News Music; Oddities Rollin' Bud Shaver
6:15 Musical 'Newscast; Tunes Home Rhumba Band
6:30 Inside of Sports Frazier Hunt CongaTime Day In Review
6:45 The World Today Loweii Thomas Recital Series Texas Rangers
7:00 Amos 'n Andy Fred Waring Val Clare Easy Aces
7:15 Lanny Ross . inner Music To be Announced Mr. Keen-Tracer
7:30 Haenschen Orch. Sherlock Vignettes of Melody Ned Jordan
7:45 Haenschen Orch. Holmes Doc Sunshine - Secret Agent
8:00 Court of Johnny Masterworks of Ben Bernie
8:15 Missing Heirs Presents the Pianoforte Orchestra
8:30 First Nighter Horace Heidt's To be Announced Uncle Jim's
8:45 News at 8:55 Treasure Chest Interlude; News Question Bee
-- ----
9:00 We, the People Battle of Montreal Sy'ph'n3 Grand Central -
9:15 We, the People the Sexes -an outstanding Station
9:30 Professor Quiz Fibber McGee Canadian John B. Kennedy
9:45 Professor Quiz And Molly Orchestra News
10:00 Glenn Miller Bob Hope's National News Wythe Williams
10:15 Second Husband Program Britain Speaks News, Unemploym't
10:30 Second Husband Uncle walter's BBC Radio Meet


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