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January 12, 1940 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1940-01-12

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52 Members Of University Listed In County Officers' Reserv

DAY, JANUARY 12, 1941
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Infantry Arm
Proves Biggest
In This Region
Bursley And Crawford Are
Highest Ranking Men
In Officers' Reserve
Although 52 of the 136 Washtenaw
County members of the Officers'
Reserve Corps are in the various Un-
iversity faculties, it is quite unlikely
that more than a few of them will be
called to active duty in the near fu-
ture to aid in the nation's defense
According to Capt. Paul C. West-
erman, Inf.-Res., president of the
Reserve Officers' Association here,
only the younger men in Ann Arbor
are expected to see active duty in the
field. "Most of the Michigan profes-
sors are in special branches of the
army," he explained, "and will pro-
bably be of more service to the coun-
try in the classrooms."l
Branch Has 42 Men
Statistics on the Reserve Officers
in this district revealed by the ROA
yesterday indicate that the infan-
try arm of the service, with 42 men,
is the largest branch in this vicinity.
The Medical Corps is next with 39
members followed by the Ordnance
with 14 men and the Corps of En-
gineers with eight.
There are six men here in the
Field Artillery, five Specialists, five
in the Signal Corps, four in the Coast
A tillery, three each in Chemical
Warfare and the Veterinary Corps,
two each in Quartermaster Corps and
the Sanitary Corps and one each in
the Dental Corps, Cavalry and Med-
ical Administration.
Highest ranking officers in the re-
serve here are Dean Joseph A. Burs-
ley of the mechanical engineering de-
partment, Dean Ivan C. Crawford of
the College of Engineering, Prof.
Henry W. Miller of the mechanism
and engineering drawing department
and Prof. Albert H. White of the
chemical engineering department.
All have the rank of colonels and,
with the exception of Dean Craw-
ford who is in the Corps of En-
gineers, all are in the Ordnance
Others Hold Commissions
Of the other. reserve officers there
are three lieutenant colonels, 11 are
majors, 10 are captains, 65 are Ist
lieutenants and 43 are 2nd lieuten-
Seven of the faculty members who
are eitler assistant professors, as-
sociate professors or full professors
are connected with the Ordnance
branch, five are specialists, three
are in the Corps of Engineers, and
one each are in the Infantry, Med-
ical Corps, Dental Corps, Coast Ar-
tillery, Sanitary Corps and Signal
Reserve officers in the University
with the rank of lieutenant-colonels
are Prof. Albert E. White of the met-
allurgical engineering department,
Ord., and Prof. John S. Worley of the
transportation engineering depart-
ment, Spec.
The list of majors includes Prof.
Clark Hopkins of the Latin and
Greek departments, Inf.; Prof. Her-
bert W. Emerson, of the bacteriology
department, Med.; Prof. Martin J.
Orbeck of the mechanism and engin-
eering drawing department, CA.; and
Prof. Reuben L. Kahn of the bacter-
iology department, Sn.
Engineers Represented
Others are Prof. Ferdinand N. Me-
nefee of the engineering mechanics
department and Prof. Walter C. Sad-
ler of the civil engineering depart-
ment, Engr., and Prof. John C. Brier
of the chemical engineering depart-
ment, Prof. Walter E. Lay of the

mechanical engineering department
and Prof. Claire Upthegrove of the
metallurgical engineering depart-
ment, Spec.
Highest ranking officers in the re-
serve corps of this area outside of
the University are Lieut.-Col. Don-
ald D. Duncanson, real estate agent,
and Maj Lee Davisson, veterinarian.
Captains in the University are Prof.
Charles B. Gordy of the mechanical
engineering department, Prof. Frank
H. Smith of the mechanism and en-
gineering drawing department, Lloyd
R. Gates, instructor in hygiene, and
Stanley G. Waltz, manager of the
Most of the other officers, 21 in
number, who are connected with the
University are in the Medical Corps
and are either instructors in the

Development Of Pan-Human Culture Will Destroy
Racial Divisions, Create Social Unity, Adamic Says

It was several years ago that I first
read Louis Adamic. I remember that
his My America had won my en-
thusiastic approval. I knew that Mr.
Adamic was not a great writer, but
I believed that he could be rated a
top-rank observer of the American
scene. His studied attempt to probe
deeply into the matrix of American
life, his implied refusal to confine
himself to the intellectual framework
of a particular ideology, his evident
sincerity: all these I admired. To me
the vast, sprawling, disorganized
character of the book tended to cre-
ate the unpleasant impression that
My America was nothing so much as
the jottings in a thoughtful man's
Now Louis Adamic has written a
new book. It marks what we may
accurately call his "coming of age."
For with the publication of From
Many Lands, Louis Adamic becomes
a man with a specific purpose and
with a well-planned program to put
his program into action. He conceives
his purpose in these words:
"My purpose, as you know, is to
begin exploring our American cul-
tural past and to urge the culti-
vation of its many common fields,
not nostalgically, or historically,
or academically, but imaginatively
and creatively, with eyes to the fu-
ture, until as a people,we find and
dare to sink pur roots into our com-
maon American subsoil, rich, sun-
warmed and well watered, from
which we still may grow and flow-
Later he writes a figurative ex-
pression of his purpose:
"I am trying to work toward an
intellectual-emotional synthesis
of old and new America; of the
Mayflower and the steerage; of
the New England wilderness and
the social-economic jungle of the
city slums and the factory system;
cf the Liberty Bell and the Statue
of Liberty."
He favors, in short, lasting effec-
tive racial assimilation. 1
Throughout the post-Civil War
period America was the Land of
Promise to thousands of immigrants,
School of Medicine, resident physi-
cians and surgeons, internes or as-
As far as is known by the Reserve
Officers' Association, only 10 men are
now on active duty and only one, Dan
J. Bulmer, instructor in surgery, was
on the faculty.
The others are Ransom S. Haw-
ley, Jr., John S. Cole, Otto H. Donner,
Eliseo Rosa, Thomas H. Blair, Law-
rence C. Barden, Cecil E. Hammett,
Paul W. Deason, and Chase R. Tea-
The only member of the staff of
the Reserve Officers' -Training Corps
here who has a higher commission
in the army reserve, is 1st Lieut. An-
ton H. Halaska, MA., who is. a ser-
geant in the ROTC at the present
Forty-two reserve officers are
members of the ROA, the official or-
ganization of military reserve men
here, which sponsors various con-
ferences to help instruct those who
may possibly be called to active duty
in the coming months.

especially from southeastern Europe.I
They sought not merely economicl
security. They hoped to become welli
integrated into a "socially creative"1
society: a society whose highest val-i
ues were human dignity and self-I
realization. But somehow that Amer-I
ican dream was never realized. The'
high hopes, the buoyant optimism ofI
the immigrants were lost in the im-i
personal clatter of the industrial ma-I
chine. The desired integration never
became a reality. The immigrants,i
cut off- from the fulfillment of their
precious Dream, were forced to seekj
compensation by forming compact,i
ethnocentric groups. These groupsi
were denied psychologically satisfy-"
ing "sense of belonging." They felt
that they were not a part of their
larger environment. They were baf-a
fled by continuous manifestations ofI
suspicion and prejudice.
To Mr. Adamic this mass frustra-
tion was a major national tragedy.I
He was appalled by the cultural waste
implied in the refusal of the ascen-
dant social groups in America to
recognize the validity of the immi-,
grant contribution to the national'
mores. And Mr. Adamic was con-'
vinced that the contribution was an
important one, that it provided a
means for preserving all that was
good in the various national and3
racial cultures of the dying Old
World. He also realized that the im-
migrant contribution would help to
give us "deep tap roots in a cultural
past." The resultant cultural con-
tinuity and stability would be a}
splendid antidote to the prevalent
rootlessness and bewilderment in our,
national character.'
From Many Lands is essentially a
series of sketches. The sketches are
in general quite well executed. They
are the work of a keenly observant
man. The style of writing is quietly
impressive. Only occasionally is it
a little stilted. And we come to know
a few of the "figures in the American
maze." Curious Old World names -
like the Meleskis and the Tashjians
- lose their strangeness, as Mr.
Adamic tells us something of their
living, their thinking and their feel-
ing. Their story is an important and
neglected part of the great American
Saga: a moving and dramatic story
which has been largely overlooked
in the emphasis on the assumed "su-
pericrity" of the Anglo-Saxon or the
so-called "native" stock.
Of these sketches perhaps the most
sensitively drawn is that of. Dr. Eliot
Steinberger. Surely his was the most
complicated personality in the book.
His problem of adjustment and as-
similation was doubly difficult: his
family were immigrants, and he was
a Jew living in the modern world.
His father had been fabulously suc-
cessful as the organizer of a great

meat-packing concern, which in the
early nineteenth century developed
into a far-flung corporate structure.
But young Eliot had no permanent
interest in the Steinberger fortunes.
He was determined "to find himself,"
to establish himself in his own world.
This determination was severely
tested by his hiring out as boundary
rider in the Australian sheep country:?
the job demanded the most flexible
adaptation to the stringent, exact-
ing requirements of nature. He sur-
vived that test, but he knew that he!
had not solved the vastly more com-
plicated problem of his social adjust-
ment, as a member of a minority race.
He solved this phase of his problem
in an unsatisfying external way: he
became a noted dermatologist, pos-
sesing all the outer symbols of ma-f
terial success. But he knew that the
internal problem of full social ad-
justment had never been effectively
solved. In a hundred social situa-
tions-for example, in consultation
with other doctors-he intuitively
recognized that he was not wholly
accepted on his own intrinsic merits
as an individual. To his searching,
critical mind, this failing was chal-
lenging. In a penetrating analysis
of that failure, he says:
"One becomes an ant running
around on the upper link of the
hobble chain. Below are the links
of one's other predicaments and
weaknesses: clannishness, greed,
sheepishness, etcetera, all tied to-
gether by the instinct to live on,
somehow, and breed . . . Perhaps
one way to state the human prob-
lem is: how to stop the vicious circ-
ling on the top link of the hobble
chain and do away with the rest of
the chain-the prejudices, the im-
positions-that keep us from
reaching our goals? We are tangled
up in one another's purposes, drives
compulsions and lack of them ...
How to be free and strong in a

world of others who also would be
free and strong, but who. ike one-
self, are weak and pulling and
clawing at one another. In other
words, how to end this pointless
Although his own imperfect self-
realization and his own failure to
attain his potentialities were of
course significant to him, Dr. Stein-
berger was not most concerned with
the merely personal aspect of the
problem. The whole demoralized ef-
fect of incomplete racial adjustments
on the highest possible human ful-
fillment was thoroughly dishearten-4
ing to Dr. Steinberger.
"What are our prejudices, our
contradictions and quandaries do-
ing to us all? Why do we physi-
cians labor and sacrifice our
strength, and then see that others
no different fundamentally from
ourselves devote their minds and
energies to the creation of suffer-
ing? Why are we, humanity in gen-
eral, sick with hate, stalled, held
back from creativity? What would
be our possibilities-here in Amer-
ica, here in the world-if we freed
ourselves from them, all of us?
What if we ceased to be primarily
Jews or X-ians and become pri-
marily men? What if we got off the
hobble chain and became free
agents, free to tackle the mys-
teries? Man - humanity is a great
Mr. Adamic's suggested solution
for what Dr. Steinberger called the
"human problem" is presented in the
valuable Appendix. It is in brief an
ambitious program of long-term ed-
ucation, to be carried out by the re-
cently established Common Council
for American Unity, whose chief or-
gan of expression is to be the new
magazine, Common Ground. The
Council plans to work through the
press, the radio, the cinema, the
schools, legislative bodies and social
service agencies in order to overcome
a number of the undesirable re-
sults of continued racial divisions
and oppositions. Its program is in
essence an attempt to present a rea-

sonable statement of its case on all
the key fronts of communication.
The importance of From Many
Lands is readily apparent. It states
a major social problem, which has
been gravely accentuated by the rev-
olution of nihilism. Its program of
social action, as expressed in the Ap-
pendix, is primarily an attempt to
foster 'unity within diversity" and
thus create a great pan-human cul-
ture, which will give America a sub-
stance that it has never before had.
I hope that Mr. Adamic realizes that
the effectiveness of his program will
necessarily be limited by the inevi-
table results of a particular approach.
He may at times underrate the sig-
nificance of the economic phase of
this complicated "human problem"
(for many of the maladjustments he
describes arise from economic con-
ditions). But he may be reassured
by realizing that he is engaged upon
one of the few constructive programs
of social action in a destructive world
at war. -- Chester Bradley

Franck To Lecture Here
Dr. James Frank, a winner of the
Nobel Prize in Physicsyand Professor
of Physical Che mistryv at the Uni-
versity of Chicago. will deliver a lec-
ture on the "Fundamentals of Pho-
tosynthesis" under the auspices of
Sigma Xi, honorary research fra-
ternity, Wednesday, January 22 in
the Rackham lecture hall, Prof.
Franklin L. Everett announced.
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Our January Clearance Continues .. .
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A member of the voice Department of the University School of Music for twenty
years, is now teaching two days a week, Monday and Thursday, in Ann Arbor.
Mr. Hamilton was the originator of Voice Class Instruction at the University
School of music, 1933-1937. During that period of four years he had more than
four hundred students under his guidance. Beginners accepted. Auditions free.
S/udio: BETHLEHEM EVANGELICAL Cituicii, 423 Fourth Ave., South
For further information, please address
JAMES HAMILTON, 831 Tappan Court, or Dial 8389, Ann Arbor, Mich.


4. 2 1 '

Ii I


{,___________ _____







Sunday, January 12, 1941
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Grilled Cubed Steak
Potatoes an Gratin
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Formerly a teacher of Cosmetology in Toledo,
now an accomplished stylist.

extra pleats, lc each
Gireen e's

Ii I

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