PAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, JANUARY 12, 1941 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Washington Merry-Go-Round The Theatre in New York lw.u - - m! a r * r am .......o- Edited and managed by students of the University of *Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to It or not otherwise credited in this newpaper. All ights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class mail matter.x Subscriptions during the regular school year by carrier $4.00; by mail, $4.50. REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVERTI.31N0 nV National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK. N. Y., CHICAGO* Bo sTON . LOS ANGELES *SAN FRANCISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Pressi 1940-41 Editorial Stafff Hervie Haufler Alvin Sarasohn Paul M. Chandler Karl Kessler Milton Orshefsky Howard A. Goldman Laurence Mascott DonaldWirtchafter Esther Osser Helen Corman Managing Editor Editorial Director . .City Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor * . . . Sports Editor .Women's Editor Exchange Editor Business Staff Business Manager Assistant Business Manager Women's Business Manager Women's Advertising Manager Irving Guttman. Robert Gilmour Helen Bohnsack Jane Krause ______ ______ - IS NIGHT EDITOR: ROSEBUD SCOTT The editorials published in The Michi- gan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Barriers Hamper Interstate Trade . . NOT SO LONG AGO a general ten- denc was noticed among the states of the union to erect more and more trade bar- riers to "protect" themselves from one another. The result, of course, was to deprive the con- sumers of the nation of the benefits of a free and easy flow of goods. Prices increased, en- mities were caused and the effect on the country from every standpoint was harmful. As an increasing number of people came to i realize the dangers inherent in such actions a 4 concerted effort was made toward the elimina- tion of the barriers. The amount of success realized by the drive allows one to view the npresent situation with a fair amount of opti- mism. In the past year several advances have been made. National and regional conferences have been held which have begun the job of eliminating barriers and applying uniform standards to the interstate shipment of dairy products and plant life. The Detroit Free Press reports that "at least 20 states negotiated agreements cancelling laws that hampered the interstate movement of passenger cars ..." One of the most recent, and perhaps most important, developments is a decision of the Supreme Court of the United States declaring void a tax barrier set up by North Carolina. This state taxed out-of-state retail merchants who attempted to display merchandise anywhere within its boundaries for the purpose of obtain- ing orders. Of such a tax the unanimous deci- sion of the court reads that "the freedom of commerce which allows the merchants of each state a regional or national market for their goods is not to be fettered by legislation, the actual effect of which is to discriminate in favor of intrastate business." WE MAY ALLOW such recent advances against interstate tariffs to make us a bit optimistic. However, we must not allow ourselves to become at all entirely satisfied, for there remains still a great deal more to be done in this field. Michigan, itself, has retained restrictions to the free movement of trade. For instance, there is a tax in this state which favors Michigan grown grapes. It is this tax which has caused no end of trouble with California. Michigan, of course, is not the only offender. Practically every state in 'the union has some type of re- striction on its statute books. Thus, it is the responsibility of the states to guard against the adoption of a self-satisfied attitude because of the gains which have already been made. Instead, they should work harder than ever and look forward toward the day when not a single artificial and unsound trade barrier shall remain. - Homer Swander [Our esterdays 50 Years Ago Jan. 12, 1890-Dr. Charles Gatchell will give an exhibition of the methods of "mind reading" in University Hall, on Friday, for the benefit of WASHINGTON - One time when even the topmost congressional bigwigs toe the mark is when the President comes to Capitol Hill to de- liver a message. In enforcing their rules, Secret Service men are no respecters of rank or title. So strict were their safeguards the day Roose,- velt delivered his annual message that Vice Pres- ident Jack Garner and Speaker Sam Rayburn were hustled out of an elevator, and Representa- tive Bob Doughton, venerable chairman of the Ways and Means Committee, almost had to stand during the speech. Hurrying out of the Vice President's private office on the first floor of the Capitol just before FDR arrived, Garner and Rayburn started for an elevator to ascend to the House floor. "Sorry, gentlemen," explained the operator, courteous young Haley Scurlock, "but the Secret Service has given me strict orders to hold this elevator for the President and not to haul any- one else." Both looked at Scurlock in silence for a mo- ment; then, with a shrug, Garner remarked: "Okay, son. Come on, Sam, let's walk up. Orders is orders." Meanwhile, someone had usurped Doughton's seat while the North Carolinian was ushering the President into the chamber. Sizing up the situ- ation, an alert doorkeeper rushed out into the Speaker's lobby for a chair. "Don't carry that chair in while the President is speaking," commanded a Secret Service man. It might disturb him." "Listen," snapped the doorkeeper, "this chair is for a 77-year-old House leader. If the Presi- dent knew Bob Doughton was standing, he'd be ot here doing this himself. I'm going to carry it in whether you like it or not." And he did. Un presented So noisy was the welcome of the Democrats that for the first time in the memory of veterans -probably in history- the President started his message without being formally introduced. Official procedure calls for the Speaker to arise and announce "The President of the United States." However, after Roosevelt was escorted in by House Sergeant-at-Arms Kenneth Romney plus a committee from both chambers, the ovation was so loud and long that the President, with LETTERS TO THE EDITOR To the Editor: These are the general points of a personal attitude, not the credo of the American Students Defense League, of which the writer is temporary president. Because the writer believes these things he supports the ASDL. From the immediate view of securing our own welfare we must recognize that this world is not great enough to hold American democracy and the Fascist spirit. The opposite belief can stem only from profound ignorance of the nature of the Nazi goal. And the fostering of the belief that Germany will stop with the continent of Europe is the greatest single weapon of Nazi propaganda. Yet, one nation after another has fallen because it would not believe what it saw and heard, what the Nazis did and boasted of- the concentration of all the power and resources of a great country to one single aim, self- aggrandizement. This is the reverse side of the two-fold Nazi goal - the individual may have only one ideal and that is the state and its serv- ice. And that state is committed to a policy of unbounded expansion. That is why I say that the Nazi philosophy is not negative, not self- destructive, but probably the stronges~t positive force for evil which the world has ever known. This very perversion of idealism makes Nazi Germany the greatest experiment ever under- taken in moulding a nation to a single purpose. This purpose will not be dealt with until it is halted by force. That is the reason that from interest in our own welfare alone we must com- bat Nazi Germany. It seems almost unnecessary to point out that this means aiding England to the extreme, for once we realize that the Nazis will not stop, we must take the quickest way of stopping them. And we are confronted with the overwhelming testimony of facts and the judg- ment of our best men that if we are to oppose Fascism we must give all aid to the only nation which stands actively against Fascism - if only because it is the terrible truth that America would otherwise face suffocation economically and destruction physically by a Europe united against her, a Europe - and an Asia - by which she would be hopelessly outclassed in numbers, resources and industries. From the other point of view which we may take - the attitude of the idealist and the ideal- istic element of our national policy, which is great - the situation is equally clear. It is true that the "American ideal" is vague in many minds. But it is a sum of the ideals which we hold as individuals - liberty, freedom to seek the truth, the religious ideal, democratic gov- ernment, freedom of speech. But this is the vital point - the very holding of an ideal implies the duty to follow it with all our ability and with all our effort. It is a categorical demand which we accept when we recognize an ideal. At the present time, let us not forget, these ideals are faced with destruction. There is only one nation one eye on the clock and the other on the micro- phone before him, seized the first opening to launch into his speech - giving the waiting Rayburn no chance to observe protocol, Later, he joshed Rayburn about it in his chambers. "Sam, you broke a precedent today," he said, with mock severity. "Why didn't you introduce me?" "You didn't give me a chance, and anyway, I figured everybody knew you." "I'll take the will for the deed, Sam," laughed Roosevelt. "Your intentions were good." Hatching New Diplomats The embryo "career diplomats" of the State Department are taking their examinations this week, and one lone, brave young woman is stand- ing up among them. She is the only woman out of 91 persons taking the final examination, and her chances of success are not very bright. This final examination is oral. It is given to applicants who have already passed severe writ- ten examinations in September. Nine women took the written exams; eight failed. The sole survivor-whose name cannot be disclosed until the Foreign Service Board has passed judgment on her-may be brilliant, she may be beautiful, she may be endowed with every diplomatic talent. But she isn't wanted in the Foreign Service. Men are needed-but not women. The service maintains the fiction of' equal rights, but ,actu- ally, since most countries of the world regard a woman as only a domestic creature, the State Department finds it hard to send women to diplomatic posts, in these tough times. The board will select about 30 of the 91 can- didates, and will send them abroad almost im- mediately. Thrilled A Farmer A home town farmer friend was kidding home- ly Claude Wickard, Secretary of Agriculture, about sitting next to Clark Gable at the Pres- ident's defense "fireside chat." "You know, Claude," the friend said, "there are a lot of young ladies bac5 in Indiana whose hearts fluttered when they heard you were pal- ling around with a movie star." "Well," replied Wickard ruefully, "that's just about the closest I ever came to getting the ladies excited." IDoinie Says What of character? Does character tend to be consistent? Is character predictable? What men do for policy's sake, to be in style, to travel with the set, to please the boss, is not thought of as "in character." To follow custom, to apple- polish, to be sure not to disappoint the climbing social mother, to sleep with the boys at the house, to be a good fellow and all that, is not to be in character. It is being out of character. The boys at The Daily, with many great edi- tors, seem to have come to appreciate Heywood Broun who died a few months ago? Why? Not because he knew his epoch so much as because the columnist was sincere. He put his name on what he wrote, and wrote as he pleased. He lived his life out in the open where the editorial policy, a.s policy, might control in the little things, but when it came to a matter of conscience Mr. Broun was always true to himself. Youth recognize that principle while their parents tend to veer away from it or ignore it. Children value directness and almost instinc- tively warm up to genuineness and candor. Per- haps that is what Jesus meant when He stated "Whosoever shall not receive the Kingdom of God as a little child he shall in no wise enter therein." (Luke: 18:17). Als , that type of action spells greatness even to ien who themselves seem unable to rise to it in their own personal or professional conduct. Another incident bears upon this phase of un- derstanding. Character is rooted in wisdom. It is deeper than knowledge. Last summer a large body of university men representing Science, Philosophy, and Religion gathered in New York to discuss how these three disciplines may more adequately serve our American life. Many im- portant papers were read but the one which claimed a central place, challenged all who were present, and found its way across the country, was a rather direct, simple statement of his idea of God, by Albert Einstein. He brought none of his technical learning to bear but wrote as one man to other men. He strove to strip religious usage of its secondary baggage. He revealed his pain over the cruelty in the world and made himself one with all sufferers. In this mood his contribution attained a significance far beyond its worth as a contribution either to his own discipline or that of the theologians. We seemed to admit that there was candor. Einstein was in character. With us, and nearer to the daily experience of our decade, is the former student who, because of conscience, can face a prison sentence rather than accept conscription. Mr. Czymanski repre- sents character because he is rigidly consistent with the scale of values he has developed. Counselor in Religious Education. Edward W. Blakeman tirely evil. This is the greatest struggle, and its nature implies that there can be no peace of appeasement. Each side is irreconcilably com- mitted to persevere. All old comparisons are Editor's Note: During the Christ- mas vacation several of the editorial staff managed to look in on the work of the professional theatre in New York. Hereinafter are recorded their separate reactions-with no attempt to draw any mutual, general conclu- sions. At that, the productions re- viewed are a fair sample of what New York is offering this year: a Shakes- pearean comedy a popular musical two plays by modern writers, a farce- revival. 'Twelfth Night' . ..With Reservations One night last week the cast of 'Twelfth Night". assembled on the twelfth night after Christmas, cut a commemorative cake, sang, danced, and made general merriment. And that is the kind of thing the cast has been doing at the St. James Theatre for the past two months: intimate, thoroughly good-humored, engaging, and just a bit obvious. As Margaret Webster, Helen Hayes, Maurice Evans and Co. see it- and they are all more or less qualified observers-the Shakespeare comedy is a high-spirited affair, slightly on the rowdy side. The result is a briskly paced pro- duction made up of song and dance, pun and genuine wit, rough-and- tumble comedy. For all its imagina- tive conception and skillful i devel- opment, its atmosphere is primarily superior music hal which no amount of rich settings and provocative, if not Elizabethan, music can quite dis- pel or change. This is not to detract from the pro- duction's fundamental merit, how- ever. The gulling of Malvolio and the burlesqued "dueling' scene be- tween a Viola shivering in knickers and a Sir Andrew shivering in fear are excellent fooling. Mr. Evans, as a delightful Cockney Malvolio "sick of self-love", can do more with a pair of spectacles and one word (in- cidentally, my text does not even contain that word!) to give meaning and substance to a character' than most would-be Shakespearean inter preters can in a whole evening o mouthings. Miss Hayes, it seems t me, is less fortunate. She is charming appealing and gracious (because sh is always Miss Hayes), but she lack: the feeling for scene that Mr. Even has developed, and definitely fall short as a Shakespearean-verse read er. In the final analysis, your unquali fied enjoyment of the production i likely to depend upon whether or no you believe that there is any genuin comedy in "Twelfth Night" as Shake speare wrote it. If you do believ that, you are likely to be a bit dis appointed. In any case, it is alle matter of degree: the St. James i providing an enitertaining evening. -Milton Orshefsky 'Boys And Girls Together ... All Ed Wyni With Ed Wynn as funny as he i and with Jane Pickens and Jerr Cooper in the show, "Boys and Girl Together" still misses top rankin because the songs that went ove can be counted on one finger. But seeing the "Perfect Fool" per form is more than ample consolatio: for the lack of really good music. T see Ed Wynn in person is an exper ience that can't be easily retold. Hi gags are marvelous and his costume alone are enough to keep the audi ence laughing throughout the shov Wynn is entirely different on th stage from what he is over the ai or in the movies. He's so logicall foolish that he amazes even himsel: He makes the simplest and sanes action look like the contortions c a musclebound wrestler. Adding to the color of the pro duction are the shapely chorus gir and some magnificent costume Wynn has done over the World's Fai trick of making clothes for chorine out of bolts of cloth, and done it wel Jane Pickens is more at home of the stage than Jerry Cooper. Sb plays up to Wynn and helps put h: patter across. Cooper seems shy, an comes out of his shell only when hi sings. -Eugene Mandeberg 'The Corn Is Green' ... One Dissenter I hesitate, feeling somewhat lik the proverbial fool who rushed in, t say that I thought the show, con sidered by the New York critics to b the best on Broadway, a rather medi ocre and certainly unprepossessin drama. Probably I was deficient i the main prerequisite for an appre ciation of "The Corn Is Green,-ai adoring, unquestioning idolatry o Ethel Barrymore. Not being able to color the per formance of the Ethel Barrymore c today with memories of what she ha done in the past, my only basis o judgement was what I saw in thi play, and I found her lacking in man of the qualities which to me seem es sential to great, or even good, acting Miss Barrymore has a harsh nasa voice so that her speech is difficu to understand. I had the feeling tha the words, before we heard then weenrlledaround in the back c of an altruistic schoolmistress (Ethel Barrymore), a newcomer to a small Welsh mining town, to educate one of the mining boys whom she con- siders above the average in intellect- ual possibilities. Her ultimate aim is to have him win a scholarship to Ox- ford, and the entire section of the play is devoted to this cause. The only hitch in the proceedings comes when the trollop-daughter of the housekeeper, incidentally the one outstanding, living character in the play, finding the young miner in a depressed mood, seduces him and later discovers that she is going to have a baby. The miner, however never hears of this as Miss Moffat. the schoolmistress, takes charge of everything, and, amid much waiting and suspense, the scholarship is won. "It is an earthy play, built out of the flesh-and-blood experiences of its creator, Mr. Emyln Williams", says Miss Barrymore, "and is there- fore one of the finest pieces of dram- aturgy ever to appear on the Ameri.- can stage". The fact that a play is founded in fact or experience may help insure its sincerity but, un- fortunately it does not necessarily make it great. Although I found Mr. Williams' life history homey and not unpleasing, on the whole I didn't think his autobiography worth all the trouble. -Frances Mendelssohn 'Old Acquaintance' . . . Cowl And Wood There are two outstanding rea- sons why "Old Acquaintance" is play- ing to full houses, and neither of them is the plot. Dwight Deere Wiman has done a masterful job of writing a three act play packed with a peppery, fast- moving dialogue, and two superb I actresses, Jane Cowl and Peggy Wood - supply the rest. But the plot is flim- sy and transparent from the begin- ning. Wiman seems to have sacri- A ficed everything for the dialogue, and - because it is so good nobody cares f much about the plot anyway. o Top honors must go to Peggy Wood , for her brilliant performance of th e difficult role she plays. As a middle. s aged divorcee and a writer of torrid s love stories, Miss Wood plays an un- sympathetic part which should easily give Jane Cowl the exclusive love of the audience. But Miss Wood is so real that one can't help but admit that she is one of the best. Jane Cowl, too, turns in an in- spiring piece of acting. She also plays a writer, middle aged. uncon- ventional and in love with a man younger than herself. She plays the part smoothly and convincingly. It's a real pleasure to see two act- resses play up to each other as Miss Cowl and Miss Wood do. In the play they are old friends, and they carry on the friendship during the curtain calls. Each one cooperates with the other to bring out the best in the play and between the two of them they "nake" it. "Old Acquaintance" is well worth the effort and time spent upon it. -Jane Cowl and Peggy Wood take a fair play and with the aid of the splendid lines, turn out a class A production. -E.M. 'Charlie's Aunt' . . . Ferrar's Farce When they took "Charlie's Aunt" out of mothballs again for Jose Fer- rar, nobody expected anything un- usual to happen. After all, a play that was popular in the late nine- teenth and early twentieth centuries hasn't much to offer now. Well, it hasn't, but Jose Ferrar has, and he does a fine job of putting the play across. Jose is funny, very funny. He goes through the whole routine of em- barrassing, comic, and subtle-slap- stick situations in a way that will refresh the most blase playgoer. When Jos6 dressed as an old woman wear- ing a gray wig and ankle-length skirts leaps about the stage, climbs trees, and pulls apart dinner tables he has his audience in stitches. It is true that the play offers ab- solutely nothing of lasting value. It I is true that one can carry nothing s away but the rather startling sight of Jose Ferrar making love to two I young girls while masquerading as e an elderly lady, but it is also true - that while in the theatre, you'll have I side-aches from laughing. -E.M. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN SUNDAY, JANUARY 12, 1941 VOL. LI, No. 76 Publication in the Daily Official Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the 'University. Notices President and Mrs. Ruthven will be at home to members of the faculty and other townspeople today from 4 to 6 o'clock. Student Tea: President and Mrs. Ruthven will be at home to students Wednesday afternoon, January 15, from 4 to 6 o'clock. To the Members of the University Council: The January meeting of the University Council will be omitted. Louis A. Hopkins, Secretary. To the Students and Faculty of the University: Students registered under the Selective Service Regu- lations who wish advice relative to the military service may consult Pro- fessor C. M. Davis, Room 1209, An- gell Hall. Members of the faculty may consult me in my office, Room 1213 Angell Hall. Both students and faculty are welcome to the serv- ices of Miss Bertha Beck as a notary, in Room 1213 Angell Hall. Louis A. Hopkins The Dictaphone Station will be in the Council Room, 1009 Angell Hall, during the week of January 13. In- sofar as possible the work will be carried on in the regular manner. However, there will not be telephone service and it will be necessary for all persons to call in person at the office. Repairs to the office necessi- tate this temporary change. Notice to Men Students: For the information of men students living in approved rooming houses, the first semester shall end on Thursday, February 13, and the second semester shall begin on the same day. Students living in approved room- ing houses, who intend to move to different quarters for the second sem- ester, must give notice in writing to the Dean of Students before 4:30 on Thursday, January 23, 1941. Forms for this purpose may be secured at Room 2, University Hall. Students should also notify their household- ers verbally before this date. Per- mission to move will be given only to students complying with this re- quirement. All Students, Registration for Sec- ond Semester: Each student should plan to register for himself during the appointed hours. Registrations by proxy will not be accepted. of conferences with your classifier. Please wait for this notice before seeing your classifier. Robert L. Williams, Assistant Registrar Registration Material, College of L.S.&A., and Schools of Education and Music: Students should call for second semester registration material at Room 4, University Hall, as soon as possible. Please see your adviser and secure all necessary signatures. Robert L. Williams Assistant Registrar Women Students are reminded that they must register any change of residence for the second semester in the Office of the Dean of 'Women by noon of January 15. They must also inform their househead of their intention by that date. Requests to cancel dormitory con- tracts should be made in writing. Such letters should give reason for change and be addressed to Miss Jeannette Perry, Office of the Dean of Women. All requests will be act- ed upon by the Conference Commit- tee of the Residence Halls. Jeannette Perry Househeads, Dormitory Directors and Sorority Chaperons: Women "tu- dents may have late permission on Monday, January 13, to attend "Hell- zapoppin." They must return im- mediately after the performance. Jeannette Perry The Library *Committee will meet on Friday, Jan. 17. Members of the Faculties having requests to lay be- fore the Committee are asked to have them in the hands of the Librarian of the University not later than noon of Thursday, Jan. 16. German Departmental Library: All books are due January 20. Choral Union Members: Members of the Choral Union, in good stand- ing, will please call for their Horo- witz courtesy tickets, Wednesday, Jan. 15, between the hours of 9 and 12 and 1 and 4 at the offices of the University Musical Society] in Burton Memorial Tower. After four o'clock no tickets will be issued. Members are also requested to re- turn at the same time their copies of the "Messiah" and to receive in ex- change copies of Tschaikowsky's "Eu- gene Onegin." The University Bureau of Appoint- ments and Occupational Information has a call for two men, either internes or registered physicians, for Boy Scout camps next summer. If inter- ested, call at the Bureau, 201 Mason