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January 12, 1940 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1940-01-12

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Cloudy and warmer.

C, I, , r

Fifty Years Of Continuous Publication


Barriers Hamper
Interstate Trade. .



Wolverine Cagers
Drop Close Game'

Student Senate To Close
Three-Day Parley Today





Varsity Pucksters Take
4-3 Hard Fought Win
Over College Of Mines
Michigan Matmen
Defeat Dearborn
(Special to The Daily)
LAFAYETTEInd., Jan. 11.-Coach
Bennie Oosterbaan's Michigan bas-
ketball team staged a desperate last
minute rally in a valiant attempt to
spring a startling upset over Purdue,
but fell one point short of overtaking
the Boilermakers to drop a 41-40
At that it took a referee's decision
on a technicality to prevent the vis-
itors from sending the game into
Grissen Oversteps Line
With six minutes left to play in
the game and the score reading 41-
37, Michigan's Jim Grissen was
awarded a foul shot. The stocky Wol-
verine guard made good the free
throw but the point was disallowed
when the referees ruled that Gris-
sen's toe was over the line
A basket by big Jim Mandler and
a successful foul toss by Grissen
brought the score to 41-40 but the
final gun barked before the Maize
and Blue could muster a tying. or
game-winning tally.
Both teams scored 16 baskets from
the floor but the Wolverines' 16
personal fouls afforded their oppon-
ents the margin of victory. The Boil-
ermakers cashed in on nine out of
19 gift tosses as Michigan rung up
eight in 14 tries.
Purdue Aim Is Better
Coach Ward "Piggy" Lambert's
hoopmen also proved the better shots
fromfscrimmage, making good on 16
out of 59 field goal attempts while
the losers needed 72 shots at the hoop
to score the same number of bas-
The game was airtight all the way
through. The score at half time was
18-all and the two quintets were
never separated by more than three
points at any stage of the encounter.
Captain Herb Brogan's eight points
on three baskets and two foul shots
kept Michigan in the game during
a somewhat ragged first half that
(Continued on Page 3)
Ross And Stodden Lead
Wolverine Ice Attack
Charley Ross and Bert Stodden led
Eddie Lowrey's Michigan hockey team
to a 4-3 victory over a much im-
proved Michigan College of Mines
aggregation last night and thereby
enabled the Wolverines to rack up
the state college hockey champion-
The two defense men both played
the entire game and between them
accounted for all four of the Michi-
gan tallies.
As in the first game with the Min-
ers, the local club was forced to
come from behind to gain the vic-
tory. The Huskies scored twice
early in the first period and led 2-1
at the end of the period.
After six minutes and nine sec-
onds of the opening frame, Dave
Wilson opened the scoring by beat-
ing Goalie Hank Loud of Michigan
on a close-in shot after taking a
pass from Capt. Bob Petaja of the
The visitors wasted little time in
adding to their score. Just 19 sec-
onds, after the first score, Petaja
and Wilson teamed up again to give
(Continued on Page 3)
Matmen Take Six Bouts
From Dearborn Squad
The Wolverine wrestling team had
an easy time with the Dearborn A.C.
squad last night as the Varsity mat-

men took six out of eight bouts to
open the season with a 22-6 victory
at Yost Field House.
Ray Deane opened up the meet
when he grappled with Dearborn's
Carl Lindenbalm in the 136-pound
division. Deane had his own way
throughout the entire match. He
picked up points in the first period
and barely missed a fall with a head
cnicntc .. k ..n.. A r ns' A A

Blakenan To Discuss Students' Future
Panel Criticizes Extent Of Academic
The Student Senate's annual three-
day winter parley will close today
when Dr. Edward N. Blakeman will
summarize the contents of the en-
tire parley at 3 p.m. in the Union.
A general discussion will follow on
the theme of what the student can
expect looking into the future.
A special panel composed of Prof.
Roy Sellars of the philosophy depart-
ment, Prof. Arthur Smithies of the
economics department, Dean Alice
C. Lloyd, Prof. Lowell J. Carr of the
sociology department, and Rev. H. L.{
Pickerell will be present. All the other
speakers who participated in the
parley have been invited to attend.
Debate at yesterday's panel on
the controversial issue of "License-
Freedom-Suppression" resolved in-
to two conflicting viewpoints in re-
gard to academic freedom at this


New Agencies To Control
Defense, Lease-Lending,
Nazis Aid Italy Off Sic ily



Snow Carnival
Will Sponsor
Ice Sculpture
When the 1941 Winter Carnival's
much-talked-about-snow does come,
there'll be more than snowballs to
make for it, as far as its sponsors are
A snow sculpturing contest . . . with
no restrictions on the subject save
morality . . . was announced yester-
day for fraternities, sororities and
dormitories by Jack Grady, '42, gen-
eral chairman of the Carnival.
Awards will be made on the basis
of originality and impressiveness, the
bigger the better and anything goes,
from a model of Angell Hall to a bust
of Betty Grable. All statues must be
labeled with a placard.
Explaining construction techniques,
Don West, '43E, and Don Harness,
'43E, co-publicity chairmen, suggest
that the statues be built by degrees
to the desired shape and then
"washed" with water to freeze the
surface. An excess of snow and ice
must be created so that the figure it-
self may be chiseled from the ice.
Exceptionally large works should be
supported by a wooden :framework.
Two large trophies, now on display
at the Union, will be awarded to the
winners in the men's and women's

The idealistic approach was stated
by Prof. Preston W. Slosson of the
history department when he declared,
"Students and faculty members
should in respect to academic duties
be unfettered from any considera-
tions of utility. Any University stu-
dent should be free to do anything a
citizen may do."
The other three speakers, Prof.
Richard C. Fuller of the sociology
department, Prof. Lowell J. Carr, and
Prof. John P. Dawson agreed with
this thesis but they added a reserva-
tion that was brought up by Carr.
"The thesis cannot be maintained
without regard to the responsibilities
and social consequences of what you
say and do. Consideration of what
a student may do should be qualified
by what others think of the Univer-
sity," he asserted.
As expected, the case of the thir-
teen students refused readmissioln
came up for discussion. Prof. Carr
said that perhaps from the point of
view of public relations the cases had
been ineptly handled.
"The way in which they were
handled reflects certain things," he
said. He indicated that he meant
public opinion in the rural parts of
the state.
In the realm of national affairs,
Evashevski Sr.
Dies In Detroit
Funeral Rites To Be Held
At Home Tomorrow
Albin Evashevski, father of Forest
Evashevski, '40, Captain of the 1939-
40 Michigan football team, died at
his home in Detroit yesterday. He
was 54 years old.
Surviving Mr. Evashevski are his'
wife, Mrs. Katherine Evashevski, and
his two sons, Kenneth and Forest.
The funeral services will be conduct-
ed in Detroit at 1 p.m. tomorrow.
Mr. Evashevski's death followed
closely after the announcement of
the engagement of his son to Miss
Ruth Brown, Grad., daughter of
Prentiss Brown, junior senator from
Michigan. The wedding is to take
place either during spring vacation
or in June.

Prof. Dawson said that at the present
time no new restrictions are needed,
but if England should lose our whole
society will have to make new de-
cisions and our concepts of liberty
will have to be revamped. Prof. Slos-
son showed that atstimes of crisis
there is need to preserve freedom of
opinion at the very points at which
people want suppression.
At another panel at the same time
on student government and extra-
curricular affairs, Dean of Students
Alice C. Lloyd declared that very
few students wish to take responsi-
bility in real student government and
that this was one of the chief ob-
stacles in the way of its adoption.
Other members on the panel were
Miss Ethel C. McCormick Social di-
rector of the League, Dean Joseph
A. Bursley, and Assistant Dean Walt-
er B. Rea.
Health Officer
Reports State
'f'lu' Eptidemic
LANSING, Jan. 11.-(V-)-Dr. H. A.
Moyer, State Health Commissioner,
said today a mild form of influenza
had spread throughout Michigan un-
til a situation of epidemic proportions
had been reached.
"Its spread throughout the state
has become serious," Dr. Moyer said.
"though an, investigation by the
Health Department has shown that
the influenza itself is not of a seri-
ous nature and only a low percentage
of cases has developed into pneu-
The Upper Peninsula is less affect-
ed than the Lower, Dr. Moyer said,
but throughout the Lower Peninsula
the disease appears to be fairly even-
ly distributed. He said he did not
believe Michigan was harder hit than
neighboring states.
The Health Commissioner said his
department had been unable to com-
pile statistics on the exact number
of cases because of a delay in report-
ing such cases to county health offi-
cials. f
Clerk Assaults
Sore Manager
Cleavinger Pleads Guilty
To AttemptedRobbery
Russel Cleavinger, 20, 112 W. Jef-
ferson, was arrested yesterday af-
ternoon by Sgt. Geringer of the Ann
Arbor police and charged with sus-
picion of assault with intent to rob.
Cleavinger was held after an at-
tempted robbery of the Thom McAn
shoe store at 215 S. Main yesterday
noon. Marlin Prindle, 1714 Abbitt,
manager of the store was struck on
the head with a club during the rob-
bery attempt. He was not seriously
According to Sgt. Geringer, Cleav-
inger, a clerk in the store tried to
rob it during his lunch hour. He left
the front entrance, went around to
the rear of the store and entered


Nazis Bomb British Fleet
In Mediterranean Battle,
Axis Command Reports
Moscow Rebukes
Americans, British
(By The associated Press)
ROME, Jan. 11-Four British war-
ships have been hit in a new joint
German-Italian aerial offensive
against British Mediterranean sea
power-an action said unofficially to
be continuing-the Fascist High
Command announced today.
In a, communique stressing the
"fraternal, close co-operation" of the
Nazi air force in this first action
for the Germans in the Mediterran-
ean, the Italians gave these as the
results of the attack:
An aircraft carrier hit by an Ital-
ian aerial torpedo; a cruiser struck
by two heavy bombs from Italian
dive bombers; a second aircraft car-
rier hit by heavy Italian bombs; one
of these aircraft carriers hit also by
both heavy and medium German
bombs; a destroyer hit by the Ger-
The German High Command's
communique subordinated the Medi-
terranean action to its next-to-last
paragraph; made no specific mention
of the Italians other than that im-
plied in the phrase that Nazi fliers
"participated"; and said nothing of
German-Italian fraternity.
Bulgaria Must Open Door
SOFIA, Bulgaria, Jan. 11-Appar-
ently referring to the supposition that
Germany may soon demand the priv-
ilege-of sending troops through Bul-
garia toward Greece and the Dar-
danelles, a member of the govern-
ment majority in Parliament de-
clared in effect today that Bulgaria
must open its doors if requested by
a great power to do so.
Moscow Justifies
Deal With Germany
MOSCOW, Jan: 11.-(iP)-The gov-
ernment and party press of the Sovi-
et Union spoke out sharply today in
justification of the new economic
deal between Germany and Russia
and rebuked British and American
statesmen who may consider it war-
Furthermore, the newspapers an-
nounced, Moscow will make addition-
al trade treaties in 1941 as she pleas-
es, with nations both at war and at
"It is time," said an editorial in
Izvestia, the government organ, that
the world understands the U.S.S.R.
follows an "independent policy and
will continue to follow it."

* * *
Local Alumnus
Plans To Run
For Re-eney

Alfred Connable
Candidacy For
On Board Of


Alfred Connable, '25, of Ann Arbor,
Detroit Trust Co. official and for
many years an active alumnus of the
University, today announced his can-
didacy for the Board of Regents.
Two regents are to be elected in
the Spring election. This year the
terms of Regents Franklin M. Cook
of Hillsdale and Charles F. Hemans
of Lansing expire. Both Hemans and
Cook are Democrats.
Connable, a Republican, has served
as a member of the Board of Gov-
ernors of the University of Michigan
of Detroit and an alumni member of
the executive committee of the Uni-
versity Interfraternity Council. He
was proposed for the Board of Re-
gents at the Republican State Con-
vention at Flint in 1938 and received
State wide support from delegates.
He holds degrees from both the
University and in Business Adminis-
tration from Harvard. When he went
to school here he served as president
of the Student Council, a forerunner
of the present Men's Judiciary Coun-
cil, an editor of The Daily, and as a
member of Sphinx and Michigamua
honor societies. He belongs to the
Delta Kappa Epsilon fraternity.
During the last presidential cam-
paign he was one of the State organ-
izers of the Associated Willkie Clubs.

Priorities Division To Use
'Crackdown' Methods
To Obtain Cooperation
Production Office
To Govern Loans
new government agency empowered
to use "crackdown" methods to ob-
tain industry's compliance with de-
fense orders took form today with
the appointment of staff officials to
the priorities division of the Knud-
sen-Hillman Production Management
Edward R. Stettinius, Jr., director
of the division, named several assist-
ants and also a joint Army-Navy-
Industry special group to assure an
adequate flow of steel products for
defense and other needs.
The priorities division is an execu-
tive arm of the new four-man defense
production general staff headed
jointly by"William S. Knudsen and
Sidney Hillman.
Officials said the division would
carry out any "crackdown" orders of
the Knudsen-Hillman board, by
means of priorities which govern the
delivery of materials and use of
Ample powers to enforce a right of
way for defense orders were voted
last summer by Congress, officials
said. Thus far, however, there has
been no announcement of a decision
to use the powers.
Stettinius is chairman of the ad-
visory priorities board as well as
director of the executive division.
Other staff appointments included
Blackwell Smith, an aide to Stettin-
ius in the defense commission, assist-
ant director in charge of staf activi-
Production Management
Office To Govern Loans
(By The Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, Jan. 11 - The
lease-loan program for aiding Bri-
,ain will probably be carried out
chiefly through the new Office of.
Production Management if the leg-
islation introduced yesterday giv-
ing the President wide powers is ap-
proved, an Administration leader in-
licated today.
Senator James F. Byrnes, South
'arolina Democrat who partici-
pated in preliminary conferences on
the legislation, said that this pro-
-edure was likely.
The OPM-the defense "supreme
command"-is headed by William S.
Knudsen, director, and Sidney Hill-
man, associate director.
This arrangement, it was said,
would make for complete correlation
from start to finish between pro-
duction for American and that for
British use. The OPM already has
been charged by the President with
full responsibility for American pro-
In addition, other sources said that
agencies such as the Reconstruction
Finance Corporation might be called
upon to handle some phases of the
The first necessity for making the
program effective, Byrnes said, is a
survey of production capacity to de-
termine exactly how much and what
kinds of equipment can be supplied
to the British. He predicted that
the chief items to be furnished would
be airplanes, destroyers and cargo
vessels. These, he said, are the things
which Britain is most anxious to ob-
U.S. To Have Eight Bases
On British Soil, Hull Says
WASHINGTON, Jan. 11. -(MP--
Secretary Hull tonight announced
agreement had been reached by the

United States and Great Britain on
sites for eight American air and nav-
al bases to be constructed on British
possessions in the Western Hemi-
Formal 99-year, rent-free leases
will be signed, officials added, as soon
as an American mission, composed

Axis Suffers From Lack Of Fuel
Resources, SimpsonComments

Student Church Groups To Hold
Discussions On Current Affairs

G -

British seizure in the Libyan cam-
paign of a fleet of grounded Italian
planes raises again the question of
Fascist oil resources, and the extent
to which Italian reverses both in Af-
rica and Albania may be traceable
to lack of fuel.
This seems the major explanation
for the poor showing Italy has made
in the air and at sea, in Libya and in
Albania. Indeed, there appears to be
an oil scarcity for both members of
the Axis.
The relative lull for three nights
in Nazi air attacks on England last
week well might be due more to oil
and gasoline difficulties than to bad
weather. The weather did not pre-
vent British bombers crossing the
Channel to batter the invasion coast
those same nights. Berlin itself noted
that the Nazi air attack on England
was confined to "individual" plane
It may be that Nazi leadership
welcomed a weather excuse for slow-

at abandoned air bases west of To-
bruk were reported left behind by the
retiring Fascists because of damage
inflicted by British air raids. That
does not explain, however, how they
happened to be caught on the ground
in the first instance.
Every circumstance of the fight-
ing called for all-out use of Italian
planes in Africa to stall the advancing
British. Yet, at one base the attack-
ers found 40 ships, crippled before
they could get into air, at another
35 or so. There is reason to believe
it was lack of fuel that grounded
A successful Italian invasion of
Greece to reach ports on the Greek
Aegean coast might have opened
new oil resources for Italy even if the
British regained control, from Crete,
of the mouth of the Aegean sea. The
normal route for Rumanian oil is by
sea, from Danube delta ports via the
Bosporus and Dardanelles into the
Aegean and thence to destination.
Far more nientiful Russian oil from

Current problems will be the cen-
ter of interest at meetings of student
religious groups led by well-known
speakers at Ann Arbor churches to-
At First Congregational Church
Mrs. Slosson will show colored movies
of her recent trip in the West and
Southwest for the Student Fellow-
ship group at 7 p.m. The morning
sermon, by Dr. L. A. Parr, is "Taking
the Short Cut."
Mr. Lawrence Quinn, '36, will speak
at 6:30 p.m. at the Disciples Guild
Sunday Evening Hour. His topic will
be "Four Years of College-An Eval-
uation." Informal discussion, re-
freshments and a social hour will fol-
"Labor's Part in the Upheavals of
1940" will be the subject of Mr. Carl
Haessler's speech in the Unitarian
Church at 7:30 p.m. Refreshments
will be served after the address.
The Wesleyan Guild meeting at the
First Methodist Church at 6 p.m. will
hear Prof. Mentor Williams speak
on "Religion in Contemporary Liter-
ature." A fellowship hour and sup-

Presbyterian Church will meet at 8
p.m. in the parlors to discuss Oriental
customs under the leadership of three
Oriental students.
For the college group of St. An-
drew's Episcopal Church the speaker
at the 7 o'clock meeting will be Prof.
Palmer Throop. His topic is "The
Church in the Middle Ages." Re-
freshments will be served and there
will be a Choral Evensong at 8 p.m.
The Ann Arbor Society of Friends
will meet in Lane Hall today. The
meeting for worship is from 5 to 6
and from 6 to 7 they will hear a report
on the Work Camp Conference held
in Philadelphia over the holidays.
St. Paul's Lutheran Church will
hold its morning worship service at
10:45 with a sermon by the Rev. Mr.
Brauer on "Our Reasonable Serv-
The Gamma Delta Student Club
will meet at St. Paul's Lutheran.
Church at 5:30 p.m. for a fellowship
supper, election of officers, and social
Sermons this morning at the vari-
ous churches will be "Taking the
Short Cut," First Congregational


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