JriNUARY 11 1941 THE MICHIGAN DATLN ........... . ... ... . ... . ............. ... ..... . .......... . + x R M a-: a s Y +- Bill Sawyer's Cast For JGP Will Be Chosen Next Semester Songs May Still Be Submitted For Use In Annual Production Which Will Begin March 26 Bill Sawyer and his orchestra will set the 1941 Junior Girls Play, "Jumping Jupiter," in motion when it opens March 26 in the Lydia Men- delssohn Theatre. Sawyer has announced that there will be an "extra special" overture prepared by him for the production which will be continued for four days. Music To Be Featured Casting for the play will begin the first week of next semester. Song writers are reminded by Phyllis Wat- ers, music chairman, that it is still. not too late to write music to be featured in the production. Those who have written tunes are asked to call 2-2547 to make an appointment for her to hear the songs. Shirley Silver is general chairman of this year's play, while Elaine Fish- er is chairman ofdpropertiestand Rosebud Scott heads the costume committee. Margaret Dodge is as- sisting Miss Scott in heading the committee on costumes. Chairmen Are Named Dance chairman is Mildred Rad- ford, assisted by Mary Hayden. Mar- garet Sanford is chairman of finance and Veitch Purdom will choose the. committee for make-up. Louise Keat- ley is chairman of bookholders, Ros-, alie Smith is in charge of patrons and Margaret Ida Gardner leads the ticket committee.1 Virginia Frey is in charge of scen- ery. Pearl Brown is record chairman and Jean Goudy is chairman of ush- ers. Virginia Drury heads the com- mittee for programs. Betty Bailey and Phoebe Power are chairman and assistant chairman, respectively, of the publicity committee. Tom Harmon Tells Of Visit In Hollywood (Continued from Page 1) things I really want to do. If I ever play pro football," he added, "that would be the only reason. "I'd like to live in Ann Arbor next year," he said, "and have a radio job in Detroit. Hollywood is a swell town for a month or two, but any longer and you'd probably end up in a sanitarium." Harmon was in Hollywood for about a week, and during that time he visited numerous movie sets, went to a cocktail party at Gail Patrick's home, had dinner with Olivia De Haviland and Carole Landis, was the house guest of Alan Mowbray, took in most of the night spots in the3 cinema capitol, and was the frequent guest of Bing Crosby who, our boy Tom claims, is one of the best-liked1 men in Hollywood. And incidentally,1 Bing was the original advocate of' a screen career for The Hammer.' And did you know that the colors of Crosby's racing stable are maize and blue? In Addition to all this activity, Tommy Harmon broke another rec- ord-this time, when his screen test was made. "We walked on to the Paramount set of "Las Vegas Nights," he related, "where Wheeler and Wol- sey, Constance Moore, and Lilian Cornell were going through their lines, and they tested me there. After- ward, the director told me this was the first time they'd ever stopped production on a picture to take a screen test." So now comes the question we've all been waiting for. "How in the world do you get your school workf done, Tom?"r The Ace grinned. "That's what the Dean was just wondering about be- fore I met you," he said, "but I'll get it done. From now on, I'm tend- ing strictly to business." Three hours later he left for South Bend, Indiana. Orchestra Engineering Ball Patrons Announced Annual School Event To Be Held Next Friday In Union Ballroom With Music By Hoagland Will Play For Jum ing Help On How To Is Qiven By I .---r. .-."..-t .- - The list of patrons and patronness- es for the annual winter Engineer- ing Ball, which will be held from 8 p.m. to 1 a.m. Friday, Jan. 17, in the Union Ballroom, was announced yes- terday by Robert Morrison, '41E, of the Engineering Council. Heading the.list is President and Mrs. Alexander G. Ruthven, Dean Joseph A. Bursley, Dean and Mrs. Ivan C. Crawford, Dean and Mrs. Alfred H. Lovell and Dean and Mrs. BILL SAWYER Walter B. Rea. Professor Are Named Others are Prof. and Mrs. Benja- mm F. Bailey, Prof. and Mrs. Orlan W om en Flers W. Boston. Prof. Carl C. Brandt, Prof. and Mrs. Edward L. Eriksen, Prof. Sand Mrs. Lewis M. Gram, Prof. and To Be Trained Mrs. Ransom S. Hawley, Prof. and Mrs. Henry W. Miller and Prof. and For D fenseMrs. Edward A. Stalker. For Defense The list continues with Prof. and Mrs. Albert E. White, Prof. and Mrs. The National Defense Preparedness Alfred H. White, Prof. and Mrs. Eu- Program is extending its arms to in- gene J. Ash, Prof. and Mrs. William elude the women of 1America. The G. Dow, Prof. and Mrs. Walter J. Emmons, Prof. and Mrs. Charles B. Women Flyers of America was or- Gordy, Prof. and Mrs. Hugh E. Keel- ganized last July in New York to or and Prof. and Mrs. Clarence F. plan an over-all program for the Kessler. training of the available women of Also on the list are Prof. and Mrs. the nation to aid in the national de- Henry L. Kohler, Prof. and Mrs. Wal- ter E. Lay, Prof. and Mrs. Axel Marin, fense. . Prof. and Mrs. Ferdinand N. Menefee, The program that they are em- Prof. and Mrs. Frank A. Mickle and barking upon embraces the following Prof. and Mrs. Arthur D. Moore. j points: '' List Is Continued 1. The training of women pilots The list concludes with Prof. and under the auspices of the Women Mfs. Elmore S. Pettyjohn, Prof. and Flyers of America for use by military Mrs. Walter C. Sadler, Prof, and and naval authorities in the event of Mrs. Melville B. Stout, PI'of. and war. Mrs. Milton J. Thompson, Prof. and 2. The training of women parachute Mrs. Edward T. Vincent and Prof. riggers to be licensed by the proper and Mrs. Robert F. Thomson. authorities after a complete training .Everett Hoagland and his orchestra atorse and to be available when ne- will furnish the music for the dance essary d while Don Burke will serve as vocal- esary. Tmist. Tickets are $2.50 per couple and 3. The training of women person- are on sale in the Union and in the nel in first aid and hospital work by East and West Engineering Buildings. competent instructors. These to be East__ndWestEnineeringBuilding_._ available when needed. c"-, .._rt1.[ r Editor's Note: This is the first of a series of articles on the technique of how to go and get that job. Today the writer is concerned with the first step in obtaining the interview. By RHODA LESHINE Graduating seniors facing the startling problem of "how to get a job" in February or June are not promised a given position by John W. Riegel, Professor of Industrial Relations in the School of Business Administration, but his advice is free -and good. In an analysis of the process of job-getting, Professor Riegel stresses the necessity of preparation before applying for that all-important in- teryiew. "The student should con- sider his interests and aptitudes, de- fine his field of work and identify potential employers for whom he would like to work," he said. Three Fundamentals Named These three steps are fundamental for the prospective job-hunter to de- Table Service Is Resumed At Union Dances The Union took another step yes- terday toward becoming the Broad- way of South State Street when it reinaugurated table service for those attending its weekend dances. Following an annual tradition of beginning this cabaret service the first Friday after Christmas vaca- tion, tables were arranged around the ballroom and in the Terrace Room for the benefit of those who were present at the Jackpot Hop last night. Bill Sawyer's orchestra will con- tinue to play for the Union's dances every Friday and Saturday. His vo- calists, as before, will be Gwen Coo- per and Bob Holland, with "Big John" supplying the comic novelties in the orchestra. Reservations for tables at any of the weekend dances may be made by couples or parties telephoning the Main Desk of the Union. Table ser- vice in the ballroom will be con- tinued throughout next semester. Here's cheap for a house left deserted IN THE EVENING When you go out for the evening, leave a light turned on. A 40-watt lamp costs less than one cent for six hours. For helpful suggestions about your home lighting, call any Detroit Edison office. No charge. Qet That Job Charity Aork Children's Theatre Business Authort For Red Cross To Entertain Boys The Children's Theatre of the uTl oStart Today ea i enteta a gts a termine if he is to) be successful, Pro- this afternoon's performance of fessor Riegel believes. If one lacks P"Children 1777" 1 thefrnkes o cpabliy o iuge Post-vacation charitable work will '~hlrn 77 00 boys from the hsef nkness ocapability ong begin from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. today Y.M.C.A. This is the second pro- someone who will candidly be able 10 at the Women's Athletic Building duction in the current Children's do it. when the Red Cross Student Work- Theatre series. The would-be employe should not room will open its doors for the The second and third performances ask his interviewer for a specific job, weekly sewing meeting. of "Children' 1777" will be given at Professor Riegel advises. Rather, he Chi Omega's donation will pay for 1:30 p.m. and 3:30 p.m. today at the says, there should be a specific field the sewing machines this week, in of interest, for asking for one cer- keeping with the Women's Ath-'Lydi Mendelssohn Theatre mnthe tain position often denotes experi- letic Association policy of soliciting League. ence. Also, there may be no vacancy funds to keep the machines in op- in that particular job and the em- eration. ployer doesn't receive the impression Only three more Red Cross sewing ~~~ of a broad, general background that meetings will be held before the exam a college graduate usually boasts. period. The Workroom will reopen Warns About Specificity the first Saturday at the beginning Professor Riegel warns, however, of the new semester. that there is no definite rule on the Knitting enthusiasts are reminded subject of specificity. "One may err that today is the last day that wool both ways," he points out, "and it's may be obtained for women's sweat- best to be careful not to be too broad ers to be made according to Red or too narrow in one's requests.'' J Cross specifications. Room 2 in the By identification of employer, Pro- Arcade will be open from 10 a.m. to fessor Riegel says that obviously cer- noon to distribute wool and instru- tain types of jobs are found only in tions. OoaYOUR pa rticular industries, and that theI Supervision from both the Wash- O ,Y U job-hunter must discriminate between{ tenaw County Unit and students ex- firms. perienced in this type of sewing aid "Choose well-managed firms with in the direction of the project. The successful employers to market your ks services," this authority on business nooo hour and all women rre in I states. 11 Tea Dance, Formal Are Only Parties To Be Held Today It certainly looks as though every- body must have had a hectic, hilari- ous holiday vacation, and either it's because exams are too close or every- one is resting up, but there are two, only two, parties listed for today. There will be a tea dance c'er at the Kappa Kappa Gamma house from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. today. Mrs. Beach Conger, Dr. Margaret Bell, and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Van Duren will act as chaperons. Hermitage has planned its annual pledge formal to be held from 9 p.m. to midnight and Tom Snyder's or- chestra will provide music for the dancers. Mr. and Mrs. William Ses- tok and Mr. and Mrs. James Darling will chaperon this affair. vited to spend as much time as pos- sible at the WAB each Saturday. ONE CENT buys good light all evening for PING-PONG Enjoy your ping-pong or table tennis twice as much with good lighting. A 150-watt lamp over the table costs only one cent for 3 hours. For helpful lighting sug- gestions, call any Detroit Edison office. 11 4. A course of instruction in the driving of ambulances. These driversI are to be available when called upon. 5. A ground school course avail- able in the larger centers by per- sonal instructions and otherwise by printed lessons and return examina- tions. Arrangements are being completed between the Women Flyers of Ameri- ca and airports throughout the coun- try for instruction for their members at a reduced rate. The membership fee for the Wo- men Flyers of America is $5 a year. After the acceptance of an applica- tion and the fee paid, the member- ship card will be mailed. At various times all members will receive reports of the progress of the organization and instructions on or- ganizing local units. A distinctive membership button will be available. For further information those in- terested may call at the Women's Desk at The Daily. ki (Ilub IoUtfer Instruction Today With the return of snow to Ann Arbor, the ski club will resume its activities today with an invitation to all novice skiers to appear at 2 p.m. in front of Mosher-Jordan Halls for instruction in the Arboretum on the whys and wherefores of skiing. The instruction, and demonstra- tions of form and fundamentals will be under the direction of club mem- bers. Bob Lewis, Grad., president of the ski club, said that the snow of the past two days has made good skiing in the Arboretum. Pledging Is Announced Kappa Delta announces the pledg- ing of Clorice Case, '44, of Little Valley, N. Y.; Alice Dehlin, '44, from Gladstone, Mich.; Cicely Duggan, '43, of Bradford, Pa.; Hilda Johnson, '43, of Detroit, and Margaret Rush- brook, '43, of Washington, D.C. L Al ---- -__ v _ ._..__ _ _ . -- _ ____ ------ - --- 17 IIa 0 CHURCH DIRECTORY . 7- N You May Be Certain ST. ANDREW'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH Division at Catherine The Rev. Henry Lewis, Rector The Rev. Frederick W. Leech, Assistant Min. George Faxon, Organist and Choirmaster 8:00 A.M. Holy Communion. 9:30 A.M. High School Class, Harris Hall 11:00 A.M. Morning Prayer and Sermon by the Rev. Frederick W. Leech. 11:00 A.M. Junior Church. 11:00 A.M. Kindergarten, Harris Hall. 7:00 P.M. College Work Program, Harris Hall. Prof. Palmer Throop, speaker. Topic: "The Church in the Middle Ages." 8:00 P.M. Epiphany Candlelight Union Service, Choral Evensong. UNITARIAN CHURCH The Liberal Center State and Huron Streets. H. P. Marley, Minister. of paying enough at ZWERDLJNG'S but '/ NEVER TOO MUCH Easier than baking a cakel YOUR LIGHT WITH A LIGHT METER to be sure of DEPENDRfBILITY!i Save with Safety ii Ziverdling's 37/h Annual Jainiuary Sak-! / 1 11 A.M. "The Bell Tolls for Hemingway". Ad- dress on the book followed by a discussion led by a Michigan member of The Interna- tional Brigade. 7:30 P.M. "Labor's Part in the 1941 Upheavals". Mr. Carl Haessler of the UAW-CIO from Detroit. Followed by Coffee Hour at nine o'clock. FIRST METHODIST CHURCH State St. between Washington and Huron. Ministers: Charles W. Brashares, and J. Edward Lantz. Music: Hardin Van Deursen, director; Mary Eleanor Porter, organist. 9:30 A.M. Church School for students. Dr. G. E. Carrothers is the leader. Wesley Founda- tion Assembly Room. 10:40 A.M. Church School for Nursery, Begin- ners and Primary Departments. Parents may leave children there while attending church. 10:40 A.M. Morning Worship. Dr. Brashares's I II I '.l/ . :1 1111 III