THE MICHIGAN DAILY AURIL .SflA Jati 71941 MEN . ....... . . . .... . ............. . . THE MICHIGAN DAILY American Intervention Would Not Achieve Peace Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to It or not otherwise credited in this newpaper. All sights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by carrier $4.00;. by mail, $4.50. REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVERTISING BV National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADisoN AVE. NEW YORK. N. Y. NIC1AGO * BOSTON * LOS ANGELES * SAN FRANCISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1940-41 Editorial Stafff Hervie Haufler Alvin Sarasohn Paul M. Chandler Karl Kessler Milton Orshefsky Howard A. Goldman Laurence Mascott Donald Wirtchafter Esther Osser Helen Corman . . . Managing Editor . . . Editorial Director . . . - City Editor Associate Editor . . . Associate Editor Associate Editor * Associate Editor Sports Editor . . . .Women's Editor . . Exchange Editor Business Staff Business Manager . Assistant Business Manager Women's Business Manager Women's Advertising Manager Irving Guttman Robert Gilmour Helen Bohnsack Jane Krause NIGHT EDITOR: CHESTER BRADLEY The editorials published in The Michi- gan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Defense Streamlined By Reorganization .. M OST-WELCOMED NEWS to, come .)out of Washington recently was the official announcement of the reorganization of defense machinery with the forming of a new super board. Chief criticism of the former set- up was the lack of a real executive authority in th' Advisory Commission on National Defense. The new office for Production Management with its Director William S. Knudsen will have power over the whole field of production, purchasing, and priority. Mr. Knudsen now becomes a real executive rather than just a "advisory." He has the power to make and enforce decisions. This step was thoroughly needed to streamline our admittedly lagging defense program. Pro- Juction, purchasing, and priority need to be coordinated under the direction of one single executive authority. One of the most pressing problems facing Mr. Knudsen is that of priority. What defense orders should be given priority over others is indeed a serious question. The de- cisions ,taken by Mr. Knudsen on this matter may determine whether we are to be armed suf- ficiently in the predicted short time of two years. Another move yet to be made is the stopping of the manufacturing of non-essentials and putting those plants so engaged to work on defense or- ders. President Roosevelt in his fireside chat warned that we must do without some luxuries. Governer Lehman of New York in a published letter to Mr. Knudsen also asked for the ceasing of the manufacturing of non-essentials. All these things, however, will be decided by Mr. Knudsen and the new four-man board. Cer- tainly some action is necessary in regard to this problem of non-essential manufacturing. The new organization established by President Roose- velt can and must deal effectively with both this and the problem of priority. With the formation of the new defense leader- ship only one more thing is lacking to thoroughly assure us of a successful rearmament program. This is the absence of a real agency to consoli- date the entire defense program. An agency is needed to ascertain our defense needs, adjust the rate of spending to the limits of industrial capac- ity, and above all check the judgment of officials whose experience and duties are confined to narrow fields. An absolute necessity is a board of both civilian and military experts to see as a whole the problems of administration, the size and proper balance of our defense forces, the in- dusthal organization necessary to support them and the technical and economic questions in- volved. The National Economy League has al- ready recommended such an agency. The need is there. It is to be hoped that President Roose- velt after already establishing a much needed board with super authority over our defense will see fit to set up a planning agency. -George W. Salade Santa Brings Experimental Pants BROOKINGS, S.D.-(ACP)-Santa Claus not only stuffed a pair of trousers into the stockings of 36 State college men, but he is going to shoul- der the cleaning and pressing bill all the while they are worn.. Thi particular Santa, officially the college experiment station home economics department, is collaborating with the University of Minnesota home economics department in a three-year pro- ._ , 7..«..., f~... . ", na~ n n Note: At our request Mueh and Huston of the Student Religious Association have penned this guest editorial stating their views on the position of the U.S. in the current war. If contrasting opinions are forthcoming as a result, one purpose of this editorial will have been attained. Letters should not exceed 450 words in length and should be signed although names will be withheld on request. A. S. By JOHN A. HUSTON and WILLIAM MUEHL XrE TRIED VERY HARD with our Christmas Carols; we wanted to believe that our plain- tive wailing would somehow bring us closer to the ideal of peace on earth and good will among men. But the close of the winter holiday finds us further than ever from the attainment of that goal, and the beginning of a new year brings with it the imminent prospect that our own country will soon be involved in war. Nor can we solace ourselves with the thought that we have been the helpless victims of an irresistible tide; for to give due credit to those who have labored night anAi day to contrive our involve- ment, the threats to or security which are leading us to war have all been discovered ac- cording to a carefully devised plan. It must be obvious even to the most naive observer that the persons who now with tearful entreaty and now with burning incitements have been urging all aid short of war to England have really had no such limited assistance in mind; and the interventionists are to be congratulated for so skillfully advancing their basic .purpose all the while quieting our suspicions with the dentist's assurance, "Now this isn't going to hurt a bit." The very progress of their efforts has finally emboldened them to advocate open acts of war. Perhaps we should be thankful that the issues at last are clar. At this decisive moment, then, it is quite appropriate that we direct to the advocates of intervention a question which they have long avoided: "If England wins-what then? What is it that we're being asked to sacrifice so much for?" For those grown timorous with advancing years, the prospect of a decade or more of peace under the old order they have known for so long perhaps sufficiently justifies any sacrifice on the part of the nation. But those of us whose youth promises a longer contact with the problems of international relations are compelled to take a longer view and look to the days when William Allen White will be nothing but a bitter memory. For us the only justification for our involve- ment in this or any other European conflict would have to arise from the firm conviction that a vindication once more of British su- premacy and the British policy of dividing Europe against itself would help in estab- lishing a just and permanent world peace. The underlying circumstances which under- mine world order and threaten democracy must be discerned and adjusted. There can be no advantage for us in intervention if crushing Nazism will simply clear the ground for something worse, if aggression is only to give way to aggression and war to war; we will not engage in costly inter- ventions in Europe every twenty-five years with no more encouraging an expectation than a generation's rest to prepare for the next adventure. S ENGLAND CAPABLE of aiding to establish a just and permanent world peace? The out- look is far from sanguine. The first prerequisite of such a stable adjustment would be a rear- rarigement of the world economic system by which the raw materials of the world would be made available to all nations on equal terms and by which access te markets would be put on the same basis.' Tariff barriers and all the cunning instruments of economic nationalism would have to be abandoned. It has long been the boast of England that the resources of her colonies are accessible to all peoples, but a na- tion must sell if it is to buy; and is there any reason to believe that the competition in the world market of German manufactured goods would be any more acceptable to British capital- ism after the war than it was before the war? If Britain appears to have been liberal with the raw materials of her empire it is only because she rested serene in the assurance that these resources could not be purchased be any nation forbidden to sell in the markets which Britain controlled. It cannot be supposed that England will meekly submit to sharing the commerce and carrying trade for which she has struggled for generations - particularly after prosecuting a war in which that commerce is one of the very, things she is striving to save. And further than this, it would be ridiculous to postulate that a victorious England would permit the formation of any Central or Western European economic unit large enough to threat- en her dominance in the immediate future. With the pious purpose of granting independence to minorities she would soon return Europe to the helpless anarchy of little tariff surrounded states free to self-determine their own wrangling and self-rule their own destitution. Another requirement of a stable world order would be a settlement of the colonial problem, for we shall have no permanent peace while great subject races simmer in discontent. Here again there is reasonable question whether Eng- land would sympathize with such an under- taking. To be sure, we have heard much from the English themselves about the changes which the empire is undergoing - the adjustment of differences, the amelioration of injustices - but just what present privileges England is to con- cede has not been outlined with crystal clarity. Will she release her hold on India? Alas, how- ever much England longs to be relieved of the burdens of empire, in almost every instance peace because the England that comes out of the war will be the same England that went into it - the same polite caste system, ' the same over-aged capitalism, the same t grasping imperialism. Some persons influ- enced more by their hopes than by their reason have been led to suppose that Eng- lish society is undergoing a strange meta- morphosis - the mingling of classes in bomb shelters and so forth. What folly! The same fond hope filled the bosoms of t optimists in the last war. In fact one whole wing of the radical movement was won to t support of the coilflict by this same theory.t But the years of reactionary imperialism following the armistice proved that England had learned little from her ordeal. Is thereI any reason to suppose that she is more susceptible to enlightenment today? Hard- ly. For in her moment of trial she turned , her guidance to Winston Churchill. And Churchill is still the same man who has openly expressed admiration for the anti- t liberal stand of Hitler. He is still the same man who violently opposed the growth of organized labor at home and blessed the destruction of the Spanish Republic abroad. They can call him "good old Winnie" and t photograph him patting the heads of the l miners' children but he is first, last, and always an old school imperialist fighting f the fight of an old school empire. The most{ elementary logic should indicate that a t society does not put up a last ditch fight for survival only to turn the knife on itselff in the moment of triumph. The very rea- son the British are fighting is that they i like what they've got and intend to main- t tain it. And let us not so forget history as to be deluded into thinking that after help-t ing them to win the war we can with sweet t persuasion beguile the British into making t what we would consider a satisfactory peace. Our experience teaches us that when we 1 fight for the British, we fight for the British.- Once it has been discerned that an English victory cannot be a first step toward a perma- nent peace, every argument for intervention fails. That we fear the consequences of a Ger- man victory is not a valid excuse except, as was said earlier, to those whose tenure of life will expire during the brief era of peace that would follow an Anglo-American victory. As unfor-; tunate as it would be to have Nazism dominatei Europe, no policy of a victorious Nazism could harm this nation as seriously as a policy of es- tablishing our frontiers wherever the interests of Britain are assailed. If we are to adopt a pro- gram of stopping aggression wherever it appears lest it someday menace our shores, no one can foretell where we will be fighting next. If Britain is fighting our war in the West then surely China-is rendering us like service in the East. Even Haile Selassie in his own pathetic way was waging a war for our protection when he resisted the onslaught of Italy. Indeed, every time Ma- hatma Gandhi goes on a hunger strike, he is protesting as best he can an oppression that is as contrary to the spirit of Americanism as any in the world. The apathetic attitude of the nation's leaders toward many of the other conflicts that have raged in the past and are now raging at present in other parts of the world would seem to indi- cate that what they fear is not the victory of a force which would challenge American security but rather the victory of a force which might challenge the continuance of American capital- ism, as indeed a victorious Germany would do. If the nation is to be asked to suffer and saci7- fice to preserve our economic system, let's have that point made clear. If on the other hand, the actual security and safety of this continent is to be endangered by the rising and setting of imperial stars in Europe, then let's wait until a tangible threat appears and fight it out on issues for which no real American need be afraid to sacrifice. Then at least we will know why we're dying. But until such an issue does ap- pear and such a threat does manifest itself clearly, our highest duty lies in seeing that the American family does not become a breeding farm for the slaughterhouses of Europe. Since England is not growing stronger with the years, it will be only at continually greater sacrifice that we refuse to face the consequences of her defeat. It does not appear to be a particularly efficient or altogether courageous policy to be forever defending others for fear that some day we may have to defend ourselves. NDEED it is difficult seriously to expect any permanent peace over in Europe and avoid the charge of being over-optimistic. The more we live on this world the more we are convinced that it varies only in detail from the world our forebears knew fifteen hundred and two thou- sand years ago. War is an ancient institution in Europe, as it is everywhere; but it is not in- digenous to the soil like some poisonous plant - rather it harbors in people's minds. By now we see the fallacy of supposing that war is the cruel plaything of the great and is imposed upon the protesting humble. We know that when we deal with the hates that divide the people of Europe, we touch something very close to their lives. As progress is made in the study of the mind, we gain more and more insight into the truth that man does not live by bread alone; his beliefs are by far the most lively part of even the most phlegmatic person. We used to say that people ate to keep body and soul together; now we realized they eat to sustain their emo- tions. And thus when we speak of permanent pee. we deal in terms not of changing trade The Reply Churlish By TOUCHSTONE ENJOYED READING the twinne columns on the' music feud yester- day. It's nice for the younger set to get an airing every once in awhile. Now I'll tell young Grossberg what is wrong with his approach to the subject. Most of all, though he has gone to considerable pains to get figures and facts on networks, AS- CAP, the chances of the Yankees in the '41 series, sugar beet production in 1912, he has not really brought these facts to any sort of focus on the big blow down Tin Pan Alley. This I do not criticise him for. It is a habit of Daily editorial writers to let facts stand for something in them- selves, without much discrimination in selection, and without much con- viction of just what the devil the facts are supposed to prove. This of course is one approach to the edi- torial, the approach a la fence, and it does not take into consideration the fact that if the readers want academic material, handled in the supposedly unbiased manner of the textbooks, they can get more com- plete and probably more significant statistics or historical data from the sources quoted, always assuming that they can read. It would be perfectly OK to print a bibliography of per- tinent material, though that would do away with some beautiful, deadly earnest sentences. But all material done in this way starts with an orig- inal conception of which side of a brawl the writer favors, and the only function of the facts is to weaken the guy's arguments. He begins, la- boriously, to list the arguments for both sides, meticulously setting down everything he thinks is fair to every- body. Then in his last paragraph he twists all those carefully dug-up half- truths into whatever it was he felt originally, and there you have it, and as far as the reader is concerned, if the last graph were printed first, it would clarify the whole thing a great deal. Now to return toGrossberg, who is a nice kid and doesn't deserve to be put on the pan for this, but who is for the nonce my pet guinea pig. The gist of what Ed wants to say in his edit feature yesterday is contained in that pithy last sentence: "Although it is an annoyance not to hear your old favorites, let's bear with radio in its attempt to run its own busi- ness." In previous paragraphs Gross- berg sketched out the history of AS- CAP, told us what ASCAP meant, also what CBS, NBC, and BMI meant, told what the components of BMI were, and gave the figures on what per cent of radio income, gross income, went to the tunesmiths, and what per cent of the gross income the rotters wanted this year. Now I'm not being quite fair in this review of Grossberg's edit, for there is con- siderable information contained in it that may have significance as regards just why the radio industry feels that it is being gypped. But on the other haind, there isn't enough on just why ASCAP feels that it is justified in asking the high- er percentage which on the surface brought the scrap about, nor is there any information on whether BMI would have gone ahead with its plans whether ASCAP boosted the ante or not. So the whole thing isn't present- ed, and of course it would take pages of copy to discuss the thing from the viewpoint of the composers, both the old ones who head ASCAP, and the new ones who see light in BMI. I think the only thing that is justi- fied is to take the angle we know, and discuss the battle from there. What do we know for sure? Whether we like BMI music or whether we don't. I don't think we, as mere listeners to five tube sets, should worry too much about a mil- lion or two million dollars we'll never see, nor about principals of benigni- ty on the part of either of two mono- polistic outfits, for it's not smart to argue that BMI will do any more for its composers than ASCAP does for its boys, if it costs more to run BMI than to pay ASCAP, the networks would soon enough toss over their ideals of justice to young composers and scurry back to the decadent AS- CAP. So figure it strictly from where you sit, in front of the speaker 01 that little five tube radio. That's al: you'll ever know about it for sure. Do you like BMI music? Then BMI', all right. Don't you like BMI's music? Then get ASCAP back on the air. Sc long until soon, and sorry Ed. In a criticism of the present work- ings of American democracy, as com- pared with the English variety, Ber- trand Russell, British philosopher who is a visiting lecturer at Harvard University. warned Americans yester- day that "there is really a very grave danger that you are fighting for noble causes abroad in a way that will cause them to be lost at home." "There is no doubt." Mr. Russell asserted, "that foolish forms of na- tionalism are being encouraged in this country as a means of filching away your liberties while you are not looking." The philosopher and mathema tician, whose published views on sex and morals provoked a court fight last spring which resulted in the re- vocation of his appointment to teach mathematics at City College, voiced his criticism of American democracy in an address on "Freedom in Times of Stress," at the morning session of the annual regional convention of the Progressive Education Associa- tion in the Hotel Pennsylvania. Finds Sympathetic Audience At the outset of his address, Mr. Russell told the 500 teachers present that he was facing "an audience with whom I am more in sympathy than with almost any other that could be found in this country." Later, the teachers, some of whom were members of the faculty of Teachers College, Columbia Univer- sity, laughed when Mr. Russell criti- cized Dr. Nicholas Murray Butler, president of Columbia, for making a distinction between "university free- dom" and "academic freedom." Mr. Russell began with a condem- nation of the economic inequities which he said resulted from the na- tion's present effort to strengthen its defenses. Capitalists and munitions makers "make their profit invariably, as it is well understood that if they don't they will sabotage the whole war effort," Mr. Russell said, adding: "If the workers should suggest that some share of the profit should go to them, they are unpatriotic." Mr. Russell recalled that during the recent Presidential campaign, in which, he said, he, of course, had remained neutral, he had "heard people who supported Mr. Willkie say that if your President should be RI' Englishman Warns U.S. fbout Threats To Its Liberties re-elected, capital would sulk and balk the national war effort." "Those in possession of power are allowed to take advantage of the situation, while the underdog is not allowed to," Mr. Russell said, brand- ing this a "foolish kind of American- ism." "The national war effort." he asserted, "is being used to induce the underdog to be content with his lot and to keep those who are in power in power." "The defense of democracy, as I understand it from reading the newspapers," Mr. Russell said. "means the abolition of democracy here so it can be restored abroad." "When one comes from England to America one finds America much more monarchial than England." he continued. After explaining that he was not referring to the sphere of govern- ment, Mr. Russell said that he had discerned "monarchial" tendencies in the powers enjoyed by presidents of railroads and colleges and uni- versities, as compared with compar- able officials in England. Besides Dr. Butler, Mr. Russell criticized Dr. A. G. Ruthven, president of the Uni- versity of Michigan, who asserted on Nov. 9 that faculty members of state universities who countenanced in- discriminate criticism of the demo- cratic form of government should quit their profession. As a result of these utterances re- flecting the power of university presidents and the promulgation of the doctrine that it is the function of a university to create good citi- zens, Mr. Russell said that "we can see an assembly of teachers listening in awed silence while the president of the university tells them how to vote." "To one accustomed to the more democratic methods of England, the spectacle is horrifying," he asserted. Would Discipline College Heads { Mr. Russel said that "right opin- ion," as conceived by a president of a university, could not be "majority opinion," since "most university presidents are Republicans." Neither could it be "educated opinion," he went on, because "in most universi- ties, the members of the faculty are more educated than the president and should have the right to disci- pline him." -The New York Herald-Tribune DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN (Continued from Page 2) nd Design: The work of Bruce Rog- ti rs,-books, including the Lectern a 3ible, pamphlets, studies, bookplates, abels, water color sketches,-is being B hown in the ground floor cases, S ,rchitecture Building. Open daily, to 5, except Sunday, through Jan- ary 16. The public is invited. s Exhibition, College of Architecturet tnd Design: Drawings made for the b Inter-School Problem "A Labor Union ;enter" at Massachusetts Institute of 'echnology, Rensselaer Polytechnicd :nstitute, the Universities of Minne- i 3ota, Cornell, and Michigan. ThirdL Floor exhibition room, Architecture C Building' Open daily, 9 to 5, through January 11. The public is invited. t LecturesM University Lecture: John Lundy, M.D., Head of the Section in Anes- hesia of the Mayo Clinic at Roches- er, Minnesota, will lecture on thet subject, "'Anaesthetics;" under thec auspices of the University of Michi-I gan Section of the American Chemi- cal Society at 4:15 p.m. today in the Rackham Amphitheatre. The pub-c lic is cordially invited. Events Today The Observatory Journal Club will neet at 4:15 p.m. today in the Ob- servatory lecture room. Dr. A. D.t Maxwell will speak on "The Per-; turbations of Adonis." Tea at 4:00 p.m, Mathematics Club will not hold its previously scheduled meeting in the Rackham Building, since the chief7 speaker, Dr. Martin, is ill. The Slavic Society will meet in Room 315 of the Michigan Union to- night at 8:00. All Slavic students invited. House Presidents' Meeting today at 4:30 p.m. in the Michigan League. Attendance compulsory. The Polish Engineers Society will' meet tonight at 7:30 in the Union. Room number will be posted on the bulletin board. All students interest- ed in science and Polish are invited. La Sociedad Hispanica will present Mr. Robert Griffin, who will give an illustrated lecture in English with colored movies on "Mexico, Land of The Future and Romance" tonight at 8:15 in the Natural Science Audi- Classical Record Concert tonight, :30-9 :00, in the Men's Lounge of Le Rackham School. All interested re invited. Program: Harris, Symphony No. 3; Beethoven, Violin Concerto; Brahm's ymphony No. 1. J. G. P. Eligibility Cards will be igned for all committees today, 4:00 -5:30 in the undergraduate office of he League. All eligibility cards must e signed today. J. G. P. Program Committee will heet today at 5:C)) p.m. in the League. Room number will be posted on the bulletin board. Members of the Program Commit- ee of Theatre Arts are requested to work on programs in the League to- day between 2:00 and 5:30 p.m. Theatre Arts Makeup Committee: Members will meet under the theatre to make up for the dress rehearsal of "Children 1777" at 6:30 tonight. Attendance is compulsory. Seminar in the Bible meets to- day at 4:30 p.m. in Lane Hall. J. G. P. Dance Rehearsal today at 4:00 p.m. in the Women's League. Spanish Play Try-outs at 3:15 p.m. today and Friday in 312 R. L. All students of Spanish are invited. The Regular Thursday Afternoon "P.M." will be held at the Hillel Foundation from 4:00 to 6:00 today. All Hillel members and friends are invited. The Interior Decorating Group of the Faculty Women's Clubs will meet today at the League. Mrs. A. E. Greene will speak on "Spring Clean- ing of Rugs, Furniture, and Drap- eries." Hillel Institute of Jewish Studies: The class in Marriage and the Family will meet at the Foundation tonight at 7:30. Mr. Richard Meyers, of the Sociology Department, will give the lecture entitled 'Marriage Adjust- ments." Coming Events Institute of The Aeronautical Sci- ences trip to Selfridge Field and The Warner Aircraft Plant will be taken Tuesday, January 14. Meet in front of East Engineering Building at 7:30 Our Yesterdays 50 Years AgoE Jan. 9, 1841 - Governor Winans, in his message to the state legislat- ure, has recommended that the ap- propriations for all state institutions be cut down, except those asked. for the University. "The University of' Michigan," he explained, "takes high