. SIX THE M ICHIGA-N DAILY WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 8, 1941 r -- FDR Is Century's Third Best American Speaker, Hance Says Roosevelt Asks Congress For Speed By A. P. BLAUSTEIN President Roosevelt was ranked1 as third best American public speak- er of the past century last week byI Prof. K. G. Hance of the speech de- partment at a meeting of the Na- tional Association of Teachers of Speech in Washington, D. C. First place honors went to Rev. Henry Ward Beecher, noted writer, orator and clergyman, while William Jennings Bryan, 1896 Democratic presidential nominee was rated asI second. Professor Hance named Ab- raham Lincoln and Sen. Albert Bev- eridge of Indiana as fourth and fifth best speaker. The criterion Professor Hance used in selecting these speakers was their effectiveness in using the various sit- nations at their disposals. President Rosoevelt, for , example, was given credit for adapting himself to radio speech.' In his address Professor Hence praised Rev. Beecher for his five speeches made in England in - 1863 which, it was claimed, were respon- sible for turning British sympathy away from the Confederacy. Bryan was praised for his now famous "cross of gold" address and Lincoln for hisj skill in his debates with Douglas. 1 Beveridge was described as the "spearhead of the Republican cam- paigns'of 1898, 1900, 1902, 1904, 1906 and 1908." Others ranked high in the list of great orators were Chancey Depew, corporation lawyer who has beenI termed "America's greatest toast- master;" Henry W. Grady, a former editor of The Atlanta Constitution;" Robert Ingersoll, famous agnostic and author and the Rev. Phillips Brooks. Also incuded were Wendell Phil- lips, lyceum lecturer; Woodrow Wil- son for his "scholarly" style of ad- dress, powerful in world affairs; The- odore Roosevelt, and Robert M. La- Follette, Sr., senator from Wiscon- sin. r - _-.; I, CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING , }= '! HELP WANTED TUTOR WANTED for Economicsj 101. Write Jim Brooks, Box 1, Michigan Daily. 1821 TYPING-18 TYPING-Experienced. Miss Allen, 408 S. Fifth Ave. Phone 2-2935 or 2.1416. 14c VIOLA STEIN - Experienced legal typist, also mimeographing..Notary public. Phone 6327. ,706 Oakland. LAUNDERING -9 LAUWNRY -2-1044., Sox darned. Careful work at low price. 3c STUDENT LAUNDRY-Special stu- dent rates. Moe Laundry, 226 South First St. Phone 3916. 10c FOR RENTI TWO SINGLE ROOMS for women next semester. Opposite School of Architecture. 703 Haven. 178, PRIVATE INSTRUCTION -12 PIANO INSTRUCTION - Tutoring in musical subjects. Graduate of School of Music, B.M. and A.B. Ed. Sound' methods and musicianship. Call 2-4923 mornings and evenings. 179 MISCELLANEOUS-20 BOARD for high class Jewish girls- at student rates. Call 9450. 177 MIMEOGRAPHING-Thesis binding. Brumfield and Brumfield, 303 So. State. 19c WASHED SAND AND GRAVEIr- Driveway gravel, washed pebbles. Killins Gravel Company, Phone 7112. ,5c TUTORING can bring returns by using classified advertising. Rea, sonable rates. Call at The Mich- igan Daily. 125 SECOND SEMESTER Public Eve- ning School begins Monday eve- ning, January 13, at the Ann Arbor High School. Classes will be or- ganized in, Typing, Shorthand, Bookkeeping, Sports, Cultural, Craft and Hobby courses. Small enrollment fee. For further in- formation call 5797. 181 FOR SALE COMPLETE SET of SS White, Black's instruments, Prosthetic equipment for school, Dental text books. Owner a '39 graduate and now a naval officer. Write R. M. Reynolds, Farley Road, Pinckney, Mich. 180 With members of both houses of Congress gathered in the House chamber for the first joint session of the 77th Congress, President Roosevelt pleaded for a "swift and driving increase" in production of armaments for defense and aid to the fighting democracies. Behind the ,President on the rostrum are Speaker Sam Rayburn (left) and Vice President Garner. Magazine Survey Rates Michigan Seventh Largest College In U.S. By CHESTER BRADLEY 59 have larger enrollments of full- With an enrollment of 11,952 full- time students this year than last and time students, the University ranks 56 have smaller enrollments. seventh in size with the larger insti- President Walters pointed out that tutions of higher learning in the "it is clear, so far as the current aca- United States, according to a recent demic year is concerned, the offering survey conducted by School and So- of ROTC courses was not an active piety magazine, published by the So- factor in college attendance." ciety for the advancement of Educa.- He predicted that "in a few years tion. the colleges and universities of the In an article by Raymond Walters, United States will face a diminished president of the University of Cin- reservoir from which to draw." He cinnati, statistics show that only six based this predicition on the fact that of the nation's universities are larger due to a restriction of immigration than Michigan. These include the Un- and a declining birth rate, a million iversity of California, The University and a half fewer boys and girls are of Minnesota, Columbia University, attending public elementary schools the University of Illinois, Ohio State, than there were a year ago. and New York University. _- The enrollment of 638 in the Law School of the University places that DiScuSSiO Group school third only to Harvard Univer- sity, whose enrollment is 1,248 in law. Wil Meet oday and the University of Texas, whose law school has 655 students. A discussion group on the new Second largest in the country is program for the Student Religious the University's Graduate School Association will meet at 7:30 p.m. with its enrollment of 2.385. Only the today, Kenneth Morgan, director, University of California with an en- announced.I rollment of 2,996oclaims a larger Seminars in the Bible, Minorities graduate unit. . and Theology will continue their The College of Engineering with meetings at 4:30 p.m. today at the 2,048 is the fourth largest in the Association. country. Larger are the engineering The seminar in Religious 'Symbol- colleges at the University of Cal- ism willi meet at 6 p.m. tomorrow. ifornia, the University of Illinois and The group, open to all students on the University of Minnesota. campus, is engaged in interpreting President Walters attributed the classic art forms in contemporary sustained size of the college enroll- designs. ments in 1940 to two factors: "the The Inter-Guild Council will con- provision of the Selective Training vene for a luncheon meeting at noon and Service Act, which permits tomorrow while the Saturday Lunch- drafted students to defer the begin- eon -Group will meet at noon Satur- ning of service until the close of the day at the Association. present academic year; and the con- ---- -- tinuance of NYA payments of an av- ASME To Meet Today erage of $15 monthly for work per-! formed by undergraduates and $30 Opening their post-holiday sched- for work by graduate students, which tule, members of the student chapter go to approximately 10 per cent of of the American Society of Mechan- the enrollment of full-time students." 1 ical Engineers will meet at 7:30 p.m. Of the 115, ROTC units in the nine today in the Union, Sabin Crocker, corps areas throughout the country, Jr., '41E, announced yesterday. CAA To Give Scholarships For Training Latin-Anierican Students To Be Given Opportunity To Learn Flying In U.S. Twenty students, representing 20 different Latin American nations, will be awarded "Pan American Col- lege Phase" scholarships next se- mester from schools throughout the country for study in the United States Civilian Pilot Training Pro-: gram. According to present plans the scholarships will be presented to cit- izens from the following nations: Argentina, Bolivia. Brazil, Chile, Co- lumbia, Costa Rica, Dominican Re- public, Ecuador. Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras. Mexico, Nicaraugua Pan- ama, Peru, Salvador, Uruguay and Venezuela. All University students who are cit- izens of these countries and who have completed one year of college work by Feb. 1, are requested to ask for applications at the Aeronautical En- gineering Office as soon as possible. Applications should be submitted on or before Jan. 22 to the Acting Direc- tor, Civilian Pilot Training Service. Applicants must have attained their 19th birthday and must be un- der the age of 26 and, if under 21, they must obtain the consent of their parents or guardian. The selection of the flight scholar- ship winner for each country will be made in the Washington office of the Civil Aeronautics Authority as soon as eligible students from all schools with CAA units submit applications. Those who have been selected must pass physical examinations for Stu- dent Pilot Certificates and must agree to complete the ground and flight course, unless disqualified by the University, the flight operator or -the CAA. In addition they will be required to abide b'y all CAA rules although they need not sign pledges for further flight training in the United States army or naval forces. Aiton, Tapping Address Alumni MeetingToday Prof. Arthur Aiton of the history department will be guest speaker of the University of Michigan Alumni Club meeting in Grosse Pointe at 8:00 p.m. today. Preceding the meeting there will be a dinner for the members to be held at 6:30 p.m. Mr. T. Hawley Tap- ping, General Executive Secretary of the Alumni Association and Mr. Robert O. Morgan. Assistant General Secretary, will be present. Tomorrow night in Elkhart, In., the local University Alumni Club will have its annual dinner meeting at which both Mr. Tapping and Mr. Morgan will be guests. From the Elkhart meeting they will go to Chicago to attend the annual regional conference of the American Alumni Council of the fifth district. During the two-day session, to be held Jan. 10 and 11, the conference will meet at the Palmer House. President and Mrs. Alexander Ruthven will be guests at the first monthly luncheon of the Ann Arbor Club to be held in the Union, Tues- day, Jan. 14. After the luncheon they Santa Is Good To Flying Club -Leaves Plane Purchase of an airplane by the Flying Club was announced yester- day by Leslie Trigg, '41E, vice-pres- ident of the club. The plane, a Taylorcraft 65 pow- ered with a 65 Lycoming engine, was bought during the holidays at Colum- bus, Ohio, and flown to Ann Arbor by Trigg. It will be owned jointly by members of the club, not more than 24 holding interests at the same time. M -mbers who are licensed pilots will pay $30 for a part ownership and those interested in being instructed on the ship will have to pay a little more, Trigg said. Dues for members owning a share in the plane will be $3 a month. A fee of $2.50 an hour for flying time will also be required. This will include gas, oil, and in- surance on the plane. The ship will be used for pleasure flying by club members and in var- ious intercollegiate flying meets. Leo C. Kwtyel DiesSuddenly Ieart Attack Proves Fatal To MichiganAlumnus Mr. Leo C. Kugel, '08, died early yesterday at his home in Sandusky, Ohio, following a sudden heart at- tack. He was well-known to many stu- dents on the University campus for his great interest in influencing high school students to attend Michigan. Long active in the Alumni Associ- ation, Mr. Kugel first put into prac- tice the idea of Michigan Honor Trophies for high schools. Since he originated the practice it has been followed by alumni clubs all over the nation. It was his custom, according to Mr. T. Hawley Tapping of the Alumni Organization, to bring a few mem- bers of the student body of Sandusky High School each year to Ann Arbor for a visit to the buildings on cam- pus. He tried especially, Mr. Tapping said, to encourage attendance here to thse who excelled in high school 'studies. Lt.-Col. Kunz Transferred Lt.-Col. Robert N. Kunz, head of signal corps training on the Univer- sity ROTC staff, has received army orders transferring him to Camp Pe- ay, Tenn., effective Feb. 1'0, the mili- tary science department announced yesterday. Center To Hold Weekly Record Concert Today Mozart, Beethoven Pieces Will Feature Program; Records Are Donated The widely varied program offered to foreign students for the week at the International Center, was an- nounced by Dr. Raleigh Nelson, its director. At 7:30 p.m. today the weekly mus- cal program will be presented for students and faculty. It will in- clude Mozart's "Eine Kleine Nacht Musik, Beethoven's Fourth Concerto md Mendelssohn's Italian Symphony. These records were recent gifts made )y the staff and students of the Cen- ter. Tea will be served as usual in the lounges of the Center. All foreign >tudents and their friends are invit- ad to attend between 4 and 6 p.m. tomorrow. Recreation night and hobby clubs will be held on Friday night. The last in the series of round- tables conducted for foreignstudents of every nation represented on cam- pus will be held at 3 p.m. Saturday at the Centter. Under the direction of Fakhri Maluf, Grad., a roundtable will present the findings of the series of meetings at the Sunday night supper at 5:30 p.m. Sunday. Prof. Boston Will Talk The production phases of the na- tional defense program will be the topic of a lecture by Prof. Orlan W. Boston, chairman of the metal pro- cessing\ department, at a meeting of the local student Army Ordnance Association at 7:30 p.m. today in the North Lounge of the Union. you want to keep up with the latest books get our I RENTAL LIBRARY HABIT... The University Musical Society announces Chamber Music Festival by the4 Musicai Art Quartet SASCHA JACOBSON, FirstViolin WIIc2AM HYMANSON, Viola PAUL BERNARD, Second Violin MARII: ROIMAET-ROSANOFF,v Violincello t r 0 T 1 Latest Books - Bests Authors FO LLETT'S 322 So. State Dial 6363 9 3c a day 0 14c minimum 0 no deposit I. charge I will the club. travel to Plymouth evening meeting of to attend the local 1 1:- 3 R ady 3wato A A Michigan Daily Classified Ad reaches 10,000 prospects for only 36r. Try an ad today - we know it will bring results. 3 Ways far stay- \ n r na. i I. Zip Tainers lock keys on loops and zip lock hen into case. $1 up. - Dainty Key.Tainers make keys easy to find returned Free if last. $1 up. atomes or ga abouxs. $3 up. Raekham Lecture Hall THREE CONC I{ TS FRIDAY, January 24. SATURDAY, January 25. SATURDAY,. January 25. 8:30 2:30 8:30 A lady Buxton 3-Way Billfold. Lonely two-tone color combina. tions. A smart fold and coin purse with a secret compartment for large bills - which turns into an extra I 11 II ' W I ' A> :1W' iA , ' I lilt II II~I I I