Weather Cloudy; occasional light snow. Fifty Years Of Continuous Publication VOL. LI. No. 72 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 8, 1941 2-23 Editorial Political Parties Face A Test ;PRICE FIVE CENTS British Legion Seizes Italian Airport Base Near Tobruk' Troops Drive Past Fallen Bardia To Pound Gates Of Major Fascist Port; Greeks Shell Valona Graziani Checked By Enemy Thrust (By The Associated Press) Britain's army drove to a point almost 70 miles across the sands of Libya beyond fallen Bardia last night to occupy the Italian military air- port serving Tobruk. With this main Fascist Libyan base in British hands, signs multiplied that Italian Marshal Rodolfo Graziani's forces have no immediate intention of risking a wide-open destert battle to check the British advance on Tobruk. Ringed by 25 miles of fortifica- tions, Tobruk is one of Italy's major bases in North Africa. Greeks Match Thrust Matching this bold thrust, Bri- -tain's little ally, Greece, reported a squadron of Greek destroyers sailed on a daring raid into the Gulf of Valona, Albania, shelled the Italian- held port without interference from, Fascist warships or aircraft, and sailed leisurely home. A Greek government spokesman simultaneously reported that the Italians have moved 35,000 sick and, wounded soldiers from Valona alone. Fascist casualties for the war, he, said, run into "tens of thousands." In the air seige of Britain, speedys German fighter-bombers subjected London to a three-hour raid, the, longest and most devastating day- time attack on the capital in weeks, and killed and wounded a number of people. Other casualties were caused in a heavy German attack on a Midlands town and the Nazis also raided East Anglia and the southeast coast. The Germans have returned to daytime raids after being balked recently by snow and bad weather. RAF Takes Airport An RAF communique announced1 that British troops in the North Af- rican campaign captured El Adem, the military airport of Tobruk, and fast British motorized units were re-1 ported virtually at Tobruk's gates,] darting at the base's outer defenses to test its strength. Approximately 50,000 Italian soldiers comprise ther Tobruk garrison.1 British official quarters, recapitu- lating the 28-day-old British coun-) ter-offensive, said 94,000 ItalianJ troops have been knocked out of the campaign so far-killed, wounded, captured or missing-including 70,- 000 prisoners. Price To Talk ~ 1Nazi World Revolt Today Student Senate Parley To Discuss Conscription The much discussed and pervasive subject of conscription will be the theme of the opening session of the Student Senate's annual winter parley Friday afternoon. Speakers on that symposium will be Prof.-Emeritus Edwin M. Goddard, member of the local draft board, Col. Henry W. Miller, military authority and chairman of the mechanism and engineering drawing department, Lieut. Commander Wells L. Field of Roosevelt Bestows New Powers On Revised Defense Commission; Ask Scriics or Poduction the naval ROTC. Official approval of the parley was voiced by President Ruthven yes- terday when he stated: "The ability to assemble data, veri- fy reports, compare theories, chal- lenge unsupported opinion, re-state the findings of others, and then give objectively one's own conclusions, should be learned by all University students." Wide General Interest Discussing the importance of the draft topic he said, "Perhaps the wide general inter- est in this conscription may hasten the use of such methods among those of student age. In the adop- tion of conscription as a method of building a defense force quickly, our federal government has raised many important questions. "Consideration of these by a study of the law itself, the methods of ad- ministration being developed, the re- sponse on the part of our citizens, and the effect of these new methods on our democratic way of life, is a proper function of any faculty-stu- fent discussion. Face Central Issues "If the leaders of the Winter Par- ley are able to focus attention upon central issues and give a student both the opportunity to ask ques- tions of the appointed officers for conscription and freedom honestly to state his case in the presence of his fellow students they may relieve ten- sions, dismiss minor fears, and help us to guarantee good will within our campus community." Friday night's panels will be de- voted to the present international situation. Divergent points of view Hopkins Heads ICampus Draft Service Board Draft information is now available to all students and members of the faculty. In an attempt to aid the draftee in filling out his questionnaire and in helping him in his relations with local draft boards, the University has set up a special selective service or- ganization here under the direction of Dr. Louis A. Hopkins, director of the Summer Session. All members of the faculty who have any questions to ask concern- ing conscription are urged to make appointments to discuss their prob- lems with Dr. Hopkins. Students will be aided by Prof. Charles M. David of the geography department, an officer in the United States Army Reserve, As a further aid to those who have been drafted, Bertha Beck, a mem- ber of Dr. Hopkins' office staff, has been made a notary and will notar- ize the questionnaires of both facul- ty men and students without charge. The assistance of Dr. Hopkins and Professor Davis is expected to be valuable because of the knowledge these men have with the draft law and its provisions and their contact with those who are trying to change some of its provisions. on American foreign policy will be expressed at one symposium when Rev., H. L. Pickerel, Prof. Howard Ehrmann, Prof. Wmi. Hobbs, William Clark, '41, and Prof. Roy W. Sellars will give talks. Other panels will Deal with the probable outcome of the war and the nature of international relations af- ter the war. Saturday afternoon three verticals symposiums will be held on the gen- eral subject "License-Freedom- Suppression." Another panel will take up the problem of student gov- ernment and extracurricular activ- ities. At the concluding session on Sun- day afternoon the Dr. Edward N. Blakeman will summarize the con- tents of the parley and a general discussion will follow. Church Group Holds Annual Meeting Here Conference Of Michigan Pastors Will Discuss Problems Of Religion Forums and lectures on the general theme "Our Christian Faith and Democracy" will highlight the sec- ond annual Michigan Pastors' Con- ference to be held here January 20, 21 and 22 under the auspices of the Michigan Council of Churches and Christian Education and the Un- iversity Extension Service. Dr. Oswald W. S. 2M'icCall, of the New First Congregational Church of Chicago, and Prof. Edwin E. Aubrey, professor of theology and ethics of the University of Chicago, will de- liver a series of lectures on the re- lation of the church to democracy. Forum panels entiaied "Pastoral Counseling," "The Church and Its Community," and "Church and State" will each be divided into four topical divisions and will meet sep- arately from the' general lecture ses- sions. Special denominational meetings will be held for 11 groups, and var- ious examples of theological and po- litical literature will be placed on ex- hibit during the conference. Other speakers will be Dr. Walter W. Van Kirk, director of the Depart- ment of International Justice and Good Will of the Federal Council of Churches, Bernard J. Mulder, presi- dent of The Michigan Council of Churches, and Dr. J. M. M. Gray, former president of the American University of Washington, D. C. Ford Shuns UAW DETROIT, Jan. 7. -(El')- Ford Motor Company officials flatly re- fused\ today to meet with a commit- tee of the United Automobile Work- ers (CIO) to discuss alleged lay-offs at the Ford Rouge plant. "We will have nothing to do with the union because there is nothing to discuss," said I. A. Capizzi, Ford general coun- sel. English Advance On Tobruk In North African Desert Clash OTHE ' '050 GA OFgL/7O- -T/Std S- M IL ES DERNA' - . MED/ TER RANEAN SEA AIRPORT SEIZED TOBRUK "BARDIA FREE FPENCH A/D * - SIDI BY CUTT/NGROAD BARRAN f I B Y \AS11I+ DEC. 16 '940 OMAR /9401 Advanced forces of the British Army were declared officially today to have thrust almost 70 miles west of fallen Bardia to occupy the military airport serving Tobruk, the main Italian base in Libya. This map shows the progress of the westward advance from Sidi Barrani. In the drive on Tobruk, the British were aided by a "free French" force of "Spahis" who cut the road. Derna is the last big port in the sector. Kirke L. Simpson Interprets The News: British Comment Reveals Confidence That Turning Point Of War Is Past Group Can Force Priority By Taking Over Plants That Do Not Cooperate 'Production Office' FormallyFounded WASHINGTON, Jan. 7--(P)-To hasten the production of war mater- ials for both the United States and Great Britain, President Roosevelt today formally established the new four-man "office of production man- agement" with broad authority, in- cluding the power to take over any industrial plants considered non-co- operative. As working heads of the new agency, he appointed William S. Knudsen, former president of Gen- eral Motors, and Sidney Hillman, CIO vice president. Both were mem- bers of the old Advisory Defense Commission. Knudsen will be direc- tor general and Hillman associate director general and they will act, Mr. Roosevelt said, as a team or partnership in wielding the tremen- dous powers at their disposal. Secre- taries Stimson and Knox of the War and Navy Departments, respectively, are members ex-officio. Roosevelt Queried After Mr. Roosevelt had explained his orders at his regular Tuesday Press Conference a reporter asked: "Mr. President, why is it that you do not want to appoint a single re- sponsible head for the defense pro- gram?" The president, in obviously good spirits, laughingly answered that he had appointed a single head. The name of the new official, he said, was Knudsen Hillman. The two were in absolute agreement, he added, as to what was to be done. He emphasized that neither had been given more authority than the other, and re- ferred to them again and again as a partnership. Problem Urgent The four members of the agency issued a joint statement which Mr. Roosevelt said was of great import- ance. In it they stressed the urgency of the defense problem, assured la- bor that it would not be called upon for sacrifices not 'demanded of cap- ital as well, and requested the co- operation of all. "To achieve the results which the country expects from the office of production management," the state- ment said, "we expect and must have the kind of cooperation from every- body that counts no sacrifice too great to make if it will contribute to a more successful and efficient de- fense." Relief Drive For Refugees Beins Today Nazi Of To Plans, consequences Final Hitler Victory Highlight Discussion (By The Associated Press) Britain's official comment on Presi- dent Roosevelt's "Help-Our-Friends" speech strikes a ringing note of con- fidence that the critical corner of the war has already been turned. "Fresh encouragement" has come from the United States, the London statement said, "at a time when there is good cause to believe that the tide of war is turning." Behind this lies the conclusion of British war leadership that Italy has already been knocked out of the war in effect; and that disaster awaits Germany if she strikes to retrieve the situation, either against England or in the Balkans. In contrast with that' British at- titude, an Italian cabinet utterance "solmenly reaffirming" Fascist fidel- ity to the Berlin-Rome Axis and the will to fight to a finish is possibly significant. It was timed to offset Rome's admission of the fall of Bar- dia, yet it was clearly aimed at de- Spanish Group Will Sponsor Travel Lecture "Mexico, Land of the Future and Romance" is the title of a lecture to be presented by Mr. Robert Grif- fin, under the auspices of La So- ciedad Hispanica, at 8:15 p.m. tomor- row in the Natural Science Audi- torium. Mr. Griffin will take his audience on an imaginary journey through Mexico. The lecture will be illus- trated with natural color motion pic- tures which depict the beauty and picturesque features of our interest- ing neighbor to the south. One of the outstanding stops on the pictorial tour will be the presen- tation of a complete bull fight. A lecturer of long experience, Mr. Griffin is well qualified to speak on the various phases of Mexican life which he intends to discuss. His lec- tures have already enjoyed success in other parts of the state. Thursday's lecture will be the sec- ond in the 1940-41 series of six to be sponsored by La Sociedad His- panica. The public is invited. Dr. Southerland, Alumnus, T:; , T, ""iad.N -111 t;11 featism in Italy of unknown strength. The Rome version of the Fascistr disaster at Bardia hardly squares with known facts as reported by neu- tral eye witnesses on the spot. These eye witnesses concur in British re- ports that the Italians surrendered on a scale that embarrassed the vic- tors. War apathy among Italian con- scripts in Africa, Cgreece, and Albania+ has been as important a factor in re- shaping British plans toward a 19411 decision in the war as the -military successes achieved. It was the fac- tor that spurred Prime Minister Churchill to Broadcast an appeal to the Italian people to throw off the Nazi-Fascist yoke and oust Mussolini. Nor can the surrender of 30,000 Italian troops assigned to a "suicide Midland Publisher Talks Here Today Methods of publishing a commun- ity newspaper will be discussed by Philip Rich, publisher of the Mid- land Daily News, in the third of a series of talks sponsored by the De- partment of Journalism, 3 p.m., to- day, in the News Room, Haven Hall. Rich, whose topic is "The Manu- facture of a Community Newspaper," will also show colored movies illus- trating processes in preparing and publishing a newspaper. All interested are invited to attend the meeting. A coffee hour will fol- low the lecture and question period. stand" at Bardia be accounted for in any other way. From all indications' there were relatively few casualties in either the Italian or British ranks before the surrender took place. That was the same lesson of low Italian army morale learned by the British at Sidi Barrani and by the Greeks in Albania. There are signs that British leadership in West Afri- ca anticipates a similar experience at Tobruk, far west of Bardia and al- ready under British gunfire. Art Cinema League To Show Famous French Film Here The Art Cinema League announced yesterday that it has finally been able to book the famous French film "The Baker's Wife" for a three. day run at the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre Thursday, Friday and Sat- urday, Jan. 16 to 18. The film, which has been supplied with English sub-titles by John Ers- kine, noted writer, was awarded the critics" acclaim last week as the best foreign film of the year. Albert Stutz, Grad., manager of the league, revealed that the picture is being brought here on popular demand. All seats for the performances will be reserved and may be had for 35 cents Wednesday, January 15, at the Mendelssohn box-office. "The Nazi Revolution And Ameri- ca" will be the subject of a talk to be given by professor Hereward T. Price of the English department at a meeting of the American Student Defense League at 7:30 p.m. today in the Michigan League. Prof. Price terms his speech as scientific rather than political, for he will make a scientific analysis of the plans of Nazi Germany as they are forecast in the books and state- ments of the Germans themselves. He will also discuss the possibility of a decisive Hitler victory and will consider what the condition of the world would be under such circum- stances. The methods which the Ger- mans have used in the past and pro- bably will continue to use will also be scrutinized by Prof. Price. The methods he will be largely concerned with are those usually attributed to the fifth column. Following the lecture the American Student Defense League will hold a short meeting in which a credo for the lcalc hnnter will h discussed Pianist Returns From Abroad: Horowitz To Open Post-Holday Choral Series Next Wednesday Vladimir Horowitz, distinguished Russian pianist, will inaugurate the University Musical Society's post-' holiday season at 8:30 p.m. next Wed- nesday in Hill Auditorium when he presents the seventh Choral Union recital. Absent from this country since 1935, Horowitz returned this month from a brilliant season abroad. He has made plans to tour the United States, and already all of the seats for his recitals have been reported sold. He first appeared in America in 1928 when he made his debut with the New York Philharmonic Orches- tra and was acclaimed "the most suc- cessful concert artist to appear be- fore the American public in the de- cade since the debuts of Heifetz and l±y . . i , 4 !! f Ann Arbor Entertains Royalty: Archdukes Otto And Rudolph Cominig For Three Day Visit Money Raised Will Enable Students To Complete Education In America Refugee students on campus and those awaiting a chance to enter an American university to complete their education will be the beneficiaries of a local relief drive which will begin today. This refugee relief campaign will last until Jan. l during which peri- od an attempt will be made to raise enough money to pay the tuition and incidental expenses of the five re- fugees now studying on campus as well as -giving the same opportunity to some of the deserving students now interned in Canadian refugee camps. Prof. Jacob Sacks of the'pharma- cology department, chairman of the drive, issued the following statement on behalf of the Ann Arbor Jewish Committee: "The money contributed in the past has been usefully spent in sal- vaging the lives of young people who have been rescued from the Nazi terror. We are now asking for money to enable us to continue with this valuable work of helping refu- gee students to complete their edu- In his first trip to the Middle West, Archduke Otto, heir of the house of3 Hapsburg, will visit the Michigan campus today with his brother, Arch- duke Rudolf, and his aide, Count Degenfeld, for a three-day sojourn. During this time, the visitors will be guests at dinners and various func- tions given by campus organizations. While in Ann Arbor, the Arch- duke will be the guest of Former Re- gent Junius E. Beal and Mrs. Beal; his brother and Count Degenfeld will be guests of Prof. H. J. Heneman hold a tea for the distinguished guests. Student officers of the Mich- igan Union will be hosts at dinner for the party. At 8 p.m. Archduke Otto will speak at the Union's Student Forum on the topic "The Fall of Belgium land France." Friday afternoon at 4:15 p.m. in the Rackham Building the Archduke will deliver a University lecture sponsored by the political science department on "Central Eur- ope in the War." Mr. and Mrs. Heneman will give a dinner for the royal visitors at and Mrs. Heneman. This evening the party --.------ will be