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January 07, 1940 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1940-01-07

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Fifty Years Of Continuous Publication


Hie- And
'Infamug i e s

VOL. L. No.371










Anzacs Ready For




Of Eastern Libya

British Vanguard Troops
Near Tobruk, 70 Miles
From Captured Bardia
Pact Still Likely
(By The Associated Press)
CAIRO, Egypt, Jan. 6-The possi-
bility that British desert troops might
sweep past the Italian seaport base
at Tobruk and plunge on more than
250 miles across the Libyan sands to
attack Bengasi arose tonight even
as the advnce guard of British mot-
orized units threatened Tobruk's
outer defenses.
Tobruk, 70 miles across the desert
from Bardia, which the British cap-
tured yesterday, is the next natural
objective. But it was not quite cer-
tain when the British would open a
drive on Tobruk or whether they
would pass it up for the time being
for bigger game-the Cirenaican
capital across the desert.
At any rate, the Royal Air Force
pounded Tobruk in heavy raids sim-
ilar to those loosed upon Bardia in
the 48 hours preceding the final
land attacl 'which culminated in its
capture yesterday. -
Tons of bombs were dropped on
military objectives at the seaport
At least pne motorized spearhead
was reported 20 miles from Tobruk,
already blockaded by the British.
Australian troops carefully mopped,
up the Bardia region preparatory to
further operations while British
tanks moved westward, waiting for'
Thus Marshal Rodolpho Graziani,
commander of the Italians in North
Africa, has lost, British reports said,
one-third of his army in captured,
killed, or wounded men, and his most
important eastern base-Bardia-
has fallen.
Russian, Turkish
Resistance Still Likely
(By The Associated Press)
SOFIA, Bulgaria, Jan. 6-Diplo-
matic sources regarded joint Rus-
sian-Turkish resistance to any Ger-
man push through Bulgaria as still
likely tonight despite German re-
ports the U.S.S.R. has agreed to let
the Nazis enter and take over Bul-
garian territory.
The arrival here of a high official
of the Soviet Commissariat of For-
eign Affairs, these sources said, sug-
gested the reports - emanating from
official German quarters - might
only be wishful thinking.
Diplomatic reports also indicated
the Turks have concentrated sev-
eral hundred thousand crack troops
in Thrace, close to the Bulgarian
Reports given currency by official
German quarters in Belgrade said
Russia had acquiesced to a German
* move in Bulgaria on consideration
that Germany not oppose Soviet pol-
icy either in 'Finland or Moldavia,
the Rumanian area which adjoins
Bessarabia, former Rumanian soil
already annexed by Russia.
Society Honors
Prof. Trueblood Elected
Honorary President
Professor-emeritus Thomas Clarke
Trueblood of the speech department
was selected as the first honorary
president of the National Association
of Teachers of Speech at its 25th an-
nual convention in Washington, D.C.,
last week.

The office was created to recog-

Vibbert Lauds
Henri Bergson,
Noted Thinker'
Speaking enthusiastically of the
work of Henri Bergson, who died at
the age of 81, his good friend and
former student, Prof. Charles B.
Vibbert of the philosophy depart-
ment, declared, "He will stand forth
as one of the most important figures
in the anti-rationalist movement of
which American pragmatism is a
Much of the insight that he has
given on philosophic questions is
the most profound light that we have
ever had. There are few men who are
strict followers of Bergson, but his
influence on philosophic leaders is
striking, he stated.
Prof. Vibbert described the French
philosopher as a very little man who
was also very precise and elegant.
"There was even distinction and ele-
gance in his speech. In respect to
character he was extraordinarily gen-
erous with his time and quite genial
to all who met him."
He was known in every corner of
the world. He obtained every honor
that France could give to an intel-
lectual. He belonged to such distin-
guished bodies as the College de
France, the* Academy of Moral and
Political Sciences, and the French
Academy. He also belonged to many
foreign and international academies.
One of the greatest honors he ever
received was when he was chosen to
head the International Institute of
Intellectual Cooperation set up by the
League of Nations. He was given the
Nobel Prize in 1928.
Glee 'Club Will Meet
Today To Plan Trip
The Varsity Men's Glee Club will
meet at 4 p.m. today in the Union to
make final plans for their first con-
cert of the new year to be given next
week in Jackson.
Prof. David Mattern, of the School
of Music, will conduct a rehearsal
of chorus music for the program
which will include "The Ballad For
Americans." Jack Osserwaarde, Grad,
will accompany the group. Another
rehearsal will be held at 7:30 p.m.

Was Keynote
During 1940
Chief feature of 1940 at the Uni-
versity was completion of four units
of its vast construction program.
Officially opened during the year
were the $500,000 W. K. Kellogg
Foundation Institute of Graduate
and Post-graduate "Dentistry, the
$250,000 health service, the East
Quadrangle unit of men's residence
halls and the 70-foot tower telescope
for solar ,studies at Lake Angelus,
near Pontiac.
In Detroit construction of the
$3,250,000 Horace H. Rackham Edu-
cational Memorial was begun. Part of
the building will be used for the ex-
tension classes given by the Univer-
Addresses 2,700 at Exercises.
Addressing a record graduating
class of 2,700, President Alexander G.
Ruthven asserted that tie University
would "deal firmly, without fear or
favor, with subversive or so-called
'fifth column' activities." He also de-
clared that "the University of Mich-
igan is an institution of the people,
and its staff must continue to insist
that Americans who prefer to live
under other forms of government are
in spirit unfriendly aliens who have
no right to the benefits provided by
our schools." Later 13 students were
requested not to return to the Uni-
More than 600 persons heard the
open "hearing" for the 13 students,
held Nov. 9 at Island Park. Featured
speakers at the trial sponsored by thel
Michigan Committee for Academic
Freedom were Prof. Jerome Davis of
the New School for Social Research
and Maurice Sugar, prominent labor1
From Dec. 5 to 11 the managing;
editor and the editorial director of
The Daily were suspended by the
Board in Control of Student Publica-!
tions for "violating standards of
taste, good judgment and The Daily'
Code of Ethics" in publishing a letter
written by the chairman of the Amer-
iacn Student Union, Harold Norris,
"impugning the motives of the mem-
bers of the Board of Regents in rais-
ing University fees."
ASU on Probation,
The local chapter of the American1
Student Union was placed on proba-
tion for "an indefinite period" by the
University Dec. 6 for violating Uni-
versity regulations.
Most newsworthy campus person-
ality in 1940 was Gridder Tom Har-
mon, who was rated by most of the
nation's leading sports writers as the
Man of the Year in college football.
Faculty appointments during the
year included Ivan C. Crawford as
dean of the College of Engineering,
(Continued .on Page 2)

Of War


Engaged To Forest Evashevski


Termed Crucial


Driving Increase'

'One-Man Gang' To Wed

Sen. Brown



By PAUL CHANDLER it locked up until leaving for St. Ig-
The romance between Michigan's nace to spend the holidays with her
ex-football captain 'and a Senator's parents.
daughter that began in a small On Dec. 23 Sen. and Mrs. Brown
northern town more than two years announced the betrothal, and said
ago has blossomed into a real en- the wedding would take place either

Forest Evashevski wz just another
candidate for the Wolverine football
squad when he was employed on the
state ferries at St. Ignace in 1938.
There he met Ruth Brown, daughter
of Senator Prentiss M. Brown, who
was an Albion college girl home for
the summer holidays.
Evy's fellow worke s noticed that
the burly Michigan athlete soon lost
his "love to ride the ferries," and
was more interested in getting off
work in time to fill his dates.
The folks in St. Ignace also re-
alized before the summer's end that
Ruth enjoyed the company of Evy,
and more than once they were seen
together on their way to the movie
theatre across from the gas station.
The friendship continued, and a
couple of weeks before Christmas
vacation they traveled to Detroit to
purchase the diamond ring. Ruth re-
ceived it before Evy left for San
Francisco, to participate in the East-
West charity game, but secretly kept


To Witness First Big-Time

WinterCarnivalWhenSnow Comes
If and when a real snow comes
this year, Michigan will have a Win-
ter Carnival. Tobogganning, skiing,Q
fancy skating, snow-carving and
skating relays will feature the first'
opportunity of the campus to enjoy
a big-time festival in the ice and
The Carnival, sponsored by the
Michigan Uiion; will replace and en-.
large on the Ice Carnivals of former
years which were devoted exclusively
to skating exhibitions. Eleven hand-
some cups and trophies valued at "
over $260 will be presented to the
winners of the various events, Mur-
ray Markland, '43, and Jim Edmunds,
'43, program chairmen, announced.
Just when the outdoor events will
be held depends on the unpredic-
table disposition of old Frigid Face,>
himself, for there must be plenty of
snow in the Arboretum before the>
skiing and tobogganing contests can
be conducted. The first Saturday af-
ternoon that the snow condition is
satisfactory will be the date, so the
Union staff has urged that all or->
ganizations interested in submitting
entries be as prompt as possible.
Any fraternity, sorority, coopera-

during spring vacation or in June. k
Jewish Group
To Inaugurate
Ref u gee Drive
Campaign To Raise Fund
For Interned Students
Will Be Held Jan. 8-21t
A local drive for the relief of refu-
gee students will be launched by the
Ann Arbor Jewish Committee tomor-
From Jan. 8-21 every Jewish stu-
dent, townsperson and faculty mem-
ber will be contacted in an effort to
raise funds to enable the Committee
to continue the work that it under-
took two years ago.
At that time $2500 was subscribed
which has made it possible to bring,
20 refugee students to the campus,
and aid them in obtaining jobs after
completing their formal education.
The funds have been used mainly
to pay the tuition and incidental ex-
penses of the refugees, while their
room and board have been provided
by fraternities and sororities.
At the present five refugee stu-
dents are being cared for locally, but
there is a pressing need for funds to
bring foreign students who are in-'
terned in Canadian refugee camps to
'the University.
Prof. Jacob Sacks of the pharm-
acology department is the general
chairman of the drive, and he will be
assisted by Osias Zwerdling, localj
business, man, who will head the
townspeople division, and Martin
Dworkis, Grad., who is in charge of
the student division.
Solicitors will meet to receive last
instructioins and discuss techniques
at the Hillel Foundation at 7:30 p.m.
Members of the executive board of
the Committee are Kasimir Fajans
of the chemistry department; Prof.
William Haber of the economics de-
partment; Prof. I. L. Sharfman of
the economics department; Prof.
Sacks; Rabbi Jehudah M. Cohen, di-
recor of the Hillel Foundation;
Zwerdling; Elaine Fisher, '42; Je-
rome W. Mecklenburger, '41E; Irv-
ing Zeiger, '41; and Dworkis.
_____ . -, .__ -

OSU Cagers
Defeat Varsity
Quintet, 4949
A game but outclassed Wolverine
basketball team put up a stiff bat-
tle with Ohio State for fully threet
quarters before succumbing to theF
Buckeyes' height advantage and su-t
perior shooting ability to drop itso
Conference opener last night at Yost
Field House by the score of 49-39. a
Playing without the services ofa
lanky Bob Fitzgerald, who was strick-d
en with diptheria on the team's va-a
cation trip, Coach Bennie Ooster-c
baan's scrappy hoopmen found it an
insurmountable task to cope withs
their classier and rougher rivals. c
Three-Man BreakI
With three six-footers in their line-c
up, the Bucks could gamble, leaving
only two men back to retrieve the
Wolverines' shots at the basket whilea
the other three remained well downs
the floor to break for the hoop theb
moment their team got hold of thei
The result often found Captain
Herb Brogan or George Ruehle aloneb
in the backcourt trying vainly to1
break up a three-man Buckeye surget
toward the basket.p
McLain, Fisher Head Scoring n
The Buckeyes peppered the hoopu
with shots all night long. Paced byr
center Jack McLain and forward Dick
Fisher, who put on a senational
shooting exhibition, the visitors tooks
72 pops at the basket and connecteda
with 17. McLain and Fisher scoredc
27 points between them.
To add to Michigan's woes, the
Ohio State cagers proved deadly shotst
from the foul line, as they made goodn
on 15 out of 16 free throws while
the Varsity hooped 11 out of 19. n
Big Jim Mandler's five baskets wasF
(Continued on Page 3)v
Morg an Denies
Lehr's Charge
A ga inst Student
SRA Director DiscreditsF
Claim That Szymanskix
Has Paranoiac Traits f
Charges that 'Thaddeus A. Sy
Sz-manski, '41E, the student who. re-
fused to fill out his draft question-1
naire on pacifist grounds was suffer-
ing from paranoiac tendencies were
vigorously denied yesterday by hise
close friend, Kenneth Mrgan, direc-
tor of the Student Religious Associ-I
IWhen Szymanski was arraigned
last Friday for a second time before
U.S. Commissioner J. Stanley Hurd,
District Attorney John C. Lehr toldI
the commissioner that a psychiatric
report showed Szymanski to be suf-
fering from paranoiac tendencies,
but that the ailment had not ad-1
vanced to the point which wuldt
warrant his commitment to an insti-
Morgan asserted:
"Mr. Szymanski's friends can give
no credence to the publicized impli-
cation that he had psychopathic
tendencies; on the contrary, we havel
been impressed by his calm courage
as he faces a prison sentence for
his convictions. Under the Nazis,
conscientious objectors have fre-
quently been declared insane; it is1
a warning commentary on our own1
trend when our government allows a1

man to be discredited by implying
that he is deranged when he follows
his conscience in opposition to a de-

'Democratic Way' Subject
To World-Wide Attack,
FDR Tells Galleries
77th Congress
WASHINGTON, Jan. 6. -(P)-
Gravely and earnestly, President
Roosevelt informed Cogress today
that "a swift and driving increase in
our armament production" was the
immediate need'of a critical period
and appealed for widespread person-
al sacrifices in a national effort to
defeat the Axis powers lest they win
abroad and then attack the Ameri-
"Let us say to the democracies," he
said, "we Americans are vitally con-
cerned in your defense of freedom.
We are putting forth our energies,
our resources and our organizing
powers to give you strength to regain
and maintain a free world. We shall
send you, in ever-increasing num-
bers, ships, planes, tanks, guns. This
is our purpose and our pledge."
Most Emphatic Passage
A slow-paced delivery accompanied
by an ever rising tone, almost reach-
ing the proportions of a shout, made
this the most emphatically spoken
passage of the address-his annual
message to Congress, delivered as
usual in person and received with
repeated, enthusiastic ovations.
After the speech was over, however,
it became apparent Congress was
sharply divided on it. For example,
while Senator Barkley (Dem.-Ky.)
called it "magnificent" and Senator
Austin (Rep.-Vt.) likewise praised it,
Senator Ellender (Dem.-La.) said he
thought the President covered too
much territory in trying to "give the
whole world the kind of life we lead
in this country" and Rep. Tinkham
(Rep.-Mass.) exclaimed that the
President had "declared war on the
whole world."
President Asks Higher Taxes
The President said he would ask
"greatly increased new appropria-
tions" for defense, and for lending
arms to England, called for higher
taxes to defray the bill in part,
warned against listening to those
who "preach the 'isms' of appease-
ment," and as a means of strength-
ening the moral fiber of the Ameri-
can people in the face of "foreign
peril," itade four recommendations
for domestic action.
Old-age pensions and unemploy-
ment insurance should be spread to
cover a greater proportion of the
population, he said, opportunities for
adequate medical care should be in-
creased, a better means of providing
employment for those deserving or
needing it should be devised, and no
person should be allowed to grow
wealth out of the defense program.
Eulogies, Biting Criticism,
Feature Solons' Remarks
WASHINGTON, Jan. 6-(P)-The
Democratic and Republican leaders
of the Senate today commended
President Roosevelt's message to
Congress, urging increased defense
production and expanded aid to Bri-
tain, but some legislators were criti-
Senator Barkley of Kentucky, the
Democratic leader, termed the speech
"magnificent," adding that it "ex-
pressed the overwhelming determ-
ination of the American people."
Senator Austin of Vermont, acting
Republican leader, said he thought
the speech would "do much to crys-
talize the harmony and unity nec-
essary to greater efforts to aid Bri-
Other comments:

Senator Vandenberg (R-Mich)-It

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