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All-Ann Arbor Christmas Party
To Be Held Today In Union
Union To Hold'
Ball On Eve
Of New Year
Bill Sawyer To Furnish Music;
Departing Students Can Make
Reservations For Tickets Now
Father Time will haunt the annual
New Year's, Ball to' be held at the
Union with his scythe and hour-glass,
from 10 p.m. to 12 p.m., Dec. 31, but
from then until (?) young 1941 with
his tag will take over the reins.
Bill Sawyer and his orchestra, as
tradition dictates, will furnish the
music. There will be funny songs by
Big John, and sweet warbling by
Gwen Cooper and Bob Holland, and
specialty numbers by the orchestra,
Sawyer promises.
New Year's will be celebrated with
all the trimmings. Tables will be'
set around the room and on each will
burn a candle. Favors from paper
caps to toy whistles will be passed out
to dancers at midnight, to make the
celebration more lively.
Sawyer has announced for the
benefit of departing students, that
reservations can be made now at the+
Union desk. The dance will be semi-7
formal this year (or next year) and
the tickets have been priced at $2.75
per couple.
Four Are Initiated
Theta Phi Alpha sorority an-
nounces the formal initiation of four
new members; Betsy Burkheiser,
Ruth Parsons, Marie Camp, and
Rosemary Ryan. The initiation was
followed by a Christmas dinner.
Members of the Detroit alumnae were
present. New members were enter-
tained with an informal Christmas
dinner party, Sunday, Dec. 15.
Wifh every good
wish for
and real happiness
throughout the 1..
New Year.c
530 S. Forest Phone 2-4802
Vacation Rest
Will Not Begin
With Train Ride
Today is the day that thirteen!
thousand students pile intothe dusty
green coaches provided by the beni-
ficent railroad companies and start
off on their holidayrest. But it isn't
a rest from the minute they set foot
on the train.
If, for instance, one is taking the
special to Chicago with the plush
seats (more uncomfortable than any-
thing ever imagined), he knows that
he must get to the station about two
hours before train time to be sure
to have a place to put his coat and
hat. Once that is done, he begins
to roam the aisles to find someone
to drag into the diner with him. Up
and down the aisles he sways, bump-
ing into 10 or 12 other people who of'
course are going the opposite way.
Onto the next car, nd the next
car, and the next, ad infinitum, or
so it seems, he travels. Finally his
search is rewarded and he is confront-
ed by a pal who deigns to accompany
him to the diner to drink cokes. A1
pack of cards is taken along, "just
in case."
They reach the diner just in time
to snatch the last available table
from beneath the other fellow's nose.
Cokes are ordered, cigarettes are lit
and the session is on. This is at the
beginning of the train journey, but
even if we look in several hours later,
the situation is the same.
Now, however, the cards are in use
and there are more than two people
at the table. All attempts to skirt the
table to get into the next car are
foiled before they begin. Anyone who
might desire something to eat must be
content with the candy bars occa-
sionally called through the cars as
the tables in the diner are all so
crowded with coke-drinkers and card-
players, that service in the form of
food is an impossibility.
So the hungry travelers simply
tighten their belts and makestheir
way back resignedly to the other cars.
And when our friend finally decides
that his stop is almost upon him, he
breaks up the card game at the cru-
cial point (it would be!) and if he is
successful infiiding his coat, he is
really a lucky vacationer!
To Play AtDance Bi
Beta Kappa Rho
Reveals Plans
Group's Purpose To Be Social;
Game Fest, Dan e To Be Held
Beta Kappa Rho, newly organized
group for wholly or partially self-
supporting women on campus, has
announced that Sara Jeanne Hauke,
'42, has been elected as president for
the coming year.
Other officers are Catherine Call,
'43, vice-president, Thelma Coleman,
'43, secretary-treasurer, and Eleanor
Cartier, '42, membership chairman.
At their first meeting the execu-
tives compiled the highlights of their
year into a calendar, explaining that
the purpose of their group is to fur-
ther fun and fellowship among its
After Christmas vacation and d'ur-
ing the month of January, they have
planned a game fest to be held at
the Women's Athletic Building, for
the purpose of getting acquainted.
On Feb. 22, the group is staging an
informal dance called "The Minuet."
The theme of the dance will be car-
ried out with waltzes and minuets.
The advertising staff just yanked
a couple of inches from the page,
hence the column today. Or did you
know this was only used to fill up
extra space?
Will Furnish
Music At Dance
No Membership Requirement
Will Be Needed For Occasion;
Tickets Will Be Priced At $1 .25
Sprigs of mistletoe will help create
the holiday spirit for vacationeerss
who come to the All-Ann Arbor
Christmas Party from 9:30 p.m. to
1 p.m. tonight in the Vnion Ball-
Bill Sawyer and his orchestra will
furnish the music for the party and,
have announced that they will feature
music especially arranged for Ann
Arbor residents and "marooned" stu-
dents. "Big John," lovely Gwen
Cooper and Bob Holland will all be
there to add their special talents to
the fun and music.
Membership Cards Not Needed
For this occasion, the Union has
put aside their customary member-
ship requirement, so that no one
need show a membership card in
order to buy a ticket. The tickets
are priced at $1.25. This dance,
like the regular Union dances, will be
The staff of the Union has an-
nounced that its main purpose inI
planning this dance, other than tol
give a fitting sgnd-off to vacation, is
to give Season's greetings to Ann
Arbor residents in the form of music
by Bill Sawyer and his orchestra.
Patrons Are Named
Up to now the people of Ann,
Arbor and vicinity have only had
the opportunity of listening to the
music over the radio, and have not,
because of the lack of membership
cards, been able to attend the dances.
Patrons and patronesses who have
been invited to chaperon the dance
are Prof. and Mrs. Bennet Weaver,
Dr. and Mrs. George R. Moore, Mr.
and Mrs. Clifton Dey, Mr. and Mrs.
Frederic Matthaei, Mr. and Mrs.
Leneord Gregory, Mr. and Mrs. Don-
ald Williams, Mr. and Mrs. Harold
Barnum and Mr. and Mrs. J. Von
Dorothy Ketc
In a tour of the University Hospital,
conducted by Dorothy Ketcham, di-
rector of the Social Service depart-
ment, thistobserver paused in reflec-
tion on the ninth floor where thej
occupational therapy headquarters
are located.
This is the place where the occu-
pational therapist aids the patient in
adjustment to his new environment,
by weaving together the threads of
his life into a satisfactory pattern.
The occupational program is carried
out under medical supervision, ex-
plained Miss Ketcham.
"Occupational therapy," she com-
mented, "is primarily concerned with
the vocational and occupational in-
terests of both the young and old
patients. It involves the philosophy
of using all the capacities of the in-
Playrooms, schoolrooms, libraries
and recreational rooms compose part
of the equipment with which the oc-
cupational therapist at the Univer-
sity Hospital works, she stated.
Foremost among the qualifications
of a physical therapist, said Miss
Ketcham, is that of stability-as well
as a sincere liking for people. She
pointed out that "a college educa-
tion is encouraged as a pre-requisite
for occupational therapy because the
woman graduate has a broad grasp
and the basic equipment necessary
for success in this field."
"The American Occupational The-
rapy Association, which sets the
standards for the profession, strongly
recommends added study in a train-
ing school of occupational therapy,
Miss Ketcham added.
There are several schools in the
country, she related, where courses
are given in crafts, anatomy, design,
metal work, etc., which meet the de-
mands of the profession. "State re-
quirements must be met because pub-
lic funds are being used in many of
the hospitals," she disclosed.
"In the teaching division," she
mentioned, "there may be specialized
fields." While examining the school
rooms, she pointed out that they are
used for the children who are able to
come on their boards or in their
wheel chairs for short periods of in-
Each student continues his lessons
from the point where he left off be-
fore entering the hospital, she said.
"We attempt to reduce the difficul-
ties and-reach attainments as far as
we are able."
Miss Ketcham emphasized the need
for the occupational therapist to
bridge the gap of time, that the pa-
tient must spend in the instiution,
with the normal experiences which
he will again encounter on the out-
side. "Most of the patients," she
remarked, "will return to school or to
work within a year."
Enthused about the work accomp-
lished through Galen Funds derived
ro ;1the annual drive that was held
w .o w eek1s ago on campous, Miss Ket-
chami eagerly indicated that the
shop rooms and library are main-
tained by these proceeds. She ex-
plained that it is in these rooms .that
the occupational therapist is able to
constructively teach new vocations
and avocations adapted to the indi-
vidual patient.
Group To Breakfast
Episcopal students will gather at
Harris Hall for the last time this year
tomorrow morning for a celebration
breakfast following a service at 7 a.m.
ham Explains Use,
Of Occupational Therapy
Guess we're just a little sen
mental about certain friend
old-fashioned things . . . li
Christmas carols ringing o
over frosty air . . .pine con
glowing on the hearth .
holly wreaths in every spic
and-span front window .
fresh peppermint sticks han
01ing from the Christmas tr
and heartfelt greetings, Ii
we're sending you, for t
1g -
Cold Weather
To Don Hats, Caps, Kerchiefs
7 17111
Since that little drop of mercury
insists tpon hovering consistently
below freezing, even the hardiest are
putting their heads under cover, in
the shape of either hats, close-fit-
ting caps, or kerchiefs. Kerchiefs
rate high in popularity, but the knack
of wearing them without looking like
a refugee from the steerage presents
a real problem. I
Peasant-style kerchiefs are the ones
most frequently seen. They look gay
and pert if a girl lets her pompadour
and a few side-curls peek out.
It is when every hair is tucked
out of sight that that steerage look
appears. Scarves may vary from big
flowered squares to plain colored tri-
angles. The advantage of the square
is that when tied, one corner rests
on your top-curls. In case of rain
or snow this can be pulled up to
protect them more completely, but
the tips of the curls will still show to
flatter face contours.
Some girls can wear their scarves
turban-style with all their hair un-
derneath. The effect is stunning and
can be enhanced by earrings if the
turban is worn with a date-dress or
an evening dress. Hollywood says
you have to be a Crawford or Joan
Bennett type to carry this off suc-
cessfully. In that case, there are
stars among the campus women, for
Sociological Group
To Hold Convention
Four members of the Sociological
Department of the University will
attend the American Sociological So-
ciety convention to be held in Chi-
cago during the Christmas holidays.
Professor Richard C. Fuller has
been appointed chairman of the Sec-
tion on Sociological Theory and So-
cial Problems. Professor Robert C.
Angell will also be present at the
Mr. Amos Hawley plans to present
a paper on the general topic of eco-
logy, while Mr. Richard R. Myers
will also present a paper to the con-
vention on the "Natural History of
Social Problems."
NI wanc Lonave an air of mystery
about them. Chiffon that falls softly
about the face then extends on down
to waist or even knee length can be
worn gracefully by slender women,
tall or short.
The last word is inevitably, but in-
evitably about neatness. Pressed
scarves look so much nicer than those
that have weathered rain, snow, and
trips stuffed into pockets with no]
subsequent beauty aid from the iron.
- - - - -- - -\' ~ ,' '7 \' N~ > N
a number of beautifully-worn tur-
bans have been seen.
Chiffon scarves can be drapedl
charmingly for effective evening
wear. Black lace is the joy of those
whn t t f ha naiofmcrr
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