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December 19, 1940 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1940-12-19

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Development OfBook Bindings
Traced In New Library Exhibit
Fifteenth Century Work often tooled. A "chain book" which

Of Italian Craftsmen
Is Ineluded In Display
An exhibit of book bindings from
the old Italian, executed by master
craftsmen, to those done at the
University of Michigan bindery
within the past year, is featured
this week in the cases on the first
floor of the Main Library.
Several of the books were bound
before the fifteenth century. They
were made by hand and bound first
in wood to the pages and then cov-
ered with calf. The leather was then
- Ldst Times Today -

is heavily bound and was fastened
by means of a metal chain to the
wall is also shown.
In the early days of printing even
manuscripts were used to bind the
books. These rich and expensive
bindings are usually put onto rare
books although ancient royalty had
their books engraved and mono-
grammed in fine leathers.
Although the French binders ex-
cel in design and delicacy the Eng-
lish bindings are noted throughout
the world for their quality of work-
manship and materials. American
binders copied the French and Eng-
lish binderies at first but have now
gone far into the field themselves
although the finest bindings still
come from Europe.
Several of the Aldus bindings, one
of which has a silver crest in the
center are shown, also some of the
Roger de Coverly bindings from the
19th century. Many materials can
be used for bindings, the most prac-
tical, of which is leather. Vellum,
wood and even spun glass have been
used although the glass bindings
are still in the experimental stage.
Prices will be
Higher after Vacation
Open this evening till 9
Camera Shop
Nickels Arcade

Betsy Barbour was not initiating
a tradition, it was carrying one on
when it held its annual Christmas
party Tuesday. Deans of Women
Miss Jeanette Perry and Mrs. Byrl
Bacher were special guests who en-
joyed the traditional turkey dinner
and blazing plum puddings.
Jordan girls presented their an-
nual enactment of the Christmas
story in 'pageant form Tuesday
I after the dorm's closing hours.
by the way, all you hopeful
Jordan swains-opportunity knocks,
so don't let your chance go by. We
have it on very good authority that
a little twig of-er, uh, well-mistle-
toe-will be hanging in the main
lobby of that dorm this week . . .
Residents of Victor Vaughan
the medical men's dormitory are
going to make a lot of local kids
happy tonight when they treat 'em
to a real Christmas dinner.
Some of the houses in the West
Quad are also enjoying their Christ-
mases more because they gave par-
ties for some Ann Arbor kids . . .

Band Association Will'Sponsor
Music Clinic Here Jan.18, 19'

^ p DIrecfed by
Seorge B.ss, -
--Starts Friday -

And the East Quad had its
Christmas dinner last night, fol-
lowed by Greene House's party
underneath the Christmas tree
Mosher Hall will have its annual
formal dinner tonight followed by
a traditional Christmas pageant di-
rected by Adeline Gittlen, '42 .
music will be supplied by the Mosher
Glee Club and soloists Charlotte
Tuite, '41SM, and Mary Leighton,
'43. A visit from Santa and caroling
by the entire group will bring the
party to a close.
Stockwell houses 378 very happy
girls these days, not just because
"December is JOY month", but
also because the residents were
recipients of two very lovely books,
gifts of Mrs. Frederick Ray, house
director Tuesday.
The three most oft-repeated
phrases around the dorms this week
are "Merry Christmas", "Happy New
Year" and "Please leave your keys
before you go home".

In cooperation with the University
School of Music, the Annual Instru-;
mental Music Clinic, sponsored by the
Michigan School Band and Orches-
tra Association, will be held in Ann
Arbor Jan. 18 and 19th, it was an-
nounced yesterday.
The University Concert Band, un-
der the direction of Prof. William D.
Revelli, will read selections from the
National High School Festival re-
quired list for 1941 competition. The
band will also make recordings, which
are to be distributed throughout the
country by a Chicago music company.
The sales are expected to increase
well over 5;000, since many high
'school music directors have expressed
the desire to use these recordings for
interpretive and ensemble guides.
Last year's experiment proved these
recordings to be of outstanding edu-
cational value, the directors have re-
More than 250 school instrumental
directors from Michigan, Ohio, Illi-
nois, New York, Pennsylvania and
New Jersey attended the clinic last
year, and since this year's attendance
is expected to surpass that figure,
the Michigan Union Ballroom, the
Rackham Building and Hill Auditor-
ium are to be used for meetings.
According to the planned schedule,
the University Band will read class
A and B music Jan. 18. Movies of
the Marching Band will be shown in
the Rackham Building Saturday
night. Featured at the same ses-
sions, an outstanding high school
band, as yet unannounced, will cover
the class D and C repertoire. Guest
conductors will also be announced at
a later date. The University Orches-
tra, conducted by Thor Johnson, will
Brandeis Calls
Coed To Meet
Evelyn Sislin To Attend
Avukah Conference
Retired Supreme Court Justice
Louis D. Brandeis has invited Evelyn
Sislin, '41, president of Avukah, stu-
dent Zionist organization, to a con-
ference Dec. 21 with prominent Avu-
kah leaders from all sections of the
United States, executive committee
member David Crohn, '43, announced
The conference, annually held in
Justice Brandeis' Washington home,
is designed to discuss the progress and
problems of the student Zionist move-
For many years, Justice Brandeis
has been particularly interested in
Avukah and has been its chief advis-
er. Before his appointment to the
Supreme Court in 1918, he was one
of the nation's foremost Zionist
leaders, and since his retirement he
has resumed an active role in the
movement, concentrating in its youth
Rooming Houses
Plan Integration
Plans for a closer integration of
campus rooming houses were form-
ulated at a meeting of the Room-
ing House Council of Congress, In-
dependent Men's Association, last
Possibilities for forming a room-
ing house intramural athletic league
were discussed, including a program
for next semester in basketball.
A call was issued for all rooming
house residents who wished to serve
as tutors in Congress' tutorial plan,
and the possibility of arranging taxi
credit cards after Christmas was
also discussed.

Shields To Visit Here
Swanson C. Shields, news editor
of radio station WCAR, Pontiac, will
visit Ann Arbor today for an inspec-
tion of campus newspaper and radio
facilities. He will return to Pontiac

play selections on the National High
School Festival required list for or-
chestra during the convention.
The band, under Professor Revelli.
will present a concert Sunday after-
noon, Jan. 19. Kappa Kappa Psi,
the honorary University Band frater-
nity, is in charge of all arrangements,
and will hold a luncheon for visiting
directors and their guests on Jan. 18.
Further information regarding the
annual clinic will be announced as
plans are completed.



Be Satisfied With A MICHIGAN DAILY Classified


All Makes -$2.95 and up
Ulrich's Bookstore
549 East University Ave.




60c the Pound
Two Pound Box, $.00
Three Pound Box, $1.50 MAIL ORDERS
Five Pound Box, $2.50 handled promptly

Be sure to have this fresh,
delicious candy in your home
for Christmas. It will be ap-
preciated by the entire family.







,1 '<

54 r R
' :
; \ r

THE HOLIDAY SEASON is in again and with it come
the round of parties that all of us enjoy. The host
or hostess at any party should always remember that
energizing milk is never out of place and always wel-
come. Include MILK throughout this holiday season,
get the habit and know what it is to lead a happy,

2 "20MY--,



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