PAGE FOUR-SECTION ONETHE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1940 - , _ _.. e r .-.. _... _ - ... ,. .a n,...,.... i e -- a THE MICHIGAN DAILY .9,. 1- 7, f i 1 5' i. L Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Assolated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan,asM second class mail matter, Subcriptions during the regular school year by carrier $4.00; by mail, $4.50. REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVERTISING BY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADiSoN AVE. I NEW YORK. N.Y. CHICAGO * sOSTON e Los ANGELES . SAN FRANCISCO Member, Associated Cotlegiate Press, 193940 Editorial Staff Hervie Haufler . . . . Managing Editor Alvin Sarasohn . . . . Editorial Director Paul M. Chandler . . . . . City Editor Karl Kessler . . . Associate Editor Milton Orshefsky . Associate Editor Howard A. Goldman . . . Associate Editor Donald Wirtchafter . . . . Sports Editor Esther Osser , . . . . Women's Editor Helen Corman . . . . . Exchange Editor Business Staff FIRE and WATER By MASCOTT THENAME of this column is still "Fire and in the sea." Keep repeating that phrase con- Water." That was its name last year and stantly, and your four years of complete celibacy will continue to be its name for a moderate will pass quickly and easily. length of time this year. Fourth, buy a year's subscription to the Mich- We still don't like the name, and our boss, igan Daily. The business staff will love us for the Kaintuck colonel, still wrinkles his blue that plug. Besides we hope to get paid. Why?- grass nose at the very mention of it. we don't know. WE MANAGED to get around quite a bit this NATIONAL as well as local attention seems sum'mer, and we asked everyone for sug- to be focused on the approaching election. gestions for the name of this column. Neither It even seems to be gaining on sex and Brittan- the slovenly, wizened bartender in Tia Juana, ia's stand as leading topics of conversation. who drank more of his tequila than he served Concerning sex and England, we have nothing to his customers, nor the wiry farmer in Tobias, to say at present or in public. Of the election, Maine, who offered us some of his "spud" liquor, however, we unequivocally shout: "We are for could suggest anything better than "fifth col- William Jennings Bryan." McKinley is a good amn." And that definitely will not do. Someone man; he has mentioned something about a good in Hollywood offered "Of Slime and the Liver," five-cent Cuba, but we don't think he'll last but that was typically Hollywood and just isn't long. Bryan is for free silver and we're in favor conservative enough for the respectable Mich- of almost anything that's free. igan Daily. * * * The final result of all our searching, endless PROBABLY we'll vote for the Prohibitionist seeking is that the title of this column is still candidate, whoever he may be. We don't "Fire and Water." That's both obvious and support prohibition but we are perfectly aware redundant. that our family hasn't made any money since * * * repeal. * * * HOWEVER, we are running a contest for a * new name. No rules, no styling, not even a -,ORE SERIOUSLY, it certainly seems as if reasqnable facsimile is demanded. Just suggest the Willkie campaign has fallen as flat as an a good name. The contest is, moreover, restricted anemic pancake. Perhaps we're prejudiced but to 'facultymen's wives and the winner is to be it seems to us that with the exception of rewarded with a date with us. No entries are stauchly-Republican Washtenaw County, Ver- expected. mont and Maine, F. D. R. looks as good as elect- * * ed. And for the third time. UPPERCLASSMEN will find Ann Arbor, after If the elections had been held the very day ts dry 1940 summer, just about the same. after Willkie was nominated, it's not only possi- Angell Hall is still in business at the same old ble but probable that he would have been elected. stand, and a certain coke joint is also operating Since that time, Willkie has shown an amazing as usual even though it has a new front. If ability to say and do the wrong thing. First, they install new lighting, a goodly percentage he has too completely divorced himself from of the students enrolled here will suddenly and the Old Guard party leadership. We believe for the first time here be confronted with the Willkie has been sincere in his desire to "go to horrible problem of how to live in light. De- the people" but complete though tactfully secret troit Edison's dividends never originated in support of the party politicians is still extremely that place. Instead of light, one enjoyed' at- helpful to any candidate for any office. Second- mosphere. ly, Willkie's claim that Roosevelt was responsible * * * for the "selling out" of Czechoslovakia was false NOW WE MUST OFFER ADVICE to the fresh- and misleading. As a result of such charges, men. First, make all the acquaintances the Republican campaign can easily develop into (note we didn't say friends) that you possibly a situation in which Willkie makes the charges can. Find out their home addresses and write and the rest of the Republican party later makes them down in a little notebook. But never tell the apologies. them your own. Just say you live north of Sag- As yet, we're not going to take a stand on this inaw or west of Chicago or somewhere on Long election. As we've said before, we're for Bryan. Island. Then when you have all their addresses, We don't know who will make the best president. you can spend the whole summer traveling We do know that Willkie needs a good ghost- from one to the other, muscleing in on free food writer and a more clever press agent. and bed. How do you think we got around this * * * summer? FRANKLY, the horrible demise of the Boston Secondly, attend all the mixers and free so- Red Sox, our sprmg favorites, has com- cials. The cigarettes are usually free and if you pletely disillusioned us. No longer do we root wear three coats as we once did you can be publicly for anyone or anything. Maybe Yawkey smoking free for four years. will buy or steal some pitchers for next year. Thirdly, don't let the first refusal for a date Maybe the prohibitionist candidate (whoever get you down. Just console yourself with Aris- he is) will be elected. We don't know. We're totle's classic phrase: "There are plenty of fish not placing any bets. We've learned our lesson. Polky In A News-Filled World' i Business Manager Assistant Business Manager . Women's Business Manager . Women's Advertising Manager Irving Guttman Robert Gilmour Helen Bohnsack . Jane Krause A News Digest Of The Most Important World Happenings Of The Past Week The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. NIGHT EDITOR: HERVIE HAUFLER AI e- Greetings To '44 .. . E LSEWHERE in these pages there are about half a dozen references to a book entitled "Howto Make Good in College." Once in a while some publishing company sends a book for members of The Daily staff to look over, and this one dropped in quite unexpectedly -and quite opportunely, for we were in the process of putting out a whole issue of advice and information for you Freshmen. Although it is a pretty rich collection of hints and how-to-do-its, we ,don't recommend that you rush right out and purchase a copy-you're probably drifting in a hopeless sea of advice and good intentions as it is. But if there's any bit of advice that we would like to see you glean from that book, from the warnings of your, relatives or from us who are on the way out, it is this: Live* richly while you are here in Ann Arbor. IOPPORTUNITIES for living any sort of full, well-balanced life have been swallowed up in other countries by the overleaning demands of war. It is difficult to preserve any personal balance when your nation's every fiber is bent toward successful prosecution of a war. That is why we of The Daily have opposed the ever- growing martial sentiment in America. That is why we are urging you now to live richly, to develop yourselves while you may. We in America are still going to our schools and colleges, while the rest of the world has declared time out. Englishmen, Germans, Ital- ians are being forced to suspend what had come to be regarded as youth's natural elevating processes-learning, becoming skilled, preparing for a normal life later on. These things are still reserved for youth in America, and Freshmen, you would be foolish if you did not take advan- tage of them. W, 'HAT DO WE MEAN by living richly? We mean, for one thing, that you should avoid concentrating on any one interest to the exclu- sion of others. Do not let grades and studies on one side, or high living on the other, receive all the emphasis while you are here. Aside from the old patterns of behavior and the cut-and- dried routines of college life, there are as many varied things to engage your attention while in Ann Arbor as though the town had been built with your interests alone in view. Try canoeing on the Huron, tandem-bike riding; try partici- pating in a Union Opera or a Foreign Relations Club. There are a flock of good lecturers coming to Ann Arbor throughout the year, and you'll probably want to attend several of the concerts. Many will want to go out for athletics or for publications work their second semester. All of these activities are part of the rich experience that is college. They all help, along with your academic work. LIE RICHLY, for there is a need in the world today for youth armed with the vision that comes with proper preparation for a full life. There is a need for a people that has not lost sight of progress, that is still stable. You've come to college. Make the most of it while you can. - Hervie Haufler Alvin Sarasohn Paul Chandler In London Hardened but weary after two weeks of almost incessant bombard- ment from the air, Londoners con- tinued their routine of clearing de- bris, dodging underground and duck-1 ing out again. British censors tried to belittle the extent of the damage, but by week's end scattered reports and pictures indicated that Hitler's Luftwaffe was having pretty much of a spree. Claiming that "the injury to our (British) war-making capacity has been surprisingly small," Prime Min- ister Churchill admitted that casual- ties among civilians for the first half of the month totaled 2,000, with 8,000 more injured by Herr Goering's mis- siles. While bomb squads and firefighters rushed frantically about London's hardhit dock area and west end, ex- perts puzzled, drew hasty conclusions, disagreed and puzzled again. Favorite theories were: 1) That Goering's hard-hitting air arm wasntrying to throw populous London into panic, hoping to jam roads with wild-eyed refugees: a household - goods - littered stream, which, as in the drive on Paris, would seriously impede troop movements when Nazi landing forces storm the tight little island. Repeated airraids o nthickly populated tenement dis- tricts of London attested to the plaus- ability of this guess. 2) That Hitler was pestering Lon- don in order that the Axis might have a free hand in the Mediterran- ean and the Near East, where Italy has been concentrating her efforts. Londoners, when released from the crowded confines of airraid dugouts, clamoured for reprisals. In retalia- tion, RAF high-flying bomb flights shuttled over the Channel and took pot shots at the German capital. No fools, the British Air Ministry refus- ed to play into Hitler's hand, concen- trated most RAF expeditions on sink- ing invasionally usefull Channel ships, blowing up troop and munition concentrations at focal Channel points. In Mediterranean . Germany's one-man diplomatic show, Joachin von Ribbentrop, step- ped into the focal point of the Med- iterranean question mark in a move which threatens again to shift the theatre of war nearer Italy's front door. First hint of allegiance juggling came when Adolph's number one dip- lomat last week interrupted a Ber- lin conference with the Spanish en- voy for an armor-train journey to Il Duce's lair. Speculations flared rampant in "usually reliable sources." Conjectures included: 1) That Italy and Germany were putting the pressure on war-weary Franco, hoping for a combined at- tack on British Gibraltar. 2) That further German reinforce- ments would be sent to Egypt in a concerted effort to sweep Britain out of Suez. 3) That the Axis forces would act to pound Anglo-friendly Greece un- der the Italian heel. 4) That Italy and Germany might swing out of Syria to strike a bid for the rich oil fields of Iraq. In whatever direction the Axis decides to turn, this much is certain: resistance in Britain has been stub- born. Droves of swastika bombers have hammered destruction on Eng- land, but in the face of RAP count- er attacks on Channel bases and the rising winter furore of England's moat, Hitler will undoubtly have to postpone invasion for the time be- ing. Meanwhile, the Mediterranean theatre offers a lucrative double-edge sword: at Suez or Gibraltar, the Axis can cut British life lines, glean a source of raw materials for itself. In Eygpt, Italian troops under the leadership of Il Dupe's ace desert fighter, Marshal Rodolfo Graziani, outnumber defending British troops 2 to 1. No wise discouraged, British- ers and Eygptians alike point to the sandy desert death trap that has been the Near-East's most formidable bul- wark for centuries. Graziani's Roman legions are advancing steadily to- ward Suez, but are paying dearly to Anglo-native guerrilla warfare. In Indo-China Considered easy meat for the No. 2 Axis-jackal, Japan, since the cap- itulation of France, French Indo- China last month played host to un- welcome units of Jep sea power, hast- ily agreed to close supply routes to Chiang Kai-Shek. With full Vichy sanction, Japan last week again presed demands for air, naval and army bases on Indo-Chinese territory. Unexpectedly, French colonial officials balked, then refused. Most apparent reason: en- couragement, possibly even promise of aid from the new Anglo-Ameri- can "Alliance" had been received. Hoping that Anglo-American pro- tests were but verbal diplomatic for- malities, Japan Sunday threw a bay- ate Japan. Hints of an American base at Singapore have already out-reach- ed the speculative stage. Defense Swinging from the foreign news picture to the big national events that took up the headlines in our papers, greatest news of the week was the matte' of national defense. And most people were discussing the government's plans for the first peace time conscription of the nation's man- power in its history. Despite the fight put up in Congress by veteran isolationists and others the bill pas- sed rather easily, although a confer- ence committee composed of repre- sentatives from the Senate and House took some time in ironing out differences in the bills passed in the two legislative branches. The President quickly signed the finally completed bill, and thus the government found itself saddled with the stupendous job of registration and classification of the 16,500,000 men who are eligible for call. If you are anywhere from 21 to 35 years of age, you must register for the draft. Turning from the draft for a mo- ment to a more rapid method of mob- ilization for training. Americans said goodbye last week to their friends and relatives who are members of the National Guard. For the Nation- al Guard has been ordered out by the President to sharpen up their abili- ties in the interest of national de- fense. In 26 states 60,500 Guardsmen went to camps throughout the coun- try. Another 35,700 next month and 37,000 in November will join them for a year's training as part of the gigantic defense program. Besides this, the regular army has been en- listing about 8,000 volunteers every week, thus coming close to its auth- orized peacetime strength of 375,000 soldiers. For the conscription registration, War Department clerks were working overtime to prepare information and forms for registrars in the 6,500 dis- tricts into which the country has been divided. But this big job of registra- tion was only the start in the job, for, soon, 900,000 men, the limit under the law, will get their duffle and settle down to a year's training. The steps of registrationare: 1) On Oct. 16, local officials will register all men in the eligible age group. 2) The local boards will then shuf- fle the registration .cards, number them serially and send them to Wash- ington. 3) Washington will then reshuffle them and draw them by lot. The or- der in which thew are drawn will determine the order in which men in each area will be subject to training selection. 4) On the basis of the drawings, local boards will send questionnaires to registrants for information as to availability or deferment because of dependents or the nature of their jobs. 5) Local examiners will give phys- ical examinations. 6) Men passlng that examination will then be sent forward for exam- ination by medical officers in the Army, Navy and Marine Corps. 7) Those passing the final exam- ination will be inducted into 12 months of service. Much of the responsibility for the smooth working of this intricate plan goes to the local board which will be manned by prominent citizens fam- iliar with their communities. They must obtain accurate information about the trainees and must determ- ine the status of men who claim de- ferment because of dependents or "essential" jobs. The President has said that the local boards should be liberal in their definitions. Mostly this was because of the fact that it is estimated that 5,000,000 will be available for service. The first draftees, about 75,- 000, will be called up in mid-Novem- ber. Thereafter the Army's quota will be filled as shelters are completed for the new men. Construction has al- ready started for 34 camps. A bill for $338,000,000 has been passed to cover housing costs. The Army says that it will have no trouble in finding shel- ter for the new troops when the time comes, also that it would have plenty of weapons for the trainees in the months ahead. W ilikie Of course, the election campaign was very much in evidence last week, as Wendell Willkie took the tradi- tional campaign swing that all candi- dates must go through. He had a gruelling trip of it as he went across the Southwest into California, in ter- ritory that went for Roosevelt in the presidential elections. The Republican candidate's man- ner of public speaking was getting better. At Chicago, ten days ago, he had been uncomfortable with a mic- rophone and had tried to make his voice carry to the farthest points of the audience. As a result he became extremely hoarse and took some coaching in voice and speaking from Dr. Harold Barnard of Beverly Hills, Calif., advisor to some of Hollywood's stars. Republican leaders and party spokesmen were fearful that there might be more unfortunate breaks in his campaign like those caused by an apparent over-willingness to talk quickly and without consideration. Biggest cause of grief was Willkie's accusation that the President had telephoned Hitler and Mussolini in September of 1938 and urged them "to sell Czechoslovakia down the riv- er." Administration denials were quickly forthcoming, and Willkie's kides admitted that he had "mis- spoken." While Wllkie was, making his campaign jaunt out West, the Ameri- can Institute of Public Opinion an- nounced the results of a pre-election poll on the two men. Roosevelt was well in the lead, and his percent- ages had increased a great deal since the previous poll. The President had 55 per cent of the popular vote and 453 electoral votes as against only 78 for Mr. Willkie. HARVARD FETES OLDTIMER Next month, Harvard University will give a special testimonial ban- quet for a veteran campus police- Iman, Charles R. Apted. THE NEWSGATHERERS of the world had a busy time of it last year. Foremost among the events that demanded com- plete coverage was the start of a new war-there hadn't been a war of great magnitude since 1918, and everything about it was news, big news. And then there was that other war-the Sino- Japanese War-that had been going on for quite a long time but which showed few signs of end- ing. That demanded a lot of room in the papers of this country. Also important was the record- ing of the political, social and economic upheaval throughout the world. Russia and Finland went to battle. Conditions, philosophies, 'governmental theories were changing fast, and the newspapers had to be there to tell all about that changing world. It was a busy time for them. The Daily had to record those news events, those important happenings; The Daily had to try and keep its readers informed of those changing philosophies. ALL THROUGH that year the difficulty of presenting a complete picture of the world lay in the fact that there were extant such def- initely opposed philosophies of government and of economic system. It was no easy matter to attempt to treat impartially both sides in all these conflicts. And, so, many persons were certain that the papers were trying to mistreat their favorites, even though no partiality was intended. Conflicting news reports sent from the censored news agencies of Europe were often responsible, both sides playing up what was fa- vorable to their own purposes. That was a big year, and a troublesome year for the newspapers. But this one is already ten times as jumbled-there's even more to tell. The war has swept through Poland, Denmark, Norway, the Low Countries, France; Lithuania, Esthonia and Latvia are now a part of Russia; Rumania has been chopped up. The war has increased in intensity, and, now, Great Britain is engaged in a great struggle to stay alive. In the United States we are bombarded by dif- ferent opinions on our defense problems-how best to defend, from what to defend. And, most important to us in a country where voting is still possible is the hot presidential race. In all these news subjects there will be many conflict- ing stories. THE DAILY wants, more than anything else, to treat all sides fairly, in its news columns and in its editorials. The Daily is not meant by its editors to be any kind of a propaganda in- v+,'ment- it will have no ax to grind. Rather ON OUR editorial page we will attempt to give all campus opinion an even break. Editorials will be governed by good taste, accuracy and pointedness. Our public letter box is open to everyone interested and is an important part of our paper. Through the year we hope to have all types of campus thought represented in our paper. In connection with the "Letters to the Editor," it should be remembered that The Daily's editors do not write them, wishing merely to allow all students freedom to speak their minds.s THIS WILL BE a big news year, and The Daily will get in on as much of it as possible. It is the editors' intention to keep The Daily's readers informed. - Alvin Sarasohn A Sound Warning ... + National Commander Raymond J. Kelly of the American Legion has said a wise thing. In Boston for the annual convention of veterans of the first World War, he warns citizens of the United States against war hysteria and the as- sumption that our involvement in the conflict between Great Britain and Germany is inevit- able. The program he proposes is, in essence, to strengthen our national defenses to the ut- most, expeditiously, remembering that these armed forces are to defend America, not to plunge the country into foreign wars. The soundness of Commander Kelly's advice is manifest. There is no surer way to become embroiled than to assume that involvement can- not be avoided. -St. Louis Post-Dispatch The City Editor' s SCRATCH PAD YOUR *"DAILY" DOZEN: 1. War News 2. Sports 3. Fashions 4. Literary Supplement 5. University Daily Official Bulletin 6. The Social Whirl 7. Shoppers' Guide 8. Associated Press News 9. Editorials 10. Sunday Rotogravure Section 11. National Famous Columnists 12. Classified Directory SUBSCRIBE NOW! 180 ISSUES $400 (one year) H ELLO, FROSH! . Probably you're all set to write home, describ- ing the glories of Ann Arbor, but wait a while.- You just arrived. rm, Italy's efforts to cork up '4 '. nn ,nm£n1PI+ n54n1finnS the Suez Canal indi- further to nonnlariz r R III1 i 11