W eather Light rain and warer. Y2 Fifty Years Of Continuous Publication ~Iaitii Editorial How Good Are Y o u, Mi . American Voter~ VOL. LL No. 69 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1940 Z-23 PRICE FIVE CENTS Prof. Randall Chosen To Be Henry Russel Lecturer In '41 Highest University Award Is Given For Research To Physics Professor News Announced To Faculty Men Prof. Harrison M. Randall of the physics department was announced as the Henry Russel Lecturer for 1941 at a meeting of the Research Club last night in the Rackham Ant- phitheatre. Widely known in scientific circles for his research in the field of high temperatures and of measurements in the infra-red region of the spec- trum, Professor Randall has also won distinction for the administration I of the University's Physical Labora- tory, which he has directed since 1918. The Henry Russel Lectureship, the highest honor that can be given to a member of the University faculty, is based on a bequest from the late Henry Russel of Detroit, of the Class of '73. It is annually awarded to the faculty member who is judged to have attained the highest distinction in the field of scholarship. Professor Randall received the Bachelor of Philosophy degree from the University in 1893 and his doc- toral degree in 1902. After high school teaching at West Bay City and East Saginaw, he joined the University staff in 1899. He became a full pro- fessor in 1916. Professor Randall's work at the Physical Laboratory has resulted in the development of a general research program by the departmental staff, stressing spectroscopic work and re- search on the atomic structure. The East Physics Building was re- cently dedicated as The Harrison M. Randall Laboratory of Physics in his honor, and he was made professor emeritus of physics at the December meeting of the Board of Regents. He will retire as the chairman of the physics department at the end of the first semester. Dr. Frank N. Wilson of the Med- ical' School was the 'winner of the Lectureship in 1939. Dr. Frank H. Bethell of the Medical Schooleand Prof. Edgar M. Hoover of the econ- omics department shared the junior award. Varsity Quintet To Battle Irish At South Bend Notre Dame Provides Test As Unbeaten Wolverines Invade Indiana Tonight Michigan's undefeated basketball team will resceive its first real test of the season tonight at South Bend when the Wolverines open a stiff vacation schedule ' against Coach George Keogan's Notre Dame quil- tet.. At the conclusion of practice yes- terday, Coach Bennie Oosterbaan named a squad of 11 players to make the first lap of the Varsity"s an- nual vacation trip, which also in- cludes encounters with Butler, Pitts- burgh and Princeton. The list included: Forwards Mike Sofiak. Bob Fitzgerald, Bill Herr- mann, Bill Cartmill and Hal Wester- man; centers Jim Mandler and Pen- ny Morris; and guards Capt. Herb Brogan, George Ruehle, Jim Gris- sen and Leo Doyle. Oosterbaan had planned to in- clude Joe Glasser on the travelling squad, but the big Oklahoman was confined to the infirmary with a heavy cold until yesterday, and was in no condition to join his mates for the trip. The.Irish will be favored to avenge two straight setbacks at the hands of Micgan when the two teams meet tonight for the fifth time in their series. Keogan's hoopmen have already played four games this sea- son and have won three, their only 10 Michigan Men To Undertake Trip To New York Tomorrow In Hearse Italian Retreat Into Libya Reported By British RAF; Logan-Walter Bill Killed William Rockwell, president of Men's Congress, and organizer of a lugubrious non-stop Ann Arbor-New York trip in a dilapidated 1931 hearse, tosses some luggage into the depths of the vehicle-right where the coffin stand was once located. Jim Carey, 44E, holds the door open for him. By WILL SAPP Ten men in a hearse- That's how 10 Michigan men will travel when they hit the road for home tomorrow in a remodeled 1931 funeral hearse salvaged from a De- troit junk yard for $50. But the atmosphere in this hearse will be anything but funereal. The interior has been completely re- vamped. The coffin stand has been torn out and is replaced by a auto- mobile seats and beds. Besides this, there is a kerosene stove for heat and coffee, a food larder and radio. Owner of the heavy eight-cylinder high power automobile is William H. Rockwell, '41, Congress president, who is in charge of the cooperative ven- ture. The ten will share gas, oil, and food expenses. The Ann Arbor-New York trip will Opera Script ' Deadline Set Material Due April 28, Gormsen Announces James Gormsen, '42, newly ap- pointed chairman of next year's Union Opera, announced yesterday that scripts for ther next show will be dueMonday, April 28. The comedy book, which is to be turned in to Gormsen by that \ate, is to be written to play a whole evening. Since the past two operas have been concerned with college life, Gormsen suggested that the new; shows skirt this sort of plot and touch on some original subject. Mu- sic for the show will not be called for until after the script is chosen next semester. Any further information on the type of material wanted may be had by calling Gormsen at 24551. The deadline date has been set for one week after the Easter adjournment. be non-stop . . . that is. no stops save for gasoline, and all that goes with gas stations. If driven right, Rock- well explains, the funeral car will give 10 miles for each gallon of gas. "What do you mean, gas expense?" he asked . . . "think cf the volume of this undertaking . . . that crate will, hold 17 men, but we don't want to crowd ourselves so we're only taking ten." They expect to make New York in 24 hours. And they're coming back that way too. All of the students are from East- ern states and will take turns driv- ing, sleeping. The three who sit in the driver's seat will wear morticians' high black hats. There is no siren. Rockwell denied that they were tak- ing Scotch along as embalming fluid. "We're all set," Rockwell said, "we can do 75 mph . . . once we get this thing rolling . . think of the weight . . . and besides, no car can pass a hearse . . . state law, you know.". His biggest worry is how he is going to maneuver the car in fast city traffic. The hearse is longer than many trucks and is "considerably more difficult to steer." Rockwell is no novice in the art Messiah' Record Set Offered To Students The University Symphony Orches- tra, under the baton of Thor John- son, the Choral Union Chorus of 300 voices, and four distinguished professional soloists presented the annual Yuletide performance of Handel's "Messiah" last night in Hill Auditorium. The "Messiah" prformance was recorded, as is the usual custom each year. Students who wish to pur- chase the record set are asked to contact Dr Charles A. Sink, presi- dent of the University Musical Soci- ety. of giving used car dealers a few dol- lars and driving away with a car that well adapts itself to the needs of the campus. Last year he gave a New York salesman $10, and went home with a 1930 station wagon once owned by John Pierpont Morgan. He also owns an ancient Dodge and Mod- el T Ford, but regards the hearse as the pride of his fleet . . "after all, it is the newest!" It is a custom-built Meteor, powered by a Continental motor. The original price was $5,000. Those going with Rockwell include Edward Fried, '41; Harold Osterweil, '41; Dave Zaron, '42;.Jim Carey, '44E; Taiseo Luokkalla, '44; Henry Kas- sis, '44; Al Blaustein, '42; Bertrand Smith, Grad., and Irving Jaffe, '43. Most of the boys are members of the Brandeis Cooperative House. Student's Guilty Plea Refused District Attorney Orders Psychopathic Test Thaddeus A. Szymanski, '41E, the student who was arrested Tuesday for refusing to fill out a draft ques- tionnaire on the grounds of pacifist principle pleaded guilty at a hearing before J. Stanley Hurd, United States Commissioner in Detroit yesterday but Hurd refused this plea and a plea of innocent was entered for him. a John C. Lear, United States dis- trict attorney, explaining his action in requesting Hurd to do this said, "Under an innocent plea, I can order a psychopathic examination for him." Szymanski has been released on $500 bond for examination Jan. 3. At one time he served for a year and a half in the ROTC. The explan- ation heygave for the apparent con- tradiction between this and his more recent beliefs was, "At that time my views were in a state of flux. They have solidified during the last two years, partly as a result of the events abroad." He said he was not a member of any religious group that objected to its followers participating in war, but that he followed the teachings of the Fellowship of Reconciliation, a New York pacifist organization. He said, however, that he was not a member. House Upholds President's Veto Of New Legislation Directed At Agencies Government Pushes Plan For British Aid WASHINGTON, Dec. 18-(P)-The Logan-Walter Bill, to broaden juris- diction of the courts over the activi- ties of administrative agencies, was killed today when President Roose- velt vetoed it and the House upheld the veto. With a two-thirds majority needed to override the veto, House propon- ents mustered only 153 votes on the roll-call test, 23 less than their strength on original passage, while 127 voted to sustain the President. The House vote made unnecessary any action by the Senate, which had passed the Bill originally 27 to 25. Rep. Walter (D-Pa.), who had sponsored the legislation with the late Senator Logan (D-Ky.), said he would introduce the same bill again at the next session of Congress starting Jan. 3, but in the meantime a report is expcetcdc from a special committee which doubtless will influence fur- ther legislative efforts. The committee, headed by Dean Acheson, Washington attorney, was appointed by the attorney general a year ago at President Roosevelt's direction to review the entire admin- istrative pocess and recommend im- provements, including any needed legislation. Mr. Roosevelt said in his message that its report would go to Congress "in a few weeks." War Loan Legislation Pushed By Administration WASHINGTON, Dec. 18-()- While Secretary of State Hull urged that America's arms production be speeded up toward a war-time basis, administration aides on Capitol Hill prepared to push for legislation im- plementing President Roosevelt's plan to lend war implements to Britain. One expert estimated that this plan, under which the United States would take over futureBritish war orders, pay for the materials itself and lease them to Britain, might add about $2,500,000,000 to the $15,- 000,000,000 authorized and appropri- ated by the present Congress for United States defense. How the additional financing would be handled was not officially explained, but Secetary of the Treas- ury Morgenthau already has asked Congress to increase the national debt limit from $45,000,000,000 to $60,000,- 000,000 or $65,000,000,000. The last- named figure, financial experts be- lieved, would boost the Government's borrowing powers enough to cover British war requirements, at least in the near future. Hull disclosed at a press confer- ence that he had been urging that the production of arms, planes, ships afid other materials be brought as nearly as possible to a war basis. * * * . Pres. Ruthven Issues Annual Yule Greeting "To some it may seem that this cannot be a particularly pleasant Christmas time, in view of the un- happy conditions which exist over a large part of thedworld. Man's long struggle to produce a civ~iliza- tion which will insure a reasonable amount of peace, happiness, and security for all has apparently failed. Just as we were priding, ourselves on the distance we had traveled from a stage of barbarism, we were plunged into an era of cruelty, deceit, oppression, whole- sale murder, and destruction, the like of which has never before been experienced. "In these dark times I would re- mind you of two things from which we may gain hope. The bodies of men may be easily destroyed but not their hopes and aspirations. Our slow progress toward a moral society has received many setbacks, but every pause or recession has been followed by an advance. "We may conclude then that this is no time for discouragement. We may justifiably cling to faith in man's ability to improve his status as a communal being, insist upon the reality of social progress, and rejoice that we have at least en- tered the "age of conscience." In this belief I extend to you my best wishes as we celebrate the birth- day season of the Prince of Peace. May you have true happiness in abundance-the happiness which renders men and women just, true, honest, and thoughtful of others." -ALEXANDER G. RUTHVEN All members of the publications staff of Perspectives, campus lit- erary magazine, are requested to meet at the Publications Building at 4 p.m. today. Exchange letters and other correspondence must be taken care of before the Christ- mas adjournment. England's Forces Attack Easterninost Fascist Base Left In Egyptian Desert Petain Government, Nazi Envoy Confer CARO, Egypt, Dec. 18-(P)-An Italian retreat westward along the Libyan coast toward Dern, 150 miles within the colony, was reported to- day by Royal Air Force observers while the British army closed in on the Mediterranean port of Bardia, Libya, the easternmost base left to the Fascists in their disastrous Egyp- tian campaign. Bardia itself appeared surrounded and doomed to imminent fall to the, British, whose dusty armored cars were reported to have cut communi- cations to the west. From the east, thousands of fresh imperial troops brought in from Egyptian desert camps stormed the other end of a closing pincer which imperiled sev- sral Fascist divisions. The British command had put a sngle sentence In desription :-"Op- eratibns in the Bardia area continue." The reports of British pilots, how- ever, drew a picture of Fascist flight over a vast area-from Bardia to Tobruk, itself more than 70 miles from the Egyptian frontier and the strongest Italian base in Libya, and on to the west from there toward Derna. The Italian columns were reported under machine-gun attack by Brit- 'sh plane. While the offensive of the western desert thus proceeded, a British dent nto Italian East Africa was reported by general headquarters. Petain Moves Toward Collaboration With Nazis VICHY, France, Dec. 18-(IP)-With Pierre Laval apparently restored to an active if unofficial place in French-German dealings, the Petain government tonight conferred new powers up on Fernand De Brinon, whom Laval had established in Paris as "Ambassador of France" for pur- ooses of collaboration with the con- queror. Official sources indicated they con- sidered the "Affaire Laval" as closed aow that Otto Abetz, Adolf Hitler's -nvoy, has returned to Paris, taking with him the deposed "crdwn prince" of the Petain regime. Laval's friends thought he actually would resume French-German nego- tiations in Paris, although Vihy government sources insisted he had ao official mission. Band Attends Kunz Farewell PartyTonight The 100 members of the University Marching Band will attend a fare- well party for their drillmaster, Lt.- Col. Robert M. Kunz, 8 p.m. today at the Union. Given by Prof. William D. Revelli,- ;onductor of the band, and Lieuten- ant Kunz as a last get-together for the group before the latter leaves for his new post at Fort Monmouth, N.J., the informal smoker will feat- ure sound films and refreshments. Lieutenant Kunz joined the Uni- versity Band this fall, and was re- sponsible for the marching forma- tions exhibited by bandsmen at foot- ball games during the gridiron sea- son. His successor will be named some time after the Christmas ad- journment. The Lieutenant leaves for New Jersey Feb. 2. Germans Reported Sending Italy Troops NEW YORK, Dec. 18.-(P)-The Columbia Broadcasting System to- night reported receipt of a wireless message from Belgrade, Yugoslavia, 1941 Senate Parley Chairman, Committeemen Are Announced Social Work Integration Needed iAnn Arbor, James Declares 4% The names of the parley chairman and members of a Campus Wide Co- ordinating and Continuing Commit-. tee were announced yesterday by William Todd, '42, general chairman of the Student Senate's annual win- ter parley, which will be held Jan. 10-12. "It will be the purpose of this new committee to work with the Senate on. the parley by offering suggestions and arousing the interest of various campus organizations as a continu- ing body between parleys," Todd explained. The students selected to serve on the committee are Robert S. Reed, '42, William Elmer, '41, Ed- ward Walpole, John Devine,-'41, Al- vin Sarasohn, '41, Ward Quaal, '41, Annabelle Van Winkle, '41 and Ellen Rhea, '41. .Todd acnrding to narley tradi- man at the symposium that deals with America's role in any future peace. Doris Merker, '41, will lead the dis- cussion Saturday afternoon on the place of extra-curricular activities in college life. The fraternites and sororities panel will be led by Wil- liam Sessions, '41. Helen Corman, '41, will have charge of the panel on the proper function of student cooperatives. The Saturday evening session will be divided into three vertical for- ums on the general subject "License- Freedom-Suppression." Charles Boyton, '42, Lee Perry, '42 and Douglas Gould, '41 will preside over ,panels which will discuss this topic in connection with the national scene, the position of academic free- t t 3 1 SANTA IS ON HIS WAY- By ROSEBUD SCOTT (Editor's Note: This is the second in a series of articles based on a survey of Ann Arbor's social service and leisure time agencies conducted here recently by a group of experts.) Understanding of Ann Arbor's so- cial problems and of the necessity of comprehensive community planning is essential on the part of citizens to bring about coordination and in- creased effectiveness of private and public agencies, Prof. Laylin K. James of the Law School who was chairman of the committee sponsor- ing the appraisal of Ann Arbor's ser- vices, maintained in an interview yes- terday. Concerted action on the recom- mendations of the survey will go far to bring about model arrangement of social service for the money ex- agencies is paramount in breaking down the isolation and distrust be- tween groups engaged in related or identical fields. Greater utilization of state and local public facilities can be advanced by smaller administrative framework -which can visualize pos- sibilities for integration, Professor James\commented. Through the efforts of a post-sur- Vey committee plans will be made to set up more simplified and respon- sible machinery for social service. With the continuance of cooperation already given by governmental and University groups, conflicts and gaps in services may be adjusted, he pre- dicted. Success or failure of the project' to rectifythe community's problems will depend ultimately upon citizens who support and who benefit by