9 WDNtSDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1940 Union To Qive Concert Today Of 'Messiah' A complete rendition of Handel's "Messiah" via recordings will be a special Union music feature from 8 p.m. to 10 p.m. today in the Terrace Room of the Union. Offered especially for the many who have been unable to obtain tick- ets for the presentation of the "Mes- siah" by the Choral Union at Hill Auditoriumi today, the concert will be offered as a deviation from the regular Union classical record hour, ordinarily held at 4:30 p.m. Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. There will be no admission charge to the Terrace Room. Bob Samuels, '42, chairman of the regular hour, will also be in charge of the special presentation. This will be the last in a series of recorded concerts presented by the Union before Christ- mas vacation, and all are urged to attend to get in4o the holiday spirit. Basketball Contest Begins Elimination In the woman's basketball elimina- tion games played Monday and yes- terday six teams were dropped from the original 41 contestants. Mosher defeated Delta Delta Delta in a close game with the final score of 12-6. Couzens' No. 1 team won a 20-12 victory over Alpha Omicrona Pi, while League House Zone IV de- faulted to Alice Freeman Palmer Co-' operative, and Martha Cook defaulted to Kappa Alpha Theta. T11E MICflt(TANT1AllV PAM V ALI iF L v l :J.- J b II Tea Is Today For Architects Wives Of Faculty Members To Entertain At Christmas Party Wives of the faculty members of the School of Architecture will pre- sent a tea from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. to- day in the library of the School of Architecture for all art students. Of special interest to those attend- ing will be the two foot cupid doll placed on the library tea table. This center piece was made especially for the occasion to represent gayety by Mr. Grover Cole, instructor of cer- amics. Around the cupid will be evergreens, to add to the festive holi- day spirit. Jean Ranahan, '43, is working in cooperation with Mrs. Wells Bennett to make the party a success. Others helping are Mrs. Sidney Warren and Mrs. Donald Gauch. Faculty mem- bers' wives who will be officiating at the tea table are Mrs. Ralph Ham- mett, Mrs. Walter Marshall and Mrs. Alexander Valerio. Sororities Announce Additional Pledgings Three sororities announce the re- cent pledging of women. Alpha Gamma Delta announces thei pledging of Barbara Woodhouse, '43, of Milburn, N.J. Virginia Fother- ingham, '44, of Pinconning had been added to the pledge list of Alpha Omi- crons Pi. Chi Omega announces the pledging of Mary Jean Cunningham, '44, of Benton Harbor, and Geraldine Stad- leman '44, from Monroe. Jackets Are Masculine University Student Describes Thrilling Experiences In Peru By FRANCES MENDELSON Hanging to a shrub, 30 feet below the top of a cliff and 2,000 feet above the next landing, for 20 minutes un- til help could be summoned, was only one of the exciting experiences which Ruth Clark, '43, had to tell about the three months which she spent in Peru this summer. One of 16 American college stu- dents who participated in this un- usual program of education called "International Living," Miss Clark, a transfer from Saran Lawrence Col- lege, said that, although the Peruvi- ans lap up the type of Americanism that they see in the movies, they re- sent the inclination of any of their own people to adapt the customs of the United States. Altnough the American students were accompanied by several Peruvian boys on their travels to the "backwoods," no Peru- vian girls joined them because, Miss Clark said, it would have outraged the social conventions. Girls Don't Attend College It is almost equally unheard of, she said, for the girls to go to college. Most of them attendta religious school or the equivalent to our finishing schools, Miss Clark added. "When a Peruvian girl goes on a date, even if it is only to the movies, she must be accompanied by a chaperon, gen- erally a brother or sister or friend." These customs, she said, are only true in the cities as it is there that most of the white people live. Because the Peruvian white man is expected to support his wife and sup- ply her with servants, Miss Clark' explained, there are many bachelors, { I and those men that do marry usually wait until they are about 30. The girls generally marry when they are 18. Set Out For Andes During the second month of their visit, Miss Clark and her party left the city of Lima and set out for the Andes Mountains in a truck driven by a "none too capable" native. It was on this trip that she had the rather "fantastic" experience of falling off the cliff. "It seemed so ridiculous that I could hardly believe it," Miss Clark said when asked how it felt to have nothing between her and a 2,000 foot drop but a small shrub. Once, when coming upon an In- dian tribe, the party was mistaken for an Argentinian circus. When the students had set up their camp, they found themselves completely sur- rounded by the Indians who sat in a circle and just watched them for a day and night. "Although they ap- parently meant us no harm," Miss Clark said, "it became very nerve- racking to have every movewe Made watched by strange eyes." Lived In Inca Hlouse On old Inca house, resurrected by archeologists, was the home of the party for three or four days. Among the fabulous ruins which they visited, Miss Clark cited the example of a gold-plated cathedral which had an altar of solid silver. "Any American," she said, "would have died a thous- and deaths to see the large, jewelled candelabra in a safe of rotted wood." The "International Living" pro- gram, a non-profit organization, has been in existence for 10 years. By sending groups of college students to various countries, they hope to pro- mote friendly international relations by acquainting the students with cul- tures other than their own. In for- mer years, most of these groups trav- elled through European countries, but the war has temporarily curtailed those trips. and at the same time brought about an awakening inter- est, on the part of the "International Living" society. Beh r-Ranney Vows To Be Said In June Mr. and Mrs. Norman Behr of Larchmont, N.Y., announce the en- gagement of their daughter, Priscilla, '42, to Daniel Ranney, '40E, son of Mr. and Mrs. Willet B. Ranney of Chicago, Ill. Miss Behr has been active on cam- pus, is on the social committee of the League, and a former member of The Daily. Mr. Ranney is a member of Theta Chi fraternity, a member of Mimes and Vulcans and the past president of the flying club. 3 aLri .. .3 WEDNESDAY STORE HOURS 9:00 to 6:00 JWf h// 1.15y with their many exclusive features, to make them fit better, wear better, look better,. .. glamorous remembrances to signify your esteem, your devotion, your appreciation. All in carefully teasured proportions to fit the sIort, medlmim and tall . . . an(d fashion right colors for daytine and evening. ARTCRAFT "BOW-KNOT"GIFT BOXES, 25c (Hold 3 pairs of stockings.) Rn a Inexpensive Christmas Gifts / Are // Not Difficult To Procure r 1 It's Not Too Late ... To Be Her Favorite Santa Only a very few days left.. . so shop swiftly, economically for practical wearable gifts that are sure to please. So you have a roommate, you love her dearly, and want to give her a Christmas present that will prove it-but every time you start making plans your thin pocketbook positive- ly leers at you. Well then, just cast your eye over the host of presents available for a dollar and under, and fool that pocketbook. First of all, this present has to have a special something that will raise it above ordinary gifts. Monogrammed gifts, gifts engraved with a first name, crested gifts for sorority wo- men, gifts bearing the Michigan seal, all achieve the desired personal touch. So do nailpolish, perfume, or col- ogne that you know to be your room- mate's favorite. Cigarette Cases Are Inexpensive Cigarette cases and compacts come within the price range and you can have initials or a first name burned on them for no "extra charge. The same articles can be purchased with a Michigan seal on the cover. Crest- ed compacts and cigarette cases run just slightly over a dollar. Sorority recognition pins fall within the boundaries and make excellent gifts. Monogrammed pins come in all shapes, materials and sizes; so do name bracelets. A very new idea is a sterling silver ring, plain except for the desired monogram or first name. Last in this Hobby Lobby Group No new work will be started in the Hobby Lobby group until after Christ- mas vacation, although students may finish their work already started be- fo e vacation on the regular days. Following vacation, the group will start on leather work. category comes 24 sheets of the handsomest Michigan stationery yet seen. It is available in several pale, aristocratic shades, and the sheets are large-sized with rough edges and a small, clear Michigan seal in the upper left hand corner. Lipstick Offers Suggestion By this time you know what shade of lipstick and nailpolish brings a happy gleam into your roommate's eyes, what perfume, cologne, and powder she most desires, and the kind of silk stockings she delights in wearing. This gives you a wide field from which to pick a welcome gift. Dickies, colorful woolen mittens, ankle socks to match a favorite skirt, or a gay silk scarf or two will appeal to her tremendously. With black embroidery silk and a little ambition, you can please her all the more by adding monograms to these articles. Every girl likes a good book and a year-round complaint of college girls is that they don't have the time to do all the reading they want to. The bookstores in town are offering best-sellers at amazing prices and if you put one on your roommate's shelf her laments will give way to a host of thank-yous. You see, your pocketbook doesn't have a flap to stand on. You'll have a lot of fun Christmas shopping this year. New Officers Listed Members of Kappa Nu announce the election of the following officers: Jacob Steinhart, .'42, is the new presi- dent; Gerald Eder, '42, vice-president and Norman Kohlenberg, '42, secre- tary. For the Convenience of Christmas Shoppers Good year s TOYLANDcl at the State Street Store will be open 'til 9 tonight GOODYCRR'S STATE STREET- DOWNTOWN Read And Use The Michigan Daily Classified Ads i' Ili ............_ . .11 Costume jewelry will be a sure- fire success gift this Christmas. You'll be daffy, yourself, over our calrved wooden pieces as well as oui heavily gemmed 1 pins, clips and pendants. Um! Priced modestly from $1.00. If she loves to float around the house in lovely house- coats, then for heaven's sake get her one of the new quilted r satin robes withO a wide sweeping skirt . . . or a dressy crepe coat' that looks, al- . most like an eve- , ning gown. Zip- per or wraparound styles. Sizes 12-44. $3.95 to $10.95 For the girl who is always fault- lessly dressed, nothing is quite so suitable as a pair of slip-on gloves of a soft, warm fabric. In black, wine, nat- ural, green, brown and soldier blue. Priced from $1. Pig- and deerskin handmates ... $2.95 to $5 If you want to play absolutely safe, buy her a purse. One of the new, puffed- up looking ones that follow the - "big" trend.- There are a flock of them . . . some in solid black suedes and dull leathers, some natural calf . . . saddle stitched. Priced $2.95 to $5.00 There's leg magic in Town- wear stockings . . . they come in three lengths inl all the beautiful winter f shades. Pains- takingly made for a perfect fit ! . . . Townwear estockings she would choose herself. 3 pairs of $1 stockings attractively boxed for only . . $2.85 A certain party we know al- ways rouses paeans of praise with her gifts, and yet the gifts themselves are modest. Her secret lies in the wrappings . . they're works of art. We'll tie you up the prettiest; gift ;packages you've ever seen for no extra charge. They're packages that delight both giver and getter. -JiII II 4' .-~Scoo p of Slipper Satin. Black. with .Red. Blue with Red. the moStbeautiful XmaS stiCS We~'ever ha $1995 11111 ~..z4 Jait- Ilnutte J t 1~ ~n/p n far r 4 Y4 ./ AN' When you come out from behind those false whiskers and she knows it ,was you who was thoughtful enough to get her a gift from Jacobson's, something personal, exquisite, her thanks will prove it was worth while for you to make a point of getting her gift, at her favorite campus store. STOCKINGS LINGERIE HOUSECOATS BLOUSES AND SWEATERS COSTUME JEWELRY "PANDA" Genuine Shearling. Beige, Red, Blue, Wine, Black or Wb itel ACCESSORI ES 1 _ .I Ia I I II I II I I