Weather Clorud v- 4id warmer. LY Fifty Years Of Continuous Publication ilatt Editorial Yuletide Seasoni And Th le ,Time ,, VOL. LI. No. 68 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1940 Z-323 PRICE FIVE CENTS Advance In Libya Continues; British Pound Italian Base Conducts Today Capture Of More Frontier Posts Claimed; Fascist Communications Periled Important Position Seized By Greeks (By The Associated Press) CAIRO, Egypt. Dec. 17.-Britain's army in Africa reported today the capture of three more Italian fron- tier forts, and rolled on toward the important Fascist base of Bardia in the counter-invasion of Italian Libya. (Reuters, British News Agency, re- ported that British mechanized units were now attacking Bardia itself, and tiat about the town heavy fight- ing was raging.) Offensive Stronger The offensive, far from slackening, as had been expected in some quar- ters with the ouster of the last in- vading Italian from Egypt, appeared actually to be gathering power, the British command declaring: "Pressure on the enemy is stead- ily increasing as new forces arrive." The latest Italian outposts to fall, an official communique said, were the forts of Musaid, Sidi Omar and Sheffdrzen. Their occupation, along with the previouslyreported seizure of 'Fort Capuzzo, put the British in control of a substantial segment of the eastern Libyan border area. The drive upon coastal Bardia- which had been reported under bom- bardment by the British Mediterran- ean fleet and Royal Air Force in an effort to reduce its defenses-threat- ened an important Fascist line of communication, for that town com- mands the coastal road westward to Torbruk, the strongest Italian mili- tary center in Libya. Lines Believed Cut British sources said they were un- certain whether the Italian com- munication line had been, wholly cut as yet. An Associated Press correspondent with the British in the field report- ed the Italians were understood to have large forces in Bardia, includ- ing many survivors of the retreat from Egypt, and , apparently were preparing to make a major fight of it there. British armored forces sped over the desert in a maneuver to encircle the town, and advanced units report+ ed that considerable numbers of Italian trucks, tractors and tanks al- ready had been destroyed by dive bombers. British communiques during the day made no mention of the num- ber of Italian prisopers of war now in hand, but the Associated Press correspondent said a recapitulation indicated that, of the five Fascist divisions which- invaded Egypt, only one got out entire. Two appeared wholly shattered. Lose Equipment Another, he said, withdrew many of its men, but lost most of its equip- ment. Italian divisions are under- stood to run as high as 14,000 men. The British air command reported a heavyz and continuing bombing campaign against Fascist positions, particularly at Bardia. There, said a Royal Air Force communique, more than a dozen tons of bombs struck the barracks, military buildings gen- erally and the railways, and a train of fires were laid. Important Positions' Siezed By Greeks ATHENS, Greece, Dec. 17-W)--A government spokesman announced tonight as "one of the major suc- cesses of recent days" the capture by the Greeks of a camouflaged forti- fied position in the northern sector where the Italians had stood stub- bornly with permanent artillery and machine gun installations. The position was said unofficially to be near the Yugoslavian border. In the coastal sector, the spokes- man added, the Greeks and "pressed back" the Fascists. The Port of Palermo, he said, is under Greek artillery fire, and went on: "During the last 24 hours where- ever the enemy has attempted to do battle he has been defeated." l 1 1 4 1t; 1 i 1 i I 3 THOR JOHNSON Musical Society Gives 'Messiah' Oratorio Today Presentation Of 'Messiah' To Feature Symphony, Choral Union, Soloists The University Musical Society will present its annual Christmas season performance of Handel's "Messiah" at 8 p.m. today in Hill Auditorium. William Hain, New York tenor, will sing one of the solo roles in the religious classic, as will Thelma von- Eisenhauer, operatic soprano who made her debut with the Chicago Civic Opera Company, Joan Peebles, contralto, who sang here also last year, and Richard Hale, baritone. Thor Johnson will conduct the University Symphony Orchestra of 80 players and the Choral Union of 300 voices. The organ portion of the program will be played by Pal- mer Christian, University organist. Although the traditional perform- ance is offered by the Musical So- ciety free of charge to the campus, admission will be possible only by tickets which were available in ad- vance. According to Dr. Charles A. Sink, president of the society, however, the capacity of Hill Audi- torium has already been reached and no wore tickets are obtainable. Hold- ers of these admission slips are re- quested to be in their seats by 7:50 p.m. today to avoid confusion and crowding in the capacity audience expected. Admission after this time will not be guaranteed. The "Messiah" performance is the University Musical Society's annual "contribution to the music lovers of Ann Arbor and its environs in the Yuletide season." Tickets For J-Hop Scheduled For Sale To EligibleStudents J-Hop tickets will be on sale Thurs. and Fri., Jan. 9 and 10, at the Union, available to all students presenting approved applications, Richard Arbuckle, J-Hop publicity chairman, announced yesterday. The J-Hop committee was able to approve six out of seven applications submitted, Arbuckle revealed, when the drawing was done. Prof. James K. Pollock, of the political science department, devised and managed the method by which the applications were drawn in the lottery, designed to elimihate unfairness to anybody. No identification cards will be nec- essary at the sale, Paul Sampson, ticket chairman said, but to obviate the necessity to carry large sums of money, only one ticket will be sold to each person. Rev. Parr Will Talk On Christmas Books Student Held On Refusal To Fill Out Draft Forms Declaring that "war and ante- cedent preparation for war is the ne- gation of all that is good in life," Thaddeus A. Szymanski, '41E, was ar- rested yesterday on a charge of re- fusing to fill out his selective service questionnaire and taken to Detroit 'y a federal marshal. Szymanski, who described himself as a conscientious objector, served for a year and a half in the R.O.T.C. when he began his studies here in 1935. Explaining this apparent con- radiction he stated: "At that time .ny views were in a.state of flux. They aave solidified during the last two years, partly as a result of events abroad." He registered under the draft act -n Ot. 16 and drew Order No. 170, which probably would shave resulted n his being selected for military ser- vice by next June. He said that he registered without 1abjection because he considered the registration a civil order but he felt the notice to fill out a questionnaire was a milita y crter. Col. A. C. Pack, chairman of the local draft board stated that when Szymanski retuirnd a lnk ques- tionnaire he was told at a conference Research Group Will Announce Russel Winner Prof. Gustafson Will Give Paper On 'Hormones'; Dunham Also To Talk Announcement of the Henry Russel Lecturer for 1941 will be made at a meeting of the Research Club at 8 p.m. today in the Rackham Amphi- theatre. The Lectureship is awarded annual- ly to the member of the faculty who is judged to have attained the highest distinction in the field of scholarship. The recipient is given a stipend of $250 and has the honor of deliver- ing the Henry Russel Lecture next spring. Papers will be read at today's meet- ing by Prof. Felix Q. Gustafson of the botany department on "Plant Hormones" and by Prof. Arthur L. Dunham of the history department, who will talk on "The. Origins of a National Network of Railroads in France from 1833 to 1852." Faculty members who have been honored as Henry Russel Lecturers in the past 10 years include Prof. William H. Hobbs of the geology de- partment; Prof. Jesse S. Reeves of the political science department, Prof. Walter B. Pillsbury of the psychology department, Prof. E. C. Case of the geology department, Prof. G. Carl Huber, Prof. John G. Winter of the Latin department, Prof. Charles W. Edmunds of the Medical School, Prof. Heber D. Curtis of the astron- omy department, Prof. Campbell Bonner of the Greek department and Dr. Frank N. Wilson of the Medical School. Wilikie Wants Liberal Chairman For GOP WASHINGTON, Dec. 17.-(P)- Close associates said today that Wen- dell L. Willkie wants the Republican National Committee to choose a new chairman who will represent "the back-home element" in the party and who will favor the "social gains" of New Deal. Friends declared that the 1940 standard bearer believes that a "lib- eral" new leadership is vital to the effective functioning of the party. Roosevelt Reveals Plans To Lend England Arms; Minister Asks For Planes with Harold Golds, secretary of the board and later at a hearing before the board on Dec. 7 that he could fill out the form and designate him- self as a conscientious objector. On his refusal to do this, the board notified the federal district attorney at Detroit that he was delinquent. This is the first case of an alleged draft evasion in Ann Arbor. Syzmanski majored in chemical en- gineering. His studies had been inter- rupted by work in local factories. At one time he received NYA assistance. The student, who is a native of Scranton, Pa., asserted that he would persist in his stand even if it meant a prison sentence. relief Society .Asks Clothing For Refu ees Student Assistance Urged In Collecting Garments For Homeless People University of Michigan students will be given the opportunity this week to do their bit for the more than 300,000 poverty-stricken war refugees4 who are to be provided for this winter. The Ann Arbor branches of the war relief societies are sponsoring a drive among students to secure serv- iceable clothing for English refugees from their own homes, and foreign refugees, of whom there are 100,000 French alone, in England. Letters have been sent out by Dean Alice C. Lloyd, Dean Walter Rea, and Prof. Karl Litzenberg, director of residence halls, urging students to turn over to their landladies or house mothers all unwanted, serviceable clothing or shoes, before they leave campus for the Christmas holidays. University trucks will collect the clothing and deliver it to the British War Relief Society's offices here, the offices of the French Committee for Relief in France, or the Quaker's local group working at Lane Hall. Where no designation is made, contributions will be divided as seems best among these groups. Students are urged to submit only useful articles of apparel. Nothing fancy or merely decorative is accept- able under the circumstances. Engine Society Hears Davidson Lord leaverbrook Warns Of Hitler's Preparations For Invading England German Air Activity Reported By British LONDON, Dec. 17-()-Lord Beaverbrook, boss of Britain's Air- craft production, officially warned the British tonight that Adolf Hit- ler is making "immense" preparations to invade England before next spring and called upon his plane builders to "roll out the bombers" to help meet the threat. Britain has won day-time com- mand over the United Kingdom, Lord Beaverbrook said. In his broadcast speech, he dis- closed that a "Whirlwind" fighter plane had been added to the Spit- fires, Hurricanes, and Defiants which have met the German Luftwaffe. Nothing was divulged about the new plane beyond mere mention of its name and type. Up to late tonight, London had not been disturbed by night raiders and the provinces appeared similarly free. Ltrd Beaverbrook told the British they were "much too confident" and that "overconfidence" is not justified now. Germany is " aking preparations for invasion of England before springtime-by land and sea, but principally by air," Lord Beaverbrook declared. There are "sure and cer- tain signs" of a feverish development in aircraft production in the Reich, he added. "So we are warned. We know that some measure of preparation was called out in Germany last winter. Tanks and dive-bombers to destroy the French; the same thoroughness will be employed against us when the time comes." Shortly before me spoke the Air and Home Security Ministries reported "very slight" German daytjme air ac- tivity over England. They said no bombings were reported from any section of the country during the day but that one German bomber was shot down by British fighters. Simul- taneously, the government released its latest air raid casualty figures, show- ing Britain has suffered more than 46,000 casualties since June. November's civilian casualties, the announcement said, were 4,588 dead and 6,202 wounded. This was a de- cided drop from the October total of 6,334 dead and 8,695 wounded and the 6,954 dead and 10,615 wounded in September, when "all out" raid- ing began. The November figures thus put air raid casualties reported in the United Kingdom up to Dec. 1 at 19,288 dead and 27,252 wounded. Duke Will Accept U.S. Envoy Post, 'If Asked' MIAMI, Fla., Dec. 17-R')-While thousands waited to wave him a fare- well, the Duke of Windsor said today he would accept the post of Am- bassador to the United States should it be offered and "if I thought it was in the interest of our two coun- tries." He made the statement at a press conference aboard Axel Wennergren's Yacht Southern Cross, shortly before sailing on the return voyage to Nas- sau. The yacht brought the Duke and Duchess here just a week ago. M AIEE Talk 4' Envoy To Vichy Meeting Includes On Submarines OTTO ABETZ- Hitler's Envoy, Petain Discuss Laval's Ouster Chief Of State Summons Deposed Vice-Premier To MeetingWith Abetz VICHY, France Dec. 17. -P)- Marshal Philippe Petain, the Chief of State of France, summoned his deposed Vice-Premier, Pierre Laval. back from the mysteries of his ex- pulsion today for long conferences with himself and Otto Abetz, Adolf Hitler's high envoy. An official cmmunique, follow- ing a hectic and secretive day, said Petain and Laval discussed "the gen- eral situation." At least, however, it was clear that Laval's own situation since his ouster from the govern- ment four nights ago was a part of the discussion. Abetz saw Laal this morning at a conference at Petain's home, and still later in a visit to Laval's chateau at Chateldon, 20 miles from Vichy. Then Abetz conferred at dinner with Petain before leaving tonight for Paris. During the evening, Laval was at the Hotel Majestic, where Abetz has been staying since last night. The former Premier was with members of Abetz' suite, but there was no confirmation of a rumor that Laval, too, had gone to Paris. Informants at Bern, Switzerland said they had learned that Abetz per- suaded the old marshal to bring Laval out of surveillance at his home so Abetz could get Laval's own story of his ouster as "crown prince" to Petain, in order that Germany can decide what position to take on the change. There were some rumors, even, that Germany might demand Laval's re- instatement. This was supported by informants in Berlin, who said Ger- many was interested not in Laval's successor but "whether any change in French policy has taken place." Post-Holiday Dance Will Be First Social Event Of New Year University students who are wont to cut a social caper will have an opportunity to "dance for profit" at a "Jackpot Hop," post-holiday dance to be given in the Union ballroom Friday, Jan. 10, it was learned to- day. Plans for the affair tentatively in- clude the giving away of tickets to athletic events, formal parties, sub- scriptions to campus publications and many other prizes. The only qualification for receiv- ing these prizes is an admission tick- et to the Union ($1.00 is the price). Tickets for the "Jackpot Hop" will go on sale today, and may be ob- tained from the Union, Daily, Inter- fraternity Council, Engineering Council, M Club, and other campus organizations. Proposal Would Not Take Country Nearer To War According To President Knox Announces Contract Awards WASHINGTON, Dec, 17. --(-- President Roosevelt announced a sweeping new plan for helping Great Britain tonight under which the United States Government would take over future British war orders and release the materials for use abroad on a lease or mortgage basis to be repaid in kind after the war. Under the plan, planes and guns, for example, would be leased to the British. After the war, if they were still in good condition, the British would be expected to give them back. If they had been destroyed, the British would be oligated to furnish this country with equivalent weapons. The President likened it to a man lending a neighbor a hose, to put out a fire in his house. In a long discussion of the proposal at his first press conference since he returned from a Caribbean cruise, he said it was still in the exploratory stage and would require time to work Dut both here and in London. Cost Not Detailed He did not go into details about the cost of the plan to the United States, except to say that this coun- ry had sufficient money to do it. Stressing that the best defense of the United States is to aid Great Bri- tain, he declared emphatically that his proposal would not take this -ountry nearer to actual participa- tion in the war. The plan, or something like it, he aid, would be presented to the new Congress. But he said it involved no changes in the Neutrality Act or ,he Johnson Law which forbids loans o debt defaulting nations. The President described his objec- tive broadly as the elimination of the lollar sign in connection with help for Britain and substitution of a ;entleman's obligation. Refusing to be drawn into a dis- :ussion on where the title to the goods would be, he asserted that that was something for the lawyers to work aut. The United States, he said, was aot likely to get into war for legalis- lic reasons. More Contracts Meanwhile, as the intensive new drive for greater armament efforts got into full swing, Secretary of the Navy Knox announced the award of .ontracts for 40 additional destroy- ers costing approximately $253,384,- 875 and for an expansion of ship- building facilities at an estimated :ost of $8,300,000. As a move to expedite construction in certain cases and achieve similar- .ty of design, the Navy also an aounced that contracts for seven de- stroyers and two cruisers previously announced had been cancelled and transferred to other yards. As to whether it was possible to speed up present war production, President Roosevelt said it depended entirely on the particular item in- volved and that the task was one of keeping everlastingly at it. Hull Counsels Earlier, Secretary of State Hull dis- closed that he was counseling de- fense commissioners and other offi- cials to greater effort in speeding up production and it was learned that his advice was based on predictions of high American and British offi- cials that a crucial phase of the war would come in the next three or four months. SANTA IS ON HIS WAY- Speaking on "Submarines,', Capt. A. L. Davidson of the naval science and tactics -department addressedl members of the student chapter of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers at their last meeting of the year held last night. Illustrateddby motion pictures, the talk included descriptions of under- sea rescue work, the Squalus disas- ter, the New London Training Sta- tion work, the function of sub- marines as minelayersand battle units, and as raiders on enemy com- merce. Captains Davidson observed that American submarines have never seen actual battle duty during war- time. In the last war there was so little enemy shipping on the ocean that they were unnecessary. Business at the meeting was con- fined to discussion of a field trip to be made to some large manu- facturing concern in Detroit shortly after the holidays. License -Freedom -Suppression' Will Be Topic Of Student Senate's Parley, Leaders Announce "License-Freedom-Suppression" will be the subject of the Saturday evening session of the Student Sen- ate's annual winter parley to be held Jan. 10-12, according to the revised plans announced yesterday by Sen- ate leaders. The Saturday evening session will be divided into three forums. One will will be dealt with at the third panel. The opening session on Friday af- ternoon will be devoted to a discus- sion of the draft. Some prominent state draft official is expected to dis- cuss the subject in a general day. Prof. Edwin C. Goddard, of the local draft board will speak on how the draft affects University students. Col. Henry W. Miller will discuss the probable outcome of the war. What part the United States should play in the international scene after the war is over will be taken up in the third panel. The Saturday afternoon session will focus attention on student activi- ties. Four panels will weigh the place of extra-curricular activities in col-